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Iron (Rent-A-Dragon Book 2)

Page 12

by Terry Bolryder

  Then she found herself pinned again. “That’s better,” he said.

  She smiled and wriggled, somehow totally comfortable with him even when totally naked. Knowing what he was about to do to her made it impossible to be anything but excited.

  He kept one hand on her wrists as he leaned forward to kiss her, his other hand slipping between them to play at her entrance, dipping into her wet heat and coming out to circle gently on her clit. She writhed beneath him as the tension built steadily inside her, his kisses becoming more intense as he increased the rhythm of his fingers.

  She arched as the first orgasm came, washing over her with warm pleasure, making her entire body tense. He stopped to watch her, his eyes taking in every second as if he were trying to memorize it.

  The minute she relaxed, he started again, dipping more than one finger in, teasing her G-spot as he thrust his tongue into her mouth, muffling her moans as she pushed her hips up against him.

  They felt one at this moment, working together, moving together, feeling each other’s heartbeats and breaths and moans.

  Her dragon.

  The vision of him, so huge, so scaled, so gorgeous, was in the back of her mind as his fingers dipped into her, teasing her, pushing her, making her want so much more right this moment.

  She moaned as she wriggled against him, wanting everything to speed up, and his kiss became more voracious, more intense, more possessive as his fingers worked her into a frenzy.

  Her second orgasm was explosive, making her cry out and break free of his kiss so she could scream out her pleasure.

  His hand trailed down between her breasts as she climaxed, teasing and distracting her and putting her totally on edge.

  When she had calmed, he released her wrists and grabbed her legs, putting them over his shoulders. “I don’t want to pin you for this part,” he said. “Not that it’s not sexy when you writhe around, but for this, I want us both in control.”

  She nodded.

  “It should be easier this time, since it’s not the first, but if you ever want me to stop or back off, just tell me,” he said.

  As usual, he was concerned about her only. She nodded.

  He positioned himself at her entrance, which was wet and aching, and slowly pushed in.

  She inhaled sharply at the warm, sharp pleasure of it as he stretched her, going inside. When he was fully seated against her, her thighs pressed against him, her legs relaxed and draped over him, she stared into his gorgeous, creamy-jade eyes.

  Remembering all the times she’d looked into them, from the night he’d stopped on the side of the road to the day she’d seen him at the mansion to the day he’d shown up at the shop, how he was the first man to win over Perky.

  “I love you,” she said, feeling so close to him, so connected, not only her body, but also her heart. “I love you so much, iron dragon.”

  His eyes widened slightly, stunned. “I love you, too.”

  “I love you, Magnus. Just wanted to say both, so you know I fully accept you.”

  He looked between them, where their bodies were joined. “Yeah, I think I get that.”

  She laughed and slapped his arm. “You know what I mean.”

  He closed his eyes and then looked at her, and she could see him struggling with some unspoken feeling. “I do. It’s just hard,” he said. “Feeling accepted, accepting myself because you love me, it’s going to take me some time to get used to. Like it’s going to take you some time to get used to being happy.”

  She grinned, pushing against him slightly, urging him on. “I think I’m getting acclimated quickly.”

  He withdrew slightly and pushed back in, hitting her spot perfectly, making her bite her lip. “Me, too. Me and the dragon inside me.”

  She smiled as he began to move, harder and longer strokes, as she pushed her body up to meet him as much as she could. But kneeling in front of her, once again he was in control, setting the rhythm and pressure in a way that was deliciously sweet.

  At one point, she pulled back, let her legs down, and wrapped them around his waist, wanting to hold him even closer, loving the feel of his hard muscles as his hips moved against her. She locked her ankles, wanting to keep him safe and near.

  As much as she understood he was a huge dragon and didn’t need her for safety, she also knew his heart was very human and needed love and acceptance as much as anyone else.

  Luckily for him, it was easy to love him.

  She felt his body getting tense, his arms and chest tightening, a taut expression on his handsome features as he focused on staying with her. She felt the pressure in her own body building, threatening to explode, even if she wanted this moment to last forever.

  Then, with one more look into his beautiful eyes and one hard thrust that utterly pleasured her center, she came, breaking into a thousand shimmering pieces and losing all hold on time and space.

  She felt him go with her, jerking, increasing the pleasure of the sensations rocking through her as her body released, and she pulled him down and wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight, calling his name as the world slowly knit itself back together.

  She hadn’t known such pleasure was possible. She wanted to chase it again and again with him.

  His dark, silky red hair was hanging over his face, and she tucked it back, loving the way he always reacted to her touch.

  As he took her hand and kissed it, she realized he was just like the ring he’d given her. Hard and strong on the outside but if you were patient and earned his trust, full of sparkling wonder inside.

  Something that only she could see. Something she would always treasure.

  Through good times and bad, she’d treasure her ring and her dragon.


  “Keep your eyes closed,” Magnus said, holding her by the hand as he led her, blindfolded, through the castle that had become her new home over the past few weeks.

  Aegis had been right about the place. There was plenty of room for her and Magnus to have alone time whenever they wanted, which was frequently. But it was also nice to have other people around when you wanted to talk, especially since she’d been able to get acquainted with Liam’s mate, Kate, and Opal, who she learned was the opal dragon and Aegis’s mate.

  It felt like she had a new family now. There were other people in her life she could trust, connect with, share her thoughts and feelings with, and get to know better. And through it all, Magnus was amazing.

  Heck, even Perky had made a few friends, including Kate’s black lab Tank. She could often see Perky leading Tank around or looking for new places to nap and soak up the sun in the gigantic house.

  They stopped, and she felt Magnus’s hands leave hers, followed by the sound of shuffling.

  “Okay, you can look now.”

  She pulled off the blindfold and opened her eyes. As her vision cleared, she saw the car she’d shown Magnus the first day he’d come into her shop. The one she’d once staked her future on.

  Only, instead of a beat-up, dysfunctional heap, the car gleamed light blue and chrome, sparkling in the well-lit garage.

  Stunned, Lindy walked up to it, running her hand over the smooth sides, the perfectly restored mirrors, the new windshield. She came to the hood, and Magnus popped it for her, showing the insides. Not a single piece was missing. Everything was polished and looked as new as it must have the day it came off the production line.

  “I know you don’t really need the money. But I knew this car was important to you, so I figured I’d fix it up so you can keep it,” Magnus said, smiling.

  She just stood there, too stunned to speak.

  Magnus started to look worried. “Did I do something wrong? Should I not have done that?”

  Lindy threw her arms around him. “No, it’s wonderful. Thank you, Magnus. Can we take it out for a spin tonight?”

  “Yes, of course. It’s all yours. In the meantime, lunch?”

  They held hands as they left the garage, and she stole one last gl
ance at the car before they closed the door behind them. In the kitchen, Titus, Liam, Kate, and Citrine were talking while Titus was making something in a large pot.

  The quiet giant was pretty obsessed with cooking. Sometimes with mixed results.

  “So, Titus, what’s for lunch?” Magnus asked cheerily.

  The blond man with icy eyes just looked over. “Something burned if you bother me.”

  “So touchy about your cooking,” Magnus said, grinning.

  “I’m sure it’ll be great, Titus,” Lindy said, earning a grin from him as he picked up a bottle of something and poured some into the pot, stirring carefully.

  “So that’s two down, one to go, I guess,” Liam said as he pulled Kate to him, and she looked up into his eyes.

  “Yes. Who would have thought the whole Rent-A-Dragon thing would have worked so well?” Kate responded, looking at him as if he meant the world to her. The same way Lindy felt about Magnus.

  “I did,” Aegis said flatly, striding into the kitchen with Opal by his side.

  “That’s a lie,” Liam said.

  “You’re right. I thought you were all going to fail horribly. But it looks like you’re not the worst group of dragons ever,” he said dryly. “At least two of you, so far.”

  “When do you think we’ll find your mate, Titus?” Kate asked.

  He didn’t respond, but instead, just kept stirring.

  “I’m going to go do more research into the mercury dragon. See if any of the texts the oracle mailed me make mention of him,” Citrine said, standing up from the chair he’d been sitting on.

  “Stay and eat,” Magnus offered with a wave.

  “I don’t know why you’re offering since it won’t be done for another fifteen minutes,” Titus said gruffly.

  “We’re dealing with a dangerous foe that we know nothing about. Knowledge is power after all. If he meddled so intricately with Magnus and Lindy, there’s no telling what else he may be planning. Or what he may have already done.”

  At that, Liam snapped his fingers in realization.

  “Wait. Do you think that call from Kate’s boss could have been from Mercury? The one where he insisted she come into work, even though afterward, when I spoke to him, he said he was okay with her taking the day off? He’s a shapeshifter.”

  “It could have been. When I picked it up and my boss was on the other end, I just assumed he had a new cell number,” Kate chimed in.

  “Entirely possible,” Citrine said.

  “Or the night when we thought Dante, the gold dragon, came into the house. When I confronted him, he denied it. At the time, I just thought he was lying. But maybe it was Mercury trying to stir up trouble between us and the precious metal dragons so we’d fight,” Liam added.

  “Also possible,” Citrine replied.

  “Damn. All this time. Who knows how long he’s been watching us?” Liam said.

  “I’ll talk with the oracle again, now that things are starting to calm down on her side. Maybe she’ll remember something, anything, that can help us,” Aegis said begrudgingly, earning him a smile from Opal.

  “For now, we should be safe here in the castle,” she said. “Let’s just make sure to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.”

  “If he does show his face around here, we’ll just kick his ass,” Magnus said.

  There were nods of approval all around, and Titus resumed what he was doing while Citrine left the room, an odd aura of tension around him.

  “Hey, we have fifteen minutes until Titus is done. Want to go back to our room?” Magnus whispered closely into Lindy’s ear, sending a tiny shudder of excitement down her spine.

  “Definitely,” she replied quietly.

  “Hey, we’re going to go look at the restoration job I did on her car before lunch,” Magnus said, wrapping an arm around her side and taking her with him.

  “Bullshit. We all know where you’re going,” Aegis said, rolling his eyes.

  “See you in a few,” Liam and Kate said in unison.

  When they made a turn at the corridor, out of sight from the others, Magnus pinned her to the wall, kissing her deeply as she felt warmth spread through her body to her toes and fingers.

  “Mine,” Magnus said, his voice low as he claimed her again with his lips.

  “Yes,” she said, wrapping her fingers in his hair, pulling him closer.

  It felt good saying yes to him. Yes to life. Yes to love. Yes to forever.

  I hope you enjoyed the second book in the Rent-A-Dragon series! If you enjoyed Magnus and Lindy’s story, I hope you’ll leave a review to help other readers find it. I really appreciate all your support.

  I plan to keep releasing quickly, but while you’re waiting for the next book in the series, you may want to grab my limited edition Awakened Dragons Boxed Set, at .99 for a short time for all SIX BOOKS.

  I never do boxed sets that extreme, and I usually wait about a year after release to put books in a boxed set, so get it while you can.

  Awakened Dragons Boxed Set

  Thanks again so much, and make sure you are signed up for my newsletter here so you can be first to hear about the next dragon’s shenanigans:



  Sample of Awakened Dragons

  Zach, Isaac Morningstar III, touched the chunky iron chain around his neck as he caught his reflection in one of the dingy shop windows he passed. Anger contorted his expression as he withdrew his fingers and started again down the street of the bad neighborhood he’d been dropped in.

  He was still getting used to the modern world since he’d been woken up some months ago, but even he knew this wasn’t the type of place he would ever have chosen to go back to when he had full access to his dragon powers and a massive treasure trove that allowed him to live in comfort whenever he felt like being in human form.

  And yet here he was, leveled, humbled, shackled by this collar until the oracle who watched over shifters was sure he could be “trusted”, barely able to partially shift, with no money and nothing but the clothes on his back.

  Despicable state of events.

  Not that he blamed the oracle. In his day, hundreds of years ago, dragons had been more akin to powerful, despotic demigods who terrorized humans when it pleased them and roamed the countryside freely. In human form, they were often dukes or lords with power to match, able to hide in the countryside in a massive estate if they so chose. To hell with caves.

  Here, dragons had been remodeled to become something much more civilized. Now they worked in pairs, enforcing the laws of the shifter community and protecting shifters and humans in their area.

  Protecting them.

  The thought was ludicrous. Zach had never in his life met someone he wanted to protect, and he doubted anyone here in the selfish, petty human world was going to change that for him.

  Thunder cracked overhead and he looked up with an annoyed scowl to see dark clouds overhead. A few more steps and he felt the patter of rain on his shoulders and shook his head in disgust. He looked around him to gain his bearings and saw a shop across the street that seemed friendly.

  A human woman stood in the front window, smiling as she chatted with a man in front of her in a low chair. She had long hair, a mix of dark brown and red that shimmered over her shoulders. Soft, pale skin with rosy cheeks. A sweet mouth.

  She was touching her male client’s hair, and Zach felt an odd rumble of jealousy at the sight of it.

  She was providing some kind of service. Zach would go over and see what, and get out of the rain at the same time.

  When he pulled open the heavy glass door, all eyes turned to him. Various men and women with striking colors of hair looked up at him in shock. Their clients, all arrayed in black cloaks, stared as well.

  He saw seats to the side of the door and sat in one, glaring at the humans to try and deter the stares he was receiving.

  He was a dragon, a powerful one. The world could rise or fall on the wh
ims of him and his friends. They should show him respect, not this mixture of shock and disgust.

  The girl he’d seen from the window turned to him with soft blue eyes. Kindness. That was unexpected. “Did you want to make an appointment?”

  He pursed his lips and leaned back in the chair. “For what?”

  “A haircut, of course,” she said, a smile touching her full lips.

  Zach sat up a little straighter as a little bolt of warmth coursed through him. Most unexpected. He touched his shoulder length mop, tangled from the trip here and damp from the rain. “No. I do not need one.”

  She smiled and shrugged. “Okay.”

  Other customers sent nervous glances around and Zach ignored them. He picked up a magazine from beside him and pretended to hold it in front of him while he studied the people.

  He wasn’t wholly ignorant of the modern world. He’d been living on a shifter-only island, but they had all of the technology. Just none of the humans.

  As he assessed the people around him, he realized when this place closed, it would be evening, and time to find lodgings. He’d been walking all day, and would need somewhere to stay at night. If he could still take his full dragon form, he could go out into the woods and sleep there. His dragon form was impervious to cold. But his human form would probably freeze.


  He stared at the human again, narrowing his eyes. The man in the chair in front of her stood as she removed his cloak and took him to the counter where payment was taken. On the way there, he turned to Zach with a scowl.

  “You could stop staring, hobo,” he said, before turning his back on Zach.

  Zach gaped. Hobo? As in, a homeless beggar? For a moment he was speechless at the audacity of it. He was the furthest thing from that. Or was he? After all, he had incredible wealth but none of it was accessible. Incredible power but no way to use it.

  He was kind of a hobo, wasn’t he?

  “What is he smiling about, anyway?” the man muttered.

  “Shush, Gerry,” the woman said. “You know I welcome anyone here.”


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