Mountain Man's Secret Baby_An Older Man Younger Woman Romance
Page 5
He continues grasping my hair but brings his hand around toward the front of my body grabbing my breast and then continuing up and gently massaging my throat.
I lean my head back and expose my throat as he runs his hand along it very gently.
“But not that bad,” he says, dropping my hair and spanking my ass again.
My midsection shoots forward from the force and I feel his cock press against my ass as his whole body pins me against the vertical tiles.
Two fingers slide along my pussy from front to back before coming around my right shoulder and passing in front of my face.
I turn my face toward the left following them and watch as his he slides them into his mouth and sucks them completely dry, his eyes rolling back in his head before closing.
“Ummmm. So, so sweet,” he says. “You taste sweeter than candy.”
His hips buck forward wildly and I feel his cock slide in-between my legs.
I’m so hot right now I’m doing everything not to come.
He slaps me again, this time squeezing my ass even harder causing me to rise up on my tiptoes.
I feel the back of his hand brush against my folds and then look down just in time to see him wrap his hand around his cock and then bring both back through my legs and out of my field of view.
I feel the head of his cock at my opening along with the side of his finger and his thumb as he holds his rod there ready to impale me.
“Fuck me,” I say.
“You sure you’re ready for that?”
“I’m ready,” I say.
“You’re ready for me to slam my cock so far inside you you’re pinned against this wall? The side of your cheek pressed against these tiles while water splashes over you causing you to lose your balance and any sense of where you are as I thrust over and over up inside you?”
“And you’re ready for me to lose control and bite your ear and grab your hips with both hands so I can get deeper and deeper inside you burying my come so deep there’s no choice but for you to have my baby.”
“I want to have your babies,” I say, realizing I do want that but having no idea why I’m saying it so simply and how this is all escalating so quickly.
“And when I come inside you your pussy is ready to grip my rod so hard that it creates a perfect vacuum so not a single drop escapes and my best sperm fight to reach your egg and fertilize it creating the most perfect, beautiful child?”
“I want your child. I want your come.”
“Not just my child. Our child. The child we’ve both waited for years to make now finally becoming a reality. Your getting your first child whether you had any idea you were ready for it or not when you woke up this morning.”
“I’m ready.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m not sure you are. You make me so hard. So lustful. So passionate that I know when I come deep inside you nature has no choice but to bring us a new life together.”
“I want that.”
“You do things to me that I didn’t even know were possible to do to a man, let alone one with as much strength, resolve, and willpower as I have. You change my discipline from being a man who fends for himself day in and day out to one who can only thing about caring and providing for his woman and his family. The one we’re going to make together. Do you understand me?”
“I understand. I want everything. I want you. I need you to fuck me like your life depends on it.”
I didn’t know she had those kinds of words in her. It’s just that our connection is so strong and so powerful that we bring it out of each other.
I slide my dick in and feel her bend at the knees trying to get me in deeper before I even begin to thrust.
She wants all of me. She needs every last inch. And I have no choice but to give it to her.
My hips thrust uncontrollably.
I grab her hair and pull it back again before I lose complete control.
My hands come to her waist and I latch on slamming my dick deep inside her.
“Ahhh. Ahh. Ahh,” she screams as I feel her come but I don’t stop for a second.
My hands dart up and underneath her armpits and I lift her from the ground lifting her and dropping her on my rod as the warm water rushes over us as I go deeper and deeper inside her. Opening her up wider so she can accept ever last baby making gift I’m ready to give her.
Her ass pounds against my pelvis and I feel like a complete animal. Deep, dark growls escape me as my face turns red and I feel myself grinding my teeth so hard I surely have to be losing enamel.
My teeth rake back and forth against each other as my muscles flex non-stop preparing to unload the ultimate climax inside her.
Her feet dangle off the tiles below and her body moves like a rag doll as I push harder and deeper causing her moans to grow deeper, louder, and even more hungry.
“Uhhhh. Uh. Uhhhhhhhhh,” I say as my knees weaken and a volcano of come shoots from my dick deep into her pussy via a completely open floodgate.
There are no jerks and pumps of my rod just a complete unleashing a steady stream as I fill her with everything I have and even more than she can take.
I feel light headed as her pussy pulsates against my rod trying to trap it in place. Milking it for every last gooey drop.
I lower her feet to the ground and pull my dick out of her causing a loud sucking sound from the vacuum seal being broken.
I watch as part of my come drips down her leg and she feels it too. Her hand rushes around to her backside as she scoops it up with two fingers and inserts it back inside.
I slowly lower myself to my knees unable to stand and unable to think.
She’s reduced me to this. A completely spent mess on the floor of a shower in a small mountain town.
And I’ve never felt like a bigger man in my entire life.
Because I know I’ve done the ultimate thing I can do.
I’ve created a baby with her and it’s the absolute best feeling in the entire world.
I hear three knocks on the door. “Housekeeping.”
The handle opens and I reach for the sheet covering my groin with it.
“Oh! Sorry, sir. Checkout time has passed,” the house cleaner says.
“Can I get a minute to check out.”
“Yes, certainly. Sorry to interrupt.”
The woman shuts the door and I shake the cobwebs loose from my brain.
I can’t believe I fell asleep. I look at the clock.
It’s noon. I remember seeing 7:33 because thirty-three is my age and seven is a lucky number for me.
I walk into the bathroom looking to find her.
Then it hits me. I never actually got her name, or at least her real one, nor did she get mine.
How is that possible?
I feel like a completely rude low-life now, but in some small way it makes sense. We were just so into the moment, so present, that the formalities of an introduction got bypassed. We met with adversity, not exactly a formal gathering over a cup of teas to exchange pleasantries. I smile remembering the first thing she did was throw a punch at me.
She’s a feisty one. One of the reasons I’m so head over heels for her already.
“Good morning, sunshine,” I say as I walk through the room.
I check the bathroom. Nothing. That’s strange.
I check the kitchen. Not there either.
There isn’t really another room left. The living room connects to the kitchen and they’re not the biggest even though this is the biggest suite in the entire property.
I grab the phone and call down to reception.
“Is there a young woman in the lobby having a coffee by herself.”
“Let me check.” Just a few seconds pass. “No, sir.”
“The restaurant maybe?”
“The restaurant closed at
11:00. Everyone was out by 11:15.”
“Anywhere else on the grounds someone might go?”
“We do have a hot tub, meeting room, and a gym.”
“Great, thanks. I’ll check there.”
I hang up the phone and go for a quick shower. I can still smell her scent on my skin. Normally I would absolutely loathe having anything feminine of any form on my person, let alone smell like a woman. But with her it’s different.
It reminds me of her hair. The way it smelled when she rested on my chest in-between love making sessions, of which we had a few.
And it also reminds me of the raw heat and energy when we both let loose and acted like feral beasts with one another, of which we also had a few of those too.
I jump out of the shower, towel off, and get dressed quickly.
There’s a glass of water on the table. I grab it and tip it back in one gulp. I’m dehydrated after everything we did last night.
I look down at the table realizing the glass of water was resting on top of the edge of a piece of paper.
I pick it up and bring it closer to my face.
Good morning
From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you for everything. I enjoyed every single second and wouldn’t trade it for anything. I couldn’t think of a better way to experience my first time nor a more amazing person to share it with.
I think it was fate that brought us together and I think it’s fate that will tear us apart.
Although our time together was brief, I will remember it forever. And as strange as it sounds I think that’s where we both belong…in each other’s memories.
The perfect love that’s unattainable, but we managed to obtain it once. Perfect. Passionate. Primal.
As much as we’re the same I think we’re from two different worlds and the last thing I want is to ever try and change you. You’re perfect just the way you are.
And that’s how I’ll always remember you.
Good-bye and thank you to my first real love albeit brief it burned brighter than I could have ever imagined.
“No! Ahhh no,” I say falling to my knees.
“This can’t be real,” I say aloud. I run to the closet and open the doors waiting for her to surprise me with some unexpected humor.
Not a chance. The closet is as empty as I feel right now.
“Sir?” Three knocks on the door. “Is everything okay in there?”
“Go away!”
I hear the footsteps down the hall and bury my head in my hands.
Wait. I can find her. She surely hasn’t made it very far.
Then I realize I have absolutely no money. Even if I hitchhike it’s not like I can catch up with her. I don’t even know in what direction she’s going.
My entire weight plops down in a chair and I try and run scenarios through my head as quickly as possible.
I have to find her even though it’s clear she doesn’t want to be found.
But right now I have no money and everyone who was here for the parade will have been long gone. The last stragglers would have already checked out this morning.
I’ll ask at the lobby. It’s my only chance. If I just know what direction she headed and if there’s anyone going that way then I can find her.
I have to move fast. With every second that ticks by my chances decrease exponentially.
I spring from the chair and bolt to the elevator.
I slam my finger into the lobby button repeatedly until my finger jams.
I don’t feel the pain in my finger at all.
Right now nothing can be more painful that the knife that’s been stuck in my heart.
Eight weeks later
I wake up and immediately vomit.
Why has this been happening so much lately?
Is something going around at college?
I get cleaned up and step outside to head to class. The winter wind slaps me right in the face and I raise my hand to cover the cough I feel about to make its presence.
“Ouch!” I say as I finish coughing.
When I raised my hands my forearms pressed against my chest. My breasts are so sensitive again.
Something’s just not right. I wonder if I have a more serious condition. Fortunately we have a small university clinic with an extremely low cost to be seen. I better get looked at before this winter illness turns into something bigger.
An hour later I’m sitting in the doctor’s waiting room anxiously anticipating my results. The nurse had me fill out a five page questionnaire and then after a brief wait I met with the doctor. He asked me some questions and then ran what he called routine tests and then asked me to have a seat outside.
The phone on the nurse’s desk next to my chair rings and she picks it up.
“Yes, doctor. Yes. Yes. I’ll be right in.”
She stands and walks the few feet to his door. She enters but as she shuts the door she shoots me a strange look. It’s an evil look actually.
What was that for?
A few seconds later she emerges.
“The doctor has asked for a urine specimen,” she says. “You can use the restroom right over there.”
“Okay. Thank you,” I say taking the cup and showing myself to the ladies room.
What in the world is going on? Luckily I have been feeling dehydrated so I’ve been drinking water seemingly non-stop. I’m able to provide the specimen right away and a couple minutes later I’m outside handing it back to the nurse.
“If you can just have a seat,” she says.
“Sure,” I say.
I’m starting to get more and more anxious by the minute.
Why is the doctor running additional tests? This doesn’t seem good. Not. At. All.
The nurse takes my urine specimen into the doctor’s office.
I’m really getting nervous now. Do I have a more serious virus? I thought this was just a nasty cold with a lingering cough.
If I’m throwing up do I have a stomach infection?
A few minutes pass, but it seems like an eternity.
The door opens, and the nurse comes out. “The doctor will see you now,” she says holding the door open for me.
I stand up and walk through the door, which the nurse closes from the other side. It’s just the two of us now.
“Please have a seat,” the doctor says as he makes some notes on a computer printout that appears to have my name at the top.
I sit down on the cold fake leather chair. My hands brace the edges as I white knuckle grip the even colder steel bars that make up the frame on the underside of the padded seat which has been worn most of the way through.
My foot is tapping the ground profusely but I can’t seem to stop it.
The last thing I need right now is to have a serious illness. Winter will only make it worse, plus I need to really focus on my studies this semester. I can’t get distracted thinking about the mountain man any more than I already am.
“Winter,” he pauses. “There’s only one real way to tell you this.”
I don’t say anything.
“You’re pregnant.”
My body and mind go completely numb.
“Based on the questionnaire you completed and the tests we ran I would estimate you’re about eight weeks along…if that rings any bells.”
If that rings any bells?
I want to deck him right in the face! I’m not someone who’s out there hooking up with every guy under the sun each weekend at those fraternity parties. I’ve only been with one guy my entire life!
I take a deep breath trying to put myself in the doctor’s shoes. I guess he sees girls like me every day. He’s probably tired of it by now and thinks we’re a bunch of loosey-goosey kids too eager to have sex and not careful enough to think through the consequences. As much as I hate to admit it he might be right.
“You have options,” he says trying to soften the b
“I don’t,” I say.
“Do you know who the father is?” he asks in a more comforting tone. I’m not sure if this is typical for how a doctor would approach this but then again he is a university doctor so I’m guessing he’s got some experience dealing with girls my age.
“I’d rather not say.”
“I understand. There are support groups and agencies to turn to. People will help you either direction you take.”
I’m still trying to wrap my head around what he’s telling me.
“There are some pamphlets in the lobby that the nurse will provide to you before you go.”
“Okay” I say. I just want to get out of there as quickly as possible.
“If you need anything they can help you.”
“Okay,” I repeat like a parrot.
“Do you have any questions?”
“No. I’m sorry. I mean thank you for your time.”
I get up from my seat and offer my hand. He shakes it and I turn and go as quickly as possible.
The nurse hands me something which I grab like a baton during an Olympic relay sprint.
“We need you to sign the paperwork!” she says.
“Sorry,” I say as I turn around and come back. I scribble something that’s as close to my name as I can manage given the circumstances. I just want to get out of here as quickly as possible so nobody sees me.
“Thanks for your help,” I say.
I tuck the packet under my arm and speed walk out of the clinic.
How could I be so naive?
I bring the ax down hard on the timber splitting it right in half and sending each piece of the log shooting in opposite directions.
I’ve got more than enough wood for this winter, but I need to do something to keep me busy. To keep my mind off of her.
I’ve walked back into that damn town five times now. Two days down and two days back. I’ve spent twenty days of the last sixty walking back and forth hoping someone in town has news about her. Just a glimpse. If anyone knows anything so I can get a start looking for her.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
I line up another log and bring the ax down so hard that it impales the wood and carries right through finishing in the frozen dirt between my feet.