The Great Losing: The Mad Dragon King (The World of Shestafa )

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The Great Losing: The Mad Dragon King (The World of Shestafa ) Page 23

by Karine Green

  He hoped that Leva and Terra could make some headway with information from the local Stone Dragons about Arlen, and his direction of flight. They needed to find him and reunite all four elements. However, Luca needed a cohesive army of both dragons and knights to defend the village. Mack didn’t want to fly in circles hoping a direction would present itself. He was also positive that news of their arrival in the city must have reached someone in the Mad King's court by now. And since they had been attacked before. The next invasion of South Dragons Ridge wouldn't be a small task force to retrieve a helpless dragon egg.

  Everything needed to come together perfectly, or the Mad Dragon King would stay in power. He needed to convene a meeting with Dunia, Méi, and the riders, to come up with a plan to secure this place and continue their search for Arlen at the same time.

  He rolled over, and stretched, trying not to bump his sleeping wife. He smiled, thinking about his own pups and if they would look more like Méi or him. She had told him twins run the same way for dragons as they do for humans; fraternal and identical. They wouldn't know which type of twins until the eggs were delivered into her pouch, the shells would be the same or different colors, depending on what type of twins they were. He could hardly wait for them to hatch.

  The fact that Méi was still sleeping told him Wren was also sleeping. Wren was still sporting a very healthy amount of baby fat around the middle. Dragon pups grew so fast it was mind boggling to him. Wren was already goo-gooing and ga-gaing in an attempt to talk. Méi stayed out of sight since the bulge in her pouch would be obvious to anyone.

  He got up, stretched, and walked down the wide staircase hoping someone had left a rabbit. He smiled, when he found that Misty had three rabbits. She gave him two while she went to cook her rabbit. He was munching on it, trying to enjoy the laziness of the morning, when he spotted Suki looking through her scope from the barn doors.

  He walked over to her as he finished the last of his rabbit. He peeked out the door. There was the usual gathering at the main barn across the street.

  "Whatcha, got?" he asked, sitting next to her. He had just now realized how big he was, even sitting down next to an adult human, he towered over her by at least three feet. He was used to Misty, she was so petite, but Suki was built like a warrior woman; she had to be near six feet tall.

  "Zeke's yellow, so is Luca, and everyone else. But, that guard by the doors of the main training barn is green." She pointed to an unassuming guard standing by the dragon lance cabinet out in the main training yard. His earthen color uniform blended against the wall of the main barn. "We have to find out who he works for, and if any messages have gone out. Man, this thing is sensitive, because the knight from the other day, the obnoxious one that wanted Dunia, is yellow, apparently, he is just a donkey of a man," she whispered to Mack.

  Mack nodded, then crossed the street with Suki in tow over to the guard, and sniffed him. "Where have you been?" he asked, sniffing him again, this time bearing teeth, and offering his best angry-alligator growl. The smell coming off the spy was a terrible sick-poop smell.

  Is that what betrayal smells like? I must remember that for later. Nasty.

  He wrapped his tail around to corral the guard in. If he wanted to eat him, there would be nothing the guard could do to stop it. "Tell me, who have you told we are here?"

  "What? Great Dragon King, I have told no one," he stammered. His eyes wide with fear. The scent was almost overwhelming to Mack.

  "Your fear is so great that you smell like a sick skunk who has crapped his fur!"

  Luca ran over, with Terra, LeVa, and their mounted riders following him in, bows drawn. "What is going on here?" he demanded.

  Mack let out another low growl, this time, blowing a strong breeze on the guard, knocking his helmet off, and his blond hair back with it. "He has a smell about him. He has been somewhere he shouldn't."

  "I am sorry, Great Dragon King. I didn't know you were him. Forgive me." The guard begged, dropping to his knees.

  "Great Dragon King? That is the second time someone has called me that to my face."

  The knight put his hands up in a manner that suggested begging. "You are the master of the common dragons; they all bow to you. The riders listen to you. I didn't get the information out. I swear no one knows. Once I realized who you were, I told them I didn't have any information," he said, going cross-eyed as his gaze focused in on Mack's front fangs.

  "Did you tell them about the little dragon pup?" Mack asked, staring into the guard's brown eyes. It would mean they would have to return to Blue Valley immediately; perhaps they could hide Sarnia and Shway at Dunia’s cabin.

  "No!" Luca said, nearly choking the words out. "No! How could you do this? Who are you working for?" He reached out and shook the guard without regard to the angry snarling dragon looming over his shoulder. "What have you done? What could they have offered you that is more priceless than the freedom to end this war?"

  "Treason!" The other knights descended on the guard. He was literally stripped of his uniform, and they shoved him down in his undergarment wrapping. "We should offer you to the dragons as a snack," one yelled from the growing crowd.

  The guard said nothing. He seemed resigned to the fact he had chosen the wrong side, as he was dragged out. Mack and Luca followed the guards to the town hall four blocks down the street.

  They walked up to a large stone building. Its columns featured cement flowers at the top. For being stone, the building had a definite soft-feminine architecture to it. It seemed uncharacteristically beautiful, given the gravity of the situation.

  Inside was another matter. It reminded Mack of an ancient Greek amphitheater with tiered stone seating. Dragons and humans could easily sit in the same areas together. It looked as though the entire interior was carved from one large rocky outcrop of the mountain. The ceiling was high and painted so beautifully that it would rival the Sistine Chapel. It featured the four Elemental dragons flying in a protective circle around the citizens. The four Elemental riders were located outside the circle in their respective north, south, east and west directions, with bows drawn toward those who would harm the dragons. A plate mounted at the edge of the mural read: Queen Agne City Building.

  The council chief called an emergency session to order. Once the testimony was offered half the council looked heartbroken, the other half looked murderous.

  The council chief stood up. "All in favor of treason, aye." He raised his hand, as did the rest of the council. "In light of twelve aye votes, there can be no nay vote. He is found guilty of treason. The mandatory sentence is death. Take him to the dungeon, feed him to Arthouro," The Council Chief said pointing. "Does anyone object?"

  No one spoke up for the guard, including the guard.

  "Who is Arthouro?" Mack asked. "Perhaps we should put him in the cell next to him, in case he decides to talk to us?"

  "Yes," The Chancellor of the Council said, nodding in agreement. "The Dragon King is correct. Lock him up next to Arthouro, and we’ll interrogate him later, then carry out the sentence by feeding him to Arthouro."

  Mack leaned over to Luca. "Tell me we are not encouraging dragons to eat humans..." he made a face.

  Luca still looked heartbroken that one of his men could be a traitor. "Arthouro, is a Stone Dragon who ate three children. We locked him up."

  "As opposed to letting him return to his family in North Dragons Ridge?"

  "Yes, he ate three children."

  "Children or young adults?"

  "Not quite adults."

  "So it isn't like he snuck into someone's house and ate their babies?"

  "They weren't legal adults. They were children. They weren't even bothering him. They were walking to school."

  Mack nodded, but this conversation was not over.

  If someone tried to take away Wren or Méi, or the riders, I would eat them without a second thought. I will have to find out more about the circumstances surrounding the tragedy, but right now there is too much going
on. Luca seems like a reasonable person, especially with the information we have given him. Who knows, perhaps Arthouro is a crazy dragon that needed locking up?

  Mack frowned. "Meanwhile, I do not want anyone encouraging dragons to eat people. It isn't good for morale, on either side. If this man is to be executed, can we find another way, please, Chancellor?"

  The Chancellor nodded. "Yes, Your Majesty. We can shoot him with an arrow."

  “What!” The guard yelled, finally finding his voice. “It’s my right to be…” Another guard drug him from the room as he continued to carry on about being eaten by a dragon for the sake of his family’s reputation. “Majesty! Please!”

  Mack nodded. "I think some people are confused. They think I am king."

  The Chancellor smiled, "That is the one point he is not confused about. Forgive my interruption, but that point can no longer be argued. King Makani."

  Mack stifled a sigh. "Well, you are the Chancellor, you me Mack."

  The Chancellor bowed his head. "That would be my pleasure, Mack. I am Lewick, Your Grace."

  Mack bent down. "Suki, can you ride back? I would like to introduce Méi to Lewick and I am sure Luca would like a conversation with her." For a dragon to carry the rider of their mate showed an agreement to a larger issue. He wanted to avoid a complication before it started.

  Suki nodded and took the saddle. She was heavier than Misty.

  "Are you sure about this?" Luca asked.

  "As I can be, yes." Mack nodded. "Are the two of you up for a private tea?" he asked, heading for the door. He needed to make a plan to get this mission underway and get home. But, he also needed to secure some interests in the form of allies. If he was going to be an effective King, then he needed a strong alliance with South Dragons Ridge, since it was a place where dragons and humans could live together.

  "Of course, Mack. We would be delighted to have a tea with your Grace," Lewick said, holding his arm out for Luca to join them.

  The crowd walked with the Chancellor and Mack. The guards Luca had posted at Mack's barn open and closed the doors for them as they entered.

  Misty glanced up at Suki in the saddle on Mack’s back.

  Mack smiled, "It's a show of a united front. If you would take an appropriate walking position, I would be very appreciative. We need to make some introductions, and I don't want the barn burned down. Méi needs to know we trust them."

  Misty glanced at Luca and then looked Lewick up and down. "Of course," she said, taking her place at his left hindquarter as they walked up the staircase.

  He paused at the top of the stairs. Méi, Dunia, and Sarnia were both lying in the middle of the living room watching Wren and Shway play. Méi growled, followed by the nasty sounding snarl that meant she was preparing to breathe fire. Wren ran to hide in her pouch. Shway hid under Sarnia’s front legs as she stood up.

  "Méi, we must foster allies. This is Arlen's home village; they will accept and protect his pups as they have us."

  Mei frowned at Mack but stopped snarling.

  Mack blinked at her. "Well, from a practical standpoint if a village this size wanted us dead, we would be. Wren is too big to be hidden anymore, and you cannot stay up here and keep yourself from human company. Not all of them are like the people of Dragon’s Lance."

  She nodded and stood up on all fours. "I need my rider."

  Suki dismounted, and ran over to Méi, smiling as she took the saddle. "It really is in our best interest." She patted Méi's shoulder. "I have been watching these two closely. We can trust them. You know Mack loves you and would never expose you to harm."

  Méi nodded, then walked over to Mack, peeking around his shoulder at Lewick and Luca. She head-butted Mack, gently. "This is Arlen and Rini's son, Wren," she said pulling Wren out of her pouch and holding him up. He whimpered, and reached for Méi's neck. "It is alright little one. They will not hurt you."

  The look of joy that flew across Lewick and Luca's faces reassured Mack he had done the right thing. "We need to formulate a plan to find Arlen now. We need him home with his family, in his own village." Mack pointed at Sarnia and Shway.

  They both nodded, "Of course, we know. We also want you to stay," Lewick said. "We still need an Air Dragon Minister, here. Especially here, because we are so close to the Mad King's lands."

  "I appreciate that, but we cannot, there is an impending attack on Blue Valley. We must unite all four Elementals and take down the Mad King's army before it reaches Blue Valley. That will take care of your problem too."

  Lewick looked grieved. "Are you sure."

  Luca nodded, "They have to. If we can take out his armies, we can take him later. He will be defeated with no one to fight for him."

  Mack sat down next to Méi, still holding a squirming Wren. "Lewick, it is also important to me that South Dragons Ridge is secured. We can stay another week, and help Luca with his revamping of the training program."

  Lewick smiled. "I do understand. Lady Méi, may I please, offer a light forehead brush to the pups?" It was a sign of acceptance from a human to a dragon pup.

  "You will have to ask Sarnia about Shway," she said, holding Wren up.

  He didn't get the chance to ask. Shway ran up and jumped up. Lewick smiled catching her.

  "Hello, big human!" she yelled, licking his forehead. He smiled and gently patted her forehead. She wagged her tail, smiling.

  "Shway! We do not taste humans, Sarnia scolded, reaching for Shway. "My apologies, Chancellor. Misty, would you mind having one of the barn attendants bring the Chancellor a pitcher of water?"

  Misty nodded and ran down the stairs.

  "Oh she is fine," Lewick said, but everyone noticed him licking his now dried out lips, as he patted Wren's forehead.

  Dunia giggled. "She just took about six ounces of your water."

  Lewick, was still smiling. "I am not grieved in the least. We are so relieved you are here."

  Misty returned with a glass and pitcher. He took the full glass and downed the entire thing, never breaking his smile.

  "Ah," he lowered his glass. "It's good to be around dragons."

  Journey to the Endless Sea

  Over the next week, Luca reassigned most of the dragon/rider teams. Some of the original pairs remained, but their training rituals had drastically changed. Morale for both rider and the dragon was on an upward trend, and the city Stone dragons seemed to be much more friendly and open than when Dunia arrived. She noticed dragons would greet her and Mack instead of looking away.

  She was finishing up her training lecture regarding dragon-rider operations from one of the scrolls that Blue had left her. Today's topic had been about tactical thinking to help the new teams follow more logical planning for both military and civilian missions. At first, they were confused about civilian missions, so Dunia suggested better-secured trade routes and rescue missions.

  Safer trade routes would allow for trade further away, bringing a new level of prosperity for South Dragons Ridge and the outlaying villages. The rescue missions were self-explanatory.

  Dunia smiled at a group of older adolescent Stone Dragons who did not have riders yet. They had already talked about the benefits of rider-less Stone Dragons forming a fire department. They could easily rescue people trapped in burning houses, then trample and cover flames with the power of earth they possessed. They would be a brilliant fire department, and it would be an amazing career for a dragon who did not wish to take a rider, but loved life in the village.

  Mack smiled at her, as she made her way through the crowd. She was headed to pick up Zeke. He was delivering his final inventories as part of his transition away from accounting, and training his replacement.

  Dunia, Méi, and Mack had met with Arthouro. He turned out to be a bitter vengeful dragon, on every front. He seemed possessed by anger; like a demon. All offers and suggestions that Mack made were met with some reason to eat the humans, even friendly ones. Mack had returned to Luca and informed him he would not b
e discussing Arthouro further unless the Council brought him up in conversation. However, he was also not to be used as an execution device. He had explained that he intended to engage in a very heavy campaign amongst the dragons to never eat people. The Council had agreed and seemed very excited about Mack's campaign. Dunia wasn't surprised, Mack could pee in the drinking fountain, and the villagers would think it was the greatest thing ever.

  She had been grateful for this Arthouro business because it helped her understand Luca's attitude toward dragons better. She decided that Mack was right; Luca wanted to learn. He did not want to impose cruel training that led to dissension. He would be her way to introduce her new diversity training program.

  She nodded “Good Morning” to the last of the dragon riders attending her seminar, and walked up to Mack, who looked sad. "Are you still upset about Arthouro? Mack, you have to let him go, not everyone is going to recover from this war. You cannot hold yourself accountable for someone else's atrocity."

  Mack sighed. "Too much bad happened to poor Arthouro. He has gone dangerously insane. The only thing I could do was negotiate visits from Arthouro's family. Perhaps they can help ground him, and offer comfort."

  "Come on, let's go see how the pups are doing." Dunia smiled, seeing the pups always cheered him up.

  Mack reminded her very much of Blue. His quiet manner of ruling was perfect. She wished he would just accept that he was the Dragon King. At this point finding survivors to his family would not change that; it would complicate it. Rightful Kings ruled by consent of the public. After experiencing Mack, they would never accept another king. There was also the fact that South Dragons Ridge had already thrown all of its resources into supporting Mack's plans to overthrow the Mad King. Even if it was proven he wasn't a royal dragon, he would still be king by default.

  They walked toward their barn, meeting Zeke along the way.

  "Are you done?" Dunia asked. She knew he was glad to give up his old job.


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