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Fate and Destiny

Page 3

by Claire Collins

  This woman had gone through more emotions than a man who just caught his wife and his mistress in bed together. Now she was mad at him again, only this time, at least she had a reason to be mad. He sighed. She would just have to deal with it. He couldn’t let her freeze to death or catch pneumonia from remaining in wet clothes. He was starting to think he should have just left her where he found her. Fate may have saved this woman, but it cursed him!


  Refusing to take her eyes off him and lower her defenses, she found her gaze traveling from his eyes to his bare chest. She could not help herself. How did he keep from freezing in the cabin? He wore only a pair of sweatpants. No shirt covered his silky skin. Muscles corded around tight pecks and smooth, wide shoulders, defining the shape of his chest. Definitely strong enough to inflict bodily harm on an injured and defenseless woman. The fireplace tools remained out of reach. If she could stay alert and ready, she may have the opportunity to get her hands on the poker.

  She surveyed him again out of the corner of her eye while he clanked pots and pans around in the small kitchen. The aroma of coffee teased her nose, the sensation quickly followed by the wonderful smells of breakfast. Her stomach grumbled, warning she should not have been so quick to refuse food. Despite the rumbling in her stomach and the pains in her body, another, more urgent need grabbed her attention. She looked around the cabin for anything that resembled a bathroom door, hoping and praying the cabin didn’t rely on an outhouse.

  “Please don’t let that be a closet,” she whispered, spotting the door in the corner. Gently pushing the blankets back, nudging the dog out of the way in the process, she placed her unhurt foot on the floor. If she kept her balance, she could quietly hop on one foot all the way over there. She could discreetly travel to the door and back without the man noticing, and maybe even have a chance to grab the fireplace poker on the way.

  Making breakfast and humming to himself, Andrew turned just in time to see the woman trying to push back the blankets and stand up. She was halfway to her feet when he moved to catch her.

  “Hey! You probably have a concussion. Good Lord, woman. Sit back down!”

  She wobbled, her eyes rolling back as she slumped towards the floor. Reaching her as her legs gave out, he wrapped his arms around her, supporting her slack weight. Gently, Andrew eased her back onto the bed, holding onto her, ensuring she didn’t topple forwards off the edge.

  She seemed confused and lost, so he spoke gently.

  “Honey, what are you trying to do?”

  Finally focusing on him, she blinked a few times before casting her eyes down to study her hands.

  “I need to use the bathroom.”

  Her voice was almost a whisper while she avoided looking at his face.

  A red blush spread from her long graceful neck and across her face. She stared at her hands intently wringing in her lap and could not see the smile that crossed his face at her predicament.

  “Why didn’t you ask for help?”

  Without waiting for an answer, Andrew slid one arm under her knees, the other around her back, slowly and easily lifting her from the bed. Nudging the door open with his elbow, he lowered her feet to the floor, keeping his arm around her waist for support. He didn’t let go completely until she balanced on her good leg, showing no signs of fainting.

  “Don’t try walking on that leg,” he pointed at her swollen ankle, “and don’t move too fast or you’re going to faint again.”

  She looked at him as if he had horns and four eyes were growing out of his forehead.

  He refrained from smiling at her.

  “Do you want me to help you with anything else?” He asked, mischievously.

  She glared at him.

  “No, I think I can handle this part myself.”

  “Are you sure? Because I can help if you can’t do this alone.”

  Unable to contain the smile, he moved to lift the lid.

  “No! I won’t faint again. I don’t need your help! Get out!”

  “Okay then, honey.”

  He moved towards the living area.

  “Just yell when you’re done and I’ll come back in to help you. Unless you plan on evening out your face by putting a nice bump on the other side to match?”

  He barely escaped before the door slammed behind him. He barely heard her words through the closed door.

  “Unbelievable jerk.”

  It took her awhile to figure out how to painlessly do what she needed to do. Sweatpants that didn’t take a lot of effort to remove then put back on made a big difference. She didn’t need him. She could crawl back if she had to. Hopping wouldn’t work. Her head would bounce off her shoulders if she tried. She couldn’t simply walk back with her ankle unable to bear her weight. Crawling would make it difficult to get back on the bed.

  “Damn him. He knows I can’t get around without his help.”

  Resigned to her choices, she opened the door. Andrew returned, easily scooping her up and carrying her back to the bed. She crossed her arms in front of her but could feel the warmth of his body through her flannel shirt. She was angry with him, but angrier with herself for noticing he put on a sweatshirt, and wishing he hadn’t. Sitting her down on the edge of the bed, he walked to the kitchen, returning with a cup of coffee and a plate of sausage and eggs. Sitting on the floor directly in front of her, Andrew placed the coffee cup next to him and began eating.

  Her stomach loudly protested at the delicious scent. Maybe she should play the helpless victim or ply him with sweetness. He would have mercy on her and offer her food. Who was she kidding? She would not be acting as the helpless victim. It seemed to be a role she was destined to play whether she wanted to or not.

  “I want to thank you for helping me.”

  She imagined the huge lump of pride she swallowed tasted like sausage. Andrew stopped moving eggs into to his mouth, glancing at her, he took a sip of coffee, then went back to eating.

  “Not only for helping me a few minutes ago, but also for bringing me here.”

  He glanced up at her, thoughtful as he chewed, but making no motion of sharing with her.

  She tried again.

  “Maybe I was too hasty in my refusal of food. I didn’t realize how hungry I am.”

  She took her eyes from Andrew to look at the dog. She had to look away before she actually batted her eyelashes at him like a lovesick schoolgirl.

  “That wasn’t so hard now was it?” He flashed a wicked grin at her. “You only had to ask.”

  Putting his plate on the floor next to his coffee, Andrew rose from the floor and went back into the kitchen. Opening a small cabinet, he revealed a steaming cup and a plate heaped with sausage and eggs.

  Pulling a chair from next to the fireplace, Andrew sat down, tipping the chair back on two legs so it leaned against the wall near the bathroom door. He finished eating while she wolfed her breakfast down.

  Although she could feel his eyes on her, she avoided meeting his gaze. Unsure what he was thinking or planning, she didn’t know if she should be afraid or stick with her wounded bird act. Glancing at the fireplace poker again, she wished she had a way to get her hands on it.

  Finally, he broke the uncomfortable silence.

  “Well, you know who I am. You mind telling me who you are so I don’t have to call you ‘honey’? And it might be nice to know how you got here so I can tell the sheriff.”

  A new fear gripped her. He was going to tell the authorities she was there. Why hadn’t they already come for her? What was he waiting for? She couldn’t trust him. How would she be able to make this man understand how deep in trouble she was?

  “My name is Destiny Rosen.”

  She waited for his reaction, surprised yet relieved when no flicker of recognition passed his face.

  “Three men kidnapped me from my home in Las Vegas. They forced me into a car. The next thing I know I woke up here.”

  “They just broke into your home and kidnapped you?”

hands were waving, his voice disbelieving. Her heart sank. She only nodded in reply to his incredulous look.

  “Why would anyone kidnap you, bring you clear out to Colorado, then just dump you on a mountain in the middle of a blizzard?”

  She shrugged, refusing to voluntarily offer any additional information.

  The stubborn woman knew a lot more than she was telling, but Andrew decided to wait for her to give him the answers he sought. It would be nice to know what he was dealing with. She looked up at him from under her lashes. He thought there were tears on her cheeks reflecting in the glow from the fireplace.

  “What day is today?” She asked abruptly, desperately attempting to change the subject.

  Looking down at his watch, needing to remind himself, he informed her it was Tuesday, February 10th. Raising her head, her mouth opened then snapped shut again.

  She lost an entire week. Several days of her life simply vanished. Gone. She frantically tried to recall the days since she had been home.

  “They took me from home on the first of February, and I know it didn’t take ten days to get me here.”

  Shadow, sensing her despair, leapt onto the bed where she sat, her good leg folded under her, the other leg stretched out. Carefully avoiding her injured limb, the dog managed to lay his head in her lap. She absentmindedly scratched behind his ear, as large brown eyes flicked back and forth from the woman to his master. Andrew leaned forward, placing all four chair legs steadily on the ground, not quite sure what to say. He couldn’t explain anything to her except for discovering her the morning before, and that was no help.

  “His name is Shadow.”

  “What?” Startled from her thoughts, Destiny looked back at Andrew.

  “The dog,” he explained, “his name is Shadow.”

  She looked back down, just then realizing he was there, a slight smile flitting across her face.

  “I like that. Shadow. I think it suits him very well.”

  Andrew was glad to see her smile, temporarily ceasing her disturbing thoughts.

  “Originally, his name was Bear, but as a puppy, he would follow me everywhere. I couldn’t even take a shower without him sitting outside the door and whining. He was my own little shadow, and the name just kind of stuck.”

  Andrew couldn’t take his eyes off her as she watched the dog. Shadow rolled around slightly, exposing his soft underbelly, which she obligingly scratched. Andrew hoped she would share another of her sweet smiles with him, but she sat stiffly, lost in thought.

  He urged her to lie back down and get some sleep while he tended to chores yet to be done. She gratefully agreed and Andrew called the dog. Shadow reluctantly jumped down and stretched before looking back up at the woman with longing. He hated to leave his warm spot, but he did as Andrew told him.

  The storm outside was once again in full force, the cabin dark from the low clouds and the weakening fire. Destiny snoozed on the bed while Andrew put another log on just to make sure that the fire didn’t go out completely. It was important to keep the heat level up. After cleaning up the cabin and the breakfast dishes, he showered and shaved.

  Running a towel over his damp head, Andrew emerged from the bathroom, spotting Shadow curled at Destiny’s side, snoring. Damn traitorous dog, turned by a pretty face. Shaking his head, Andrew smiled at the picture of the beautiful woman and the shaggy mutt sleeping peacefully together.


  Hours later, Destiny woke to the smell of food and the sounds of static and music. Her head didn’t throb nearly as badly as the first time she woke up in the little room. Propping her heavy head on her arm, she watched Andrew dancing in the kitchen with his back to her. He swayed gracefully, his feet turning so she could see him in profile as he sang into a spoon. She closed her eyes to slits, but it was useless. The smile on her lips betrayed her. Locking his eyes on her, he began to perform in an exaggerated fashion for her amusement.

  The small light in the kitchen allowed her to study his features clearly for the first time. He was very handsome, with short brown hair and smooth skin. His golden brown eyes twinkled when he smiled captivatingly at her. She could not help herself and smiled back, which seemed to make him smile even more. Although he wore a thick pullover, she could remember how finely sculpted his back and chest were from the last time she had seen him standing in that same spot.

  Averting her eyes, she pretended to look for Shadow so Andrew would not see her blushing. Despite her efforts, he noticed. Her attempts to hide her appreciative glance made him smile even more. Her green eyes twinkled, her smile lighting up the corner of the room where she rested. A familiar stirring coursed through his chest and down to his legs. He quickly pushed the thoughts away, adjusting the channel to limit the static on the radio. If she realized the effect she had on him, she would close herself off again. She was beginning to trust him and he did not want to jeopardize that trust.

  The weather reports that managed to break through the static on the radio stated there were at least three more days of raging snow circling the area. The weather must cooperate before he would be able to get Destiny to the sheriff or a doctor. Until then, he did not want to engage in a war with her or spend time defending himself.

  The storm trapped them together for the time being and he would have to make the best of it. Keep his hands off her, keep her comfortable, and then get her out of his cabin as soon as he could. In the meantime, if she did not trust him, she might try to leave or hurt him if he was not wary. On the other hand, it was probably a good thing for her she was injured. Remembering her injuries instead of thinking of her as a beautiful woman would make it easier to control his newfound urges toward her, especially if she kept smiling at him the way she did.

  Turning his thoughts from her, he returned to preparing their simple dinner of grilled cheese and vegetable soup. Despite the rustic appeal of the structure, he had no intentions of living without some minor conveniences. The cabin was equipped with a small generator for backup electricity, but if he wasn’t frugal, he would have to do without the luxury of coffee and lighting other than candlelight.

  The cabin had no central heat, but the plumbing worked very well, running from the well behind the cabin, through a series of filters and insulated pipes and into the house.

  The snowstorm wiped out the main electricity on the first night, and he had no idea how long it would be until he could get down into the small town to refill the propane tanks. Switching off the radio and the light, he placed the food on the counter and faced Destiny. She lay on her side on the bed with her head propped on her hand.

  “I hope you’re hungry. I need to find a level surface for you to eat on though.”

  “I’m starving. It seems like I haven’t eaten in weeks.” Another smile briefly crossed her lips.

  “But, before we eat, could you help me again?” She glanced at the bathroom door.

  This time, instead of reacting stiffly as if he would throw her out the window, she clasped her wrists around his neck. Her body was warm and soft. As he carried her, the weight of her breasts pressed against his chest, her nipples tightening against him through the flannel that buttoned up all the way to her neck. He did not want to let go of her even after he had taken the few short steps to the bathroom.

  She shivered as his body heat left her while he helped her stand on her good foot. When she finished, he returned, scooping her into his arms.

  “I feel like a knight in shining armor coming to rescue you from the plumbing dragons.”

  “Oh my fair and brave knight.” She did her best to curtsy with only her head. “Thank you for slaying the dreaded plumbing dragon with your mighty plunger.”

  She batted her eyelashes and gave him a coy look. Unable to contain himself, he broke into laughter and she joined him.

  “I am feeling much better. Do you think we could both sit on the floor to eat?”

  “I think that’s a great idea. I’ll get you all set up.”

  He sat her on the chai
r he occupied earlier. Taking the pillows and blankets, he created a cushion for her leg and back.

  She laughed nervously, admitting her fears.

  “And to think that not too long ago, I thought about grabbing the fireplace poker to protect myself from you.”

  He pushed aside the thought of being bludgeoned with a fireplace poker.

  “You seemed pretty frightened when you woke up. I guess I would have thought the same thing if I were you.”

  His calming eyes scanned her face and she relaxed. They were on the same page now. A twinkle came to his eye and he gave her a devilish grin.

  “Did you reach over while I wasn’t looking and grab the fireplace poker?”

  “Of course not. I know now you would just laugh at me for even trying.”

  Andrew moved closer, dramatically looking over and around her. Spotting the fireplace tools, he bounded over and grabbed the set.

  “I think I will just move these out of the way for my own piece of mind.”

  He set the rack and tools near the front door before turning his attention back to Destiny.

  “What about my razor from the bathroom? Are you planning on making me bleed to death from a thousand tiny nicks or a severe case of razor burn?”

  Reaching her, he placed his hands on each ankle, mindful of the bruised one. His hands roamed thoroughly up her legs, around her hips, and up her sides, frisking her for hidden weapons.

  The firm yet brisk touch tickled, causing giggles to erupt from Destiny.

  “Some knight you are! Since when do knights frisk their princesses?”

  “Okay, fair maiden, I think you’re clean. Not even a paperclip to poke my eyes out with. Are you ready to feast now, milady?”

  He helped ease her to the makeshift pad, placing her swollen ankle on a pillow to keep it from bumping on the wood floor. Fluffing the pillow behind her, he looked into her clear green eyes. Her head did not seem to be aching as badly as it had been and she was not as dizzy either. Those were good signs as far as he was concerned.

  He served her soup and a sandwich along with a warm mug of tea sweetened with milk and sugar.


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