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Virgin for Sale (Yummy Virgins Book 1)

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  Also, I want her again.

  Simple as that.

  I want her beneath me, above me, taking me deep in her pussy and to finish what we started six months ago.

  With the food finished, Kerry doesn’t come back out, and Faye doesn’t make a move to go see her.

  After a silent coffee, I know it’s time for me to leave.

  Finishing the last drops of the shitty coffee, I stand up.

  She jumps and quickly gets to her feet.

  “I’m going to head out. See me to the door.”

  Faye nods and walks ahead of me. I’ve got no problem with that. I like to watch, and she is a sight to behold, curvy ass and all.

  With her gaze straight ahead, she doesn’t see how close I get. Just as she’s about to hit the door, I grab her arm and turn her so that she has no choice but to face me. Pressing her back against the door, I wrap my fingers around her neck, tilting her head back so she has to look at me.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Tell me you don’t feel this.” I press my body against hers, rubbing my rock-hard cock on her stomach. I watch as she bites into her bottom lip. The action is so tempting and sexy I can’t resist tasting.

  Kissing her lips, sliding my tongue against her mouth before plunging in, I hear her gasp followed by a moan.

  She’s so fucking tempting.

  With my other hand, I cup her breast. They’re so soft and she’s not wearing a padded bra, so I can feel the hard bud of her nipple against my palm.

  Tweaking the nipple, I rub against her.

  I want inside her so badly I can taste it.

  “Please,” she says, a little breathlessly.

  I can’t help it. Deepening the kiss, I run a hand down her thigh to capture her knee. The skirt is too obstructive, so I lift it up to her waist and go back to lift her thigh up against mine. The movement puts my cock right near her sweet pussy, and damn, I want inside her.

  She will belong to me.

  I will own this body. It’s just a matter of time.

  With every ounce of strength I can muster, I kiss her one final time and take a step back.

  “Tell me you’re not wet right now. That you don’t want me to take you to bed and fuck you so hard you can’t think straight.” Keeping both hands on her face, I smile down at her. “Because if you can, then I’ll walk away and never bother you again. We both know that you want me. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  With that, I move her out of the way of the door, open it, and leave.

  Chapter Nine


  One week later

  Working for Chase is not that difficult. He’s demanding, of course, and also, always busy. That’s what I notice during the first week of working for him. Not a moment goes by when someone doesn’t want him, even late at night.

  He’s taken it upon himself to drop me off at home after picking up Kerry. My sister always sits in the back listening to her music, leaving me to talk with Chase.

  In seven days, including the weekend, he’s missed one dinner. That’s it. Every other time, he’s been available.

  Kerry, like always, will skulk off to her room to do whatever it is she loves to do, while leaving me to deal with him.

  It’s always the same.

  He sits at our small dining room table, I serve up, Kerry takes hers, and I eat with Chase. There’s not much in the way of conversation.

  By the time I get home, I’m exhausted. Chase likes to send me all around his building, chasing down contracts, making sure people call him with an update. He told me it’s because people become lazy until they see an actual, visible person.

  To be honest, I just think he’s using me as he doesn’t have the first clue what to do with me. It’s clear a PA is not what that man needs. He’s competent with his work. At lunch, I used to sit with the guys that had made it from the program. Only I got tired of hearing them tell me what a rare opportunity it was to work directly with Chase Dunce.

  None of them know.

  They don’t understand that I feel uncomfortable because the night I gave him my virginity was the night I can’t forget.

  It was supposed to mean nothing. The reason I picked the less fairy tale option was so I didn’t feel it, and I needed more of the money.

  Chase is making it impossible for me to forget it.

  The way he is always around.

  The touches.

  The teasing.

  Everything is driving me crazy. Every single night without fail, we’ll make it to the door, and he presses me flat against it, kissing me. Those touches drive me crazy for more.

  I don’t want him to stop, and yet, each time, he does.

  Tonight though, if he decides to drop me off, he’ll discover Kerry isn’t coming home. For one week, she’s heading to the mountains with a group of troubled kids. She signed up for it without telling me, forging my signature, and even though I didn’t want her to go, I couldn’t stop her.

  She has to live her life.

  It didn’t stop me from freaking out though every time I thought about it.

  What if she needs me?

  Owning a car hadn’t been in my budget, and now I wish I’d been able to account for one.

  Running fingers through my hair, which has already started to grow out from the cut I got over a month ago, I feel the moment he enters the room.

  The copy machine is located at the back of the room, far away from everyone on the floor. They are all busy.

  Turning toward the door, I see Chase standing there.

  “I won’t be much longer.”

  Turning back to the glass window while I wait for the papers to print out, I watch his partial reflection as he steps into the room.

  My nipples tighten as he closes the door. In the next second, he’s behind me, his hands on my hips.

  I don’t tell him to stop even though I should.

  This is sexual harassment.

  He shouldn’t be doing this.

  Is it really harassment if I want it, though? If I love the way he touches me, the attention he gives me?

  I’m no longer Kerry’s sister, the failure, the college dropout, the guardian, the earner. The responsible one.

  I’m just me.

  Faye Carter.

  I keep forgetting who I am.

  He makes me remember.

  One of his hands curves around my stomach, moving down between my thighs.

  The machine covers most of my body.

  I don’t say anything as he pulls the white blouse up, and there in the copy room he strokes my chest to cup my tit.

  “One of them could see.”

  “No, they couldn’t. If you don’t want me to do this, tell me to stop. Tell me you don’t want my hands on you, Faye. That it’s not what you want. I’ll stop.”

  That’s what I’m afraid of.

  I don’t want him to stop.

  Keeping my mouth closed, I hold in a gasp as he pulls the cup of my bra over my tit and his palm covers it, cupping my body.

  He’s pulled the skirt up around my waist and covered my panties. I’d forgone the thong this time, and as he rubs between my thighs, I try to hold in a whimper. It’s impossible. When he teases beneath the edge of my panties and touches me, I close my eyes, feeling him touch my pussy.

  His fingers stroke over my clit, but he doesn’t linger. He slides down toward my entrance.

  When he pushes a finger inside me, I gasp. Reaching out to the machine, I hold onto it.

  “You’re as tight as I remember. Have you been with anyone else, Faye? I need to know.”

  My name from his lips sounds more like a caress. I love how he growls it. To me, it makes him sound so dominant and out of control all at the same time.

  “No. There’s been no one else.”

  “Good. This pussy is mine. Your body belongs to me. I don’t care what you think, I feel how wet you are for me. How much you want this and I want it too. Make arrangements for Kerry to stay at a friend�
�s. Tonight, you’re mine.”

  “Kerry’s on a school trip for the next week.”

  I open my eyes and stare at his reflection.

  “Even better.” His hands leave my body, putting my clothes back into place. “Don’t make me wait too long for those copies.” I watch, stunned, as he walks away. He’s at the door when he stops and turns toward me. “Don’t play with yourself either.”

  He’s gone within the next second.

  My body is bereft at the loss of his touch.

  I can’t believe he’s done that to me.

  The last thing I wanted was for him to stop.

  Pressing my thighs together, I try to focus on the copy machine, waiting as each piece of paper comes out.

  It’s no good.

  All I can think about is his hands, his cock, his touch—all of my thoughts are dominated by him, and he did it on purpose. This is what he’s been intending to do.

  With all of the paperwork done, I return to his office, hoping to make him see reason.

  He’s on the phone and of course he gives me the silent finger as he speaks. He holds his hands out for the paperwork and I’m so tempted to shove it in his face, but I don’t.

  Chase is still my boss.

  He pushes some envelopes my way, and that’s my cue to leave. To let him finish his call.

  Like a child, I’m sent off.

  Taking the letters, I make my way toward the elevator, but I don’t want this job to finish anytime soon. I go for the stairs, needing a break completely. Holding onto the rail, I walk down, trying not to think about the pleasure rushing through my body or the feelings he inspires inside me.

  When I’m with him, I find it hard to remember that I’m not just me anymore. I have a responsibility to my sister, to take care of her. Failing her is not an option for me.

  Even as I try to come up with every single excuse I can think of as to why I should walk away, report him, or just find another position, there’s no denying I want him. That’s the main reason.

  I want Chase Dunce.

  The need started during our night together. After he’d taken what he’d paid for. The rest of the night, he’d given me a chance to explore his body, to touch, taste, and tease him the way he wanted.

  It’s why I can’t walk away.

  This is more than just an affair now.

  I see it.

  We have unfinished business with each other.

  What’s more, for an entirely selfish reason, I want him to myself. It’s why I won’t walk away. Why I refuse to leave or to do the right thing.

  I’ve been doing the right thing for what feels like an eternity. Would it be so bad to make the wrong decisions? The only person who’s at risk of getting hurt is me. I’m the one that will have a broken heart.

  This has to be the craziest thing I’d ever considered doing, and yet it feels so right.

  Chapter Ten


  The good thing about having a PI, I know everything before anyone else does. Yep, I knew Kerry was going on her trip three days ago. I also knew Faye didn’t have a clue about it. She’d been oblivious to her sister’s impending trip. If she even had a clue, I imagine she’d have done what she could to stop her sister from going.

  Still, as I watch the last member of my staff leave my office for the night, I perch on the edge of my desk while I wait for Faye to arrive.

  Letting her go at the copy machine had been sheer torture. I’d wanted to keep on teasing her, playing with her body, and showing her all that she’d been missing.

  Instead, I backed away, giving her the space she needs, even if it’s the last thing I need.

  I’m tired of waiting, tired of watching her, wanting her.

  One night wasn’t enough.

  We both know it, and she’s fighting it.

  I felt her response to me today, and she couldn’t hide it.

  Her pussy was still so tight and untouched and coated my fingers with her slick juices. Her nipples were rock-hard pebbles against my palm. The need was so great within her that I could taste it.

  She isn’t going to have to wait anymore.

  I figure for the past year she’s been up to her eyeballs in responsibility, in having to deal with her sister, stepfather, the lot. So, tonight, I’m taking it all away.

  I hear the elevator beep and watch as she steps off, her hips swaying with every step that she takes.

  When she pauses at the edge of the room, she takes in how alone we are. Arms folded, I wait.

  “I got the document you wanted,” Faye says, coming into the room.


  She doesn’t make a move, and I watch her. She holds onto the envelope.

  Silence fills the space between us.

  “Take off your clothes.”


  “That night—consider every single time we’re alone, the same rules apply. I won’t take no for an answer. You want this. I can see it in your eyes, but you want to fight these feelings and you know what? That’s okay. I can handle that. But I won’t have you push me away because you don’t think this is appropriate.”

  “It’s not.”


  “You’re my boss.”

  “Six months ago, I was the answer to all of your prayers.” I stand up and take a step toward her.

  She doesn’t back away. With the next step I take, she stays firmly in her spot.

  “Do you think I had to pay a hundred thousand bucks for you? No. I did it because I wanted to.” Another step. I’m nearly in front of her when she finally takes a step back. Only she’s not out of the door. She’s pressed up against the wall.

  Slamming my hands on either side of her head, I trap her.

  “It was one night.”

  “And I’m calling in an extension.”

  She’s fighting me again. She’s fighting this, and I won’t have that.

  So, it’s time for me to pull out the big guns. “Let’s get something straight, either you give me what I want, or I make sure Kerry gets taken away from you.”


  “You’re holding on by a thread. You can’t even make a decision right now as to what you want. That girl runs rings around you, playing on your guilt.”

  “You don’t know anything about me.”

  “For the past week I’ve seen it. She doesn’t exactly hide it, and you don’t hide your guilt either.”

  “You’re going to blackmail me.”

  “I had no intention of doing it this way, but you’ve left me no choice. You want to keep on hiding and fight this, go ahead. I don’t mind. Push me and see what happens.” I have absolutely no intention of reporting her or of having Kerry taken from her. That girl does run rings around Faye and uses her guilt of what happened to keep her in her place. That, I don’t agree with.

  This guilt Faye has, it’s misplaced. I know everything. How she’d been in college when she discovered the extent of the abuse. The death of her mother. The stepfather. All of it.

  I’m not about to tell her that though.

  “What do you want?” she asks.

  There’s fire in her eyes.

  “It’s simple.”

  “Just tell me what you want, Chase.”

  I smile. That’s right, baby, give me that fire.

  “I want you.”

  “I’m right here.”

  “Take off your clothes.”

  I step back and close the door, flicking the lock. I don’t mind chasing after her, but the last thing I want is for her to run from me.

  Her nipples are rock-hard, pressing against her shirt, and it makes me wonder if all this time she’s needed someone to take control. To make the decisions for her.

  I’m not going to hurt her.

  What I’m going to do is take care of her the best way I know how.

  “Someone might see.”

  “Everyone is home, and you’re not needed there. It’s just you and me. Take them off.”

  “What is all this going to mean?” she asks. “I don’t … what exactly is it you want? I can’t do anything illegal. I won’t.”

  I smile. “It’s simple. You want to keep your sister, you give me everything I want. I don’t share what’s mine, Faye. It’s why I paid the guard that night not to stand outside our door.”


  “That’s right. All night long you were alone with me and I could do anything that I wanted to you. No one would have been able to stop me. Knowing that, do you really think I’d hurt you?”

  “You’re blackmailing me to get what you want.”

  I move in close once again.

  Pushing my body against hers, I grab her wrists, putting them above her head. “And tell me you’re not turned on right now knowing there’s nothing you can do. You’re at my mercy. You’re all mine, and I have every intention of getting my fill.”

  “You’re not going to offer me money?” she asks with a snort.

  Leaning in close to her neck, I feel her shiver. “I know you’re not a whore. There’s a lot of shit I know, and selling your body for money, that wasn’t something you wanted. You’re just lucky you got me instead of someone else who’d have made your night a living hell.” I wait a few seconds for that to sink in. “Think about it, Faye. I’m offering you pleasure, undeniable pleasure, and all you’ve got to do is take it. I want everything you have to offer, no more, no less. No-holds-barred sex.”

  She licks her lip, and I know she wants it.

  There’s no denying that glint of attraction her eyes.

  “Do you want money? Will that be the deciding factor for you?”

  She wrinkles her nose. “No. I don’t want your money.”

  “Good. It’s not on offer.”

  “You’re not into any freaky kind of stuff, are you?”

  I smirk. I can’t help it. “Maybe, my little virgin, you should try something before you judge.”

  “I’m not a virgin anymore.”

  “You’re a virgin in more ways than you know.” Kissing her neck, I wait. “Take off your clothes.”

  She hesitates for a second before finally unbuttoning her blouse. She’s slow as she does this, the first button coming through the hole and then the next.

  The white lace bra she wears is so fucking sexy. My dick is already so hard that I feel a wave of pre-cum spill out the tip. I want inside her.


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