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Runt of the Litter

Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  During the last year Jack had found a house for them and spent many hours decorating it. Since he proposed she really thought he’d give in, but instead, he made her wait. The waiting was finally over as Jack lifted her up in his arms.

  “Now, wife of mine, it’s time for me to make you mine for real.”

  She held onto Jack as he carried her over the threshold of their new home. The pack gave them their distance, and she couldn’t even sense them. “I’m surprised you can lift me. My ass has gotten huge.” She chuckled as he lifted her up and catching her in his arms.

  “You’re as light as a feather to me, baby.”

  Tori snorted.

  He kicked the door closed behind them, shutting out the rest of the world. Jack didn’t stop until they were upstairs placing her on her feet.

  “Now, if you want to wait a little longer, we can.”

  “I’m not waiting another moment, Jack. I want you, and you want me.” She stared down the length of his body to see the outline of his cock pressing against the front of his pants.

  Jack grabbed her hand putting it over his cock. “This is how much I want you. I’m so fucking hot for you, baby. The last few months have been a nightmare.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t want you to go another moment in pain.” She stroked him over his pants, biting her lip.

  “Don’t be afraid or nervous. This is me, Tori. We can be natural together.” He pulled her close, sinking his fingers into her hair. The pins holding her hair up fell out. She didn’t mind the little pain as he pressed his tongue into her mouth. Tori moaned as she met his tongue with hers, loving the feel of their wolves coming together as well.

  “God, you’re so beautiful. I didn’t know how I got so lucky, but I’m so damned happy. I wouldn’t change you, Tori.”

  “And I wouldn’t change you either.” She rubbed her nose against his, reaching behind her back to release the catch holding her dress together. Stepping away from him, she stared into his eyes as the dress fell to the floor. For the longest time he kept his gaze on her, but it didn’t take long for him to start looking down her body.

  “Fuck me, baby, you’re so hot and all mine.”

  “There’s no one else’s I’d want to be.”

  He closed the distance between them, pulling her into his arms. She laughed as he picked her up, pressing her down onto the bed. The smile stayed even as he stepped away removing his clothes. She’d seen him without a shirt so many times, but even now, it made her body melt at the sight of him.

  The moment he dropped his pants, she couldn’t hold in her gasp. He was long, thick, and pointing right at her.

  “Do you like what you see?” he asked.

  “You know I do.”

  Jack pushed her back on the bed. “You’re all my dreams wrapped into one amazing package.” He slid open her thighs, running his fingers up the inside of her thigh until he touched her pussy. She cried out, opening her thighs wide for him to touch her.

  “I want you, Jack.”

  He slipped his finger through her pussy, teasing her clit before going down to circle her entrance.

  “I’m going to be inside you very soon, Tori, but first, I’m going to make you nice and wet.” He dropped a kiss to her lips before moving down her body.

  In one quick tug, he tore her panties from her body, throwing the fabric away.

  “Jack, you’re turning me on.”


  She stared down at him, feeling as he opened the lips of her sex. He slid his tongue through her pussy, sucking her clit into his mouth. The pleasure was unlike anything she’d ever felt. He flicked her clit over and over again, mounting the pleasure and pushing her toward the edge. Jack held her in place as he tortured her with his tongue.

  “Please, Jack, I need to come.”

  “When I say you can.” He was the one in control, not her. Jack wouldn’t give in. He attacked her clit, making her moan and cry out for more of him.

  Time passed, she didn’t know how long, but it felt like hours instead of the minutes that he was teasing her.

  “Come for me, Tori.”

  She screamed out as her orgasm crashed over her, taking her by surprise. Her whole body jerked up on the bed, but Jack held her tightly, stopping her from moving.

  When it was over, he crawled up the bed, removing her bra as he did.

  “Are you ready for me?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She could barely make a coherent thought from the pleasure his mouth had made.

  Jack took possession of her lips, sliding his tongue deep into her mouth. She tasted herself on his tongue, opening up for more. His other hand glided down her body, touching her. He gripped his cock, rubbing the tip through her pussy.

  “I’m going to take you now, Tori.”


  “Are you ready?” He kept asking the same question, and she was touched by his caring.

  “Yes, Jack. I’m not going to stop being ready. I want you. I need you inside me.”

  He aligned the tip with her entrance, and the moment his gaze was on hers, he slammed deep inside her, tearing through the thin membrane of her virginity and claiming her as his wife and mate.


  Tori was so incredibly tight. Jack gritted his teeth to make himself stop as her nails sank into the flesh of his back.

  Her scream tore at his soul. He hated causing her pain, but this wasn’t something he could help.

  “I’m yours,” she said.

  “Yes, and I’m yours.” He kissed her lips, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth. “I love you, Tori.”

  “I’m ready, Jack. I’m ready for you to move and be yours.”

  Taking hold of her hands, he pressed them to either side of her head. Pulling out of her tight heat, he started up a slow, steady pace, bringing her to orgasm once again. He pushed her over the peak, feeling her cunt tighten around him. Only when he felt her pussy squeeze him in a second orgasm did he allow himself to fuck her hard.

  Jack pounded inside her, watching the pleasure in her eyes as he moved deeper within her tight walls. He made love to her, binding her as his.

  “I’m going to bite you again, Tori.”

  “Yes, mate.” She tilted her head to the side, showing him her neck. Leaning down, he inhaled her fragrance, loving every second of the feeling of her rippling pussy and tight heat.

  “I mate you, Tori Rowland, as mine forever and always.” His fangs elongated as he thrust inside her.

  Tasting her blood and taking her pussy aligned their wolves, mating them together for life. She gave herself to him, scoring his back with her nails.

  He relished the pain making him belong to her.

  In that moment, connected to Tori, Jack found his mate and his release, filling her with his seed.

  The pleasure was unlike anything he’d ever experienced in his life. When it was over, he stayed within her, holding her close.

  “Wow, that’s what all the fuss is about,” she said, smiling.

  “You’re a little tease, mate of mine.”

  “You love me this way, and you know it.” She wriggled her nose at him. “Can we do it again?” she asked.

  He laughed. “Something tells me you’re going to keep me busy for the rest of our lives.”

  “You better believe it.”


  Ten years later

  “Who would have thought we’d be married men with ten children between us,” Marshall said, tipping his beer bottle toward him. Jack smiled looking out over his yard to see his woman with his kids laughing and playing with Scarlett and her gang.

  The last ten years had been amazing. There was no other word to describe it. Tori was the strongest and most loving woman he’d ever known. She was the right woman to have by his side, helping him keep the pack safe.

  Marshall would be taking over the running of the pack in the next couple of years. Luke, their alpha, had already told them he intended to step down.

��s pregnant again,” Jack said, smiling. He loved keeping her pregnant.

  “That will be your sixth child, Jack. Are you sure you can handle another?”

  His parents had only had one child as had Marshall’s parents. Jack didn’t want to have only one son or daughter. He wanted a large family with Tori. When he was dating her after her transition, he’d seen the value of having a big family. He didn’t ever want someone he loved to be alone again.

  “With that woman by my side, Marshall, I can handle anything life throws at me.” Leaving his beer on the table, he ran toward her, picking Tori up in his arms. She squealed, wrapping her arms and legs around him.

  “Mom and Dad are getting gross again.”

  “What’s the matter, mate of mine?” she asked.

  “Nothing, wife. I just needed to hold you in my arms.”

  And that’s exactly what he did, day after day, night after night. He held his woman, his mate, in his arms and cherished every second that she was there.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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