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Wanting You: A Cowboy Romance (Texas Hill Country Romance Book 2)

Page 14

by Mae Martini

  Without even saying to, Jake watched as Gia led Bella to the river’s edge for a drink.

  He came up beside her and noted her ragged breathing and watched as she lifted her hair from her neck.

  Gia couldn’t help notice Jake studying her. It surprised her that it didn’t make her nervous. In fact, it emboldened her. She plopped down and removed her boots and ankle socks.

  “You hot?”

  “Yes.” She nodded as she watched him take the reins of both horses and tie them loosely to a tree branch.

  “Your sexy ass looks hot in the saddle.” He grinned at her.

  She had put her feet in the water and was watching them. She looked up to him with a smile. “I’m more comfortable riding bareback-”

  Jake’s eyes grew wide.

  “-In my bikini.”

  “What?” He gave a low sexy groan.

  “My dad’s friend has a house on the west side of Oahu. On the beach. He has a stable with a few horses. I ride like that along the beach all the time when I’m there. It’s exhilarating.”

  “I bet,” he said as he pictured her riding along the shore in just her bikini. He felt his cock stir.

  Gia watched his boyish smile turn into manly desire.

  “Are we alone here?” she asked him.

  He quickly looked around. “Yeah.”

  She rose up and placed her hands on the hem of her shirt and brought it up and over her head and threw it down on the ground.

  Jake didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t stop staring at her breasts, which were contained in a very sexy purple and black lace bra.

  Gia bit her lower lip as she and Jake locked eyes. She brought her hands to the button on her shorts and undid it, then she unzipped them and brought them down, revealing matching panties.

  Jake took in a breath and took a step toward her.

  “Uh-uh.” She teased as she took a step back. “I want to go swimming,” she said as she brought her hands behind her and unsnapped her bra.

  “Jake watched it fall away and then quickly brought his eyes up to her breasts and noted her nipples were erect. He swiped his tongue along the seam of his lips, his mouth watering for a taste. He took another step.

  With a lascivious grin, she took another step back. She turned around and heard Jake gasp. She wasn’t wearing panties, she was wearing a thong and her tight round ass cheeks were all he could think about as he watched her pull down the thong. When she bent a little, Jake got a most beautiful view of her pretty pink sphincter and pussy, and silently walked over to her and put his hand on her ass cheeks and spread her for an even better view.

  Gia jumped when his hands landed on her cheeks, but quickly relaxed and laughed to herself when she felt his warm, gentle hands. She let out a little sigh.

  Jake brought his arms around her middle and pulled her to him, lifting her upper body. He brought his mouth down to her neck and planted kisses there as a large hand pressed on her lower belly. He ground his cock into her and Gia let out a sigh at the feel of him.

  Jake worked that hand down to her mound and pressed a finger on her clit. Gia moaned as she brought her hands up behind her and caressed Jake’s baby soft hair. She turned her head and he met her lips with his. It was a long wet kiss as his other hand came up to gently massage her breasts. When he let out a deep groan, he began to grow more frantic and pulled and tweaked one of her nipples, then he softly felt that hard nipple as he breathed heavily. “Oh man, Gia. You are so fucking hot,” he said at her mouth.

  When he began to grind against her, she pulled away. She turned around and Jake noticed her eyes were a deep smoky gray.

  She lifted the corners of her mouth and softly giggled when she realize just how much power she had over him. His eyes were glassy, and he was breathing heavy.

  “More,” he said.

  Still giggling, she slowly shook her head and then turned and ran into the river. The water felt cool on her hot body. Yes the weather was quite warm and sticky, but Gia felt hot from Jake’s touch.

  Jake quickly removed his boots and clothes and went in after her.

  When he got near her, she began to swim away. but Jake was a strong swimmer. In no time, he caught up to her and brought her into his arms as she giggled. He noted her laughter sounded like the most melodic song he could recall ever hearing.

  Gia threw her arms around his neck as she planted her feet on his. Thisclose to him, she was well aware of his body flushed up against hers. His cock rested at the juncture of her legs. Cold water had nothing on his shaft.

  “You show me yours, I’ll show you mine.”

  Gia tipped her head to the side and furrowed her brows.

  “I want to be inside you without any barriers. Are you on any birth control program?”

  Liquid heat shot up from the very core of her. “I take a shot every three months,” she said as the sound of the water all around them gently sloshed.

  “Oh, yeah? How effective is it?”

  “Ninety-nine percent effective.” She removed one of her arms from around his neck and brought it down to his cock.

  He sucked in a breath at her touch and kissed her. “Well.” He kissed her again. “Let’s show each other.” He kissed her yet again. “A clean bill of health from the doctor.”

  She hesitated.

  “What?” He asked.

  “I would only do that if it was understood that you and I were, um, you know….”

  “Seeing only each other?”

  “Yes.” She looked intently into his eyes.

  “I’m good with that.”


  “Yeah. In fact, I really don’t want anyone else touching you.”

  “I don’t want to share you either.”

  Jake’s lips curled up. “Okay then. Just you and me.” He brought his lips down to hers and she moved her hand back up and rested it on his shoulder.

  He felt her shiver. “Come on. Let’s get out of here before you freeze to death. No matter how warm the weather gets, this river always stays cold.” He picked her up and carried her out of the water.

  As he placed her down, he slid down her body and knelt before her, placing butterfly kisses down her body as he went.

  He looked up into her eyes as he spread her with the fingers of both hands, just before he brought his mouth down onto her mound. With his tongue he swirled on and around her clit and she buckled. He braced her up with a hand, but never slowed. Prying her lips open with his tongue, he slipped inside of her and tasted her sweet juices.

  She vaguely heard him moan as she threw her head back and brought her hands to the back of his head. She rocked into him, slowly at first, but soon she grew frantic and her soft moans became louder and faster and her belly spasmed as his tongue, lips and teeth became quicker.

  Knowing she was coming, he listened for a clue as to when she had enough, he slowed, bringing her down gently.

  Rising up, Jake had a confident grin on his face along with her juices. He brought his lips down to hers and ravaged her mouth.

  She pulled away and looked into his deep blue eyes, and slowly knelt, taking note of the grin slowly forming on his face.

  Gia gripped his cock at the base and lowered her eyes until they met his smooth thick large cock. She slowly stuck out her tongue as she brought her eyes back up to his. When her tongue made the slightest contact, she heard Jake moan and felt his cock twitch on its own accord.

  He brought one of his hands to the back of her head, caressing her hair.

  She teased him by sucking him all the way in then releasing him to lick his head. She moaned when he released a drop of his seed and she tasted it.

  Gia teased him into a frenzy. Before long, he brought his other hand to the back of her head and began to thrust into her mouth.

  She kept a hand around the base of his cock and when she massaged his balls with his cock all the way in her mouth, Jake felt liquid heat shoot from them to his dick. He removed one hand from behind her head and pla
ced it around her hand that was pumping his cock and frantically moved it up and down as he watched the action.

  “Ah…..yeah, that’s it. Oh, yeah…… He grunted and came. His body shuddered and when he withdrew his cock from Gia’s mouth some of his seed escaped her mouth and was visible on her lips. He quickly brought her up and kissed her hard, wiping her mouth with his.

  He broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers. He slowly grinned. “That was fuckin’ amazing, darlin’.”

  She lifted the corners of her mouth. “Mmmm, yeah.”

  Jake lifted his head and hugged her to his body as he scanned around the area. He chuckled. “We have a voyeur.”

  She gasped and squeezed herself to Jake, like that would shield her naked ass. She looked up to him and he chuckled again as he knew what she was trying to do.

  “Relax, baby. It’s all good.” He nodded in the vicinity of the horses. Bella was watching them while Ghost was busy grazing the grass.

  Gia pulled away and bent down to get her panties. “I’m going to have to ride Ghost back. I think Bella hates me now.” She laughed.

  “Nah, she’s a good girl.”

  “She looks at you like my cat looks at you. You have that animalistic charm about you.” She teased.

  He smiled, but soon grew somber. “I hate to have to give her up.”

  “Why do you?” she asked, picking up on his mood change.

  “Well, someone else owns her, I was just training her.”

  “Oh. Who owns her?”

  “A guy by the name of Jim Lawson of the Lawson Dude Ranch.”

  “Can you buy her from him?”

  “I wish I could. I have no place to keep her.” He looked around as he thought about it. “I mean, I know Cord would let me keep her there, but I would just be taking up a stall he might need. I don’t want to do that to him. He allows me to do what I love to do best…, well, except for… know,” he said cheekily and swiped his tongue while giving her a heated look.

  Gia let out a short giggle and shook her head.

  Jake and Gia bedded down the horses in Cord’s barn and rushed to the B&B. Once there, they managed to bypass everyone and ran up the back stairs like two giggling teenagers. Once inside his bedroom, they undressed, he sheathed up and they rocked.

  They agreed to scrap plans they originally had to go out to dinner then meet up with his friends at Roxy’s. Instead, they ordered take out Chinese from Wong’s and stayed in and watched TV in-between enjoying each other.

  The next morning, Gia woke first. She calmly watched Jake sleep. She studied his beautiful features. From his soft blond hair to his long light eyelashes. She wanted to but resisted tracing his full lips with her finger and settled with tracing them in her mind. She moved her eyes down to his chest. It was a strong, solid mass of muscles. She followed, in her mind, the lines that defined his physique. She closed her eyes and breathed in. She could smell his unique musky scent, which called to her and she found herself getting aroused and wanted him again.

  Not wanting to wake him up, she gingerly slipped out of bed, pausing when he stirred. After taking a shower, she emerged into the bedroom in just a towel around her body and one around her hair. Her eyes automatically went to the bed. She smiled when she saw Jake was awake and watching her.

  He stretched. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “Good morning.” As she walked over to the bed, she removed the towel from her hair and shook it out. It was a mass of waves.

  “Lose the other towel,” he said, his cock visibly hard through the sheet, and then he winced in pain. He brought his right hand over his body to massage the back of his shoulder.

  “You, okay?”

  “Yeah, just a little sore. Before you got to Cord’s yesterday, Cord and I were practicing steer wrestling and when I jumped off of my mount, I hit the ground in an awkward position.” He chuckled. “Getting old.”

  She smiled at him and as she put a knee on the bed, she said. “Turn over.”

  He complied. She removed her towel, tossed it to the floor where her other towel lay, and straddled his back.

  Jake let out a little sigh. His cock twitched when he felt the moistness between her legs at his lower back.

  Gia worked her fingers into Jake’s sore shoulder blade.

  “Ohhhhh, that feels good,” he cooed.

  “Steer wrestling? Tell me about it?”

  “It’s an event at a rodeo. A steer is let out of a chute and a rider runs after it with a rope. He lassos the steer, usually by the horns, then jumps down and wrestles it to the ground.

  “Oh, I’ve seen that on TV before. I oftened wondered if it hurt the steer.”

  Jake groaned, but Gia wasn’t sure if it was from her massaging or her question.

  “There have been studies. Less than one percent get hurt. Rory and I compete in team roping in a few rodeos around the area. We were supposed to practice yesterday for the fundraiser at Cord’s parent’s house next month, but he couldn’t make it, so Cord and I did a little steer wrestling.” He paused as he enjoyed her hands massaging him. “Oh, don’t make plans for July sixth. I want you to come with me to it.”


  “Lower,” Jake said.

  It took a moment for Gia to understand. She moved her hands lower.


  She again moved them lower and this time she scooted back. She was now sitting on his butt.

  “Lower,” he said with a little chuckle.

  She again brought her hands lower on his back.

  “Now, to the front.” He snickered.

  She brought her upper body down to his back and her legs came up and stretched out on his legs. “Like this,” she whispered by his ear. She swiped her tongue along his inner ear and she felt him shiver and heard him moan as she brought her hands in front of him and grabbed his cock.

  On a growl, Jake quickly flipped over, startling her. She now straddled his hips, facing him and was giggling. He lifted his upper body and turned sideways, taking her back to the mattress and he covered her body with his.

  They moaned simultaneously as she spread her legs and his cock landed by her opening. The both of them were breathing heavy when someone knocked on the door. Jake picked his head up and looked to the door as if he could see who was there. He looked back to Gia as another knock came. This one a little louder.

  “Who’s there?” Jake rasped out

  “Jake, it’s me Jennie. Can I talk to you?”

  Jake noted the panic in her voice and blew out a breath. When he began to get up, Gia grabbed his arm. “Later.”

  Jake saw the pleading in Gia’s eyes, but he didn’t know what to do. His heart was telling him to ignore Jennie for the time being, but his head was telling him to see what she wanted. His head won out and Gia sighed and frowned as he got up from bed.

  “I’ll only be a moment.” Jake threw on a pair of jersey shorts and a tank T-shirt that he took out of a drawer.

  Gia watched his broad muscled back that tapered at the waist as he walked to the door, anticipating feeling him inside her in a few moments. She was so going to roam her hands all over that big beautiful back of his.

  He turned around and paused. “Pull the covers up.”

  Gia let out a frustrated breath, but did what he asked.

  There was mumbling at the door when Jake answered it. He gave a look back to Gia then walked out and closed the door.

  A few moments later, Jake came back in. Gia was sitting up in bed. She noticed his anxiety. “What?” she said as she tipped her head to the side.

  “Umm…. She asked if I could take her to her parent’s house.”


  He nodded his head. “Yeah.”

  “Did you tell her you’re kind of busy right now?”

  He didn’t answer her. He just looked at her with sad eyes.

  Gia averted her eyes from his. She looked around the room and then cast her eyes down.

��re going, aren’t you?”

  “Gia, I have to go. I have to help her out.”

  “Why?” she mumbled, still looking down.

  He walked over to her. “Please understand. Her parents know me and like me. Jennie thinks they will allow her back there if I plead her case for her.”

  “Why now?”


  “Why can’t it wait till I leave today?”

  “Her father is home now. Later, he’ll be out, volunteering at the homeless shelter.”

  Gia brought her head up. She looked at him. “Sure. Okay. I’ll catch you later.” She rose up and had started putting on her clothes.

  “Where are you going?”


  “Your flight’s not till this afternoon. I’ll be back before then. Wait for me?”

  She pulled up her panties and looked up to him. He was watching her body and licking his lips. She heard a groan escape his mouth. She sighed and sat down. “Okay, go do what you have to do.”

  “You won’t leave?”

  She stared into his beautiful, soulful eyes. “No.”

  He closed the distance between them and knelt down between her legs. He placed his hands on her smooth thighs and brought his mouth in and kissed her on the lips.

  “Thank you.” He got up and changed into a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt. He kissed her again, told her he’d be back soon as he picked up his hat then walked out the door.

  Two hours later, and still no Jake. He called her an hour before and said he’d be back soon. He texted her a half hour before and said he’d be back soon.

  Gia had finished getting dressed and checked and answered some email, through her phone, while she waited. Now the time grew late, she needed to be at the airport an hour before her plane took off and it would take her an hour to get there. She had to leave soon.

  The smell of coffee wafted through the air as she walked down the back stairs with her suitcase.

  “Mmmm, that smells good… Joan? Would you mind if I had a cup?” She asked the woman in the kitchen, having recognized her from the day before.


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