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Virgin for Sale (Yummy Virgins Book 1)

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

“What’s that mean, okay?”

  “It means that you don’t know what the future holds or what she’s going to want.”

  I stare at him, knowing he’s hiding something. I just don’t know what. “Out with it.” I don’t care if we’re in the middle of the street. He clearly has something to say, and I want to hear it.

  He sighs.

  “She asked me while we were waiting for you if I’d keep you off her back and help you see that she’s a grownup.”

  “Wow, I struggle to get two sentences out of her on a good day, and she talks to you. Words and stuff.” I’m hurt. No doubt about it. It really hurts to know that she prefers my boss’s company to mine. How she’s happy to talk to him but not to me.

  “Faye…” He takes a step toward me, but I can’t. Not right now.

  I feel like an utter bitch, but it really does fill me with despair to know that she trusted him and she won’t give me the time of day. I don’t blame Chase, not really.

  Entering the apartment building, I go toward the elevator this time rather than take the stairs. I expect Chase to go in the opposite direction, not to follow me, but he does, right into the elevator. As it starts it climb, he goes to the panel and presses the “stop” button.

  I’m fighting tears as it is.

  There’s no way I can do this.

  It’s too much. Too raw and I’ve not got up enough walls. I need them firmly back in place right now.

  Suddenly, he’s right in front of me, cupping my face, tilting my head back to look into my eyes. I let him. What else can I do? There’s no hiding, trapped in an elevator. Now I wish I’d taken the stairs.

  So stupid.

  “What is it, Faye? Talk to me.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Yes, you can. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You’re my boss and the man…” I sob, I can’t help it. “The man I sold myself to. I can’t talk. I can’t…”

  His lips brush mine.

  “You can trust me, Faye. You’re mine. Remember that. One hundred percent mine. You sold yourself to me. No one else. To me. Whatever it is, you need to get it out.”

  Tears blur my vision as I look at him.

  Words halt in my throat, and I don’t know what to do or what to say. Everything is so messed up right now, and I can’t think.

  I replay Kerry’s words inside my head. I’m not using her to hold me back. I’m taking care of her like I failed to do.

  “She liked it,” I say. The words come out of my mouth before I can stop them.


  Once I start, I can’t make it stop. This is the secret I’ve been carrying. The only other people to know are the medical professionals.

  “That’s why I needed the money. When, erm, when I found my stepfather raping my sister, I reported his ass straight away. Kerry attacked me. She hit me. Screamed at me. She told me they were in love. That I’d ruined her life by doing it and she was going to make me pay. She said she loved him. She loved when he was inside her.” The tears start to fall and don’t stop.

  “Jesus,” Chase says. He doesn’t let go of me, but he wipes the tears away, and then his arms are right around my body, holding me tightly. He kisses the top of my head.

  I sob.

  After all the time that has passed, all the revelations from Kerry, from my stepfather, all of it, I just break apart and shatter. Throughout it all, Chase continues to hold me. he doesn’t let go, and I don’t want him to. I need his arms, his touch … his love?

  “What happened?” he asks.

  “It’s why I needed money. Kerry ended up the hospital. She was very sick, and the doctors said he’d been abusing her, brainwashing her. She was trying to hurt herself, and they had to restrain her. She needed to see the truth, so they put her through a program that helped her to see the facts. It required her to stay within a psychiatric facility and a doctor who could help Kerry come to terms with what had happened. They stripped away his training of her and helped her to realize what had been going on.”

  “Was she the only one?”

  “No. That’s how we knew it wasn’t love. There were three more girls on the street that came forward after I revealed what happened. They told the truth of how he showed them attention when no one else would. He made them trust him, believe he was there to be their friend, and made them feel special and loved. It all led to sex for him. He would ask them to do things to show their love for him. It was really rape and control. He got off on the power, and one of the girls, I don’t know why, it’s like she realized what was happening was wrong. He loved that these young girls couldn’t say no to him. It was a cycle of abuse that because he’d been well-liked, no one would have believed. After I exposed what he did to Kerry and that girl came forward, another two did also. There could have been others, but we don’t know for certain.”

  “They believed you?”

  I nod. “They couldn’t doubt it. He only targeted girls from families that were from ill repute, not that it was acceptable or anything. It sickens me to think of how long he was doing it. The doctor said that the kind of abuse she suffered, it had been going on for years. Before he finally did the act, he could have been working her since we first met with my mom.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “I shouldn’t have told you this.”

  “Faye, you consider the night we met something dirty because I paid you. I stopped any other man from having you, and even if you weren’t for sale and we met in a bar, I’d have wanted you. Simple as that. Don’t think for a second that I regard that night as anything dirty. Far from it. I loved it, every fucking second, and I can’t wait to do it again.”

  He wipes away the last of my tears.

  “My face is probably a complete and total mess.”

  “Nah, you’re beautiful.” He presses his lips against mine and I close my eyes, loving his touch a little too much. “Are you ready to go to your apartment?”


  He pushes the button that will take us up to my place.

  When I go to pick up a bag, he refuses to let me take it, and I sigh as we walk to our apartment. Kerry is nowhere in sight, but I hear her in her bedroom. Once again, my trusty slow cooker has been working for me. I put it on high when we got home from work so anything I put in there would be cooked.

  Chase takes the bags to Kerry’s room, and seconds later he comes back into the kitchen. As I’m serving up, he wraps his arms around me, and I close my eyes, enjoying the closeness we share.

  I know it hasn’t been that long, but it’s like time fails to have any meaning when I’m with him.

  Between work and our time together, I feel closer to him with every passing day.

  “I’m so pleased you were able to trust me with this.” He whispers the words against my neck. Closing my eyes, I tilt my head to the side to give him better access. He sucks on the pulse, his teeth grazing the spot.

  One of his hands slides beneath the band of my skirt and he cups my pussy. He doesn’t make any move to find my warmth beneath them, just strokes back and forth gently.

  I want him there and then.

  “I’m going to fuck you tonight. You’re not getting rid of me.”


  “I don’t give a fuck. You’re going to have to be quiet. I’m not taking no for an answer. Not when I can feel how wet you are.”

  His hand is gone in the next second. His lips are not.

  “So, you two are a couple?” Kerry asks, startling me from my aroused state.

  It is like an instant bucket of cold water. Opening my eyes, I stare at my sister’s mischievous ones.

  “It’s not like you to come out of your room so quickly.”

  “It’s not like you to take so long serving. That looks good on you.”


  “What? Come on. I’m so pleased to see that you have a boyfriend. I was starting to worry there that you were looking forward to life as a spinste
r. I don’t think you’ve ever brought a boyfriend home.”

  “Shh,” I say. She doesn’t need to go telling Chase just how many firsts he’s part of.

  “She hasn’t?”

  “Nope. None. Believe me, I’d have remembered. I know in high school there were rumors she was a lesbian. I didn’t buy it.”

  “You’ve never had a boyfriend?” he asks, his lips back at my neck.

  “No, and I shouldn’t be with you.” I look at Kerry. “It’s against company policy.”

  “I’m the boss. I can change that if I want.”

  Kerry laughs. “I like him.”

  With his arms around me, I serve us up, and much to my surprise, Kerry sits with us the entire time.

  She looks happier.

  More like the young girl I used to know.

  The one that didn’t have anything happen to her.

  She doesn’t linger to do the dishes, but that’s okay. I like doing them, and Chase helps so we get through them quickly.

  After that, we head toward my bedroom, which he’s never seen.

  The moment we’re inside, Chase pulls me into his arms. “I’m your first at everything, aren’t I?”

  Looking into his eyes, I nod.

  “Good. I don’t like the thought of another man knowing just how precious you are.”

  “What about you with other women?”

  “Let’s not talk about that.”

  I can’t help but giggle.

  “All you need to know, Faye, is you’re the only woman for me. The only one I want.”

  “You’re not just saying that.”

  He rubs his cock against me and shakes his head. “No, I’m not.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  “What do you think?” I’ve finally brought her to an apartment I’ve already purchased.

  “It’s big.” Faye looks around, walking over toward the window that stares over the city. At night, I’d visited, and it looked amazing, especially with the buildings lit up. Christmas would sure be fantastic and beautiful just from this floor. “You’re thinking of buying this? Renting?”


  “Then why are we here?” She folds her arms with a smile. I’ve noticed she’s not comfortable around money.

  If anything would make her withdraw from me, it seems to be whenever I show off my wealth.

  I find it refreshing that it’s not a reason she’s with me even though my wealth is what brought us together. That and her virgin status, but I don’t want to think of that.

  Whichever reason, I’m so fucking glad we’re together.

  “This is yours.” I hold up the keys. “Say the word and I’ll have the moving men at your place. You and Kerry can live here. There’s a lot more space, and you don’t have to worry about the money. I want to give this to you as a gift, and I want you to take it.”

  She doesn’t take the keys.

  “I can’t take this.”

  “Don’t you love the apartment?”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “Well, I think you’re beautiful, and I want to give you things.”

  Still, she doesn’t take them.

  “I already own this place. I bought it for you.”

  “I can’t take it. I’m sorry.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I already live in an apartment that I can afford. The rent is more than reasonable.”

  “Damn it, Faye. I don’t care. Don’t you understand that? I’m right here, right now. This is for you. This is what boyfriends do.”

  “No, they don’t.”

  “Okay, this is what wealthy boyfriends do, and if you must know it’s either this place or move in with me.”


  “Yeah, that surprises you, doesn’t it? It’s either this or move in with me, and I figured that you would be too skittish to move in with me, so I picked this. I thought you’d prefer this.”

  “You want me to move in with you?”

  “Why does that sound so shocking to you?”

  “I don’t know. I just … you blackmailed me into sleeping with you.”

  I shrug. “I’m not above getting what I want. Your job was secure no matter what.”

  “Then why blackmail me?”

  “In case you haven’t noticed, Faye, you’re skittish, like really fucking, run the other way kind of skittish.”

  I see a smile dance across her lips.

  Taking her hands in mine, I draw her close. “And I won’t have you any other way, but you will take this apartment?”

  “You’re going to make me?”

  “I’m going to be spending a lot of time here.” Letting go of her hands, I unbutton her jacket, pushing it off her shoulders.

  We have plenty of time.

  Next, I release her blouse and watch as the white fabric falls to the floor. Flicking the catch of the bra and releasing those juicy tits is next, and they spill out exactly as they were supposed to, filling my hands, and I lean forward, taking a bite of each nipple.

  Her cries fill the room, but she doesn’t make a move to escape me.

  Within a matter of seconds, I have her skirt off and she’s bending over the sofa. She’s wearing a thong today, and I trace across the fabric, teasing her tight little asshole as I do. Caressing down the crack of her ass, I spread her cheeks wide, giving each cheek a nice little slap.

  She lets out a yelp, and the sound is sweet music, especially when I stroke through her pussy and find just how wet she is.

  I’ve been waiting to take her, to make her mine. It has been a couple of weeks since she got the shot.

  I’m going to take her without a condom, fill her pussy with my cum, and all afternoon, I know it’ll be leaking into her panties. Taking the fabric of her thong in my hand, I move it aside.

  I hold it against her ass cheek while I free my cock. Running my hand up and down my length, I ease the pre-cum leaking tip to her entrance.

  As I slide inside her, her warm cunt gripping me, I hear her moan.

  “Oh, fuck. That feels so good.” It’s the best feeling in the world.

  Pulling out of her, I see my dick, covered in her cream, and I drive forward, filling her tight pussy. Each ripple and every wave of her arousal grips my length, and I feel the instant hit of need that just won’t go away.

  With the thong still in my fist, I grip her hips and start to pound away inside her, fucking her hard, not giving her a chance to get accustomed to my dick as over and over, I slam to the hilt. She’s so fucking wet.

  “Touch yourself, Faye. Touch that wet clit and bring yourself off. I want to feel you come.”

  She lets out a little moan, but she strokes her clit. Each tease across that swollen bud seems to set her off, again and again.

  “Yes, yes, so good. That’s it, baby, tease your clit. Make yourself come.”

  Her cunt tightens around me, and I can’t stop.

  Pounding into her, I see and feel how slick she is.

  When her orgasm comes, she drenches me with her release, and I don’t hold back. Fucking her hard, I ride her pussy to my own completion, holding her tight so that her ass is nestled right against my pelvis as I fill her cunt. Wave upon wave of my cum swims up to her womb, taking her, owning her.

  For a few seconds, maybe even minutes—time doesn’t have a place right now—I hold her against me, waiting for my release to subside. The moment it does, I slowly ease out of her. Kneeling down on the floor, I see some of my white cum at the lips of her pussy, and I can’t resist taking some and pushing it right back inside her. Putting the panties back into place, I rub the fabric against her, knowing they will be full of my cum by the end of the day.

  Yeah, there are days I’m a dirty fucker, and I just can’t help it.


  Unpacking the Chinese food I’d picked up on my way over, I love what Faye has done with the place in such a short time. I’ve handled her old apartment landlord and whatever fee he thought he coul
d charge her. The moving men had done a good job, but I’d supervised that as well.

  The apartment no longer looks like a cold space but is filled with Faye and Kerry’s things. Several pictures cover the walls, and in the far corner of the living room, I see a stand filled with books. There is still plenty of space as they didn’t have lots to move. I saw the main bedroom that Faye had called dibs on, and even put a note on the other bedroom, telling Kerry it was hers.

  “Where’s your sister?” I ask.

  Kerry dips into one of the food cartons and takes a dumpling. “Shower. Don’t worry, she’ll be out in a minute. She has this mother hen syndrome. It means she can’t be gone from me all that long. I’m surprised she lets me go to school and doesn’t teach me at home.”

  I don’t like this.

  “Faye cares about you.”

  “I know.”

  “Then why don’t you start cutting her some slack? You don’t have a clue what your sister has gone through to help get you here.”

  “Fucking the boss, please, I bet it’s not that hard.” Kerry snorts.

  I stare at this girl, and I shake my head.

  “While you were in the hospital, building up never-ending debt, your sister, the girl that loves you and feels like a complete failure because she wasn’t able to protect you, she was selling her virginity to pay for it.”

  I shouldn’t have said a fucking word. I know that. Damn it! Everyone knows that, but listening to Kerry’s snort and derisive tone, I was fucking done. I get it. She’s a kid and has to be protected after what she’s gone through. But there comes a point when it’s no longer an excuse. Faye won’t call her out because of her guilt.

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Oh, yeah, I do.” What Faye doesn’t know is I still have the damn sheets as well. Yeah, some seriously fucked-up shit. “I’m the one that bought her.”

  Kerry jerks back.

  I stare at her. “She could have been with anyone. There were security measures in place to make sure she was okay, but anyone else, they could have hurt her.”

  “What the hell is she doing with you?” Kerry asks, staring at me in shock.

  “A chance meeting. My company has a division that employs college dropouts. You see, Kerry, while you’re angry with everyone, your sister, and just about anything—and I get it, I do. I know the truth—your sister gave up everything for you. A flourishing career in business, her virginity, her time, her life. All to make amends for leaving you with a monster. A monster that was supposed to take care of you. You can hate your sister, but when I’m here you will show that woman some damn respect because as far as I’m concerned, she’s more than fucking earned it.”


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