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Blaze (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 5)

Page 8

by Piper Stone

  “Wait a minute. You’re a large animal veterinarian and you don’t ride them?” Boone coughed.

  Wrinkling her nose, she glanced at the sky. “Well, about that.”

  “Now, I know you’re a large animal vet because you have to be in order to be on the payroll of any rodeo, at least in the United States.”

  Goosebumps popped along her skin and she was suddenly very cold. “You’ve been checking up on me.”

  “My turn to confess. I did. I had to know who I was dealing with. You know, just in case you were an ax murderer or something.”

  Narrowing her eyes, she huffed. “Very funny. So, I lied a teensy-weensy bit in order to get the job. I didn’t see a hell of a lot of other applications.” Stasha wanted to slip her hand into her shirt, pinch her aching nipples. She had a feeling of being tongue tied.

  His grin grew mischievous. “Your secret is safe with me, but you might have to do me a favor later on.”

  “Hmmm… Why do I feel like I’m getting in with the Devil?”

  Leaning down, he breathed in then blew a swath of hot air across her face and neck. “You just might be, but I can tell you’re the kind of girl who can handle anything I have to dish out.”

  Her knees had bent, her legs shaking, and she hadn’t realized she’d licked her dry lips until he growled. “You’re on.”

  Boone remained hovering, his lips almost touching hers for a solid ten seconds. “Then how about I teach you the finer points of riding? That is, if you have some free time. Then again, I’m not certain I’m going to take no for an answer either. Just the kind of cowboy I am.”

  The challenge was too delicious to resist. “I have an hour or so.” She gathered a whiff of cinnamon candy on his breath and the combination with the scent of his skin, the light perspiration beading along his forehead and the wafting of testosterone kept her nipples hard, ready to be pinched, sucked. After a few fleeting images of the man on horseback just seconds before dropping to wrestle a steer, the vivid imagery changed to something far more sexual in nature. And dominating.

  “Stasha. Come here. I don’t need to tell you how disappointed I am.”

  Stasha shivered as she walked closer. Just seeing her Master’s eyes was horrifying, creating a wave of near despair. She stood in bare feet, the simple white robe loosely tied at the waist. “I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to disobey you.”

  Boone took a deep breath yet held his dominating glance. After exhaling, he placed his hand on her shoulder. “I know. I will have to punish you.”

  “Yes, sir. I know that.”

  “Remove your robe.” His command was not to be questioned.

  “Yes, sir.” Her hands didn’t shake as she unfastened the silk tie and slipped the material off her shoulders. She knew what was expected of her, what rules she was required to follow and she’d broken two of them, the very ones that hurt him the most. When she stood naked, her head lowered, she thought about her misgivings, the ways in which she’d displeased him. There was no way to make up for her actions, but the penance would prove her loyalty.

  Boone eased a single finger under her chin, lifting gently and gazing into her eyes. “You are my prize, my sweet submissive, but you will learn.”

  “Yes, sir.” The touch of his hand, the comfort in the single touch showered her with such warmth, unbridled love and she knew there was no place she’d rather be.

  As he led her toward the cross, shackling her wrists and ankles, she smiled, desire coming in waves. She belonged to him.


  Stasha jumped, a single yelp rolling out of her mouth. This had never happened. Not once since…

  Boone narrowed his eyes. “Are you okay? I thought I’d lost you there for a minute.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” Brushing her slack mouth with the back of her hand, she felt the moisture and cringed. She must have been drooling. What in the hell was wrong with her? Heat had crept up from the swell of her breasts to her neck and face, and she was forced to pant in order to try and cool down.

  “You don’t look well. Maybe we should get you inside.” Boone used the backs of his fingers to touch her cheek, the expression on his face full of concern.

  Even the slightest touch was full of electricity, and she had to fight every muscle in her body to keep from shaking. “No. No! I’m fine. Really. I’d love to go for a ride.”

  “You’re sure? I can grab some water at least.”

  “No, I’m good.” The entire daydream had seemed so real. Wow. When he nodded and moved around her, opening the gate, she finally breathed out. She captured the moment again, smiling as she clenched her fist. Boone Martin might be the very man of her dreams. As long as she could get over her nightmares.

  “Okay then. I’ll saddle up a couple horses. Unless you want to ride bareback?”

  “A saddle is fine.” Everything he said had a sultry overtone. Stasha wiped her mouth again and watched as he moved into the barn, whistling as he grabbed a saddle, carrying the weight with ease. “How long have you been riding?”

  “My mama used to say that I was riding horses before I could walk.” Boone gave her a sideways glance. “Course my mama was a mighty storyteller too.”

  “I’ve missed being around them. I’m hoping I can have more time to ride Mandy at some point.”

  “Well,” Boone said as he eased the saddle over one of the other horses. “I’ll make you a deal. You can ride here anytime you like.”

  “I like that deal.”

  He buckled everything in place then grabbed a second, placing the leather piece over Blaze. After fastening it, he rubbed her neck and whispered in her ear, “Blaze said he wouldn’t mind if you want to ride him.”

  “Blaze? Me? I don’t know if I’m ready for that.”

  “He’s very gentle.”

  “He’s huge.”

  Boone winked then beckoned her inside. “Don’t let the size fool ya. Gentle as a lamb, unless you piss him off.”

  “Sounds like a few men I know.”

  “One day you’re going to have to explain to me why you hate men so damn much. I mean, I know we can be messy, bossy and pricks when we want to be but, we have our good sides too.”

  She walked inside the gate and when she approached Blaze, he seemed much larger than standing outside the fence. “Sometimes.”

  “Ouch! You’re killing me here. Let’s get you on.” As he helped her up, his hands never left her hips then her legs, his fingers lingering after she was in position.

  Shivering, Stasha gripped the reins, rolling them around her hands.

  “Relax. We’re only going to the back of the ranch. I think you’ll like a little spot.”

  “Okay.” Even her voice was shaking. There was nothing to be afraid of. She trusted both Blaze and Boone. The why suddenly didn’t matter.

  Boone climbed onto the other horse with ease. “Come on. Blaze knows this ride well. Just hold on and follow me. Relax and keep your body loose. He’ll do most of the work.”

  Leaning over, she rubbed her hand on Blaze’s mane. “Just you and me, baby.”

  Boone shook his head and made a clicking sound before heading out of the corral. “Slow and easy.”

  She hadn’t noticed a trail leading from the back of the house. The path was wide enough for two and as he picked up his pace, moving at a trot, she was surprised that she was comfortable, enjoying the ride almost immediately. She followed behind at first then when she was confident she wasn’t going to fall off and kill herself, she tapped her heels, allowing Blaze to pick up a little speed. Overhanging trees and blooming shrubs lined the well-maintained path. “Why did you give up the circuit?”

  “Just time I guess. Felt like I had to grow up. A real job with a regular paycheck and benefits. The ranch I owned had… Let’s just say issues. So, I sold it. I got top dollar and never looked back.”

  “But it sounds like you miss it.”

  “Texas?” Boone sighed. “Maybe some. But I have everything I need here. Almost e
verything.” He gave her a sideways glance. “My turn to ask questions.”

  “Okay.” She could tell he noticed the hesitation in her voice.

  “Why Missoula?”

  “Looked pretty on paper.”

  Laughing, he patted his horse. “That’s as good as anything else I’ve heard. Come on. You’re doing well and not much further.”

  They rode in silence and Blaze responded to every move, every touch of her hand. By the time Boone pointed toward a clearing in the trees, she was relaxed, more so than she’d been in months.

  He rode into the clearing and stopped, taking a deep breath. “There is nothing as beautiful as this.”

  Stasha eased beside him and was blown away. The sound she’d heard before was a river, a raging body of water rolling in such ferocity that there appeared to be waves. She hadn’t realized she’d inched closer until Boone wrapped his hand around her reins.

  “Don’t get too close. The drop off will kill you.”

  Even from where she was sitting, she could see the drop off the ragged edge was a solid hundred feet. The clearing was flanked by several species of trees, all vying for the warming rays of the sun. The wind, seemingly light before, was whipping through the limbs, creating a whistling through the dense foliage. The scent of the water was powerful yet so clean, fresh. A misting spray seemed to float from the water’s edge, creating a light fog as the water churned. And on the other side of the water, the land rolled up into the most incredible mountain she’d ever seen. “I don’t even know what to say.”

  “There are magnificent views almost everywhere close to the water and the mountains, but this is like sent from God above. A good place to contemplate every decision or every bad deed.”

  “Do you have a lot of those?”

  “Decisions?” he asked, his voice decidedly a deep baritone.

  “Bad deeds.”

  Boone shifted the horse, moving closer. “You might have to wait and find out.”

  As she looked into his eyes, the connection shared left her shaking. “I might.”

  Boone kept Blaze’s reins in his hand as he leaned his head toward her, his eyes darting back and forth. “Stasha. I don’t know what’s happening between us.”

  “I don’t either.”

  “But I like what I’m feeling.”

  She knew she should stop this before anything got started, but she wanted nothing more than to feel close to him. His lips. His touch. His body. “I do too.”

  Very slowly, he captured her mouth, holding the kiss as he opened his mouth slowly.

  Tingling, she freed her hand, sliding her fingers up along his arm to his neck. The way he tasted her, allowing his mouth to part then close, touching their lips together then pulling away, allowed the passion to roar between them. The wind tickled her naked skin, making everything ultra-sensitive, alive, the fire between them sweltering.

  Boone cupped her face, his thumb rubbing back and forth in an aimless rhythm. The grip was light, loving as if he was afraid she’d race away. When she moaned just once, his grip became firm, pulling her forward on the saddle.

  She slipped her tongue past his lips, touching his, entwining them together. Breathless, she realized she was whimpering, the sounds laced with longing.

  The pressure of his fingers became stronger, the tips pushing against her skin. Grunting, he tugged her forward until the tip of his tongue hit the back of her throat.

  The moment of passion was intense, shooting dancing shivers down her back. She craned her neck, longing to be closer still, to melt inside of the man. And she would give him anything he asked.


  The sound echoed in the trees and within seconds, flocks of birds rushed into the sky, screaming and cawing in an effort to get away.

  Blaze jerked back, the sound of his whinnying full of horror.

  Boone tried to hold the reins but was pulled away as Blaze reared onto his back legs. “Shit!”

  Everything was in slow motion as she tried to hold on. “Whoa!” While she had a firm grip, Blaze dropped then rose again. This time, the momentum forced her to drop. As her body rolled, she flailed out her hands, trying to catch anything in the path. Flashes of light and color, echoes of the booming sound pounded in her ears, Boone’s screams. She could also smell the water. Closer. Closer still…


  “Fuck!” Boone’s exasperated voice hovered over her as he wrapped his arms around her and yanked her back. “Goddamn it! I’m going to kill the motherfucker.”

  She squeezed her eyes closed and concentrated on the sound of his ragged heartbeat. When she stopped shaking, she lifted her head. She’d come to within inches of losing her life. “Boone.”

  “Come on. Let’s get you away from the edge. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Don’t try and stand. You were thrown.” Boone eased her back, huffing and puffing. “Fucker. Fucker!”

  “It’s okay. Where’s Blaze? What about your horse?”

  “Blaze and Copper are fine.” He allowed her to sit then scanned the entire area. “That was a goddamn gunshot.”

  “Like last night,” Stasha managed and rubbed her shaking hand through her hair. “Came from that damn house. I know it.” She struggled to get out of his arms. “I need to find out what’s going on.”

  “You sit still right there, or I’ll beat your ass, even if you are hurt. Let me grab the horses. You are not going over there.” Grumbling, he rose to his feet, pointing his finger down. “You could have been killed. Stay put. We will get to the bottom of this.”

  Stasha eased to her feet, swaying back and forth. After darting a look over her shoulder, she limped further away from the edge. She was certain the gunshot had been on purpose. When Boone disappeared into the tree line, she turned in a full circle, wishing she was more familiar with the area. When he didn’t return within seconds, she moved toward where she believed the shot had come from. Every step methodical, she stepped over a series of shrubs and fallen limbs and further into the forest.

  She stopped and listened, studying the area around her. There were no tell-tale signs, no obvious indicators. Her gut was telling her she was heading in the right direction. After looking over her shoulder one more time, she pressed on. Her left arm hurt like a son of a bitch, but nothing was broken. That much she knew. Blaze had been scared to death. The light became more shadowed as she took another few steps. The trees were much larger, the area beneath full of briars and ivy.

  Vines wrapped around her ankle, jerking her against a tree. “Shit!” She tried to untangle herself but the burrs bit into her skin.


  Boone’s voice boomed through the trees, the tone full of concern.

  “Here.” Huffing, she rested against the tree, her chest heaving. Her gut told her someone or an animal was in trouble. She heard the sound of his heavy footsteps and turned in the direction.

  “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” He shook his head as he appeared, glancing down at the condition of her leg. “Are you begging to get hurt?”

  “We need to find out what’s going on.”

  Yanking out a pocket knife, he shook his head as he advanced. “And what if there’s a hunter out there? What if he mistook you for a deer or a fox?”

  “They shoot foxes?”

  Crouching down, he mumbled under his breath as he cut the vines.

  When she was free, she took a giant stride away from the tree. His hand wrapped around her arm almost immediately.

  “Stop. Listen to me. You don’t know the area or these woods. In truth, neither do I.”

  “The shot was close. We have to find out. We need to know.” You bet the tone of her voice was imploring.

  Boone’s huff was full of anger. “Did anyone ever tell you that you had a death wish?”

  “No one that lived.”

  He shook his head several times then glanced at the forest beyond them. “Let me go first. You follow me. Period. Got it?”

  “Got it, sir.”r />
  Grumbling, he cut through several vines before walking forward. “Watch your step.”

  “I have been in the woods before.”

  “And you know what? I don’t want to know the details.” He took long strides, helping her over fallen limbs as they continued walking. “The horses are fine, by the way.”

  “Whoever did this needs to be castrated.” She heard his chuckle and could tell he was disgruntled with her, but she had to know what had occurred.

  “Whoever did this might own land and be allowed to hunt. Something for you to keep in mind.”

  “That shot was far too close, and you know it.”

  Boone sighed. “Yeah, I agree. Just stay close but we’re only going so far.”

  “Agreed.” They tramped through the woods for five minutes and every inch seemed the same to her. There were no distinguishable marks, no indication of how far they’d gone. “Where are we?”

  Stopping short, he tipped his head in her direction. “Where the boogeyman lives.”

  She could see the sparkle in his eyes even in the shadows. “Very funny. I need to know what happened.” Veering around him, she took long strides, ignoring the pain as she attempted to jump over fallen tree limbs. A sudden smell assaulted her senses. “What’s that?”

  Flanking her side, he breathed in. “An animal kill. I have no doubt.”

  “How many damn hunters do you have here?” Forging on, she fought with briars as she forged her way through.

  He grabbed her shoulder, pulling her to a stop. “Listen.”

  Holding her breath, she did as he asked, trying to gather any sounds. Voices. She could swear she heard voices. She gripped his arm, anger fueling her mind. Then she took off running, heading blindly into the darkened forest.


  He caught her less than a hundred yards away, yanking her to a dead stop. “Slow the fuck down. We have to go back.”

  “But you heard someone like I did.”

  “That doesn’t mean there’s anything going on.”


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