The Great Losing: The Mad Dragon King (The World of Shestafa )

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The Great Losing: The Mad Dragon King (The World of Shestafa ) Page 22

by Karine Green

  The sisters nodded and sniffed around the new recruits. Four were eliminated immediately, the scent of fear was overpowering, and one had a funny spice smell that made Terra want to eat her. Mack advised her to change her diet and then reapply to the program later if she still wanted to work with dragons. The others would have to conquer their fear of life before they could train.

  The sisters went and sat at attention behind Mack, awaiting his next orders.

  After a few more exercises, Mack handed saddles over to the two remaining rider candidates, and they easily saddled the dragons, pausing when ordered for the dragons to finish the job. Even Terra, the human-hating dragon, seemed happy to make the alliance with her new rider.

  "It is important to pause here, this is a symbol of the agreement between the rider and dragon," Mack said, smiling.

  They repeated the rider oath to each other, and then stood there waiting for instructions.

  "Go on, I want five laps. Work together! There is no one dragon, there is no one rider. Rider move with your dragon's stride; you will help them keep their speed this way. Stone Dragons are the fastest land animals that exist, don't give up that advantage," Mack said. "Well, get a move on – start slow and work up to full speed."

  The girls took off with the new riders crouched low and steady in their saddles, with their heads positioned safely behind and under the pointed wavy horns of the girls.

  Luca was amazed at how easy the final transition was. "We have never begun training that way. It has always been a struggle, and many were maimed or had limbs eaten by their dragons during the saddling ceremony. I had not even considered that the dragon's sense of smell and the candidate’s diet could be a contributing factor to the failure of the teams. Terra and LeVa's Riders are already moving as one unit." He looked at them as the dragons ran faster and faster. "This normally takes months of grueling training, but you, Great Dragon have accomplished it in less than an hour, with unqualified recruits. Excuse me, I will be right back. There are some people who must be informed. I would be remiss to keep them in the dark about a development like this."

  Mack nodded as Luca ran off. Then something caught his eye. He opened his wings and glided over to the weapons cabinet. "Compound bows!" He took one and turned to head for the barn.

  "What are you going to do?" Terra asked as she ran up with her new rider watching everything with wide eyes.

  "We're going to give a demo. We're gonna fly." He handed it over his shoulder to Misty.

  Misty stopped fussing with the saddle. "What are we doing?"

  "Yes, demo time." He handed her the bow. "Is the saddle okay?"

  "It's just cosmetic," she said pausing, and staring at the bow. "That's a big bow."

  "Size won't matter, you will see."

  Luca's aide ran over to the stable hand. "Go get them, tell them to come now. Run! He will not want to miss the Great Dragon King and his rider in action. She is a puny little girl."

  Misty practiced on the archery range with Mack deliberately flying in from difficult angles that only an Air Dragon could manage. Doing so would end any discussion about Misty's skill as a dragon rider. The ability to move, or spiral with an Air Dragon, and staying on target was difficult for even some of the best riders.

  "How do you like it? I can't believe I forgot it," Mack said, looping upside down, with Misty laying her chest down on his neck for a steadier shot as she kept an eye on the target while he spiraled into the target zone, fast.

  "Easier than the other bows, once the initial pull is out of the way. But, I still like the crossbow better." She released the string and drove the arrow through the center of the hay-stuffed knight at the edge of the field. “Impressive! It’s powerful, but nothing would cause me to give up my Makani crossbow.

  They landed like a feather next to Luca.

  "Arlen told us how to make them," Luca said, nearly hopping up and down with excitement. “The Dragon King has successfully trained this little, tiny woman to be an expert archer on the back of an Air Dragon.” He addressed his men first, then looked up at Misty. "So, little Miss, how did you master the most difficult of the Elementals to ride?"

  She offered a cocky, half-grin. "Bareback."

  "Really?" Luca's eyes almost popped out.

  "She did," Mack nodded. "I hardly knew she was there. One would be negligent if they underestimated her."

  "I suppose so," Luca said, nodding at Misty. "Do you have a design, Great Dragon? Your rider's bow is much more complicated than Arlen's."

  Mack smiled at Luca, and nodded toward Dunia, "He was hidden in the same realm as Dunia and I were. The really scary part is that for the other realm this is a terribly outdated weapon."

  She nodded back to Luca. "What about crossbows? Did Arlen help you with those too? I don't see any."

  "No. He mentioned them, but he was very depressed. It was almost crippling for him. He seemed very uncomfortable in his own scales. It was almost like he didn't like being a dragon.”

  “I can understand that.” Mack nodded.

  “His wife, Rini was the only dragon he talked to. He went out of his way to avoid the other dragons. When she became pregnant, that was the first spark of life we saw in him. Everyone was so excited about their pup, and he was too, but he withdrew from the human side of the village. Toward the end, we only talked to Lady Rini, not him.”

  “What happened?” Dunia asked.

  “There was a raid about four months, or so ago, Rini never returned after that. We fear the worst for her because we knew she loved him. She would never willingly leave him. We knew before you told us, that she was dead," he sighed, "She was basically the Water minister here. He was inconsolable about losing her and their egg. He seemed to slip even further into his mental isolation. He just laid in his bath in his barn all the time. Then one day he was gone," Luca said, sighing. "We were very concerned by the fact that he could not seem to pull himself out of the depression. Perhaps being with other Elemental Dragons would help him. Can you find him and help him?"

  Dunia sat down and whispered to Mack, "The villagers know about Wren."

  Mack nodded. "Arlen, his mate, and Sarnia, suffered greatly, both mentally and physically at the hands of the Mad King. We intend to find Arlen, and unseat the Mad King."

  "Thank you, Great Dragons," Luca said, bowing low to Dunia and Mack. "The thought of a real and true peace returning to the region makes me feel like an excited little boy." His face was beaming and his eyes shining.

  "Ready to go again. Crossbow this time. I think Trainer Luca wants to see it," Misty said, locking her braces back into place.

  “Ready,” Mack said. He knew she was excited to show off her skill, and that the only thing keeping her from kicking his sides like a horse was the leg braces holding her legs in place.

  "Let's go! Let's go!"


  Dunia smiled. Perhaps she could find a rider here. Maybe Mack was right; she could be judging the whole relationship too harshly. Misty and Mack were a perfect partnership, as was Suki and Méi. Even LeVa and Terra were doing well with their new riders. And Blue had treated her like a daughter.

  Mack took off just as the council members arrived with their aides. The show/practice was spectacular. However, their clothing was the most boring shades of brown and gray Dunia had ever seen. They reminded her of an episode of What not to Wear. They were very androgynous.

  One of the council members walked over to Dunia, "Where is your rider?"

  "I have not chosen one," she said, pondering the idea. "What about that boy there." She nodded toward a dark-haired, thin boy about Suki's age who had come in with the council on crutches. He was dressed in fine clothing. The lower half of his right leg was missing. "I'll bet his upper body strength is incredible, and that is needed if one is going to ride an Earth Dragon."

  "Zeke? He lost his leg in a wagon accident when he was just two-years-old. He was chosen for studious work, otherwise, he would be a beggar," a council member said looking
confused, "Elementals certainly see things differently than others."

  Luca nodded in agreement with the Council member. "I would not have considered Zeke for Dragon Rider training for even five seconds."

  "Not today, today, he is my first choice to train," Dunia said, walking over to Zeke, and sniffed his jacket, before asking, she could do her own perception training with Luca. "How would you like to train as an Elemental Dragon Rider?" His scent didn't offend her, the way the other person had earlier. He smelled spicy, like cinnamon. She would have to do more research on what Mack was talking about with a dragon’s sense of smell.

  Zeke looked surprised. "I can't walk without assistance, Great Lady."

  "Look out there." She pointed to Mack and Misty, and the Stone Sisters with their riders. "Do you see humans walking?"

  Zeke smiled . "I would love to try, Great Lady." He bowed, leaning hard on his crutch.

  "Please call me Dunia. Great Lady makes me feel fat. And riders do not bow to their dragons. If we are to train, we train as one or not at all. And word to the wise, there is no try, there is do or do not," she said, smiling at the use of her favorite Yoda quote. "Success or failure are the consequences of doing."

  "Yes G...Dunia," he said, maintaining eye contact. “To me, you are the most beautiful dragon ever.”

  “Thank you,” she said, flashing her copper eyes at him.

  “You have such a kind gaze. Thank you for offering me a chance at a real life - as a young man, and not some broken paper pushing minion with a limited future.” He paused, glancing at Luca. "What do I do?"

  Luca motioned to a stable hand . "Go in the far back and grab that brown elemental saddle, and Sata, grab those braces right there on the wall." Sata hurried to grab the items.

  "What's going on?" Mack said landing next to Dunia. LeVa and Terra ran over with their new riders, who were still clutching their compound bows. They were still smiling at the fact that they had just outshot the older knights.

  "I am seeing if Zeke here, likes the idea of rider training. I think he will be brilliant. We both have the fact that people have underestimated us, in ways that have held us back, in common," she said, thankful she was able to stop herself from frowning at the council members.

  Luca looked concerned. "Forgive me, Lady, how can he lift the saddle onto your back?"

  "We will see," Dunia said, again, maintaining her patience.

  Zeke put the braces on. His half leg fit snuggly into the top part, but since the braces hooked under the foot the bottom part of the brace was empty, meaning he could lean over on all fours with the shoe rest supporting him.

  Dunia nudged a brace construction block toward him. It was designed to hold the brace in place while the foot portion was constructed, so it would hold the braces steady for Zeke.

  Zeke took it and locked it in place, smiling. "I think; I can stand properly on it."

  "Then stand up, and put the saddle on my back."

  He reached for his crutch. Dunia flicked it away with her tail. He looked her in the eye, and then rolled over to stand up on two legs. Dunia leaned her neck forward and he used it to steady himself while he walked, giggling, hanging onto her neck as he made his way to the saddle lying next to her. "I have no memory of ever being able to walk this way, normally, but it feels so natural.” He smiled. “I have always used crutches. My first memories involved reaching for them to hobble after my fast running friends.”

  A dressed knight who had entered with the council came forward. "I will saddle her. This isn't right! I have trained hard for this, and now I am stuck with a Stoney while this Rider of Society gets an Elemental Dragon! Has he even drawn a bow!"

  Dunia gave a low terrible sounding growl. "I am the Earth Dragon Minister of the- rightful- Dragon King's Court. No one gets on my back without my express invitation. And be honored that the Stone Dragon will have you. I will chew both of your legs off if you take one more step toward me."

  "Knight! Hold your tongue! This is an Elemental, not a Common Dragon. You will show the Great Lady respect," Luca scolded. "She could eat you, and then quake the village to rubble. Get him out. Take him to the Earth temple so he can pray thanks that Earth Dragons base their belief in practicality and not impulse." He motioned to the guards to remove the knight. The knight ran out without further prompting. Luca leaned over and whispered to the guard, "Go, retrieve his armor, and take his dragon back to the main barn. If his dragon doesn't want to ride with him, he shouldn't have to."

  The guard nodded and rushed out.

  Dunia nodded for Zeke to continue. He picked up the saddle, and put the saddle on her back. He leaned against her to strap his part. "It feels good to have both hands free. One has always been tied up making sure the crutches don't fall over."

  "I'll get the under strapping," Dunia said, leaning up on her hind legs, being careful to not knock Zeke over. It wouldn't look good if he fell over before he even started. She clasped the under strapping.

  Zeke smiled. "I always wondered how that strapped. Only the dragon can do it. I am used to seeing about six men do it, on a dragon swatting at them."

  Dunia smiled. "Zeke is my rider, and I am your dragon."

  Zeke continued to smile as he repeated the oath back to her.

  Mack smiled at the council. "The relationship must be consensual or your army is already half defeated. Your units must move as one, not as one who has defeated the other. I am sure you will understand once you see how well Zeke and Dunia do."

  Luca smiled, and then frowned. "I am already understanding. Terra and LeVa's riders were wash-outs, yet here they are moving together like they have trained for years."

  Dunia smiled and nodded at Mack, who smiled back and nodded back. They weren't as undereducated as she thought. They were ready and willing to learn anything the Elementals would teach them. Luca and his team were eating up the information like men starved on a deserted island. She breathed a sigh of relief. Life is so easy to live in this world.

  Zeke used his good leg to mount the saddle. There was enough of his thigh left on the other leg to lock the braces in place. "Would you be kind enough to double check me?" he asked Misty.

  Misty jumped down, and checked the saddle and braces. "Looks good," she said, handing him the bridle. She blushed as his hand brushed hers when he took the bridle.

  Zeke took it and secured it over Dunia's horns, upper, and lower neck before taking the reins.

  "Here's a bow and quiver," Misty secured the quiver to the saddle for Zeke and handed him a compound bow.

  "Thank you, for not asking me if I know how to use it."

  Misty smiled and blushed again.

  "Ready," Dunia said smiling. Zeke was perfect.

  "Ready," Zeke said, shouldering the bow and gripping the reins with two hands.

  They flew over the entire village. Zeke laughed. “I feel freer than I ever have in my life.”

  “I like the view too,” she said, thinking she hadn’t taken the time to appreciate the view.

  “The village seems smaller when I don’t have to hobble on crutches from one side of it to the other.”

  Dunia giggled and turned her neck to look directly at him. "Try the bow, I'll make a pass on the archery range."

  Zeke nocked an arrow and nailed the bulls-eye as Dunia flew by slowly. "Faster. I can do better. I have been sneaking out to shoot for years. They might treat me like a lady, but I am a real young man."

  Dunia smiled. He was the right rider for her. She flew in faster, and again, he nailed the bulls-eye. This time, there was an eruption from the gathering crowd of villagers at the fence. Dunia and Zeke landed to a fanfare that neither of them had ever experienced.

  Luca was practically jumping up and down. "Tomorrow we will begin revamping the entire program!" He spread his arms wide to indicate everything.

  Mack smiled and winked over at Terra, LeVa, and their riders still beaming with joy. "Let's try some flight/ground combination training. Show them the real benefit of coord

  Dunia watched him, he seemed grateful that both Stone Sisters seemed to chat endlessly with their new riders. That was a good sign they were getting along.

  Maybe they would simply forget about him, how lucky would that be for Mack?

  There was a cheer as they headed back out to the training yard.

  Mack paused by Sarnia who was off to the side trying to be invisible. "Go upstairs, and let Méi know that the villagers know about Wren, but not that he is with us. She will help keep you and Shway safe. Fire Breathing dragons are very protective. You can watch from the balcony, but I don't want to risk anyone running off with you or sneaking in to get Shway with this large crowd gathering."

  She nodded and went in the barn looking left out.

  "What's wrong, he is only trying to protect you and your daughter," Dunia said, as Zeke refilled the quiver. He was taking longer than usual because he was still getting used to the braces, and walking with only one crutch that he used more as a cane.

  Sarnia shook her head. "Why couldn't I have met Mack first? He is already a better father to Shway than Arlen was."

  She smiled. "No he isn't. He is what the human trainer called him a few minutes ago, the Great Dragon King. Decent kings care for their people, and by caring for you and Shway he demonstrates his ability to manage his kingdom. You just need to allow yourself to be accepted into Mack...Makani's kingdom as a proper citizen."

  Sarnia stopped and stared at Dunia, "You mean, Shway and I belong to the Great Elemental Dragon Kingdom of Shestafa?"

  "Of course, He would not have made safety preparations for you as his citizen if you were not."

  Sarnia smiled. "Excuse me, I must go sit with the Queen. I have a message for her from the King."

  Dunia smiled as Zeke returned with a full quiver, and mounted the saddle. "Ready?" she asked.

  "Let's go."

  She heard the braces snap into place, and she could hear the smile spread across his face as they took off.

  New Rule: No eating humans

  Two days later, Mack lay on his new bed in his new barn. Even though South Dragons Ridge had its warts, he was pleased with everything the city offered, except now they were delayed while they tried to figure everything out.


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