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The Guardians (The Tempest Isle Series Book 1)

Page 22

by S. C. Storm

  “It’s about damn time,” Rian declared, seeing his older brothers look his way. Saying nothing else, he made his way out of the room and up to finish dressing for the night.


  Bloodstone Island, Winthrop House

  Appearing upstairs after overhearing her father’s conversation with Anton Fontenay, Tessa slipped into her room and shut the door behind her. She could do this no longer. The things Richard was forcing her to do was killing her. Every time one of the animals he gave her to touched her, she could feel she was losing a part of herself. It had to end. She went to her closet, dug to the back, and pulled out a small box. Opening it, she took out the jewelry she had been given that had belonged to her mother and placed it into a small pouch. Also inside the box was the cash she had been stowing away. She had opened a private bank account a couple of years back but was not able to put the money in as often as she needed to. She stuffed the wad of cash into a purse, then grabbed a duffle bag. She knew she could not take everything, but she could take enough to get her by until she was settled somewhere.

  Once she was packed up, she went to the desk in her room and sat down. Getting a piece of stationery, she knew the only one who would come looking for her was her brother. She debated on whether she should tell him everything. Each time she started, she couldn’t do it. No, if she told him, it wouldn’t be while she was away from him. She couldn’t leave him to deal with Richard in that way without her. No matter his faults, she knew Deacon loved her and would defend her, even against Richard, especially when he knew all the horrors she had endured. No, now was not the time to tell him. Instead she told him she could no longer take Richard’s lack of caring for her. It was the easiest lie she could produce. Deacon did not know that she no longer cared that her father didn’t love her. No, he had stopped meaning anything to her ages ago.

  Finishing the letter, she left it on her desk and slipped on her shoes. Making her way down the stairs, she could hear Deacon on his phone in the den. She knew Richard was in the library. She quietly slipped out the servant’s entrance to the garage. Her Mercedes was easily accessible. Tossing in her bag, she glanced up to the window of the den. “Forgive me, brother dear.” She sighed as she started the car and drove away.


  Tempest Island

  Micah Hamilton made his way off the ferry and toward the resort. It had been a few years since he had been to Tempest. When he ascended, his urge to take the fight to the reapers had taken over. He still checked in on the island every now and then. Lately though, the pull to be there had been quite a bit stronger. He realized fighting it was becoming futile. Walking into the resort, he smiled when he saw Millie behind the desk.

  “Hello, beautiful.” He smiled as she turned from what she was doing and beamed at him.

  “Oh, Micah,” she cried as she rushed around the desk, hugging herself to him. He was so tall, she did not even reach his chest, but that did not stop her. “I’m so glad you are home. You have made it in time for the ascension.”

  “Yeah, I figured this was the ascension to see, considering the Athertons were finally stepping up,” he told her as he kissed the top of her head. “Has any of the rest of my family made it home?”

  “No, they haven’t,” she told him, going back around to her post. “They are still out and about, fighting the good fight, I suppose. I honestly wasn’t expecting you.”

  “Yeah, me either. I guess sometimes you are just called home, aren’t you.” he told her.

  “Yes, we are.”

  “Have the codes changed?” he asked as he brushed his dark hair out of his eyes.

  “No, everything is still the same. I did not have the house readied since I had not heard from any of you, but it should not take long,” she told him as her fingers flew across the computer screen. “The cleaners are already on their way out to freshen things up. It should be ready within the hour.”

  “Thanks again, Millie,” he told her with a wave. He turned and made his way back out. Making it to his Escalade, he jumped in and cranked it up, then paused to let a green Mercedes pass him. It was traveling fast, obviously trying to make the ferry that was about to leave. As the car passed, he looked down. A cascade of red hair whipped in the wind. He also caught the glimpse of milky white flesh. “Impossible,” he told himself as he pulled out of his parking spot. His mind suddenly traveled back, remembering the last time he had buried his face into the red hair of the only woman to ever make him feel truly alive. He could still recall her scent, everything about her. “She can’t be here,” he told himself as he drove. For too long he had chased the ghost of the girl he had met all that time ago. His hopes of ever finding her had long since vanished. With a sigh, he pushed down on the gas and headed for the gates. Bloodstone was calling his name.


  Moonstone Island

  Pulling up to the house, Melody St. John waited just a moment before climbing out. Talking to Jason when they were out and about with all the others didn’t bother her. Talking to him one on one sometimes made her nervous. Still, her grandmother, the keeper of the islands, could not do everything on her own. Melody was the next in line to take up the reigns of the keeper, therefore she had to help from time to time. This happened to be one of those times. As was the custom when a guardian died, their name must be entered in the sacred book. For long as her grandmother had been the keeper, the guardian alphas had always required verification of the losses. Having the ability to feel the pain as well as the death of their wolves could still leave the alphas deceived. The pain would come to them even when a guardian turned to the darkness. Today, Melody was delivering such news. Two wolf guardians had died in battle the night before. Another had given himself over to the reapers. He was now what he had once fought to defeat.

  Knocking on the door, Melody waited, visually fidgeting. She knew hearing of the deception would bother Jason. Still, it was something he needed to know.

  Hearing the door, Jason pulled himself out of bed and slipped on a pair of shorts. He had patrolled late the night before, crashing at dawn for a couple of hours. Coming down the stairs, he caught Melody’s familiar scent. He opened the door and smiled down at her. “Hey, what brings you out so early?”

  “Nothing good of course.” She sighed as she looked up. The moment she saw him, her breath caught. For as long as she could remember, she had been crazy over Jason. He had been a cutie when they were young, and now he was something she could barely describe. The rippling muscles, the dark hair, the perfect dark eyes, all of it made him everything she could ever want⸻and the one thing she could never have. Shaking herself, she made herself smile. “I’m sorry Jas, but Grams sent me.”

  “Oh,” he said, shaking his head. “I felt the losses last night. I hate feeling those.”

  “I’m sure you do. One wasn’t a death though,” she told him. “Michael Frasier gave himself to the reapers. He’s now one of them.”

  “I’ll be damned,” he growled. Seeing Melody jump, he quickly recovered. “I’m sorry, Mel. I didn’t mean to scare you. Come on in,” he added, remembering his manners.

  Nodding, she followed him into the house. “We still have fewer wolves joining the reapers than we do vampires. With the lack of leadership with the vampire guardians, many choose to leave the fight. I hope they can come together and really make a difference in this war.”

  “We all do, Mel,” he said, turning to make his way toward the kitchen. As he did, he heard a gasp behind him. Turning quickly, he saw the look on her face. “What is it?”

  “You’re hurt. Your back,” she said, making her way closer. She stepped behind him, and her fingers lightly traced the deep, still-open wounds. “You were attacked by a reaper?”

  “Yeah, they take longer to heal up,” he said, noting the feel of her fingers tracing his skin.

  “Let me clean them up. I know it probably doesn’t matter, but I’d feel better,” she said, moving toward the kitchen. She’d been here with the others enoug
h to know where to find the first aid kit. Grabbing it and some cloths, she ignored the grumblings Jason was giving her and headed back over. “Shut it, Jason O’Connor. I’m not leaving here worrying about you.”

  He chuckled. “You do know I heal fast, right, Mel?”

  “Yep, and still I don’t care,” she said and started to clean out the wound, then watched him jump. “Sorry.”

  “It’s fine,” he said through gritted teeth.

  Giggling, she finished up. “There, now I won’t worry,” she told him as he turned her way. He was so close, she could feel his breath in her hair. “You need to be careful out there, Jason. I couldn’t handle it if something happened to you.”

  Inhaling her scent, he smiled. “And why is that?”

  She looked into his eyes and was lost. “Because I care so much about you,” she said, then realized what she had done. “Uhm, Jas, I’m…”

  “Don’t say you are sorry,” he said as he lifted her face. Her bright brown eyes stared up at him. For years, he had acted like he hadn’t noticed her, but he had. He always had. The annoying little girl had grown into a beautiful woman with a body he could not look at enough. Any man would be crazy for not seeing her.

  “Jason,” she whispered as the moment took her. Leaning forward, she let her lips touch his gently. The taste of his lips was her undoing. She wrapped her fingers into his hair as she kissed him deeply.

  Lost in her touch, Jason laid her back on the couch. His hands ran up her sides slowly. Yes, he wanted her. He always had. But he knew he couldn’t do this to her. Slowly, he pulled away, leaning his head against her chest for just a moment. “Mel, I can’t. You know that. I can’t give you what you want, and I damn well won’t use you. The pack has to come first. It comes before anything I want.”

  Taking a deep breath to settle her racing heart, she smiled as she ran her fingers gently through his hair once more. “I know, Jason. But I want you to have more in life than just the pack and this war. I hope you find someone you can have that with.”

  Looking up at her, he slowly righted himself. “You mean that, don’t you?”

  “You know I do.” She smiled as she leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I’m going to go. Get some rest, Jas.”

  Reaching up and taking her hand, he squeezed it. “I will. Thanks for understanding, Mel. I just don’t want anything to come between our friendship. Ever.”

  “Me either,” she told him, standing. “So no worries. Now do what I said and rest. Come by the diner later and grab a bite to eat.”

  “I will.”

  “Good. I’ll see you then,” she said as she headed for the door, trying to hold herself together until she could leave.

  Standing, Jason watched her till she reached her car. He could see that what he said hurt her. Still it was true. He couldn’t be with anyone, not with the life he had to lead. Once she was out of sight, he went back inside. He had told her he would rest. That’s what he was going to try and do.

  Chapter 20

  Temptations, Crimson Island

  Arriving at Temptations, Anton stepped to the door before glancing back at his brothers. Paul and Gerard seemed anxious to get inside. Pierre seemed to care less. Giving them all a warning look, Anton shook his head. “Be on your best behavior. There will be eyes on us all,” he explained as he opened the door and stepped inside.

  Following his brother’s lead as they always did, Pierre took in the room. The music pulsed throughout with a beat that had most dancing. The dance floor itself was immense. Supernatural beings moved without worry here. No need in fearing accidental harm to humans. Something as simple as an elbow to the side while dancing could leave a human with broken ribs or even worse, according to how unfocused the being who inflicted the damage had been. He had seen it many times with Paul, who paid no attention to his surroundings when his attention had been captured by an intriguing woman. That was another reputation his brothers had acquired, a brutality when it comes to sexual encounters with females. Pierre himself was thankful he had finally stopped being grouped into the same category as the rest of his family. The only thing he wanted to be remembered for was his ability to kill reapers and protect his race.

  Watching as his brothers surveyed the room, Anton quickly did the same. It was clear to see many had returned to the islands for the ascension. Anton himself thought back to his own. Over four hundred years ago, other vampires had not flocked to Tempest to view it. No, most had been out fighting a fight they would never win. Taking out reapers had caused their kind to dwindle almost to extinction. That was, until those like himself and his brothers had finally ascended. Yes, they had killed reapers their entire lives, but the difference in abilities after ascending made the task much simpler, and it had always been fun. Seeing their race strong against the enemy once more gave the simple vampires reason again. They began to breed like the cattle they were⸻babes popping up everywhere. Those who had gone into seclusion reemerged. Those who had never wanted to fight began to learn how.

  Now the cycle was coming full circle once again. Their people were worried. Hiding had once again become common. They wanted to see something great to show them life was worth living. This time around, however, it was the pure-blooded Athertons they were all placing their faith in. Long as he could remember, the question was when would Ryden lead his family into their destiny? The only questions in Anton’s mind after all these years were, how could he rid himself of the legend of the Athertons and how could he and his family take control of the cattle as well as the power source they all fought to protect?

  “You look as though you are plotting the death of every creature in the room, Anton,” Paul interrupted. “Mask your excitement at what is to come.”

  With a nod, Anton settled himself and glanced toward the back of the room. He spotted those whom he had come to watch. Ryden and his brothers were playing pool. He was not surprised to see several beautiful women in the area. What he did not expect was to find that many of the creatures talking and mingling with the brothers were wolves. One he knew the moment he spotted him. It was Kane Riggs, the alpha. “Do you see who they are associating with?” Anton asked Gerard. His brother’s dislike for wolves was somewhat legendary.

  With a low growl, Gerard stared. “This place reeks of filthy animals. I had hoped it would cater to better clientele.”

  Shaking his head, Pierre stood. He truly could not endure another night of listening to his brothers. “I will be at the bar if you need me,” he told them as he walked away, not giving them time to answer.

  “Looks as if little brother is in one of his moods tonight,” Paul told Anton as they watched Pierre take up a perch at the bar and order a drink.

  “He is always in a mood, Paul. However, he puts family above all else. He will do as he is told. He always has.” Anton smiled as he sipped his drink. “I would suggest we unwind a bit while we watch the comings and goings tonight,” he said as his brothers joined in.


  Bloodstone Island, Winthrop House

  Noticing that Tessa’s car was missing from outside, Deacon made his way up to her room. She never left without telling him. He assumed she had sent the vehicle in for service. She did love her little car. He knocked and waited for an answer. After several moments, he realized she was not inside. Opening the door, he surveyed the room. Several things were missing. Stepping farther inside, he spotted the note on the desk. As he read it, fear flooded him. If Tessa had finally gotten the nerve to leave them, would he ever see her again? Making his way downstairs, he folded the note and shoved it in his pocket. Checking to see that his father was busy on the phone, he made his way toward the door. If Tessa told anyone of her departure, he knew who she would go to.


  Tempest Island

  Driving around the islands, Deacon had to admit he could appreciate the other’s reasons for lingering here. It was quite lovely. It was also quite accommodating to those of his kind. The ease of finding sustenance, the fre
edom to be oneself, the closeness of all the supernaturals, all of it was quite alluring. He also loved the surge in his abilities he felt here. His hearing was sharper, his vision far more enhanced. His speed had become even more remarkable. All around he felt like a new being. Perhaps that was the reason he was beginning to see things in a different light. His father’s actions toward Tessa had finally pushed her away. Over the years, he had tried to ignore his treatment of her, but it was obvious he could no longer. From the day his sister had been born, their father had never shown her any affection. Yes, their mother had died while giving birth, but everyone, including Deacon, had seen how his parents had drifted apart by that time. His father had acted as if merely speaking to his mother, Isabella, had become a tiresome chore he only did on occasion and in front of company. His mother had no longer accompanied them to functions, and once she had become pregnant, she had not been allowed out of the house at all.

  To all outsiders, they had put up the perfect front. On the inside, the Winthrop family had crumbled long before Isabella Winthrop died in childbirth. Yet, that reason was the one Richard had clung to. Every time he did or said something out of the way to Tessa, he had claimed heartache over the loss of his wife as the reason. By the time Tessa was ten, even she blamed herself for their mother’s death and the actions of their father.

  Deacon had never blamed his sister. No, in truth, he had always looked at Tessa as the last gift his mother had given them all. The others may not have seen it that way, but he did. It was what Isabella had always said about the babe she carried. He could remember nights, when Richard and Edmund were away, when he would sit with his mother as she read to him. Once she would finish, he would beg for another story, and she would shake her head and tuck him into his bed. She would tell him how much she loved him, she would rub her stomach and smile.

  “You must protect this little one, my son. No matter what you hear or what anyone dares say about this family, you remember that I love all my children. Your father is not happy with this pregnancy, and he will not show the babe the love it deserves. You must do that. You must be there for this little one no matter what. Do you promise me this, my wonderful son?”


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