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Simon's Runaway Mate

Page 7

by Lacey Thorn

  Simon snorted. “Not from us. He’s mated to Belinda James. He’s my alpha’s brother-in-law, now. Hannibal’s place in our pack is solid.”

  “Can’t Cici stay here and join you later?” my dad asked.

  Simon shook his head. “No. I won’t leave my mate any more than I’m willing to bet you’d leave yours.”

  “Then we better make the most of this time.” Leslie motioned everyone to follow her as she headed toward the back of the house and the kitchen. “I wasn’t sure what you’d want to eat so I might have gone a bit overboard.”

  Dad snorted, and Leslie swatted at him.

  “Hush, Cain. I thought we’d talk while we ate. Then maybe I could persuade Simon into going on a run with me. It’s been a while since Hannibal was here long enough for us to go out, and Cain doesn’t like for me to go by myself.”

  “I’d enjoy that,” Simon agreed.

  I had a feeling it was more than Simon going out with Leslie. It was giving my dad and I some time alone to talk. My chance to ask him anything and everything I needed to know about being the human mate of a wolf shifter. Maybe, he would share things I hadn’t even thought of asking yet.

  “In the meantime,” Simon continued as we sat at the family dining table off the kitchen. “Why don’t you tell me all the crazy stories of Cecilia while she was growing up?”

  I shook my head. “No, no, and no. No stories and absolutely no photos.”

  “Now, that’s just cruel, mate.” Simon gave me a pouty look that had me laughing. It was far too easy to imagine a little boy with that same expression. He’d have me wrapped around his finger every time he looked at me. Which made me wonder. I dropped my hand to cup my stomach. Simon had said I wasn’t ovulating, so I knew I couldn’t be pregnant yet. Still. The thought took root in my mind.

  “You’ll know first when I get pregnant. You’ll be the one to tell me instead of me getting to tell you. I’m not sure how I feel about that, Simon. It seems unfair.” I paused as my mind churned. “We’re not using anything to prevent pregnancy, and at the rate we’re going at it, I’ll be pregnant as soon as I ovulate. Am I able to carry a shifter baby? Like, do I need to do anything special?”

  My dad cleared his throat. Simon closed his eyes and shook his head. Leslie laughed. Then what I’d shared aloud hit me, and I felt my face heating up.

  “I thought you weren’t comfortable discussing our sex life with your dad?” Simon prompted, and I realized he wasn’t embarrassed. He’d been trying to keep from laughing at me.

  “Well, shit!”

  “Cecilia Rose!” Dad admonished.

  “Shoot,” I amended. “Sorry, Dad.”

  Simon burst into laughter. He didn’t even attempt to keep it under control. Then my dad was snickering. Then they were both bellowing, and I felt my temper igniting. I stood from the table, ready to say something snappy and stomp away in a snit. Instead, I found myself hauled onto Simon’s lap and wrapped in his arms. There was no point in struggling. Not unless I wanted to make a fool of myself, and I didn’t. So I sat still, arms crossed over my chest, while I glared at the wall. That lasted all of five seconds.

  Simon tipped my face toward him and kissed me soft and slow. I forgot where we were and who was with us. I fell under the spell he always seemed to put me under. I turned into him, wrapping my arms around his neck and holding him close. He never deepened the kiss. Merely kept it soft and sweet, and I still melted like a puddle.

  “You’re right,” Simon told me. “Yes, I will know when you’re pregnant by the change in your scent. As for birth control? I’m sorry. I should have asked if you were on anything. I didn’t, and I didn’t speak to you about pregnancy, either. My only excuse is I lose my head when I’m around you. All I can think about is—”

  “Hold that thought,” Leslie interrupted. “I believe the remainder of that conversation would be best had in private. As for Cain and me, we decided not to have more children. I have Hannibal. Cain has Cecilia. They’re the very best we could have ever wished for. It seemed selfish to ask the fates for more.”

  My dad reached for her hand and brought it to his lips. “That and the thought of starting over at my age had me breaking out in a cold sweat.”

  Leslie laughed, and it was so easy to see the love between them. A love I hoped Simon and I would have.

  “How long were you together before you told Dad what you were?”

  “We’d only gone out once when your dad showed up unannounced. Hannibal hadn’t met him yet, though I’d mentioned them to each other,” Leslie began.

  “She didn’t answer the front door, so I walked around back and saw her approaching a huge wolf. I yelled out as I moved forward, and instead of the wolf, I found myself facing Hannibal. Gave the old ticker a jolt.” My dad shared a smile with Leslie.

  “There was nothing to do but tell him the truth. I half expected we’d need to move on quickly, but your dad took it all in and began asking questions. Hannibal wasn’t sure what to make of him, and I…” She paused, pulling my dad’s hand to her mouth and kissing his palm. “I think that was the moment I tumbled completely in love with him.”

  “It was the first date for me,” my dad said, but I didn’t think he was speaking to me or Simon.

  “And how long after then was it before you mated?” I wanted to know if the rapid pace Simon and I were on was the norm or not.

  “After the first date,” my dad answered with a laugh. I wasn’t sure why until I watched Leslie’s face flush with color.


  My dad was saying they’d had sex after the first date. I wasn’t sure what to think about that. I was appalled I was even remotely thinking about that. Then quickly tried to shove it out of my mind.

  “The bite, Dad, and so help me, if you say anything along the lines of ‘there was a lot of biting’, I will hurl up my breakfast on this table.”

  Simon laughed then.

  “Yuck it up now, mate, because once my father fully accepts you, he’ll take pleasure in embarrassing you, too,” I warned.

  My dad grinned at Simon, and I watched my mate look unsure for the first time. It dawned on me that Simon hadn’t once mentioned a father. Just the human woman who’d raised him. Thinking of him with no father figure broke my heart. I reached out and tugged him flush against me, dropping a kiss on his lips.

  “What was that for?” he whispered.

  “Because I wanted to,” I murmured. And I had. I always wanted to. Simon was a man who made it very hard to keep my hands off him. I always wanted to touch him. Anywhere and everywhere.

  Simon brushed a finger over my bottom lip then turned to Leslie. “Cecilia is asking about your relationship with Cain because she wants to know if the speed of our relationship is normal by wolf standards.” He turned his gaze back to me. “The answer is yes…and no.”

  “That’s not an answer,” I argued.

  “Wolves mate quickly when they meet the right person,” Leslie informed me. “It’s instinctive. I met your father and knew from the beginning that he was meant to be with me. Had he been a wolf, we never would have made it to dinner.”

  “Damn my genetics,” my father murmured.

  Leslie laughed this time. “After dinner, we… Well… After, I bit him without even realizing what I was doing. Instinct kicked in. I was horrified when my actions hit me. I hadn’t said a word to him about what I was.”

  “It was the same for me,” Simon shared. “Something sparked in me when I heard her voice over the phone, demanding I get my ass in gear and get my alpha where she wanted me to.”

  “Hannibal needed back up,” I offered with a shrug.

  Simon’s face hardened. “Which you are not. I swear I lost ten years of my life when I walked in that door and saw you tossed to the floor.”

  “What?” my dad demanded, coming to his feet. “I’ll kill whoever hurt my baby girl.”

  “Too late. Simon already ripped his throat out.”

  My man’s chest expa
nded with whatever emotion was filling him. Anger? Fear? Pride in his ability to avenge me? I wasn’t sure. Still, I found myself kissing him again. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close, leaning his head down toward my neck when the kiss broke and seeming to breathe me in. Maybe, fear then. That he might have lost me before we even had a chance.

  “So the first time you met was during a confrontation where Cici was hurt?” Leslie asked.

  Simon nodded.

  “You’re lucky he didn’t mate you right then.” Leslie shook her head. “Male wolves become very territorial when their mates are in danger. They’ll often initiate sex as a way of reinforcing the bond. In an unbonded couple, that need grows excessively.”

  “He bit me while I was in the clinic they had there.”

  “How bad was she injured?” my dad asked Simon while his gaze scanned every inch of me he could see. I’d always downplayed my injuries, so I wasn’t offended he didn’t ask me.

  “Scrapes, bruises, a possible concussion, and a cut on her stomach from the claws of the wolf who tried to use her to control Hannibal,” Simon answered. “My bite shared antibodies to help speed up her healing.”

  “I’m fine, Dad. And I’m sitting right here. Now, back to my questions.” I moved the conversation away from what had happened with me and back to what I needed to know about mating. Simon had already gone over how my body’s natural ability to heal me would be enhanced. Which brought me to my next thought. “Did any of your senses change after mating?”

  My dad nodded. “All of them. Not on the level of Leslie or any other shifter. But for a human? Vastly better. I’ve noted an increase in strength, as well. Plus, the added bonus of not aging as quickly. It wasn’t my genetics that have kept me looking as young as I do.”

  I hadn’t thought of that, but it was true. My dad could and did easily pass for a man half his age. All the time. It was weird to realize it was due to his relationship with Leslie. Yet, it made perfect sense at the same time. I couldn’t help but to touch my face. It wasn’t hard to understand that my aging would slow, as well. Or did it halt altogether?

  “A lot of this we learn as we go,” my dad offered. “I can see the wheels spinning in your head. Some things are intuitive. Some things are given. And some things we have to learn on our own. That’s the way life is.”

  “That settles it then,” I said with a nod.

  “Settles what?” Simon asked.

  “Dad and Leslie are going to have to come with us. Hannibal will want his mom there, and I need my dad. They’ll have to join the James Pack, too.”

  Simon nodded without question. “Absolutely.”

  Leslie and my dad shared a look. I had a feeling they were sharing an entire conversation Simon and I weren’t privy to. I was fascinated by their expressions. How had I not noticed to this before? Then I saw the smile light up Leslie’s face. My dad grinned then laughed.

  “Looks like we might be moving,” he offered, and I whooped.

  “After I speak with Hannibal.” Leslie interrupted my shout of joy. “And the alpha. No offense, Simon, but we’ll want to speak to him first.”

  “Understood,” Simon agreed. “I’ll give Bas a heads up. If you give me your number, I’ll have him reach out to you. Raina, as well. She’s his mate.”

  “Thank you.” Leslie’s voice was soft, and something on her face had me catching my breath with surprise. I felt her desire to belong. To more than just my dad and our family. To a pack.

  I thought of how close Simon was to his pack. Though they weren’t related by blood, they were a family. Their bond was thicker than blood. Maybe, that was the way it was with wolves. I wanted that for Leslie and my dad and Hannibal. And for me. I wanted that for me. A place to completely belong. To feel totally accepted. I wanted everything. With Simon.

  “Go call your alpha, Simon,” I ordered, and my mate laughed as he walked off to comply.

  Chapter Nine


  Watching Simon shift into his wolf had my blood thrumming in ways it shouldn’t with my father standing entirely too close to me. Especially since I now had to worry about things such as him being able to smell the arousal I always felt around Simon. My mate was incredibly sexy, but seeing him in wolf skin? Lord, the man was gorgeous.

  I’d seen Hannibal as a wolf, and he’d been beautiful. But nothing compared to Simon. And when he prowled over to me and rubbed against me? When I ran my fingers through his fur then dropped to my knees and buried my face in it? There was nothing in my life that could ever compare to that moment. Touching him. Knowing he belonged to me. That I was his. Realizing that I loved a man I’d known for only a few short days. It was ridiculous, yet it made perfect sense.

  “It never gets old,” my dad told me, pulling my gaze to his. “Watching your mate shift. It’s one of the most beautiful visions in the world.”

  I agreed with him. Simon swiped his tongue across my face, making me giggle. He nudged me with his nose, and I released him as Leslie streaked past, charging for the woods that edged along the property. Simon watched her then turned back to me.

  “Go.” I flicked my hand in the direction Leslie had gone. “Have fun.”

  He howled then took off, taking off in a fast flash of fur. God, he was beautiful.

  “Walk with me.” My dad shoved his hands in his pockets and walked toward the backyard. I followed at his side, waiting to see what was on his mind.

  “The alpha, Bastion James, he said Leslie and I would be welcome to visit any time.” He paused as he turned to face me. “Or we would be welcome to join the James Pack.”

  I couldn’t hold back my grin or the whoop of delight.

  “I take it you like the idea.” My dad smiled as I crashed into him, hugging him tightly.

  “Yes, of course, I want you guys to come. I can’t imagine not being able to pop in for a visit any time I want. And Hannibal will want the same thing.” I paused. “How does Leslie feel about joining a wolf pack?”

  “She likes the idea,” my dad told me. “It’s been a long time for her. Hannibal being there, mating the alpha’s sister. She wants to be around for any children that come along.” He glanced at me. “For both of you. We’ve always wanted that. To watch our children fall in love and have families of their own. Convenient for us that the two of you ended up in the same wolf pack.”

  “I can’t believe I’m mated to a wolf,” I murmured.

  “I know the feeling,” my dad agreed. “I count my blessings every day I wake up next to Leslie. I’m so thankful the fates brought her into my life and made sure I stayed a part of hers. I’ve never loved anyone the way I do her.”

  “I’m happy for you,” I whispered, but I knew he heard what I wasn’t saying. Had he ever loved my mother?

  “Your mother was never meant to be tied down. I knew it when I met her, but when she told me she was pregnant with you, I married her. I didn’t love her, and I knew she wasn’t in love with me. But I loved you from the moment I knew you were there. And I’ve never stopped.”


  “Shh. Let me say this while I can.” His cheeks were damp, and I felt my heart catch. In all my life, I’d never seen my dad cry. “When your mother left, part of me didn’t care. Until I saw your face when you saw others with their mothers, watched your pain at not having that, then I would have given anything to bring her back to you.”

  “I didn’t need her,” I swore. “I had you.”

  “You did. Yes, you had me. You’ll always have me, but there are times a girl needs her mother. And…” He paused, swallowing. “Did you think I didn’t know the bullying you took about her leaving? The way the other kids would belittle and torment you? I would have given anything to kick all their asses, but you never said a word.”

  “I could handle it,” I whispered. I’d never realized he knew. All these years, I’d thought I’d managed to hide it from him.

  “You’ve always tried to handle everything on your own. You don’t as
k for help, Cici. Not back then and not now.”

  “I… What are you talking about?”

  “Did you think I didn’t know about the guy you went out with in college?” His gaze hardened.

  “What? How?”

  “One of my buddies on the force up there called me the night that boy put you in the ER.”

  “You never…” I stopped, shaking my head. “You never said anything.”

  “Because you never said anything.” Hearing the anguish in my dad’s voice made me realize just how much I’d hurt him. “I went to see him and made sure he understood the error of his ways. Then I called you. To check in. You told me you were good. Gushed about your classes and how much you were learning. And the entire time, you were holed up in that apartment of yours with busted ribs. Your face all bruised and battered.”

  “Dad, I’m sorry.”

  “I wanted to kill him. Instead, I beat the hell out of him and warned him if he ever showed his face around you again, I would kill him.”

  “Dad, you could have gone to jail!”

  “I made sure he knew if I did, he would. I also swore I’d make sure we were in the same cell, and that only one of us would be walking out of it.”

  “Jesus, Dad!”

  “I love you, Cici. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to protect you. Nothing.”

  “Then pack your bags, old man, because we’re moving to Rigton County.”

  Dad gave me a hard look then shook his head. “Watch who you call old man.”

  I snickered, but the tension was broken. I’d hurt my dad, and I swore I’d do my best to never do it again. I leaned in and hugged him tight.

  “I love you, Dad. For the record, I never saw him again.”

  “Good.” Dad did a pretty good job of growling for a human.

  “And no one’s ever put their hands on me like that again.”

  Dad squeezed me tighter, and I felt the shudder go through him. “Don’t hide things from me again, Cici. Promise me.”

  “I won’t.”

  “And don’t even try to with your mate. Trust me when I say, there will be no secrets between you two. As your bond grows, you’ll sense things without needing words. Then you’ll have entire conversations in your head and not even realize you never spoke a word aloud.”


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