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Three Kings

Page 18

by Nikki Jefford

  A lantern reflected off the vanity’s mirror, casting a pale glow over the windowless room. I’d tried on and discarded over a dozen tops when the door of the suite opened and closed.

  “Mel?” I heard Ryo call softly.

  “In your wardrobe,” I said.

  He walked in and gaped when he saw me with his breeches pulled over the white lacy slip.

  With a squeal, I ran at Ryo and jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist as he caught me.

  “Um, you’re not mad at me?” Ryo asked.

  I grasped his neck and kissed his cheeks. “Of course not, silly. You freed Ella.” I showered him in more kisses.

  “I’m sorry I had to act the way I did. I feel awful.”

  “Well, don’t. That was nothing. We’re getting out of here tonight, right?”

  Ryo’s lips pinched together. He set me down. “Not tonight. The sorceress is still here and likely will be until early morn. She makes me nervous, Mel. I don’t want to risk it with her lurking around the castle.”

  I sighed heavily and then smiled again. “At least you freed Ella from the dungeons. You’re all kinds of sneaky.”

  Ryo had done well finding allies within Ravensburg’s walls willing to risk their own safety for us.

  “Yeah, well, Kaylin’s service comes with a price, unlike Berlin’s. I gave her my promise that the position of lady-in-waiting to the princess would go to her.” Ryo ran a hand through his inky hair. His shoulders stooped and his eyes looked wary now that he could let down his guard.

  “What about when I’m no longer a princess?” I asked.

  Ryo leaned back, arms pressed at his sides as hurt filled his eyes. “Do you plan to leave me when this is all over? Will you break my heart? Do you love me, Mel? Even a little?”

  My breath hitched and heart pounded as I took in his penetrating brown eyes, jet-black hair, and seductive lips capable of such mirth, deception, and pleasure. If there was one thing Ryo continued to prove, it was that he was on my side. Not his family’s. Not the crown’s nor the kingdom’s. I was number one. I liked being number one, and I liked him. I more than liked him.

  I placed my hands on my hips and caught the briefest flinch over Ryo’s face as though he was preparing himself to hear the worst.

  “I totally love you, Ryo Elmray. Not just a little. A lot!”

  I blew out the lantern and launched myself at my mate. Hungry lips and hasty hands enflamed my skin. We grasped at the fastenings on each other’s trousers, chuckling when our fingers collided. Ryo had my pants unfastened first, and then, because apparently I wasn’t quick enough, he undressed himself, ripping off his cravat and jacket before throwing them to the ground. He kicked off his boots and pants then removed every last stitch of clothing until he stood entirely naked, breathing rapidly.

  Unlike me, Ryo wasn’t prone to hurling himself at others. He stood perfectly poised in the dark as though presenting himself for my inspection. His black hair blended with the shadows, and his muscles silhouetted in the darkness. He turned sideways. Enough dusky light entered from the door behind him to emphasize his erection.

  My nipples pebbled beneath the silk slip while my legs turned to jelly that wobbled with every step I took toward him. When I reached Ryo, I ran my hands down his chest until reaching his hardness. I grabbed hold and stroked.

  With a growl, Ryo had me on the floor of the wardrobe, the slip pushed up to my waist. My thighs tingled and throbbed with anticipation. Before I could open my legs, Ryo rolled us over and pulled me on top of him. Skilled fingers spread me open then guided the slick tip of his hardness inside, followed by his full length.

  Joining complete, Ryo rested his warm hands gently on my hips and stared up at me with a glint in his eyes. I stared at my mate with his dark head against the floor. I’d never been on top before. I wasn’t sure what to do. How to move.

  Devdan had always been tender. Careful. My heart had melted at the affectionate way he’d treated my virginity, as though it was sacred. Everything had been beneath blankets. I’d always worn some kind of sleepwear. Devdan liked donning cotton shorts and a T-shirt in bed. We hadn’t gotten very creative, but every time we’d coupled had been wonderful.

  This was something entirely different. It felt naughty and delicious.

  I rocked my hips.

  Ryo moaned.

  Desire swelled from my pelvis to my breasts.

  Ryo’s grip tightened around my hips. “Take what’s yours, Mel,” he ordered in a husky voice.

  A flood of desire and power swirled through me. I pulsed over him, spurred on by Ryo’s moans. Excitement spiked straight up to my head. I thrashed against him with no mind for anything other than our pleasure. Our thumping bodies were muffled by the clothes hanging around us.

  Sweat dampened my neck beneath my thick hair. The slip felt constricting; my body too hot. I pulled the scrap of silk over my head and tossed it aside, bare breasts bouncing above my mate.

  A keening sound erupted from Ryo’s lips and echoed around the closet. His eyes rolled back into his head then came back to center, fixating on my chest.

  Curls fell over my shoulders in waves as I leaned over him, our hips knocking together.

  Ryo looked at me through hazy eyes. “I can’t last long like this.”

  A wicked smile curved my lips. Since when was a Fae prince at an elf’s mercy? I felt the same kind of thrill I had the first time I’d brandished a sword. This was power and triumph in its deepest form.

  I pushed my hair back and shoved my breasts into my mate’s face. His eyes shone as he gave me a look of surprise and delight. Ryo grabbed hold of one breast, guiding it to his lips. His tongue snaked out, wetting the tip of my nipple. He lifted his head and sucked brutally until pleasure and pain crashed through me. My hips jerked over him. I cried out. Ryo released my breast and took the second one, repeating the torture that tore through me before spiraling into ecstasy.

  I was wrong to think I was entirely in control. And I’d been mistaken to ever believe that Ryo was a timid young prince with a cute little crush on an elf. He was all Fae. Aerith had once told me that when the Elmrays took what they wanted, they were merciless in their conquest.

  I straightened up, pulling my breasts away from gleaming teeth that looked ready to bite.

  Ryo’s eyes glinted in the dark as he heaved his hips off the ground and drove into me. He sat up, plastering his muscled chest against my aching breasts. I had to hold on to his neck after he took me by the hips and bounced me over him. I gasped and writhed, grinding my hips against his, fighting to regain control.

  He’d said to take what was mine.

  “You’re mine, Ryo,” I growled, pulling his head to my chest. Warm breath blasted between my breasts to my belly.

  He lifted his head and made a snarling sound that reminded me of a crazed beast devouring live prey. In a flash, Ryo flipped us around, the rug chafing my bare bottom as our bodies thumped together. It felt like too much. Not enough. I wanted to let go, hold on, give in. Sobs of pleasure choked my throat. Bursts of light clouded my vision. Like a lion going in for the kill, Ryo roared his release so loud I imagined it echoing through the castle corridors. Maybe it had, because Gem delivered a tincture first thing in the morning without me having to ask.

  Chapter Sixteen


  The first time I stood in Ravensburg’s throne room was for Queen Naesala’s funeral, followed by Teryani’s coronation.

  Tonight, Albedo had gathered a small group to witness his mating ceremony to Oreal.

  Albedo’s skinny, pale, black-haired bride-to-be looked like a female version of him. I found it creepier than a clown in a cemetery. She was dressed in a thick maroon gown with gold trim that appeared stifling. Albedo wore a cape that matched the color of her dress. Beneath it, he donned a suit of midnight.

  Ryo and I were dressed in black and silver. My hair was pinned up and secured with a tiara, which I still wore in Albedo’s presence so he
wouldn’t deny food to Kaylin glamoured as Ella. Ryo had brushed his dark locks into a silky shine I longed to mess up.

  Isadore had left early in the morning. Ryo said she didn’t pay him much attention. She’d portaled Oreal in and told Albedo to mate her and get an heir in her right away. Ew. Isadore had instructed Albedo not to open the castle up to anyone, not even ladies vying to become queen. She was all about securing his throne, and so was he. Oreal came from a faraway kingdom called Frostweather. The kingdom sounded like a place as cold as the queen-to-be. Oreal’s arctic-blue eyes and pale lips made me shiver.

  A gray-haired faerie stood between Albedo and Oreal on the dais with Ryo and me on either side of the frost king and queen.

  Below us stood my entourage, the tramp team, and Ella, disguised as Kaylin. I didn’t want her this close to Albedo, but it would have appeared suspicious to my servants if my new lady-in-waiting had not been present at such an significant event. The females had all been instructed to wear thin white gowns with nothing underneath. It looked as though Albedo meant to sacrifice them, but Ryo had assured me this was a fertility custom in antiquated kingdoms when a king hoped to produce a speedy heir following his claiming. Double ew. I didn’t mind the corset as much tonight.

  Albedo and Oreal were guided through the same ceremony Berlin had performed for Ryo and me, only their union was followed by the crowning of “Queen” Oreal. A crown of maroon velvet and gold was placed on her dark head. The royal ring of Ravensburg, or the corpse ring as I thought of it, was still on Teryani’s finger, so they used a square ruby ring instead.

  The gray-haired faerie lifted and stretched his arms. “All hail King Albedo, and his queen, Oreal Elmray.”

  “All hail the king and queen of Ravensburg,” the viewers said in unison.


  Albedo took Oreal’s hand and led her down the stairs of the platform. Ryo offered me his arm and did the same. I had no idea how a typical royal wedding coronation played out, so I was taking all my cues from my mate.

  Ryo steered us to the left of Albedo and Oreal as the audience lined up. Albedo held out his hand, and I watched as Gem led the procession in kissing the onyx ring around his finger, followed by Oreal’s ruby. When she reached Ryo, she kissed his cheek, then moved to me and kissed mine. This continued with the tramp team paying their respects last. The first one to reach Ryo grabbed him by the ass and smeared her glossy pink lips all over his mouth, taking advantage of his shock to stick her tongue down his throat.

  I ripped her off him and flung her aside. As I did, the second tramp swooped in on Ryo. I whipped around, grabbed a fistful of white-and-blue hair, and yanked hard. The harpy screeched.

  “What in the seven hells is going on?” Oreal demanded, turning a venomous glare on me.

  The tramp team huddled together, bowing their heads meekly.

  “We were only congratulating the prince,” one of them said, feigning innocence.

  Albedo chuckled. “Princess Melarue is a greedy little elf who doesn’t like anyone touching her mate.”

  The blues of Oreal’s irises crystallized around her pupils. She lifted her chest and chin and looked down at me, all high and mighty now that she wore a crown. “You forget your place, young lady. The prince’s pleasure should be your only concern.”

  My lower jaw unlatched and hung open. I snapped it shut and glared at her royal bitchiness. I stood on my tiptoes and met her glare face on. “You’re new here, so let me explain things to you. This isn’t your castle. It’s Teryani’s. That crown doesn’t make you queen. And my relationship with Ryo is none of your biz.”

  Oreal stepped forward and slapped me so hard and so fast I didn’t see it coming until her hand had cracked over my cheek and stung me senseless for several seconds. Ryo rushed in front of me. I was glad to have him shielding me as tears swarmed over my eyes unbidden. Pitberries, that hurt!

  “You will never lay a hand on my mate again,” Ryo snarled at Oreal.

  “Someone needs to keep her in line,” Oreal sniped.

  Fury turned into flames burning in my palms. My tears evaporated. I stepped around Ryo, heat licking up my arms without toasting my sleeves. My fire fed off me. It burned hot and bright. “Try touching me again,” I challenged Oreal.

  Her eyes widened. She gasped and turned to Albedo. “She has elemental powers?” When Albedo nodded, she looked at me and scowled. “They must be taken away.”

  I hissed.

  “The next time Isadore visits, I will speak to her about it,” Albedo said. “I had more pleasant thoughts on my mind the last time.” He leaned in and gave Oreal a peck on the temple. “Come, my queen. Princess Melarue will cool off. She knows the consequences of my displeasure.” Albedo narrowed his eyes at me and held out his arm for Oreal.

  I glared daggers at their backs as they swept out of the throne room. Once they’d departed, I noticed the nasty smirks Giselle and Jana flashed at me. I stuck my tongue out at them.

  “What a royal bitch,” Ryo snarled, still glowering in the direction Oreal had departed.

  “There’s nothing royal about her.” I scoffed.

  “Princess Melarue, can we prepare you a soothing bath in your suite?” Lulu asked.

  I shook my head. “No. Today’s spectacle has tired me out. I want to go to bed. Kaylin will help me undress first.”

  “Are you sure, Princess?” Gem asked.

  “Yeah, take the rest of the night off.”

  I grabbed Ryo’s arm, and this time I was the one steering us out of the throne room, into the corridor, and to our suite. Ella hurried after us. As soon as we were all three in the suite with the door closed, I huffed with fury.

  “We have to get out of here tonight.” I was so done with this shitshow. No one had ever struck me, not even Shalendra after I accidently burned her favorite fur-trimmed cloak back in Sweetbell. I’d recently come into my powers when she’d complained of the cold while we were standing outside. I had tried to help by creating heat around her, only to catch fire to her cloak. By the time we staunched the flames, it smelled like charred rabbit. Shalendra had been livid. She’d stomped her feet and screamed, but she’d never slapped me.

  I wanted to gut-punch that black-haired bitch and follow it up with an uppercut to the jaw.

  I gnashed my teeth and growled.

  “Is it safe?” Ella asked, chewing on her bottom lip.

  “Seems like a good night to me. Albedo and his queen bitch will be holed up doing the ugly, trying for monster babies,” I griped.

  “At this point, I think staying would be more dangerous. Definitely time to go,” Ryo said.

  I put my arm around him and kissed his neck. “Smart mate.”

  We waited until full dark and a half-moon brightened in the sky outside our windows to exit the suite from the servants’ door of the bathing chamber. Ella and I were glamoured to look like Giselle and Jana, which, unfortunately, meant donning a pair of thin white gowns and nothing else. We clung to Ryo’s arms and forced giggles whenever passing a guard. No one questioned us as we slipped into the courtyard outside the castle gates. They all looked half-asleep on their feet. Ryo steered us to the stable.

  Large torches with foot-long flames burned on either side of the gate. Smaller torches flared along the courtyard, lighting up sections of the stone ground.

  The bronzed bun guard stormed over from his post by the gate. Ugh. Didn’t this male sleep?

  “What are you doing out here?” he demanded.

  “Steering clear of his overbearing mate,” Ella said, throwing in a giggle.

  Since Ryo couldn’t lie, we had to lie for him. He gave a convincing chuckle and pulled Ella and me closer against him, turning his face to nuzzle my breast through the thin cotton.

  “We want to take the prince for a romp in the hay,” I said, nodding toward the stable.

  Mr. Bronze pursed his lips. “Isn’t there a spare chamber you could use?”

  “If the princess comes searching, we don’t want h
er to find us.” I ruffled Ryo’s hair.

  “The prince can go wherever he pleases,” Ella spoke in a haughty tone.

  “With whomever he pleases,” I added.

  “By order of the king and queen,” Ella threw in. She rubbed against Ryo. It helped knowing it was part of the act and she wasn’t really interested. I mirrored her movements on Ryo’s other side.

  “You shouldn’t be out here.” Mr. Bronze glowered.

  “We like it outside in the hay,” Ella cooed.

  “Yes, and I would like it a lot better if we got on with it, ladies.” Ryo pulled us toward the stable, turning our backs to the unhappy guard.

  Several horses neighed at our entrance. Ella pulled away from Ryo once inside. She turned and peered through a crack in the wood. “He’s returned to the gate,” she said.

  My heart settled somewhat, but not much. We were finally getting out of Ravensburg. I wanted to jump up and down, but I needed to save my happy dance for after we cleared the gate and safely escaped.

  Ryo strode to the farthest stall. I followed him inside, giving the black horse within as much berth as I could while Ryo dug through the straw in the corner.

  “Phew, they’re still here.” He pulled out a crossbow and a sword. He’d explained back in our suite that he’d managed to pilfer and hide them during his short stint as Ravensburg’s newest guard.

  The horse swished his tail as Ryo stood. He ducked and slid along the wall to me, handing over the crossbow.

  “Have I told you that I love you?” I grinned as my fingers curled around the sleek weapon.

  “Apparently not just a little.” Ryo smirked.

  “Don’t let it go to your head.”

  “Nope, just to my heart.” Ryo pressed his fingers over his chest.

  I rolled my eyes even though I was gushing inside. Who was the love dove now? Oh my sky, Aerith was going to flip when she saw us together as mates. My sister and I were both Elmrays. Father was going to freak out too. He’d probably throw a parade through Pinemist. Ugh, what was I going to tell Devdan? When I’d said I’d come home as soon as I could, I never dreamed I’d be mated. I hoped we could still be friends. We’d had loads of fun together, and I still cared about Dev, but in that moment, I realized I no longer loved him. It was both sad and liberating.


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