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Dying To Live & Fighting To Live-Book One and Book Two (Zombie Overload Series)

Page 15

by Wright, C. M.

  "He hasn’t come back in but he has come to taunt and threaten us from outside the door. Sara told me what he did to her. Rape. Torture. You name it, he did it. Sick son-of-a-bitch." He's quiet for a minute and I just look up at him, waiting.

  Jake looks down at me and rubs my cheek, lightly. "So, all together, we've been in the armory about four to four and a half hours. And you've been sleeping like a baby for most of that time." I grin and shrug my shoulders. He gives me another drink of water and I test my throat out, again.

  "Thank you, Jake, for taking care of me." Still hurts, still croaking, still more of a whisper, but not as bad as before. Jake leans down closer to me, and asks me to repeat what I said, he couldn't hear me. Just as I start to repeat it, the room's door explodes open. Jake lifts his head and mine raises, and we see Will standing in the hall. Looking hard at us. PISSED OFF!

  Jake says he's glad to see him but Will gives him a look of pure hatred. I try to tell him what was going on because, apparently, he has a very wrong idea, but I still haven’t much of a voice. Wow! My hubby is so hot when he's mad! Sexy hot! Maybe that's why I always pissed him off so much. But, this isn't the best time for him to be pissed, because he marches over to us and makes a grab for my arms, obviously about to yank me up. Jake yells "NO!" And Will gives him a 'who the hell do you think you are' look. Will grabs at me again and I shake my head and wave my hands, trying to tell him why but nothing comes out. Jake wraps his arms around me and leans over me.

  I know Will doesn't understand, he doesn't know. And it's killing me to see the pain on his face and what he is surely feeling inside, but he could seriously hurt me if he just yanks me up like that. We have no idea just how bad my injuries are.

  I jerk my head to the side of Jake's to see Will and my heart stops. Terror fills my entire body. The barrel pointed at Jake looks much bigger than it should. I bring my arms up over Jake's head and pull him closer to me, trying not to give Will anywhere to shoot. It does cross my mind that he could possibly be intending to shoot us both. And if that's the case, then there's nothing I can do anyway.

  Suddenly, something white and black slams into the side of Will, making him stumble and his gun fly across the room. Sara! With her white towel and her long black hair, she stands her full five feet two inches and lets Will have it.

  "You stupid ass son-of-a-bitch!" Oh, now wait just one second, Bitch! That's my husband you're talking to! "Can't you see that woman is hurt? They weren't kissing, you fool! He was trying to hear what she was saying." Hmm, so we have a sneaky little eavesdropper, do we? Jake informs her that Will is my husband and she says, "Oh, sorry".

  I release Jake's head (oops! Forgot.) and my arms bang down onto his thighs. But I can't do anything about it. Holding my arms up and the tightening of my body from the stress, has not made my back very happy. AM I paralyzed?I couldn't move my legs if I were, could I? Wait. Have I moved them, yet? I wiggle my leg. Right. So I can't be paralyzed, right? RIGHT?

  Starting to panic, I jerk my eyes to Will and he immediately drops to my side. He tells me he's sorry and I manage to croak out Jake's name and nod towards him. Will closes his eyes, sighs, and with clenched teeth, apologizes to Jake. He adds short and to the point, thanks for taking care of my wife. Yeah. Total emphasis on 'my'.

  I'm confused by his attitude, and the look I give him tells him that. He looks away. Yeah, I get he had a pretty bad shock and that anyone would have thought the same, but he's usually quick to get over things, especially if he's wrong. And you would think he'd be grateful Jake was here to take care of me.

  Jake tells Will everything that happened as fast as he can, after all, we still have a few zombies (possibly) and a mad man around. They discuss taking me back to the other building, but I shake my head furiously. I manage to croak out that we don't have time, we need those weapons, and we've got to save Ma. I tell them to help me to the Hummer out back and I will wait for them there. They consider it for far too long and then finally agree. Jake lowers his legs down beside me and Will brings one arm across the back of my shoulders and the other around my lower back. I sit forward as much as I can so Jake can get out of behind me. Jake puts one of his arms around my waist and just below Will's arm on my shoulders. Will asks if I'm ready and I scream NO in my mind, but nod my head yes.

  They slowly pull me into a standing position, then give me a few moments to get past the worst of the pain from the movement. Now they are trying to figure out how best to get me down the halls, stairs, and into the truck. I start to feel panic build up, knowing that man, (What's his name? Oh yeah. Tony.) could come back any second. I force out 'MOVE' and I think they got the picture. So they decide Will is going to carry me. HAHAHAHAHA! Really! Ok, you do remember, I'm not some skinny-ass, tiny, petite, little thing, don't ya?. I love my husband dearly, and he is strong and could probably have somehow managed it if he hadn't hurt his back falling off a roof on a construction job before he started working at the school. I shake my head at him and whisper, that if his back gives out we are both screwed.

  He looks at Jake, then me, then back to Jake, and snarls out,"Fine. You carry her."

  Jake and I share a questioning look that neither of us has an answer to. Then he gently lifts me up and carries me against his chest. Will grabs his gun and goes to the door. Jake stays behind him, waiting for the 'ok' to go, Sara is behind us. When Will says it's safe, Jake tells Sara to get between us and Will. She does and we all follow Will safely to the truck. Jake puts me inside the truck and orders Sara to wait in the vehicle, too. I see her bristle at being ordered around, but she'd better get used to it now. Jake grabs a strong piece of rope from one of the storage compartments in the back and wraps it around her torso securing her arms to her side. Then he ties a noose around her throat securing it to the unmovable backseat headrest. The noose isn't tight so she shouldn't hurt herself. But if she turns into a zombie it will keep her secure. I hope!

  Will crouches down beside my door. He still looks so angry. So tense and full of hatred. At me or Jake or both? I don't know.

  He asks me, "You ok?"

  "I guess. Not really. I'll be alright." Why the hell am I nervous? I haven’t done anything. Have I?

  "Well, hang on until we get this shit done. Then we'll get you back with the others and get you taken care of." He stands.

  "Hey, can you guys get all the fatigues, socks and boots you can find? I mean, once you get Tony and the weapons, of course. And if you want to." Geez. Could I sound anymore like a pathetic child who's just gotten in trouble? Will's just making me really nervous. Would be better if I knew what it was I did! It just can't be what he walked in on. Or, rather, exploded in on. They both nod and I see Jake give him a worried look. Yeah, Buddy. I'm worried, too. Watch your back. I don't think Will would kill him, now. But I’ve never seen him this angry, either.

  They turn to go back inside the building and it hits me that I might lose Will. He might not come back out. I yell his name which, actually, comes out more like a loud bark. But, hey, better than a croak! I watch him turn back to me, look at me with his hard frosty stare, then finally, walks back to me.

  "Come here" I whisper to him. He leans down but not very close to me. "Can I have a kiss before you go back in there?" He stares at me, breath coming out of his nostrils in heavy bursts. He narrows his eyes into a glare, leans forward and kisses me long and deep. With the way he's been looking and acting, I was expecting just a quick peck, if anything.

  He leans back just enough for me to see his cold, hard eyes. Then very low, very quietly he says, "I love you." I tell him I love him, too, very much. He stares at me a few more seconds, then says simply, "Window."

  Then he stands and walks away.

  Chapter 24

  Window? Was that really what he said? What is that supposed to mean? I watch as they both head inside, my mind in total confusion.

  "Hey!" SHIT! I turn and look at Sara, completely forgetting she was there.

  "What?" She's looking at me with p
ure hatred. What the hell? I'm just pissing everyone off today, huh?

  "So, what's the deal with you and Jake? Imagine my surprise when I find out you also have a husband!" She laughs drily.

  "What the hell are you talking about? There is nothing between me and Jake but friendship. We only just met each other a day ago." She laughs at me, hatefully.

  "Look, don't play stupid with me. You're not talking to some innocent little girl. I might have been married to Mike, but I have had plenty of lovers. Yeah, even Tony." She smirks at my expression of disbelief and disgust.

  "That little performance of yours was impressive. Pretending you can't move, letting Jake take care of you, hold you, rub all over you. And Jake fell for it. He's fallen hard for you, not sure why. I mean, look at you, you're as big as a damn cow!" Well, you slutty little bitch!

  "Ok, first of all, it was not pretend. If you only knew half the shit my body has gone through in just the last day, you wouldn't be opening your stupid mouth. Second, I had no clue what Jake was doing when I was out, but I can assure you, he wasn't rubbing all over me. My cheek is a hell of a lot different than ALL OVER! And as for me being as big as a cow, what? Are you still in high school?"

  "Yeah, whatever. But even though you had most of his attention, he still got a good look when my towel "accidentally" fell off. In fact, he even helped me get it back on...when we were done." She laughs once again. I am so gonna need to knock the shit out of her. Does she not realize she's a bit vulnerable right now? She keeps laughing that evil laugh of hers, even after I have turned around and attempted to ignore her. Finally, I’ve had enough. I pull out my second handgun and whip around in the seat (OH MY GOD! That hurts!) and point the gun at her face. Her laugh dies immediately.

  "Shut. The. Hell. Up." I growl through clenched teeth. Her eyes are huge in her skinny, barely-there face, her mouth hangs open and drool slips out in one long string down her chin and onto her chest, soaking into the towel.

  Satisfied, I turn around and drop my head, fighting to keep in the screams from the pain in my back. But damn, it was worth it! Good thing she doesn't know it wasn't loaded. I give one of her evil laughs in my head. Silence, finally. I relax back in my seat, trying to ease the stabbing pain. I rest my head back on the seat and close my eyes. I can hear Sara's panting breaths, partly from fear, partly from anger, I'm sure.

  Gunshots have my eyelids flying open. That had to be Jake's gun. Will took my handgun which has a silencer and his handgun which doesn't, but that was a automatic. At least, I hope it's our guys shooting. A bunch of gunshots, tension, fear, terror, and time later, the backdoor opens and Will and Jake come out, each carrying three bags on each hand. They load them in the rear of the truck, go back inside, and return with even more. Finally, Jake gets in the backseat next to Sara (gag!) and Will gets in the driver's seat and drives us back to the other building. He honks twice and the smaller door slowly opens, and Dad's head appears. Then the small door closes and the large one opens.

  Will pulls in and parks near the stairs. Jake gets out and he and Dad unload the bags. I see Jake open one bag and pull out a set of black fatigues. Holding them, he looks at Sara, me, then back to Sara before replacing them and getting out the camo colored ones. Yay, Jake! She's so not worthy enough to wear our color!

  Smiling, I turn my head and see Will watching me watch Jake and the flash of fire in his eyes makes my smile disappear real fast. With hard, jerking motions he flings the door open and slams it behind him. I flinch and Sara lets out a yip. I follow Will with my eyes as he just leaves me and goes upstairs! I wait a few minutes, hoping he's coming back, and just when I open my door and try to turn in my seat, he finally does.

  "I told you to wait." Uh, no you didn't. But I'm not stupid enough to say so aloud.

  "Wonder why." Sarcasm. Nice. I hear Sara snicker in the back but before I can say or do anything, Will snaps his head in her direction and with the look he shoots her, has her shutting up and looking out the other window. How you like them apples, Hoochie?

  Will helps me out of the Hummer and it takes a very long time before I'm upright, if you consider bent over like an old lady upright. He helps me to the bottom of the stairs and we stop. I raise my head, following the distance to the top, and almost pass out right there. I suck in my breath and look at Will. I don't think I can do this! Apparently, he doesn't either, as he calls for Jake, which I can tell killed him to do. Jake gently picks me up again, and carries me up the stairs. Will snaps out a thanks and Jake says he doesn't mind carrying me to our room but Will tells him no, in a voice that no one argues with. Jake sets me back on my feet gently and I thank him. Jake goes back downstairs and Will helps me to our room.

  I look around the room and wonder how the hell I'm going to get on the floor, how I'm going to lay on the floor, and how I'm going to get off the floor.

  "This isn't going to work." Will tells me. He grabs a chair, picks it up, and brings it to me. "Sit here and I'll be right back." I sit.

  Not even two minutes later, my mom comes hurrying in. She told me Jake had told her what happened to me in the armory and as she was coming in to look at me, Will stopped her and asked her to take a look at me. So, she's taking a look at me. She unbuttons and removes my shirt, then does the same to my pants. She helps me stand and then looks, pokes, and prods at my neck, all the way down my spine, and also checks my ribs.

  We hear footsteps coming, and Mom grabs a blanket, throwing it around me. Will walks in with a couple cots and Mom and I both breathe a sigh of relief. She tells him she wants him to help me shower, put on one of the and nightshirt and sleep pants I brought from home and she would be back. Will doesn't seem too enthusiastic about it, so I tell him I can manage, but he gives me a dirty look and helps me, anyway.

  Since I can't move much to wash, well, anything, Will strips and goes in the shower with me. I know what you're thinking, uh oh! Here comes the sex scene! ….......Are you serious?

  Will gently washes me and every time he hits a painful spot, (which really, there's not a part of me that isn't painful at this point), I gasp and flinch. When Will has me turn my back to him, I hear him gasp. Then I realize he hadn't seen my back yet. When he came in, I had a blanket over me. When he helped get the rest of my clothes off, I kept the blanket on. I dropped the blanket just before I stepped in the shower and Will was too close to get a good look at my back, probably wasn't even worried about looking since he was more worried about me tripping over the door frame of the shower. But now he's seen it and apparently it's bad. It was bad before I went to the armory, I can't imagine how bad it is now.

  He washes and conditions my hair, and then we get out. He dries me off and I actually feel a little, very little, bit better. The heat of the water helped the muscles in my back loosen some. He goes out and grabs my nightclothes while I attempt to get a look at my injuries. My back is awful! Black, blue, green, yellow, and even red. On top of the other bruising is a huge bruise in the shape of a boot. My face looks absolutely disgusting. I see an assortment of bruises on my arms, legs, and stomach, and yes, even my butt!

  Will comes back in and helps me dress. He asks me if I want him try to comb my hair with his fingers, I tell him thanks but no thanks, and remind him of my head trauma. He shakes his head and tells me I'm just one big mess. Ha Ha. No kidding! And then he lightly kisses me on the tip of my nose. After the way he's been acting toward me, that kiss meant more to me than you could ever know.

  He helps me back into the other room and to the cot Mom has made up with blankets and pillow. Mom comes in and stops me from lying down, instead having me sit on the cot and examines my back. Finally, she thinks the trauma of the fall and the boot pinched a nerve and I'll be alright after a few days rest, pain pills, and medication for the inflammation. She and Will then help me lay down. She doesn't say it, but I think she's worried about the head trauma I have, as well. I suspect that's probably one of the things she shares with Will when she asked him to step out in the hall with her. Then
again, it could be cause I can hear them. Hello? Why even walk out if you're going to leave the door open and still talk in a normal voice? Did that make any sense to you? Doesn't to me, either.

  I also hear her tell Will he is to stay with me as much as possible and she will keep the kids with her so that I can rest. I hear him agree and then her footsteps move away. He walks in and comes over to me. Kneeling down, he tells me what Mom said, excluding the head trauma part, which makes me mentally roll my eyes. He says he's going to get cots for everyone else since he discovered their hiding place, in a storage closet and he will be right back.

  I settle deeper into my pillow and let myself relax. But it's not long before I hear footsteps coming this way. I open my eyes and find Jake standing just inside the door. He's holding one of the black canvas bags in one hand and a couple pill bottles in the other. He sets the bag down near the door and walks toward me, kneeling beside my cot.

  "Hey, how you doing?" He asks me softly.

  "Hurting like hell. But I got a shower and clean clothes so I'm feeling human, anyway. How are you? And how's Greg?"

  "I'm ok. Greg was awake for a little while, but has gone back to sleep since I gave him his meds. Finally got Sara to get dressed. I think she preferred the towel." That made me remember what she had said to me in the truck. It makes me sick to my stomach thinking he did anything like that with her because I can't stand that nasty woman! That is the only reason it bothers me. He's just a friend and I care about him. That's it!


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