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Rumor Has It (Jock Star Book 1)

Page 31

by Caterina Campbell

  I toss my keys on the bar and struggle miserably to get my wallet out of my pocket, cussing the splint the entire fucking time it takes to do a menial task that a month ago could have been done without thought.

  My phone rings, and dealing with it turns into a production of uncoordinated maneuvers with a hand not used to doing anything but holding a baseball glove. I finally answer with a disgruntled, “Yeah.”

  “Van, Doctor Klamath. Sorry to bother you so late.” He’s driving, his deep voice compromised by the inadequacy of hands-free calling.

  I have to check my irritation to sound somewhat thankful when I reply. “You’re okay. I appreciate you taking the time to review my x-rays on such short notice.”

  His sigh foretells what I already guessed, and I sit down, leaning forward over my thighs, eyes glued to the floor, exposed fingers on my splinted hand twitching.

  “I can fix it, but you’re going to be out for at least six weeks, twenty if I can convince you it’s for the best and your longevity depends on it.”

  “Five months?” I question the timeframe, knowing full well my minimal medical expertise comes from the few episodes of Grey’s Anatomy I watched with Brenna. I sit back against the sofa, slouching into the soft cushions with resigned exasperation. I don’t see a lot of choice in his findings. I can’t live half in, half out, wondering when the temporary fix will fail. For me, it’s all or nothing.

  “I can have you back pitching in six weeks. Can’t tell you for how long, but your pain threshold will give you an indication. Give me five months, and your shoulder will give out before your hand does.”

  I’ve lived my entire life on a baseball field; I can’t imagine not spending the rest of it there. I can’t lose that and Brenna too. My grandfather would be kicking my ass right now for blowing it all having a temper tantrum over a girl. My thoughts are choppy as they flip through possibilities while I listen to Klamath.

  “It’s your decision, Van. Think about it tonight, give me an answer in the morning. We can schedule you as early as Friday and have you playing by June. You’ll have half a season left, and you’ll be able to play it.”

  I respond without hesitation. “Schedule it,” I tell him, biting on my reservations in order to proceed with one of the top orthopedic surgeons in the country. He tells me I’ll be hearing from his nurse by midday tomorrow and then ends the call.

  A chest-clogging fear I have never in my life felt before overwhelms the confidence I had a minute ago when I made my split-second decision. I wish I had Brenna to bounce this off of. Who am I kidding? I just wish I had Brenna.

  After a quick shower, which I used to separate myself from my phone and Brenna’s cell number, I put on a pair of gray sweats and condemn myself to Chip’s disapproval as I dial Brenna’s number anyway.


  Brenna’s voice triggers my emotions, and not all are sentimental. I’ve never loved someone as much as I’ve despised them, but right now with Brenna, it’s pretty equal. To take the next step, I bury some of the animosity beneath the much larger blanket of familiarity. As much as I hate to admit it, I feel calmer. The edge I was walking on widens, and if I knew what the hell to say, I’d be golden.

  The End

  Read the conclusion to Vance and Brenna’s story in Truth Be Told, Book 2 in the Jock Star series, coming February 15, 2022

  Pre-order now: Truth Be Told: Jock Star Book 2

  Truth Be Told

  Together they sparked a media frenzy. Apart, they’ll watch it all burn.

  Van Hatfield’s baseball empire is imploding.

  The hot-headed San Jose Renegades starting pitcher has two choices:

  Change his attitude or be traded.

  The ultimatum comes on the heels of a scandal, born of a betrayal he can't forgive.

  Until one look, one touch, and a chance encounter expose truths he didn’t see coming.

  Brenna Sloan has moved on but his heart hasn't.

  She left a mark he can’t erase and time has yet to heal.

  Bad blood, broken hearts, and choices they can’t take back stand between them.

  But from the ashes comes opportunity and another chance to get things right . . .

  Until one kiss, one night, and one promise threatens their fragile truce.

  When past and present collide, will there be anything left to salvage?


  This book should probably be dedicated to Patron. There were a lot of tequila shots consumed during this process. If I counted them all up, I’d have a problem, so we’ll just say it was A LOT. I never did any alone, though. It’s been close to a ten-year process from conception to formatting. Self-doubt, indecision, and getting out of my comfort zone were my biggest obstacles, but I conquered them. However, I did not conquer them alone.

  Many thanks to the following:

  My Husband, Ron (aka, Soop), where do I start? Tequila or bourbon? They were equal opportunity stress relievers and milestone markers. Thanks for “cheering” me on, never losing faith, and holding down the fort when I was grumpy, on deadline, or just plain senseless. I couldn’t have done it without you. My children, Tiana, Cameron, Chaney, and Brielle, you are incredible humans and my greatest joy. There were days you probably wanted to disown me. Thank you for sticking it out and for putting up with my freak-outs, occasional absences, forgetfulness, indecision, writing on road trips and vacations, and endless inquiries into photos and character names. I hope you know or at least could see I tried to find balance. This book would not be possible without a single one of you. You all sacrificed so much to give me this dream. You were all there when I needed you. Always. I love you.

  Jaymes and Finley. You complete us. I love you like my own.

  Mom, thank you for allowing me to read romance and always having the faith and belief that I could be a writer, not just a reader. Thank you for giving me the gift of life and a sense of humor. I wish I had a quarter of your courage and strength. Dad, thank you for teaching me to work hard for the things I want, the true meaning of selflessness, integrity, and the power of God in my life. You are the kindest man I know. I had the best parents and childhood ever! I love you both.

  My partners in crime since birth: Ross, Janet, Denise, Nichole, and Steven. Thanks for sharing in the best childhood ever. I am tougher, saner, happier, well-preserved with alcohol, and alive because of you. I wouldn’t trade you or the memories for the world. I love you dearly.

  Apryl, you thought I could, and I DID! Thank you for never doubting me. You believed in me long before I did. I cannot thank you enough for pushing me forward and having just the right words to keep me moving forward. I am beyond blessed. I Love you to pieces.

  Brian and Keri, Samantha and Aaron, the only thing missing is DNA. You are every bit my family.

  I Love you.

  Grahame, without you, I would not have taken the first step toward publishing. Thank you for your guidance, support, and advice. I asked, and you answered. You are indispensable. Everyone should have their own Grahame.

  Shanna, thank you for coming to my rescue, continuously checking on me, and always having that right amount of encouragement to get me through. I am blessed to call you, friend.

  Beta Readers: Tiana Campbell, Kayla Zaldivar, Sara Firth, Grahame Claire, Miranda Grant, and Shanna Swenson. Your time, keen eyes, input, advice, and support meant everything. Thank you.

  To my early readers, the ones who read when it was crap. Tiana, Apryl, Janet, Denise, Jastine, Shannon, and Kayla. You are saints. Thank you for not laughing at me.

  Angela Houle: You made my clumsy words shine. Thank you for not tossing the first, second, or third draft. You are a miracle worker. I can’t imagine going through this process without you.

  Rebecca Kimmell and Sarah Kil, thank you for the advice, check-ins and for doing all those little extras to make my first foray into publishing a success.

  To all those that shaped, formed, helped, healed, and or bettered me. Thank you fro
m the bottom of my heart.

  And last but not least, to my readers, thank you for taking a chance on me. Without you, my words would have no home and my stories no escape. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone. Obviously, if I have, you know who you are. Please forgive me. Tequila, stress, sleep deprivation, and the beginning stages of lunacy have all played a factor in my disorganization. Numerous people touched this book in one way or another, and I wish I could thank you all properly. Please know that I am forever thankful for your support, input, and belief in me.

  Xo, Caterina


  As a self-proclaimed book nerd, opera singer, and drinking game champion, Caterina spends her time perfecting them all. Of those three things, only one of them is appreciated by her husband and four children, whom she credits for pushing her toward her dream of publishing. Thanks to her mother, who encouraged her love of writing, she has penned 7 full-length novels, one of which remains between the covers of 14 notebooks.

  Rumor Has It took six months to write, but four years to get here, due in part to a full-time job, fear, and multiple obligations (some involving drinking games), but mostly life in general.




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