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Page 18

by Hensley, Alta

  Wisely, she kept that to herself.

  She laced her pussy juice covered fingers together in her lap and stared at the floor. She’d screwed up, and not in a fun way.

  “I went straight to your office when I got home and you weren’t there. But, your story about Dirk the schoolmaster and Lacy the naughty student was right there, in fourteen point font, for anyone to see.”

  Jill’s head began to swim and she wondered if she might faint. What if the kids had found that?

  “The front door was unlocked. What if your mother had come over here and barged in without knocking like she has a tendency to do?”

  Oh gawd. Could you imagine? Her mother would not approve. No, not at all.

  “Do you really want to give your mother one more reason to belittle you?”

  “No,” Jill said. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m sure you are. But it seems to me that little miss spanking writer is long overdue for a reminder of what the real thing feels like.”

  “Please, Owen. Not this time. I’m almost done with this story and I said I was sorry and you were the only one who saw it.” She glanced up at him from under her lashes with her best ‘I’m sorry and you know I’m too cute to spank’ expression.

  “That’s not going to work this time, Jill.”

  He sat on the bed next to her and patted his lap. “You know what to do.”

  She most certainly did. She exhaled a long breath and assumed the position.

  There was no need for Owen to flip the skirt of her sundress up since it was so short that the act of lying over his lap exposed her backside.

  “Let’s go over the rules again,” he said as he stroked his fingers over the naked flesh of her rear end.

  “I just listed them,” Jill said, her tone none too sunny.

  Owen’s hand came down on her bottom with a firm slap. “I think you might need a reminder of our household rules as well.” Another swat landed on her left cheek and Jill winced. It had been quite some time since she’d found herself in this position and she’d forgotten how quickly Owen was able to warm her rear.

  She grabbed hold of the side rail of the bed to steady herself.

  “I’m going to keep swatting until you list the big five rules of our marriage. And I’m not promising to stop when you finish, but I can assure you I will not stop until that list is completed.”

  Jill took a deep breath and focused her mind, which was tricky to do while her husband roasted her rump. She also made a mental note to remember these exact sensations, the onset of tingly numbness and sting on her butt, to use in the next scene she planned to write.

  Owen’s wide hand connected with the very center of her ass. “I’m still waiting,” he said. “Do you think that the paddle would assist your memory?”

  “No!” Jill licked her lips and swallowed past the dry lump in her throat and began the list.

  “No disrespect.” She grimaced when Owen punctuated her words with a smack to her upper thigh.

  “Which would include things like trying to flirt your way out of a spanking or sassing, right?”

  Jill rolled her eyes and was grateful that her ass up position prevented Owen from seeing her do it.

  “Yes, that’s right.”

  “And that includes eye rolling.”

  Damn him. Did he have mirrors on his shoes?

  Owen worked in a steady rhythm, left cheek, right cheek, center for a few swats. Each slap added to the heated layer of flesh covering her backside. “I’m waiting for more rules.”

  “No deception.”


  “Nothing dangerous.”

  “Like possibly exposing our lifestyle to anyone who wandered into our house?”

  That took the wind out of her sails. What might have happened if someone else had seen her writing? Of course, writing about spanking and domestic discipline didn’t necessarily mean that she and Owen practiced it, but still, it would be pretty hard to explain. And Jill was a terrible liar.

  “I hadn’t thought of it like that,” she said. Owen taught in the public schools. Exposure of their lifestyle would endanger his career, their livelihood and their reputations around town, not to mention the affect such gossip would have on their children. Jill hated that people were so quick to judge and condemn, but that was the reality of their situation. Although it was unlikely that today’s lapse would lead to the total downfall of their family, she had become lax and without this reminder, things might have gotten worse.

  “Two more.” Owen worked his way up and down her thighs. The sting in her flesh made Jill wish she’d gotten a stand up desk to work at.

  “Family first.”

  “That’s right.”

  Jill searched her mind but between hanging upside down and having her butt busted by Owen she could not come up with the fifth rule.

  The onslaught to her bottom continued while she searched her mind for any rule.

  “No running with scissors?”

  “Nice try,” Owen chuckled.

  “Give me a hint?” she pleaded.

  “Discipline is meted out as soon as possible.”

  “Oh, that’s right.”

  “And why is that rule important?”

  “So we can get to the make-up sex?”

  “Wow, you have not learned your lesson, have you?”

  “Are you opposed to make-up sex?”

  “Make-up sex would imply that we had a fight. I am just enforcing the rules.”

  Owen finished up her discipline with a hard swat to the center of her chafed ass. He helped her up from her position and stood her between his knees while he rubbed his hands up and down her arms and she composed herself.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I got really turned on by what I had been writing so I went looking for you and when you weren’t here I guess I decided to take care of it myself.”

  “So I noticed.”

  Jill’s horniness had disappeared once Owen told her that she’d left her story open on the computer, but now that the crisis had been averted, those feelings began to return, heightened by the heat that now spread across her backside.

  “Did you read any of the story?” she asked tentatively.

  “Yes, I did. It was pretty hot.”

  Jill smiled. “I thought so too.”

  “As I recall–” Owen touched her shoulder and gently signaled her to go to her knees, “–your heroine was fantasizing about giving the schoolmaster a blow job.”

  Jill licked her lips. “Yes.”

  Owen stood up from the bed. “Maybe I could help you with your story?”

  “I could use some help, that’s for sure.”

  Owen removed his shirt and Jill admired the firm planes of his abdomen, though her gaze returned to focus on his zipper.

  “May I?” she asked.

  “You may.”

  Jill reached out to unbutton his jeans. She slid her fingers inside the waistband. Her breath quickened when her fingertips touched the head of his hard cock. She licked her lips, opened the button and slowly lowered the zipper. Soon his cock filled her view.

  She glanced up at Owen and saw desire darkening his eyes. “I would like to suck your cock, sir. May I?”

  “Should a naughty girl like you be allowed to suck my cock?”

  She flicked her gaze to his member and saw the glisten of pre-cum on the tip. Her breath caught in her throat. “I have been punished for my naughtiness and I would very much like to show my repentance by pleasuring you, sir.”

  Owen paused, his gaze holding hers.

  “Very well,” he said.

  Jill wasted no time in placing her lips and tongue on the turgid object of her desire.

  Ahhh. She licked her way up and down the shaft and slid her lips all the way to the base. It felt so good to fill her mouth with her husband’s cock. She cupped his balls in her left hand and used her right to grasp his shaft below her lips, then began moving her mouth and hand up and down, her mouth providing w
armth and moisture, her fingers following with pressure.

  She swirled her tongue around the rim of the head then across the slit in the top to collect the pre-cum that had gathered there.

  She heard Owen gasp and smiled around the hard dick in her mouth. He buried his hands in her hair and held her head in place while he moved in and out of her mouth.

  Desire coiled low in her body and tightened with each thrust of her husband’s cock in and out of her mouth. She clenched the muscles of her pussy together as they pulsed in rhythm with the fucking her mouth received.

  Her left hand moved from cupping her husband’s balls to touching her breasts. She squeezed her fingers around the hard tips of her nipples and swayed back and forth with the thrusts of her husband’s cock.

  She felt his cock pulsing in her mouth and prepared for the explosion of his seed into her mouth. She moaned around the shaft and continued to press her fingers against her tits so she came with a groan at the same moment her husband dumped his load down her throat.

  Chapter Five

  “A book?” Jill stared across the table at her sister. “You wrote a book?”

  “Yes,” Melinda puffed up proudly. “Only took me a month too. I signed up for Camp Nanowrimo. Have you heard of it?”

  As a matter of fact, Jill had not only heard of it, but had participated with a number of other spanking writers. It had been a crazy month of hefty word counts, word wars, and smack talk. She’d loved every minute of it and had even gotten a rough draft of a story out of it. But, she decided to feign ignorance of the whole thing rather than risk saying too much.

  “No, what is it?”

  “Every summer there’s a challenge to write a fifty-thousand word novel in a month. I signed up and wrote and wrote and wrote and finished a whole novel before the month was over. It happens in November too. I’m going to write another one then. I’m surprised you’ve never heard of it. I would have thought that with your degree in creative writing you would know all about this sort of thing.”

  Although she’d been out of college for ten years, her sister still never missed an opportunity to mock her degree.

  “I’m surprised that an econ major such as yourself would have any time or interest in writing.”

  “Well, you know how I love a challenge and when I heard that everyone was writing a novel in a month, I figured it couldn’t be that hard, so I gave it a shot.”

  Not hard. Nice.

  “That sounds very interesting, Melinda.” Jill clenched her jaw and forced herself not to bang her head on the table.

  “I thought I’d send it to you to proofread. You know, finally do something worthwhile with all that money our parents spent sending you to college. Besides, you know I am no good with punctuation.”

  Oh, this was a sticky wicket. Jill had her own deadline in just a few days and she had also promised to critique a story for a friend and she was determined to get that done within a day. Of course, she could not tell her sister any of those things.

  “I would be happy to take a look at it. How soon do you think you’ll be ready for a proofreader?”

  “Well, I suppose right away. I finished it last night so I think it’s just a matter of a quick proofread for grammar and punctuation errors and I’ll be ready to publish it.”

  Jill took a long sip of coffee in an effort to stall and gather her thoughts. Sending her story to a proofreader as soon as she finished the first draft? And then she was going to publish it? Writing a novel in a month was easy?

  “You’re planning to publish it?” Jill struggled to keep her voice even.

  “Well, why not? Thousands of other people do every day. It can’t be that difficult, can it? I didn’t think that writing was so tough. Honestly, people make such a big deal about it and the words just flew from my fingers.”

  Jill bit her lip and counted to ten. “How nice,” she finally said.

  “I’ve got to run, but I’ll email it to you as soon as I get home. Do you think you can get it back to me by tomorrow? I thought I’d try to publish it this weekend.” With that, Jill’s sister stood, pecked her on the cheek and took her leave.

  Once she saw Melinda exit the restaurant Jill blew out a long breath.

  She finished her coffee. Ordered a piece of pie and a refill on her coffee and spent another thirty minutes feeling sorry for herself before she headed home.


  Woohoo! My first book is now available on Amazon! The post was accompanied by a photo of a beaming Melinda holding her kindle with the cover of her book displayed in living color.

  Well, that’s nice, Jill told herself and did her best to move on to other important Facebook posts. Unfortunately it appeared that everyone on her friend list had jumped on the Melinda bandwagon.

  So proud of my awesome friend, Melinda, the published author.

  Fantastic friend, career woman, mother, wife and now published author. How does she do it all and write a book? She’s my idol.

  Just gave a 5 Star review to Melinda’s new book.

  Jill groaned aloud.

  “What’s wrong, buttercup?” Owen brought her a cup of coffee and sat in the chair across from her.

  “Melinda’s book. She has tons of glowing reviews from all her friends, who probably haven’t even read the stupid thing.”

  “Oh.” Owen sipped his coffee and studied her over the rim of the mug. “I know this is a bitter pill for you, but you’re just going to have to suck it up and be nice about it. And keep quiet about what you know.”

  Jill sighed. “I know. This was the choice I made when I decided to publish spanking stories. I just never expected this.”

  “No one could have expected this. Does your sister even read?”

  “You couldn’t tell it from the way she writes,” Jill said with a fair bit of snark.

  “I’m sorry, honey. Why don’t you spend some time online with your spanking writer friends? That usually cheers you up.” He kissed her on the top of the head and left the room.

  She sent a long, whiney email to one of her writer friends and then went to Amazon to re-read the good reviews for her books.

  A delightful story. I could not put it down. I can’t wait to read more by this author.

  I have not read anything this good in a long time. The author has a natural talent for storytelling that you don’t see very often.

  I hated to see it end. This story kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish.

  Jill’s stomach churned with nausea. She knew she shouldn’t have looked at Melinda’s book. But when she went to Amazon, she just couldn’t help herself. It had been out for all of forty eight hours and she already had seven five-star reviews. And the names on the reviews were all familiar to Jill as members of Melinda’s vapid social circle.

  She sighed and clicked to her own Amazon author page. Six books with nice reviews. Of course, none of them had gotten so many reviews or such glowing reviews so quickly. Spanking readers, much like spanking writers, were a cautious bunch and many did not leave reviews for fear of somehow outing themselves in their real life.

  She could not blame them and it seemed to be an issue for everyone in the genre, so she tried not to take it personally.

  But still, the glowing reviews for her sister’s piece of crap irked her more than she would have expected.

  She had, as promised, proofread the manuscript and returned it to her sister quickly, even at the expense of her own deadlines and promises to her colleagues. She had hoped to get some writing done once she finished, but her sister’s writing was so bad and her punctuation so horrible that the whole thing gave her a headache which could only be resolved with a large glass of wine and a handful of Ibuprofen.

  And now, that piece of garbage had five glowing golden stars adorning it on Amazon while her own books, over which she had sweated and fretted for weeks, struggled to get even a handful of reviews.

  She poured herself a glass of wine and continued to read the reviews for Melinda
’s book.


  Owen opened a bottle of beer and took a long draw of the icy beverage. Summer was over and if the increase in his own activities and the change of the leaves was not enough of an indication, then this annual gathering at the home of his in-laws sent the message loud and clear.

  It had been a particularly enjoyable summer. The changes in his relationship with Jill had certainly added to the enjoyment. Not that they had not had an enviable marriage before, but it seemed that since she had begun writing her mood had lifted and her libido had certainly gone up a notch. Or two.

  Yes, he was sad that summer was ending.

  He sighed and joined the others.

  “I’m halfway through my second book” he heard Melinda say as he rounded the corner to the deck where the adults had gathered while the children played in the yard.

  He glanced at Jill and was relieved to see that she appeared unaffected. It was not unexpected that Melinda would bring up this topic and he had said as much to Jill before they left home.

  “I’m so proud of you,” his mother-in-law said to Melinda. “I have always wanted to have a writer in the family.”

  “Thank you, Mother. Of course, I’m sure we all expected that Jill, the creative writing major, would have been the writer. There’s really no reason you do not have a book out yet, Jill. I wrote one while working full time so you should be able to get one out in half that time.”

  Owen saw Jill’s hand grip the arm of her lawn chair with sufficient force to cause her knuckles to turn white and feared where this could head.

  He opened his mouth to change the conversation, but wasn’t quick enough.

  “All of my reviews have been excellent. Nine five star reviews, so far.” Melinda glanced at the others in search of approval.

  Jill smiled. “How exciting,” she said.

  “Just one person posted a hateful review. Honestly, who are the bitter people who write these things?”

  She pulled out her phone, stroked her thumb across it several times and began to read: Just because you are able to type doesn’t mean you have the ability to write. This book, and I use the phrase loosely, is an insult to hard working writers everywhere. In addition to a complete lack of plot or likeable characters, the editing is atrocious.


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