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Naughty by Nature

Page 20

by Brenda Hampton

  I wanted to say, “I doubt it” but I kept my mouth shut. Amber told me to have a safe trip and said she’ll be in touch soon.

  After her call woke me up, I couldn’t go back to sleep for nothing. I tossed and turned. Turned on the TV and flipped through the channels. I even went for a jog and lifted some weights. It was obvious that I was trying to keep my mind off Scorpio, but I wasn’t doing too much of a good job of it.

  I was delighted to see the sun come up. I showered, ate breakfast and headed for the airport. By 7:45 A.M., my plane was on the way to Florida.



  Well, I’ll be darn. Here goes this miserable and sick feeling again. Every time I allow myself to fall for a man, and things don’t work out, why do I always get this feeling? After what happened between Jaylin and me, I promised I would never feel this way again. But there I was, sitting up in my bed, thinking about Shane.

  I hadn’t talked to him all week and I for surely thought he’d call and say good-bye before he left on Friday. But, so much for that. I knew he was gone and I wasn’t going to sit around the house feeling sorry for myself until he got back. At this point, I wasn’t even sure if I’d ever hear from him again.

  On Saturday, Leslie had gone to Jay’s for me so I could get some rest. So much for that, as all I could hear were the kids downstairs screaming and hollering. I could tell they were playing so I stayed in bed and cooled out. I’d broken the bad news to Leslie the other day; Miss Brooks who lived in my apartment building wasn’t moving out. She changed her mind and I didn’t have the heart to tell her she still had to go. Leslie wasn’t too thrilled about it, but I reminded her that she could stay here for as long as she wanted. I told her how much I appreciated her helping out and I called a travel agent to purchase tickets to Disney World. Her and the kids were pretty excited about going and they couldn’t wait until next weekend. Having so much on my plate, I opted not to go. There was no way I could leave Jay’s for seven whole days, and considering the problems I was having with my stalker, now wasn’t the appropriate time for me to go anywhere.

  At least I can say whoever’s been responsible, they’d kind of chilled out. Nothing out of the ordinary had happened, and they hadn’t called my phone since Shane answered it that day. I found that quite odd, and I wasn’t sure if it meant anything or not.

  By 6:00 P.M., I was ready to go to Jay’s and trade places with Leslie. I took the kids to the mall and they cut up. I must have yelled at least a million times but it was as if nobody heard me. When lil James took it upon himself to stuff candy in his pocket, as if nobody was watching, I’d had enough. The lady at the store treated him like a straight-up criminal. She called security and they came to the store and lectured him. Lectured him so hard that it made him cry. Damn, it almost made me cry and that’s when I went off and almost got myself arrested. I knew he was wrong, and by all means, all he had to do was ask me to buy the candy and I would have. I told him exactly that and he said he was sorry.

  No doubt, Leslie had her hands full, but so did I with Mackenzie. She was a prissy child who had to have everything she saw. And if I didn’t get it, she’d throw a tantrum. She’d been doing that for years, but it was one more thing I could thank Jaylin for. He gave her any and everything she wanted and I was sure she hadn’t forgotten.

  Jay’s was packed. There was nowhere to park, so the kids and I had to park on a parking lot further down the street. When I walked inside, it was noisy as ever. Gossip, gossip, and more gossip was going on. Jamaica was being her normal self and she and Bernie were at it again. Yasing was even arguing with one of her customers who claimed she’d lost her money and didn’t have enough to pay. When Miss “this place is too ghetto” Eva walked in, I hurried to my office. Eva yelled out loudly, asking if anybody wanted to purchase tickets to a concert. Apparently, she couldn’t make it and everybody was trying to get them.

  I made the kids go to the lower level and play, and then headed for my office. The door was open and Leslie sat at my desk while paging through a stylist magazine.

  “Don’t you hear all that noise out there?”

  She nodded. “Yes. That’s why I’m back here.”

  “Girl, you have got to get some order in this place. Not only that, but you need to get some order with your kids.”

  She closed the magazine. “What happened? I’m sure you didn’t make it through the day without any drama.”

  I told Leslie what happened at the mall and she was furious. So furious that she barely said good-bye. All she said was the kids and her would see me at home.

  Since I’d gotten to Jay’s, things had calmed down a bit. By now, it was almost midnight and I went back to my office to call Maxwell who’d been calling me like crazy. It wasn’t like I was trying to play him off, but since things were going pretty smooth with Shane, I saw no need to call Maxwell anymore. Either way, I called and he wasn’t thrilled about me avoiding him. He spoke in a deep, smooth but stern voice. It was like Leon’s voice from The Five Heartbeats and always had a way of turning me on.

  “Baby, you know it wasn’t cool for you to just cut me off at the snap of your finger. We’ve been through too much for you to do that.”

  “Maxwell, I’ve been busy. I wanted to call, but every time I picked up the phone, something always came up and required me to put it back down. Don’t take it personal, okay?”

  “I’ll try not to. What do you have going on for the rest of the evening?”

  “Nothing, but it’s getting kind of late.”

  “Then, why don’t you bring your sweetness to me? I’m at the Marriott downtown. I just finished up a business dinner and I got myself a suite.”

  I hesitated, but then thought, what the hell? “I’ll be there shortly. What’s your room number?”

  Maxwell gave me his room number and I waited until nearly everyone had left. Deidra and I left together, and just so I didn’t have to walk down the dark street to my car, we got in Deidra’s car and she drove me to mine. I got out and told her to have a safe ride home.

  On my drive to the Marriott, I thought about having sex with Maxwell and felt uneasy about it. Even though I had a disagreement with Shane, I was positive that it wasn’t over between us. And as much as I convinced myself I would never call him again, I knew I was lying to myself. I had my cell phone in my hand and dialed his number. The phone rang two times and when his voicemail picked up, I almost had a lost for words.

  “Hi . . . uh, it’s me. I hope you’re having fun in Florida and call me whenever you get a chance. Bye.” I paused. “I . . . I miss you. Hurry home so we can make up, okay?”

  I closed my phone and made my way to the hotel.

  When I entered the room, Maxwell was down to his robe. He was wrapping up a phone call and had already placed me on his lap while he talked. I could tell how happy he was to see me because he kept smiling and rushed to end his call. Whoever he was conversing with, kept running their mouth, and at times, he held the phone away from his ear and pecked my lips.

  Anxious to get this over with, I stood up and removed my clothes. It was my attempt to get him to hurry up with his call so I walked over to the tall glass windows and looked outside. Still on the phone, Maxwell came up from behind and wrapped his arm around me. He pecked down the side of my neck and lowered his hand to touch between my legs. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, thinking of Shane. I wondered what he was up to. Had he been thinking about me, too?

  Maxwell continued to rub me, and I looked outside at the many people walking around. What quickly caught my attention was a man standing down below with a camera in his hand. He seemed to be focusing it in my direction, but I wasn’t sure. I moved Maxwell’s hand and backed away from the window. I then reached for the curtains to close them.

  “John,” Maxwell said. “Listen, I need to end this conference call. I’ll call you on Monday and we can go over this more in detail. It’s late and I’m really beat.” He paused. “Okay . . . all right .
. . sure.” He tossed the phone on the bed. “Baby, I am really sorry about that. He called right before you came and I couldn’t get him off the phone.”

  “It’s okay,” I said. “Business is business.”

  I knew exactly what Maxwell wanted to do first so I sat on the edge of the bed and widened my legs. He smiled and kneeled in front of me. He placed my thighs on his shoulders and I fell back on the bed. Normally, I’d sit up and watch him, but today, I didn’t feel like it.

  As his tongue entered me, I looked up at the ceiling and then closed my eyes. What would Shane do if he knew I was here once again? Would he even care? He said to hell with me, but I know he didn’t mean it. So what I’m about to let Maxwell fuck me. And, fuck me good too, especially since—my cell phone rang. I looked at it on top of the dresser and quickly sat up.

  “I need to answer that,” I said, interrupting Maxwell.

  “Not now,” he said. “Get it later.”

  “I need to get it now. It might be important.”

  Maxwell backed up and I got off the bed. My phone had stopped ringing, but whoever it was left a message. I dialed my voicemail number and listened to the message. It was Shane: “I got your call, sorry I missed it. I guess you’re not answering because you’re busy. You’d better be good and I’ll call you when I get back. I miss you too, pretty lady.”

  A wide smile covered my face and I was so ready to get the hell out of there.

  I closed my phone and grabbed my skirt from the floor. “Maxwell I . . . I have to go. That was my sister and she needs me right now.”

  “Aw, come on baby. Is it that important?”

  “More important than some dick? Yeah, I would say so. Maybe we can hook up tomorrow.”

  Maxwell sat on the bed with an attitude as I put on the rest of my clothes. I said good-bye, but he didn’t respond. Oh well, I thought, and closed the door behind me.

  When Sunday rolled around, I was anxious to hear from Shane. I didn’t know what time his plane was coming in, but I hung around all day and waited for his call. By days end, I was disappointed. I’d even called his phone but got no answer. Maybe, just maybe, he decided to stay another day. If so, at least he could return my phone call to say so.

  Monday came and went and so did Tuesday. Still, no Shane. By now, yes, I was letting it bother me. I had an attitude with everybody at Jay’s and Leslie didn’t even want me around. I couldn’t help it, but how dare him not call me. My last message to him was yesterday, and after that, that was it for me. I didn’t want to appear desperate to see him, but I sure as hell missed being around him. I thought he’d missed me, too, but what did I know? Him and Jaylin were probably having the time of their life. I would bet some money on it that Shane had him a thing or two in Florida going on. And, how stupid of me to play Maxwell like I did for nothing ? He’d been calling me, but I was discouraged and didn’t want to talk to him at all.

  It was already 9:00 P.M. on Wednesday and I was so ready for Jay’s to close. I was looking through some financial papers on my desk and Bernie buzzed into my office.

  “What’s up, Bernie?” I asked.

  “Your assistance is needed up front.”

  I huffed. “I’ll be up in a minute.”

  I placed my glasses on my desk and wiped my tired eyes. As I headed up front, I noticed the few women in the shop all staring outside. There was a black stretch Lincoln limousine parked out front and a chauffer stood beside it.

  “Who they—”

  Bernie shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. The chauffer came in and asked for you.”

  “Who’s inside?”

  Everybody said they didn’t know. I walked to the front door and pulled it open. The chauffer smiled at me.

  “Miss Valentino,” he said.

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  He opened the back door. Somewhat afraid to see who was inside, I inched my way forward to see. As he was leaned back in the far corner, my eyes started from the bottom and saw the shiny black leather shoes, the black pants, white crisp button down linen shirt that was unbuttoned, and his pearly whites when I reached his face. His cologne was enough to make me go crazy and his index finger was placed gently on the side of his temple.

  “Are you coming inside to have a seat or not?”

  I hurried inside of Jay’s, tossed Bernie the keys, and told her to lock up. Then, I slid in the backseat of the limousine, far away from him. The chauffer closed the door.

  “What is this?” I asked. “And why haven’t you returned any of my calls?”

  “This is the surprise I told you about. I didn’t call you back because I didn’t know you called. I lost my phone after I left your message on Saturday night. Did you get it?”

  “Yes, I got it.”

  “Good,” he said.

  There was silence as he stared at me from the other end of the limousine.

  “Why do you always look at me like that?” I asked.

  “Because you are a very beautiful woman to look at. And—I’m wondering why you’re sitting over there when you should be sitting over here next to me.”

  “I’m sitting over here because the last thing I can recall, you were highly upset with me. Are you telling me all is forgiven and forgotten?”

  Shane gave off a soft snicker. He touched the intercom button to talk to the chauffeur.

  “Cedric, you’re moving a bit too fast. I need you to drive real slow to our destination.”

  “How slow is real slow, Shane?”

  “I mean, so slow that I don’t want to feel us moving. And if you can’t drive that slow, then drive around the Lou for awhile. Either way, make this about a . . . two hour ride. Lastly, turn up your music so you can’t hear anything.”

  Cedric laughed. “I got it, boss.”

  Shane looked at me again, and I folded my arms in front of me. He unbuttoned the few buttons on his shirt and leaned forward to remove it. He then slightly leaned back and unzipped his pants. He didn’t slide them down, but he got on his knees and scooted over to me. He knelt between my legs and rubbed his hands on my hips.

  “I am really, really sorry for reading your journal and lying to you about it. Had I realized the consequences would cost me days and days without you, I never would have done it. I missed the hell out of you and I’m so glad to see your pretty face once again.”

  I offered no response. I’d been missing him so much that my mouth couldn’t utter one word. All I could do was hold his face in my hand and plant my lips on his. Our tongues danced and I was so glad to have my man back.

  Shane broke our kiss and backed up to remove my shoes. He tickled my feet and tossed my shoes over his shoulder. He then eased his hands up the sides of my hips, reaching for my panties. I rose up a bit and he pulled them down. Anxious for him, I stepped out of my panties and hurried to remove my top. Before I could even lower it, Shane had my breasts cuffed in his hands. He gave my breasts much pleasure with his mouth, and to speed things along, I reached out to lower his pants.

  “Turn around and kneel down in front of me,” he asked.

  No questions asked, I got on my knees and faced the backseat. He moved in closer and I felt his hard dick lying against my butt.

  Continuing the foreplay, he squeezed my breasts together and pecked down the side of my neck. His lips went to my back, and when they touched my butt, I bent further over on the seat so he could have easy access to me from behind.

  Shane reached for the bottle of champagne next to him on the floor. I heard the cap pop and he took a healthy sip from the bottle.

  “This will be cold,” he said, lowering the bottle to my spine. He tilted the bottle, and it flowed down the cheeks of my ass, giving me a chill. I dropped my face in my hands and I surely knew what was about to happen next. Shane lifted my bent knee on the seat and lowered himself. He licked the champagne off my butt and teased me with his tongue from front to back.

  His tongue was something that I realized I simply couldn’t handle. I started to tr
emble, but he begged me to stay calm. So much for that, as I moaned out loudly and released myself in his mouth.

  Shane allowed me no time to recuperate. He put his dick in me from behind and started with slow strokes. Teasing me even more, he pulled out to the tip of his head, then went in from different angles to stretch me wider.

  The feeling was more than I expected and all I could do was close my eyes and keep my face in my hands. When I finally got myself together, I began to work so much better with him. Our rhythm was in tune and all you could hear were the sounds of our juices making much noise together.

  We were never so eager to call it quits. Shane finished loving me from behind, and we changed positions. I gave him somewhat of a break from working so hard, and directed him to sit while I straddled his lap. He scooted himself down low and held my ass cheeks in his hands. I inserted him again, leaving not one inch of him behind. All he could do was close his eyes with pure pleasure, as I made my way to the tip of his head and slowly back down to his shaft. I kept an arch in my back and wouldn’t allow him to forget this moment anytime soon. He pressed his fingers deeply into my butt and I knew what time it was. His body jerked and he squeezed his eyes together. Out of nowhere, he quickly opened them, grabbing my face in his hands.

  “I love your motherfuckin’ ass, do you hear me?” he yelled. “Don’t you ever, ever forget that, do you understand ?”

  His heart raced and so did mine.

  I nodded and he let go of my face. We stared at each other, as this was one awkward moment for me. Did he just say he was in love with me?

  “Shane, I . . . I don’t know what it is that I’m feeling—”

  He placed his index finger on my lips. “Shhh. Just let what I said sink in and don’t reply because you think I need a response. I might have been caught up in the moment, but now that my moment is over, I have no problem saying it again. I love you, Scorpio, and no matter what happens, I don’t want you to ever forget it.”

  “Why do you keep saying that? Do you expect for something to happen?”


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