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Night Angels (Beast & Beauty)

Page 8

by M, Jessie

  He turned and looked into Roxy's amber glowing eyes. “I'm here, babe... hold on... you're almost done...” her guttural voice replied from her fast growing snout.

  A loud round of howls filled the air around him, and he instinctively howled in return. The sound burned his throat and his chest heaved wildly.

  He whimpered with the rolling waves of pain and then his mind suddenly floated away, to some far off place. Somewhere pain free and warm and comfortable, where he didn't know what he was or where he was. He couldn't sense his breathing, or feel anything, or even hear anymore. He was aware of some motion, of a blur of his senses, and a wild feeling of exhilaration careering through him. And then it all went beautifully dark for a while.

  He was snapped out of his blissful darkness by a surge of activity. He heard growling, his head was shaking violently from side to side and he tasted something, a gush of warm fluid filled his mouth. His head and jaw ripped harshly at something, a blur of brown in front of him and a strong musky smell invaded his nostrils, then it all passed and he slipped away again, back into the welcome darkness.

  His head was throbbing like hell as he came 'round, but even through that he could still feel her hand stroking his cheek as he lay face down on the ground.

  “It's over... okay?” she whispered into his ear. He roused himself and looked up. The others were dressing and recovering around him. She placed his clothes next to him. “Get dressed now, hmmm?”

  He forced himself up and hurriedly pulled on his clothes, and finally his biker jacket. Then he felt too hot and removed the jacket. His stomach was extremely uncomfortable, full of pressure, hard and round.

  “How the hell do you guys cope with that all the time?”

  “It doesn't hurt us to change, Kyle, well, not much anyway. The itching hair is the worst part, but you get used to that after a while. I enjoy it to be honest. And the full moon issue, well... what d'ya do? Not much we can do... is there?”

  “What did we do, by the way?”

  “No way of knowing, is there? I guess we had a few sheep for dinner,” she laughed.

  A surge of nausea overtook him and he felt the need to puke. He rushed off and bent down, hands on his knees, as he threw up behind a tree. A huge pile of pink undigested meat fell from his mouth and he puked yet again, sickened at the sight of it all.

  Someone slapped him hard on the back. He winced and turned his head. It was Tank, complete with a wicked grin.

  “Been piggin' out, boy?” he growled in his usual condescending tone.

  “Looks like it,” he managed, trying not to taste the disgusting flavour of bloody raw meat presently in his mouth.

  “It often happens, the first full moon. Over feeding, that's what. Your human belly can't take it. But there's no tellin' the beast, is there?”

  He laughed heartily as Kyle's discomfort and wandered off again.

  He stood up and braced himself against the tree. Roxy appeared at his side and handed him a bottle of water.

  “Thought you could use it...” she said sympathetically. “Eeewww!” she exclaimed, catching sight of his revolting mess.

  “Ugh... That was vile. Hopefully I'll have a more modest portion of mutton next time,” he chuckled.

  “It's never happened to me, only the men. You men and your meat, eh?” she laughed. She lifted her hand and caught his and pulled him to one side. “So... feeling better now? You've coped with your rush and your first change. You've fed and thrown up. I think you deserve a nice hot shower and a sleep with yours truly. How does that sound?”

  “Like heaven,” he admitted. Especially the last part.

  He noticed the gang were gathering at their bikes, ready to leave. Ryder was polishing up his chrome with a rag, Angel having a cigarette, sitting on hers. Saffy was trying to get her leg over her bike, with some difficulty, he noticed as Max swept to her side and helped her on.

  “How long till it's born... their baby?” he asked Roxy.

  “Another two weeks, we think.”

  “I guess it's a big event, hmmm?”

  “I can't wait.”

  “Will it be like us, able to change form?”

  “As far as we know, based on Ryder's experience, because he's seen this before a few times... the kid'll be able to change at about seven or eight, but won't be taken over by the moon until much later. Puberty kicks it off apparently... Come on, let's get home fast. There'll be a long queue for the bathroom. Race 'ya.”

  She set off on her bike, racing along with a skill and a daredevil style he couldn't believe. He was enthralled. Her bare knee was almost touching the road as she leaned into the bends and twists in the lane. She rumbled up the road to the barn, standing up on the footrests and wiggling her tiny leather shorts covered backside at him naughtily.

  “Fucking little tease...” he called ahead to her.

  “Thought of some nice begging words yet?” she shot back, swinging her bike around in a flurry of dust and stones, and turning to face him in front of the barn.

  “I told you. I don't beg.”

  “I'll just carry on teasing then. Let's see how long you last,” she laughed, running inside the door. He followed her in and down the corridor to the bathroom. “Go on jump in but be quick, a couple of minutes okay? Tank'll be back soon.”

  “He gets to go first with everything, does he?”

  “Mostly, he's our alpha. But he's a good guy, Kyle. I love him, dearly. He's been like a father to me. Rescued me from a bad gang a while back. Anyways, he provides a roof over our heads, food, the kind we pay for, drink, clothes, all that stuff, and he looks after us. It's his job to keep us all safe, and there's a lot of rivalry with wolf packs you know? He has to deal with all that. It can get real dangerous...” She stopped and gazed at him thoughtfully. “You two'll hit it off eventually. I'm sure you will, but right now, get in there babe...” She shoved him through the open bathroom door.

  As he stood under the shower scrubbing himself fast and furiously, and rinsing his mouth out with soapy suds, to get rid of the lingering and deeply disgusting taste of sheep, he was sure of one thing. He and Tank would never see eye to eye. He wasn't sure why exactly, but he felt he was a threat to him.

  An educated Lord's son, well built, appealing to the ladies, and to his very own mate, judging by Kat's reaction and the looks she gave him. He might be a little young, but he was a rival for the leadership, something Tank had probably never felt before, with the other guys. Not that Kyle wanted to lead a pack just yet, or even be in one for that matter, but he was coming to realise that he might have to do a lot of things he didn't want over the coming days, weeks, and months.

  He sat on the bed, dressed in clean boxers and track pants, and feeling beautifully refreshed, waiting for Roxy to emerge. She appeared a few minutes later, wearing a small white towel which just about covered her essentials, her hair still dripping wet down her back.

  “That was so good...” she sighed, sitting on the bed next to him, her gaze raking him over hotly. His eyes were just about ready to pop out of his head with lust. “Look, I'm getting dressed now, so stare all you like, it's up to you. We have to strip off quite often so you might as well get used to it.”

  She rose and went to the chest of drawers, opening the top one and retrieving a brush, pulling it through her dripping long tresses. She sprayed some perfume on her neck. And after choosing some clean underwear from another drawer, she suddenly dropped her towel. His eyes were glued to her pert backside, her slender waist and long limbs. His breathing ramped up at the sight of Venus standing before him. How he wanted to touch and hold her, to have her warm body close against him. He loved her teasing him, and wanted her to tease a lot more if it was like this. She put on her small panties, bright purple in colour, and then with a sly look over her shoulder, she got out a cropped black t-shirt which she slipped into.

  She turned to face him and he laughed out loud.

  A bright purple 'Little Miss Naughty' was emblazoned across her bea
utiful chest. The cartoon character lightened the heavy sexual atmosphere. She closed the blind, shutting out the early morning light, and slipped into bed, towelling off her hair.

  “I've already set the alarm for midday. So we can have a nice long lie in. No one'll be up before then. It's like that on moon days... That okay with you?” she asked in a sultry voice.

  “Sure, whatever... Little Miss Naughty...” he joked, as he sank into the blissful feather pillow which smelt strongly of her and the perfume she wore. She sniggered in return and leant up on her elbow to face him...

  “I forgot to tell you something. You're a real hot wolf,” she said in the semi-darkness.

  “I am?” he answered in surprise.

  “Yeah, really, really hot. I'm such a lucky girl. Sleep tight, babe...” And she turned and got herself comfortable.

  For once he didn't have a quick comeback. But he did have a big smile on his face. What a night it had been...

  He awoke with a start, the sounds of an electric guitar flooding his ears with an atmospheric melody. The bed next to him was empty. He quickly got up, looking at the clock. It was one in the afternoon. He'd obviously slept through the alarm and Roxy had left him to it.

  Once dressed, he made his way out to the main living area, curious to see who was playing.

  Of course it had to be Roxy, didn't it?

  If he'd thought she couldn't get any sexier... She'd just found a way.

  The vest, shorts, and boots were back on. Her regulation dress code, it would seem, and she sat with her leg crossed over her knee and a black guitar on her lap.

  She gave him a little smile 'hello' as he took a seat next to Angel and Saffy who were sitting on the sofa. Max was making himself a coffee.

  “Kyle honey... How are ya'?” Angel asked.

  “Fine, and so looking forward to tonight's repeat performance...”

  “Ha ha, yeah, it's a three night horror show. But seriously, it's not such a big ordeal after a while.”

  “Don't you get worried about running into people out there, at full moon?”

  “Not a lot we can do, is there?”

  He supposed she was right. Their plan wasn't foolproof. Nothing ever was.

  As he sat and listened to Roxy play, the hair stood up on the back of his neck in reaction to the haunting sound.

  “What's that you're playing?” he asked her in admiration.

  “Katatonia... Unfurl. It's pretty, huh? Their early work's heavy, heavy rock... You know... Pure biker.... Motorhead, Black Sab, and all that, but the later stuff is so cool... I love it,” she sighed. “What about this... have a guess...” she grinned as she launched into another song which he instantly recognised.

  “Guns 'n Roses, Knockin' on Heavens Door...” He was a big G 'n R fan. He knew their stuff pretty damn well...

  “Right... and what about this...” She started another. He let her play until she got past the chorus. He liked this one a lot, Nickleback was another one of his favourites.

  “Nickleback's How You Remind Me...”

  “One more... Dead famous oldie.” The familiar notes began... After two chords he had it...

  “Eagles, Hotel California.”

  “Hey... You're good honey...” Angel said with a sharp elbow in his side.

  “I know my rock.”

  She carried on with the well known Eagles' piece...

  A minute later Mutt appeared in the room dressed in a tiger print onesie, complete with a hood and ears. Kyle had to stifle a laugh. He was the biggest 'Tigger' ever...“Cut the racket Roxy, my head fuckin' hurts so bad... Ooowwww!”

  “Racket? Do you mind! Felder and Walsh are two of the best power riffers ever, that's sacrilege... Anyway, it's your own fault. You shouldn't have had those extra shots last night, should ya'? Don't think we don't all know. You do it every full moon,” Roxy replied hotly.

  “It's just one or two,” Mutt said defensively.

  “Yeah, one or two bottles maybe...” she muttered under her breath.

  “I like my little booze ups darlin',” he admitted as he flopped on the other sofa, his furry white tiger feet propped up on a plump cushion. “So, how's the new boy today?” He flashed Kyle a grin, complete with his gappy front teeth.


  “Good on 'ya. We all have our way of dealin' wiv stuff. Don't we Roxy?”

  “We sure do, Mutt, we sure do... this is mine.” She began playing a beautifully sensual piece which made him shiver and melt from head to toe.

  “That's a musical orgasm... What the hell is it?” he asked her with a groan of pleasure. How he loved stirring music like this. It set him on fire.

  “Steve Vai, Tender Surrender, and my version is tame compared with his... because he's a guitar genius, but you like it, do you?” She gave him a hot look from under her eyelashes.

  “Do I like it...? Mmm mmm... You're doing it deliberately, aren't you? Getting me going.”

  “Maybe I can sense what makes you tick...” she said softly... her eyes sweeping up and down to his, sexily.

  “You're definitely tickin' my tock right now...”

  “Kyle... My God... You're quite a hot piece of work, aren't ya'?” Saffy said wide eyed, peering around Angel who was sitting between them, eyes closed, wallowing in the same type of ecstasy he was, by the looks of it.... Max snorted and gave him a dirty look as he sipped his coffee on the arm of the sofa at her side. Probably for exciting his pregnant mate a little too much, in the wrong way...

  But he didn't care if he was a little bit of hot stuff with the women here, or if the men objected, that was their problem. There was only one thing he cared about or was interested in.

  “Sometimes... With the right stimulation,” he answered Saffy's rhetorical question, his face breaking into a wide smile.

  He couldn't stop it.

  The right stimulation was there. And she was sitting right in front of him. With her long wavy light brown hair, the far too wonderful Roxy thing she had going on, and her musical lovemaking saturating his brain. He was way out there, so far beyond anywhere he'd been before. She ramped up the riffs to the climax of the track, her fingers flying up and down the strings so expertly he was stunned and shivering all over with desire from his head to his toes.

  He was gone... somewhere with her. Completely and utterly hooked by this mysterious, talented, and beautiful creature.

  For a grand finale, just in case she hadn't won him over, and almost worshipping in tears at her tuneful feet, she began to play a really deep little song. It pulled so hard at his heartstrings that he thought she would pull his heart clean out of his chest. This wasn't really his kind of music normally. But the way she did it, kinda edgy, Lauryn Hill style, with the electric guitar in a simple rhythm in the background, made it magical to him.

  'Killing Me Softly' swept him off the face of the planet and she was singing to him, in a very decent voice, with a sexy catch to it.

  He shut his eyes and soaked it in while floating above in the heavens.

  “Strumming my pain with his fingers

  Singing my life with his words

  Killing me softly with his song

  Killing me softly with his song

  Telling my whole life with his words

  Killing me softly with his song

  I heard he sang a good song

  I heard he had a style

  And so I came to see him

  To listen for a while

  And there he was this young boy

  A stranger to my eyes

  Strumming my pain with his fingers

  Singing my life with his words

  Killing me softly with his song

  Killing me softly with his song

  Telling my whole life with his words

  Killing me softly with his song

  I felt all flushed with fever

  Embarrassed by the crowd

  I felt he found my letters

  And read each one out loud

  I prayed t
hat he would finish

  But he just kept right on

  Strumming my pain with his fingers

  Singing my life with his words

  Killing me softly with his song

  Killing me softly with his song

  Telling my whole life with his words

  Killing me softly with his song...”

  Her voice trailed off and she stopped playing. Their blazing eyes met and locked, his heart was pounding like crazy. At that moment, if they'd been alone, he'd have those begging words comin' thick and fast and they'd be so pretty they'd make him blush. But they weren't alone. Perhaps that was a good thing, perhaps not? All he knew was that he was under her spell, and he still didn't know that much about her.

  But he so wanted to find out. Everything there was to know.

  He stood up and poured two glasses of water and walked towards their room, looking over his shoulder pointedly, to where she sat. He went in their room and after straightening the duvet, he sat down to wait. And she made him wait quite a while. They were playing a game. He knew that. Eventually, about ten minutes later she arrived.

  “Sorry about that. Kat caught me... Wanted to know all about you... How you got on?”

  “Did she now?”

  How interesting...

  “Mmmm...” She sat down next to him on the bed.

  “Roxy, what can I say...” he began, slowly. “I'm still recovering from all that, you gave me goose bumps and hot flashovers at the same time, got any more surprises up your sleeve?”

  “Like what?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.

  “I don't know... Olympic gymnast, Formula One racing star... Prima ballerina?”

  “Ha ha, that's funny. No Kyle, nothing like that. I'm just plain old me. I sing and play average guitar.”

  “Hey, there's nothing plain or average about you.” He leant towards her and kissed her cheek. “That song really got to me you know...”

  “Yeah, it got me too.” She kissed his cheek back. “And I meant it. You really do kill me. Ever since I first saw you and you ripped my heart out and ran off with it.” He laughed at her ironic turn of phase. Being as she was the werewolf, and ripping was really her thing.


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