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Obsession: Darkness Falls

Page 4

by Ivory Quinn

  “It’s beautiful. I’ve never really listened to classical music before. What is it?”

  “It’s a collection of nocturnes.” He smiled, beginning to roll his sleeves up. “Chopin, Liszt, Rachmaninov...very soothing. Night time music.”

  “Well the name does sort of give it away!” She giggled. “I’m ashamed to say I feel quite ignorant. Classical music is not my forte.”

  “It’s what I was raised with.” He shrugged. “I was a classically trained musician. And, before you ask, I’m not telling you what instruments I play.”

  “Fine. Then tell me your favourite composer and why.”

  “Grieg.” He didn’t hesitate. “His music is dramatic and technically challenging to play. Stylistically, to me anyway, it’s evocative of early 1900s silent movie glamour.”

  “One day you’ll have to play me some.” She smiled, resting her cheek against the cool side of the tub. “I must confess, I find it amusing that you went for something challenging to play. Most people prefer the easy path.”

  “I have never claimed to be normal.” His lips quirked and he sank his arm into the tub, scooping a strong hand under her calf to massage the muscles. “I play Christmas music all year round. The carols by Tavener and Berlioz are some of my favourite easy listening pieces.”

  “Never heard of them.” She sighed as his hand moved down to her foot. “I’ve never been treated as much like a princess as I have since I met you either.”

  “It pleases me to make you happy.” He said simply.

  “I’d like to return the pleasure some time.” She winked at him and he burst out laughing.

  “Kitten, don’t tease me, I beg you. If I get in the tub with you, we’ll be up all night. You have to work in the morning and I’m not going to rush our first time. When you’re all clean and relaxed, I’m going to lie you down, tuck you in and hold you while you go to sleep. That’s it.”

  And he was as good as his word. She drifted in between the hot water and the soothing music and the feel of strong hands on her tired muscles, until she couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer. She stepped out of the water into the fluffiest towel she’d ever experienced and before she knew it she was falling into a bed so soft it was like being in a cloud.

  “I’m just going for a shower.” He kissed her forehead. “I’ll be back in five minutes.” When he returned, she barely noticed him sliding in behind her, scooping her up into his chest. “Sleep well kitten.” He murmured. And she did.

  Chapter four

  Noelle awoke to a cup of freshly pressed coffee on the bedside table and the most remarkable view she’d ever opened her eyes to. Gabriel wasn’t in the room and she spent a good five minutes drinking her coffee and just gazing out across the snow-blanketed city. The heavens had opened again overnight and it had whited out all the imperfections, making everything icily beautiful.

  “Are you awake?” Gabriel called from the bottom of the stairs and she grinned.

  “Yes, I was just admiring the view.”

  “Well come on and admire it from down here. Breakfast is ready. There’s a dressing gown on the back of the door.”

  “I’m coming.” Reluctantly she tore herself away from the window and tried the dressing gown on, stifling a giggle. It trailed on the floor and the sleeves were almost a foot too long. She’d never make it down the stairs. Hanging it back up, she spied Gabriel’s sweater from the previous day hanging over the back of a chair. That would do. She pulled it on over her head, breathing in his scent and smiling. Money might not buy you happiness, but it certainly buys very soft sweaters.

  He grinned at her appearance when she came down the stairs. “That comes almost to your knees.” He scooped her up into a kiss. “I take it the dressing gown was too big?”

  “It was about two foot too long.” She laughed, kissing him back. “Did you really make breakfast?”

  “Sort of.” He led her through to the kitchen where a feast was spread out on the table. “My housekeeper was warned you might be staying for breakfast, so she made French pancakes and maple sauce and told me how to reheat them. I sliced up the fruit.” He seemed so proud of himself for that tiny achievement that she struggled to keep a straight face. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Like a log.” She sighed happily. “That bed is amazing. Well...that and the bath and the music and everything else. Best night’s sleep I’ve had in ages. Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes I did.” He set a plate piled high with pancakes in front of her and handed over the sauce. “I’ll get a dressing gown for you before the next sleepover.”

  “That’s not necessary.” She protested cheerfully. “I’ve got one at home.”

  “Yes, but then you’ll have to cart it back and forth all the time.” He pointed out. “Better to have one that you can just leave here.” It was hard to argue with that without sounding ungrateful, so she just shrugged.

  “Fine. Will I be kidnapped again this evening or are you busy?”

  “I’m busy.” His face fell. “I have a music event to go to and it’s going to go on ‘til late. Still on for Wednesday lunch at the cafe though.”

  “Probably just as well.” She grinned. “These pancakes are amazing. If I stay here all the time I’m going to be the size of a house!”

  “I’m sure we could find some way to burn it off.” He waggled his eyebrows and she burst out laughing.

  “Yes Gabriel, I’m sure we could...”

  He dropped her off at the school gates with a searing kiss that made her bones feel like they were full of molten chocolate and she floated into her classes on a high that no-one could bring her down from. They met for lunch on Wednesday and spoke every night, but by the time Friday came around she was anxious to meet him.

  When the bell rang for the school holidays, she cleared all her students out, packed up her books, grabbed her overnight bag and then flew out of the school gates straight into his arms. He caught her with a deep rumbling laugh. “It’s good to see you too!” He chuckled, kissing her breathlessly. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes!” Grinning broadly she kissed him again and then disentangled herself, suddenly conscious of the astonished students and parents standing around them. “Sorry.” She murmured, blushing. “I was pleased to see you.”

  “I gathered that.” He responded drily, taking her bags and putting them in the back of the car. “Don’t worry, they’ll all have forgotten by the time the holidays are over.” He closed her door behind her as she got in and then moved around to the driver’s seat. “Let’s just go home.”

  They drove out to his house in the hills and she was struck all over again by how spectacularly beautiful it was. As he poured her a glass of wine and searched for some music, she gazed out at the snow-laden city below her. It was breathtaking.

  “Will you spend Christmas with me?” Gabriel asked quietly when he returned. “I usually spend it on my own.”

  “Me too.” She was always invited round by students and friends, but since her parents had died she seemed to spend it grieving. Maybe this year would be different. “I think I’d like that.”

  “Excellent. Can you cook roast?” She could see in his reflection that he was giving her a cheeky grin and she burst out laughing.

  “Yes I can cook roast for us.” She accepted the glass of red he handed over. “What am I cooking for us tonight?”

  “Whatever you want kitten. The kitchen is yours.” He said expansively. Then he frowned. “Before we cook though, there’s something I need to show you.”

  “Sounds serious.” She smiled to hide the unease stirring slowly in her chest.

  “Depends. Come with me.” He took her hand and led her to a door off the hall she hadn’t noticed before. It was painted to match the walls and was opened by a press and release system. Slightly confused, Noelle allowed him to lead her through a short corridor into a cosy room that had obviously been dug into the side of the hill. There was a piano to one side and guitars on stands lying around
. A complicated looking sound board took up one whole wall and there were microphones all around one section of the room that was glassed off from the rest.

  “Is this where you play?” She asked curiously, running a finger across the glossy surface of the piano.

  “Mostly. I record in here. It’s totally soundproofed.” He was watching her carefully like she might fall apart at any moment and she frowned at him.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked eventually and he winced. Without saying anything, he pointed to some framed objects on the wall. There was a concert poster and a platinum record display. Noelle recognised the poster. She didn’t know anyone who wouldn’t. The image showed the elaborately tattooed back of a man vilified by most of the nation, but adored by teenagers the world over. “Gabriel, I don’t...” She turned to look at him and the words trailed off as her jaw dropped. He had his back to her and he had removed his sweater. Intricate angel wings were tattooed the length of his torso. “No.” She whispered, everything crashing into place with crystal clarity. “Tell me you’re not him.” She backed up. “Gabriel? Tell me you’re not him, you’re not Darkness Falls.”

  His head fell. “It’s me.” He said hoarsely. “If you want I can take you home now. I couldn’t keep it a secret any more. I needed you to know the whole of me.”

  “I don’t...I can’t...It’s...” Her knees wobbled and she sat down abruptly on the floor, her head in her hands. How could this wonderful, intelligent, funny and caring guy be the current public enemy number one? It just didn’t make sense. Darkness Falls had crashed into the charts and then into the news with a debut album of dark and twisted melodies that were ridiculously good, but had a bitter and subversive message. The lead singer had refused to be identified, performing only one sell-out concert, to which he wore a mask. The media storm had been unleashed when his message about taking control had triggered a spate of teen suicides. He had refused to comment, fuelling speculation that he applauded their choice to end it. Churches and parents the world over had protested, but teenagers and many older rockers were buying his album voraciously. “Why now?” She whispered. “Why did you tell me now?”

  “Because I want you so much it hurts.” The naked honesty in his voice was both raw and searing. “You need to know that I have control issues. I can’t give myself to you completely. I can’t give you that control over me. I couldn’t take the risk that we might finally start to go all the way tonight or tomorrow and you would get freaked out by something I did.” Utterly bewildered, she tried to take it in. “Noelle, please say something.” He begged, falling to his knees in front of her. Dazedly, she realised his body was beautiful. Sculpted muscles rippled smoothly beneath golden skin. “I’m the same man I was an hour ago, and last night, and last week.” He said softly. “I’m the same guy that made you laugh, took you to dinner, held you while you slept. Knowing this, it doesn’t change me.”

  “Tell me.” She finally dropped her hands and stared at him with haunted eyes. “Tell me about those kids. Why did you never release a statement?”

  “Because there was nothing I could say that didn’t undermine their choices.” He settled on the floor, resting his hands on her ankles. “I’m not an advocate of suicide, I never have been. But I can understand that they felt it was the only part of their lives they had any control over. I understand that to end it was actually a brave decision rather than a cowardly one. In many ways I respect their choice to do as they did. I know why I am the way that I am. I know how it feels to be terrorised and manipulated so utterly that you feel as though you have no control over anything you do. It’s a horrible feeling. To wrest that control away, to do the only thing you can do that puts you back in the position of power...yes. I can respect that. I can understand that they felt it was their only choice.”

  “And what is it you think you’ll do to me that will scare me?” She was pale but she had stopped shaking.

  “I would never hurt you.” He promised. “I’m not at all about pain. But I will want to dominate you. If you’ll let me, I’ll tie you up. I can’t...lose myself until I’m certain that everything is under my command...that it’s all safe.”

  She shuddered all over and then surged up to her knees, scooching forward so she could put her arms around him. “How did you get so broken?” Her voice wavered as she fought tears. “Who hurt you so badly?”

  He sucked in a sharp breath and then sighed. “That’s a story for a rainy night and a bottle of tequila.” He said softly. “I promise I’ll tell you some day. If you stick around.”

  “I don’t think I’m ready to be dominated.” She laughed shakily. “Not today anyway. I’m too tired. Can we sleep on it tonight, talk about it tomorrow?”

  “Anything you want.” He replied huskily. “Shall I get the car?”

  “No.” She rested her forehead against his chest. “I’ll stay here. I’s a new way of thinking Gabriel. I know you’re the same man as you were an hour ago, and yesterday, and last week. It’s...I don’t know anything about where you’re coming from. Sexually I mean. I’ve never...I’m not very experienced. Part of me wants to try it out of curiosity. My heart is telling me that maybe these are boundaries I should try pushing, because I like spending time with you. You challenge me and I feel more alive than I have done in years. I just don’t want to get hurt. Physically or emotionally.”

  “I swear I will never push you farther than you want to go.” He promised her solemnly. “As long as you trust me, we’ll be fine.”

  “We’ll talk about it in the morning.” For a long while they sat there, lost in their own thoughts. Then she stirred again. “Let’s go eat, Gabriel. We can at least have tonight.”

  “You’re right.” Looking a little lost, he helped her up and they moved through to the kitchen.

  When Noelle woke up the next morning, Gabriel was asleep with his arms wrapped snugly around her. Smiling, she watched the sun rising over the city. It was a new day, bright and fresh with promise. She realised she was at peace with the knowledge of who he was. Knowing that he was damaged, that his issues were the result of some dark time in his past, made it somehow easier to bear. She could even admit that his reasoning for not issuing a statement made sense. Those kids had lost everything. Belittling them even after death did seem cruel. You didn’t have to like someone’s choices to respect them.

  She sensed the moment he came awake. She’d felt him twitching in the small of her back as he’d surfaced from his dreams, but when he became fully conscious, his arms tightened reflexively around her.

  “Hey.” He murmured sleepily.

  “Hey you.” She murmured back. “Did you sleep okay?”

  “Yeah.” He stretched his full length out and then jerked away as his early morning erection pressed into her. “Sorry.” He muttered and she burst out laughing.

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to move away.” To prove a point, she turned in his arms and stretched up to kiss him. “We can do this.”

  “Are you sure?” Something dark and haunted rolled beneath the surface of his eyes and she nodded.

  “Yes I’m sure.” Tentatively she reached down between them and curled a hand around his cock, beneath his boxers. “Is this okay?” She asked, stroking the length of it, and he smiled, a small, satisfied smile.

  “Oh yeah.” He kissed her. “This is definitely okay.” She held him firmly, stroking with a smooth rhythm as he sighed gutturally with approval. When he made no move to stop her, she slid down the bed, kissing and nibbling as she went. His body was still hot from sleep and deliciously sensitive to her darting tongue. When she reached his waist, he lifted his hips so she could slide his boxers away and free his cock. It lay against his hip, ramrod straight and already moist at the tip.

  “Someone woke up happy.” She jested, using her thumb to spread the glistening liquid across the head.

  “How could I not?” He closed his eyes. “I woke up next to you.”

  “You say the sweet
est things.” Smiling, she leaned down and took him in her mouth. He jerked, his eyes flying open at the unexpected sensation. Noelle wasn’t sure what she was doing. She’d only done this once before and hadn’t much enjoyed it at the time but, seeing Gabriel lying there in all his glory, she’d had a sudden compulsion to taste him. He was salty and musky and she swirled her tongue around the head as he groaned her name. She felt his hands tangle in her hair as he gathered it away from her face, and then he exerted a gentle pressure, moving her head up and down as she sucked.

  “God that feels good.” His pupils dilated as he watched himself fucking her mouth. She was so sweet and innocent and he could tell she hadn’t done this before. It pleased him. It didn’t take long for his balls to tighten and he pulled her away. “If you don’t stop, I’m going to come down your throat.” He murmured huskily. “My turn.” He caught her to him and tumbled her over onto her back as she laughed. “Lie back, spread your legs for me and don’t try to tell me to stop.” She gasped at his tone but did as he asked, obediently dropping her knees to the sides as a flush rose up over her skin. “Wider.” He ordered gruffly and she squirmed, spreading her thighs a little more. “Good girl.” He said approvingly, lifting her nightdress to her waist and tracing a finger slowly up through her folds. “You’re wet.” He looked her straight in the eye as he brought his finger to his mouth and licked it clean. “And you taste good.”

  “Oh my gosh.” She tore her gaze away, blushing madly, and he laughed. Pleased that he had shocked her, he slid down the bed and lowered his face between her thighs. He took a moment just to inhale her scent and then he drove a strong tongue into her. Her hips bucked wildly and he grinned, holding them down to the bed while he lapped her up in long, sure strokes. Her breath was coming faster and she was making small sounds of pleasure. He alternated between fucking her with his tongue and flickering it gently over her clit. When she came, it caught him by surprise. Her whole body convulsed and shuddered and he could feel her contracting around his tongue. Unhappy that he hadn’t sensed it coming, he pushed himself upright and she reached for him.


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