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Upended Life (Artemis University Book 1)

Page 8

by Erin R Flynn

  “Ms. Vale has been kind enough to donate some gowns and suits to the scholarship students to use for the ball,” he answered.

  I snorted. “They can keep them. I don’t need them back, especially the suits.”

  “And how does Ms. Vale have these to donate?” Darby asked, raising an eyebrow at me. “Did they fall off the back of a truck with the arsenal you carry?”

  I met the challenging gaze head-on. “The only thing I’ve ever stolen for myself was food and a coat once when I was freezing. Other than that I’ve only stolen what someone shouldn’t have taken in the first place or to pay a debt owed.” His cheeks tinted a bit, realizing he’d been a judgmental jerk, but I wasn’t done. “But I don’t answer to you nor have to explain myself to you, Darby.”

  “No, I know—”

  “Grab a suit or don’t but just say thank you for the offer, not try to make me feel like shit for wanting to help,” I cut in, shaking my head as I went over to the dresses to look them over. I glanced around and realized what was missing. “We still need the shoes.”

  I went to go get them, grabbing the keys from Dr. Craftsman on the way out. I was surprised when Darby followed after me.

  “I’m sorry.” He sighed when I just nodded. “I am. I’m sorry, Tamsin. I defaulted to assuming people want to push me to crash and burn. Some of the elites don’t like scholarship students here so it would absolutely be a page out of their playbook that I help with stolen goods just so they could try and pin the blame on me later.”

  “I want to say you’re kidding but that sounds just twisted enough to be plausible,” I grumbled, taking the last bite of my sundae and tossing the container at the garbage can near the door. “I’m not like that, Darby.”

  “You’re right and I’m sorry I even thought it. It’s been the past two years for me though so just give me a bit of time to acclimate.”

  “Fine, that’s fair,” I agreed, spinning on him when we reached the SUV. “If you promise to ask privately. That was a fucking professor you just said that shit in front of. How does that make me look? I’m drowning here and the guy who’s supposed to help me to swim just took the shot at me.”

  He bobbed his head, adjusting his glasses and looking properly and completely chastised. “You’re right, I’m sorry.”

  I gave a sharp nod. Fine, issue over and time to get back to my good deed for the day. I opened the SUV and pulled out what we needed, handing him two of the bags before grabbing two others and locking it up.

  “Will you tell me where you got this stuff?” he asked as we headed back to the building.

  “No,” I answered firmly, my tone making it clear what he said earlier was the reason I was clamming up now. Fine, he’d apologized, but that didn’t mean everything was cool with us and I’d trust him with information right then.

  At least he let it go. He said he’d go grab some scholarship students to help him round up others, especially the freshmen, who were going to be under the most scrutiny.

  On top of everything else, it was a required event for scholarship students. It put them on display so the elite parents visiting could pat themselves on the back for the good deeds they did.

  Assholes. If you needed the pat for a good deed, you weren’t doing it for the right reason.

  Dr. Craftsman cleared his throat when we were alone and I was lining up shoes. “I know you said for the students but I was hoping you might allow me one of the suits as well. I have an off the rack one I adjusted with magic, but it’s not in the league of the other faculty and I’m also the youngest so it’s obvious.”

  “Of course,” I immediately agreed. He could have whatever he wanted after helping me to get this all done.

  He pressed his lips in a line and waited until I fully glanced at him as I stood, finishing my task. “Any chance you’ll pick for me? I’m a bit hopeless with this sort of thing.”

  That was adorable of him to admit and I nodded, biting back a smile as I knew he was also showing he trusted me. I took the opportunity to have a reason to eye him over, making it obvious I liked what I saw before going to the rack.

  “You have the classic and classy stylish Brit vibe going for you so always work with that,” I told him as I pulled out one at a time. “Don’t try for the slim fit look when you’re clearly too muscular for that, and nothing trendy in the moment like odd patterns. You want timeless and sleek as that can be pulled off at any age and look unintentional.”

  “You were clearly the right person to ask,” he muttered, moving closer. “How do you know all of this?”

  I opened my mouth to answer but then shut it before glancing at him. “That’s not a first shopping date sort of discussion.”

  I was relieved when he nodded and dropped it. I pulled out the first plausible one but then shook my head as I hung it back up.

  “Pinstripes but not loud or obvious ones. You could absolutely pull off double breasted but given your age and status it would look like you’re trying too hard.”

  “What do you suggest then?” he asked, sounding truly curious.

  “Three piece, a dark gray, slate, or black,” I answered as I found a three-piece slate with a slight sheen to it. “Slate blue could work for you, but not navy. You don’t want standard or default but you don’t want loud.”

  He winced when I turned and held up the suit to him. “My suit’s navy.”

  I shrugged. “You survived it just fine.” I was glad when his lips twitched. “Yeah, this is perfect.” I glanced from it to his face, nodding it was the right one. “Do you have a black shirt?”

  “I could,” he murmured, glancing from the suit to my face this time. “What are you thinking?”

  “Black shirt, white tie. You have to be hot to pull that off without looking silly. Otherwise black shirt, black tie, or black shirt and tie to match your suit. You are not an off the rack looking man so you don’t wear a white shirt like everyone else will.”

  I tried not to react when he cleared his throat and his cheeks blushed slightly. Wow, so he liked that.

  “Thanks, love,” he said quietly as he accepted the suit from me. “I’ll do it proud, I promise.”

  I nodded. “Black shoes.”

  “I’ve got those.”

  I shrugged again. “Might as well grab a set of nice ones.” I thumbed over to the selection laid out. “You saw that house. Each of those are the finest quality for sure.”


  “Thanks for helping me set this up.”

  “You need to pick a gown too,” he reminded me.

  I glanced at the rack and back to him, smirking. “You should pick what you want to see me in. It’s only fair, right?”

  His nostrils flared and heat filled his eyes. I thought he might say I was teasing or it was inappropriate but instead he went over to his desk and laid the suit out over his chair before going to the dress rack.

  He flipped through over half of the rack before pulling out a dress. He held it up in my direction and I walked over to him. He nodded after a few assessing looks.

  The split skirt halter gown was gorgeous, something I would absolutely pick for myself. It had a much shorter skirt that would be visible when I walked and not a lot of back but it was absolutely classy and acceptable.

  He muttered under his breath and the maroon dress’s color changed to green… Emerald green to match his eyes. That seemed to be a very loud statement and maybe a challenge to accept.

  And I did, taking the dress from him. “Perfect.”

  He licked his lips and didn’t let go of it so our hands were touching. “I wanted to ask about the debt I owe, how to repay it.”

  I took in a slow, deep breath as I eyed him over. “I think it will be a long, deep one that I will enjoy.” I took a chance and lingered on his groin before meeting his eyes, seeing he caught it. “I don’t know the full debt yet as I haven’t determined how I feel about this place so I couldn’t realistically know how to punish you.” I licked my lips when he looke
d interested. “But you might enjoy it.”

  “I have a feeling I will,” he replied, his voice huskier than before. “What shoes are you going to wear, love?”

  “Whatever you want me to.”

  He closed his eyes and I swore he groaned at a level I couldn’t hear. He let go of the dress and went to the shoes, looking at them and reaching for a pair that would not work with this sort of dress. I cleared my throat and he caught on, moving down the line.

  “Something high and wrapping around the ankle is perfect for this sort of dress,” I guided when he seemed stuck between several.

  He gave a swift nod and picked up a perfect pair, turning for my approval. “Color?”

  “Black, please.”

  He muttered and the color changed. He brought them to me and glanced at the dress again, licking his lips. “As much as I want you to put it on for me now, I know there are some female students coming who should really help you as I will the guys.” He moved in a bit closer when I nodded. “But I look very forward to seeing you in it.”

  I almost made a comment about hoping to see it on his floor after the ball but I shook myself out of the lust and chemistry between us. He was my fucking professor at my brand new school I was drowning at before classes started.

  I would be stupid to even attempt touching that stove and I wasn’t stupid. I nodded, pulling away and clearing my throat as I set the dress and shoes on an empty desk. “I wanted to ask you something privately?”

  “Yes?” His tone was a bit hopeful, and as flattering as it was he clearly wanted me too, it was best to nip this in the butt.

  I turned to face him and let out a slow breath. “I wanted to know if there are any powers I have that I shouldn’t just announce. Like fairy-obvious powers. Is that a thing?”

  Disappointment filled his eyes before he schooled it. Damn, that was hot he wanted me to ask him something dirty or personal, but then he brightened a bit, understanding I was putting trust in him as well. Good, I’d meant it that way and I hoped I really could trust him.

  That would be nice instead of simply wanting to fuck him.


  Dr. Craftsman didn’t have an answer for me but promised to look into it so I didn’t out myself. That was helpful, but I didn’t get to ask my other question of how to block out hearing thoughts better when I was going to be around so many people all the time.

  People started to show up and seemed to assume I was a scholarship student as well. I didn’t mind and I shook my head when Darby looked like he might correct them.

  One of the seniors offered to help me and kicked out the guys. The dress ended up being a perfect fit but I needed the shoes a bit bigger. While I was waiting for her, I looked over the suits and set one aside with Dr. Craftsman’s.

  “Why didn’t you tell them the truth?” Darby asked me once I was done and in the hall with the guys.

  I shrugged. “I didn’t do it for the pat on the back. You were worried there were strings attached or trouble with it and I didn’t want them to feel the same.”

  “Wait, the suits and stuff are from you?” one of the other guys asked as he moved closer along with some of the others. He glanced at his friends when I nodded. “Why would you do that?”

  “I didn’t need a bunch of inherited suits,” I answered honestly. “I know what it’s like to constantly be screwed over and it’s nice to get an easy pitch now and again.”

  “Yeah, it is, so thanks,” he muttered, several others saying the same.

  I just nodded and looked at Dr. Craftsman.

  “I’m going to take Ms. Vale to her room and help her unload the rest of the stuff she brought,” he told Darby. “Can you hang out until I get back?”

  “Yeah, thanks.”

  I glanced at Darby before leaving. “I set a suit aside that would be perfect for you with Dr. Craftsman’s at his desk if you wanted. I figured I got a vote after you accused me of stealing it all.”

  I followed after Dr. Craftsman without waiting for his response.

  “Smooth, man, real smooth,” one of the guys drawled. “You’re never getting a girlfriend.”

  “Shut up, asshole,” Darby bit out.

  “You have an evil streak,” Dr. Craftsman accused me after we were out of hearing range.

  “You have no idea,” I warned him with a smirk. I jumped into the SUV and let him drive us to the other side of campus, where we could unload at the witch dorm.

  We grabbed the first load and headed to my room. Most everyone who was arriving that day was done moving in as it was a long drive back to real civilization.

  I managed to balance what I carried and get my keys but the door flew open before I could turn the knob.

  “There you are!” a woman my age exclaimed dramatically. “I got here before lunch and saw the bags but you never came back here. I thought you saw me and ghosted me or something.” She stepped back so I could get in but kept talking. “I’m Izzy, witch. Duh, we’re in the witch/warlock dorm. Are you a freshman too? How long have you been here?”

  “Girl, you need to dial it down to like a five for me,” I interjected before she ramped up again.

  She blew out a harsh breath and rolled her eyes at me. “Sorry, totally all over the place and had trouble sleeping the past few nights I was so nervous to come here.” She glanced at Dr. Craftsman as he followed me inside, her eyes going wide. “Shit, your boyfriend is seriously hot. I’m not into cock but let me know when you guys need alone time and we can work out a signal.”

  “For the love of…” Dr. Craftsman grumbled, staring at the ceiling as he blushed a bit again. “I’m one of your professors. Ms. Vale was helping me with something for the scholarship students and I offered to bring her belongings since it took up most of the day.”

  Nice, I owed him for the explanation for my hyper roommate.

  “I’m Tamsin Vale and this is Dr. Craftsman,” I told her as I set everything on the bed, nodding he could do the same.

  Her eyes went wide. “Shit, you’re the unknown. Wow, you’re like a celebrity and everyone’s asking questions. I so need the info.”

  “No, you need air, not information about me,” I warned her firmly. “And I don’t do gossips or people with big mouths so let’s make that clear from the start or we won’t work. At all.”

  I grabbed one of the empty bags when I remembered my laundry, storming out of there to get it.

  Dr. Craftsman grabbed my arm as I went past him, immediately letting go when I paused so I didn’t get upset with him.

  “She’s acting like a normal freshman roommate. The first week everyone exchanges backstories and bonds that way.” He waited until I nodded before looking at my roommate. “It’s best to adapt an attitude of dealing with a feline shifter with Ms. Vale.”

  The woman bobbed her head. “Distrusting and ready to run at trouble or attack any threat. Got it.”

  Not the most flattering thing to say about me in warning but not wrong either.

  I sighed, tired and ready for bed, but instead I turned to face my roommate. “Let’s try this again.”

  She nodded, coming over to me and extending her hand. “Isabella Kincaid, nice to meet you.”

  “You as well.”

  “You prefer Tamsin or Tam?”

  “Or Tams, all work,” I told her as we finished shaking.

  “Cool, I prefer Izzy.”

  “It suits you,” I said, meaning it as a compliment. She was cute, almost pretty but clearly would be as she grew up. She was a petite brunette with gold eyes and definitely would be a looker.

  “Thanks.” She nodded behind me. “Too much stuff?”

  “Yeah, I could totally use help after I get the rest,” I admitted with a sigh. “It all needs to be washed and the stuff I did bring already is in the dryer—maybe still and there was a bit of a mistake so I need to do some sorting of what I really want.”

  Dr. Craftsman shot me an amused look at how fast I answered and got out so much in one breath. I shru
gged. I was tired and raw.

  “Cool. I was hoping we could compare schedules and maybe hit the bookstore after breakfast,” she muttered, giving me a hopeful look.

  I knew that look well. She didn’t have any friends here or was worried about who she knew at the school and looking for allies. No problem—I made a great ally as long as people respected my boundaries.

  “Sounds great.”


  It took two more loads from the SUV and I thanked Dr. Craftsman, feeling a bit like it was the end of dates I never had.

  His phone beeped and after looking at it, he sighed. “Marshall said the guards didn’t know you needed your phone to be updated.”

  “Huh?” I asked, blinking at him and waiting for that sentence to make sense.

  He smiled at me. “We all have a program on our cell phones so people can’t listen in and a few other perks like an emergency alert if you’re in trouble.”

  “Plus a locator if someone wants to find me?” I worried.

  “Yes, but I promise it’s not something people have access to. There’s one main office with a council and they don’t even have a list of all the numbers like they’ll track you. Only Headmaster Edelman would be able to call in and have it activated since you don’t have family.” He cleared his throat and gave me a hesitant look. “Or a lover if you have one.”

  I snorted. “No lover.”

  “Good.” He flinched like he shouldn’t have said that. “Just swing by there in the morning, okay?”

  “Yeah, I was thinking of getting a better phone and like a real plan instead of burners since I’m like a respectable woman now and all of that,” I joked, feeling like a fish out of water again.

  “Sounds good but get it done just in case, okay?”

  “I promise.” I waved goodnight and headed back to the dorm.

  “He’s seriously hot,” she blurted when I walked into the room.

  “Yeah, he is,” I agreed, shaking my head at her antics. Hot professors were trouble for sure.

  Izzy chilled after she realized I was just low key, not hating her or annoyed I was stuck with her. We dragged down several of the bags to the laundry room and I found all my clothes were dumped on the floor in the corner.


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