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The Great Losing: The Mad Dragon King (The World of Shestafa )

Page 32

by Karine Green

  He wasn't trying to back out, he was giving me the flexibility I needed to win.

  "We'll drop off the Stone Dragons once we have a place close enough to drop them without being seen."

  The only problem was that they could not see where the Red Wizard was.

  "Team-up as assigned, two complimentary powers a piece, hit the four lower camps. There is one more about a quarter of a mile to the north. Reconvene up here. We'll swoop in on the northern most camp together. The Stone Dragons will start that way at once." Dunia's eyes searched the ground. She saw no one out. "Keep in mind that if it was this easy to defeat the Mad King, the Great Losing would have never occurred. Keep both eyes open...for those with riders, keep all four eyes open."

  Daphne motioned. "I know Earth Dragons have the best night vision, but beware, the Mad King's army knows this and is also Earth based. He can easily cast a counter curse to block your vision. They also know they just lost big at Yellow Hollow, know that changes their mindset from conquest to fight or flight. I recommend the dragons with riders should hang back in sniper position; just in case."

  "Agreed, make sure each team has one rider in it," Dunia ordered. She named the teams, one through four, and assigned each one a small camp. "Everyone straight?"

  "Yes, General," they said.

  "Then let's go pound them into the ground like a tent stake," she said, giving the order.

  Dunia and a Fire Dragon took the camp to the west. "Just like Jericho, only on a smaller scale."

  As soon as they began their descent they realized they were in trouble. The enemy archers overturned boulders that the Red Wizard had cooled. This prevented the dragons from seeing them. Thankfully, Zeke took out two almost immediately. She flew using her liquefaction roar, and the men sank in over their heads. She pulled up hard. Something came loose on her saddle. It was flopping around.

  The Fire Dragon eliminated the remaining soldiers and flew up to fly toward Dunia. "General! Your rider! We have to find a Water Dragon now!"

  "Zeke!" Dunia yelled, looking back at him.

  There was no answer.

  "Zeke! No! Don't do this to me! Zeke!" She could see blood running down the scales on her side.

  There was still no answer.


  Arlen wasn't surprised by the rocks. He could see they were abnormally cold, as soon as the archers appeared, he roared, impaling them with ice shards before they even had the chance to draw. The Air Dragon easily took out the rest of the encampment. Ridder took out two archers hiding under a blanket that Arlen froze around them.

  "Let's circle back and make sure they are all neutralized as a threat," Arlen said feeling happy, for the moment.

  "What about prisoners? We could question them?"

  Arlen looked around as he circled "Are any of them left alive? Perhaps we should try for prisoners at the north camp. Come on, let's ascend and wait for the General to return."


  Mack returned to Méi in the Youth Sanctuary. Misty went to the rider tent to take a short nap.

  He went into Méi's private tent. Mack laid out a dragon scale blanket. Méi heated it, and then took the twins out. She let Mack shred a rabbit and feed them.

  "They are so beautiful." He cooed over them. After a few minutes of watching them eat, they fell asleep and Méi put them back in her pouch. "They are growing so fast, faster than Wren."

  "Yes." He nodded. "But we can't compare them to Wren because he didn't get to eat right away."

  She nodded, looking over at Wren and Shway sleeping by Sarnia's bed.

  "I'll trample a bed for you," he said, getting up. If the pups were sleeping, she would no doubt take advantage and nap for herself.

  "No, not tonight," she said rubbing against his neck. "Tonight, I'll trample a bed for you."

  "It's the male's job..."

  "Not tonight, tonight you made historical decisions. They had to be grueling. Tonight, I take care of you. To show my appreciation that you are securing our pup's future; my future. Tomorrow, you can have my bed ready for me at sundown."

  "Yes, my Queen," he smiled, everything seemed so normal; almost like they were on a family camping trip. He hadn't allowed himself to absorb the magnitude of what he’d just done, and the orders he gave others to carry out. Nor had he thought about the plans he had made that involved the death of Secular civilians.

  Mei trampled a bed for him. He laid down, with his head on her front paw.

  He drifted off to sleep. For the first time since coming to Blue Valley, he dreamt he was a dragon and not Timothy Makani in human form. In his dream, he and Méi were teaching the pups to fish in the shallow lake about a half days’ flight north. Well, he was, Méi was having nothing to do with the water, she just waited on the shore watching them. It was a nice dream, given the horror of the night.


  Dunia was in a state of panic. "Zeke!" She couldn't turn to look at him properly.

  They had reunited at a clearing south. Ridder had dismounted and was trying to unhook Zeke's braces, but it was difficult with him in a semi-conscious state.

  "Somebody talk to me. Now!"

  The ground shook.

  "Great Lady, we don't really know anything yet. He's bleeding, bad," Ridder said finally freeing Zeke's left brace, and then lowering him down to the ground as it stopped shaking.

  Dunia spun around to look at him. He had two arrows in his chest. One in his shoulder, and one to the left of his sternum. His breathing was raspy, and now he made a gurgling sound as Ridder laid him down.

  An older Water Dragon with a rider landed. "Let me, Water Dragons have healing powers in our saliva." She examined Zeke.

  "I can use a healing spell," Daphne said, jumping off of her Mountain Dragon.

  "It will take too long, and drain too much of your magic." The Water Dragon shook her head. "Just make the arrows disappear, and save your magic for the encampment to the north. I guess that is where the Red Wizard is. They will need you. I'll take care of Zeke. Arlen can be the water element for the team."

  Dunia closed her eyes. She was about to make a call that could cost Zeke his life. "Go, you must go. Get the Red Wizard, and the Mad King if they are together. We cannot risk losing this mission, not even for Zeke. Somebody remove my saddle."

  Arlen walked over to Dunia and whispered to her. "Mack and I have a backup team in place. I could lead them in, with Daphne. Then we wouldn't be down two dragons while you save Zeke. Good riders are scarce."

  She nodded. "Do it. Do it, now. Go."


  "Ridder, let's go," Arlen said. Ridder jumped up and took his seat in the saddle, then Arlen turned to Daphne, "Remove the arrows, let's go, our window is short. They think we are down. We have to strike now if this plan is to be salvaged."

  "Pravest Teeheo," Daphne said, waving her wand. The arrows disappeared. She turned and mounted her Mountain dragon. "Ready." She glanced down at poor Zeke. "He is lucky that Elezelda was with us. She is the best healer amongst the Water Dragons."

  "Let's go!" Arlen said, taking off, heading south toward the backup team.

  Twenty minutes later they were beginning their descent on the north enemy encampment. They could see their Stone Dragons already in place. To keep the team numbers consistent with what the Mad King would expect, the original team circled around, and the backup team would descend in two minutes.

  Nerves ran through Arlen. So far the dragons had received minor injuries, but that was up against normal humans. The Mad King and The Red Wizard both had magic. He hoped Daphne-Nancy was worth it. He would bite her head off himself if she failed him. He also had a few other things about the other realm he would like to discuss with her when things calmed down.

  Enemy Stone Dragons with riders came running out of the woods, firing a hail of arrows. Ridder took out two of their riders almost immediately. Arlen buzzed one trying to reload his bow and dehydrated him. The Stone Dragon was untouched as the mummy of his rider fell out of the saddl

  The team's Stone Dragons ran out and immediately pulled in the enemy dragons as they realized they were being freed.

  Arlen almost had the inkling to feel bad for their poor riders, eaten out of their saddles, by his team of Stone Dragons. It’s a good thing Mack isn't here. He really hates it when dragons eat humans.

  By pure luck, when he was breathing in from his roar, which positioned him to roar again as the Red Wizard jumped out. He pointed his wand at Arlen, but didn't get the chance to cast a spell. Instead, he had to use his energy to shield himself as Arlen roared ice shards at him. Not a single one penetrated his shield. They all turned to harmless steam.

  The other Water Dragon landed next to Arlen and also roared ice shards. As the Red Wizard became weaker, the shards penetrated and hit the Red Wizard's pompous velvet robes as water droplets.

  Daphne's Mountain Dragon landed next to Arlen, and she jumped down.

  "Avente Lee Explete!" She nearly screamed the spell as she waved her wand at the Red Wizard. "That is my adopted son you are attempting to curse!"

  He ducked and lifted his wand to block her. "Voloyamenta!" That movement caused him to drop his shield against the dragons.

  Arlen smiled. "Feeling a bit strained?" He jumped forward and bit the Red Wizards wand arm. It came off in his mouth. He laid down on all fours and chewed it up like a Sunday afternoon snack.

  "Awesome!" Ridder said, leaning forward in the saddle.

  “That’s for my son, and now for his mother, Rini.” Arlen reared up.

  The Red Wizard stared at where his arm used to be for a split second before screaming.

  Daphne's eyes widened. "Arlen! Don't eat that. It's nasty. That is the hand he wipes with."

  The Red Wizard continued screaming in panic.

  "Oh shut it. God that’s an annoying sound," Arlen said, standing, growling, and then leaning closer to the wizard. "Where is Lahay?"

  He continued to scream, holding his arm-stump close. "Belinda, is that you? Kill him!"

  "Elise, can you use your fire breath to cauterize his arm? We can't have him bleeding to death before he tells us what the next phase of Lahay's plan is." Daphne waved her wand over his stump.

  "My pleasure," Elise leaned over the Red Wizard and drew in her breath.

  "No! No! Belinda please! Get my arm back, put it back on for me. You are of the Earth. You can use a tree branch--"

  She cut him off. "First of all, I would never harm a tree to help you. Second, I am not Belinda. I am Daphne the Green Witch. Third, Arlen looked hungry, he could use some protein." She turned to Ridder. "What do you think, when did Arlen last have a meal?"

  Ridder shrugged. "Could be days, he seems quite starved."

  "Go ahead, Elise, we don't want dear Jabaob bleeding out," she said, using the Red Wizard's name.

  Elise leaned over and poofed a small breath of fire onto the Red Wizard's arm. He screamed again and kicked his legs in pain.

  When he stopped screaming, Daphne leaned over the Red Wizard, putting her right foot in the middle of his chest and poked her wand into his raw upper arm stump.

  He hollered. “Stop, Please, Belinda. Stop.”

  "Now, let's talk about where to find Lahay." She smiled, pleasantly at him. "Shall we?"

  Arlen leaned back to Ridder. "I thought she was a bitch before," he whispered, feeling a new appreciation for Daphne.

  Ridder nodded, curling a lip.

  The Red Wizard screamed again.

  "Whoa," Arlen said, shocked at Daphne. "That is harsh."

  She ignored Arlen, and leaned over Jabaob, stepping harder on his chest, and patting his face. "There, there, darling. I have told you often I would do anything for my dragons. Do you doubt me?"

  He shook his head, no.

  Arlen smiled. "You know, I actually think the fact that you are surrounded by eighteen angry dragons is probably the least of your worries, at the moment," he said, smiling at Daphne.

  "Oh yes, Jabaob taught me very well, about getting people to talk." She smiled sweetly, digging her heel into his sternum using the slightest motion.

  He grunted, and then pleaded with her. "Please, do a spell to make the pain stop; I'll tell you whatever you want to know."

  "Oh, I have no doubts." She smiled again stepping hard off of him. "That you will tell me whatever I want to know." She raised her wand, tapping him on the head with it.


  “Water restores life and vitality.”

  Dunia watched the old Water Dragon carefully allow her saliva to drip on Zeke's bare chest. Thankfully the bleeding had stopped. The wounds still looked raw but no longer had the raw meat look it had before.

  "Is he going to be alright?" she asked feeling a sense of dread well up inside her. She did not want to lose Zeke. She would never find another rider like him. She wouldn’t even try.

  "I think so. He seems stable now. I can feel his energy," The Water Dragon said, sitting back. "He needs to rest and sleep. Anne," she said to her rider. "Help me lock him back in the General's saddle so we can fly him back to Blue Valley. You sit behind, and help secure him."

  They secured Zeke, who flopped back onto Ann's shoulder, and she locked her braces on top of Zeke's. "Ready," Anne said, holding tight.

  Dunia took off and two hours later they landed in the Youth Sanctuary.

  "Wounded," Dunia shouted. "I have a wounded rider. We need a doctor."

  Misty came running out of the riders' tent. She stared at Anne holding Zeke. "Zeke! No! We need a doctor now." She ran over to the doctors' tent.

  "Can I help?" LaDeara asked, walking up.

  "She saved his life." Dunia pointed to the Water Dragon. "Thank you."

  The old Water Dragon nodded. “It is my pleasure to use my magic to preserve life.”

  LaDeara put her hand over the wound on Zeke's chest. "Abatementeous," she said, waving her wand over it. She lifted her hand, and the wound was gone. "Zeke, can you breathe easier? Wake up, you aren't going anywhere." She gently slapped at his cheeks. “Not for many, many years.”

  Zeke stirred.

  "Take a breath, all the way in," LaDeara said, placing her hand on his shoulder.

  He breathed in, and nodded. "Better."

  She repeated the process on his shoulder.

  "Zeke, I'm bringing the doctor," Misty said running up with the village doctor.

  He coughed. "I am OK, Misty," he said sounding very weak.

  She knelt next to him and then hugged him close to her chest.

  "I think he is feeling better." Dunia sighed with relief as she watched a wide smile spreading across Zeke's face as Misty cradled his face into her chest.

  Mack and Méi came out of their tent. "What is going on?" His eyes widened. "Is he all right?"

  LaDeara smiled, but looked tired. "He'll be fine. The Water Dragon saved his life, and I healed the rest."

  "Thank you," Dunia said, brushing her cheek on LaDeara’s forehead.

  "The world would be less if we lost such a fine young man. I need to rest," LaDeara said. Her face had turned very pale.

  Romayo took her by the waist. "I'll walk you back to the main tent."

  Mack looked at her. "Will you be alright?"

  LaDeara nodded. "He was really bad off. He may have died, if not for the Water Dragon's care. I'll be fine after a rest. Magic uses energy fast. I am a human, not a dragon, I don't have infinite power."

  Misty hugged Zeke and then cradled his head in her lap. "Don't ever scare me like that again."

  He closed his eyes and nodded.

  Dunia nodded for Mack and Méi to follow her. She briefed them on the situation.

  He frowned and gave Méi a knowing look. She nodded.

  "What? It was a decisive victory." Dunia was confused. "The Mad King's armies and allies are wiped out or crippled. Only the small northern encampment remained. Arlen and the others should be able to take it."

  Mack shook his head. "We don’t even know who all of his allies are. It was a tactical
ly decisive battle, not a decisive victory over the Mad King. We do not understand what, or more to the point, where he is hiding the rest of his army. We don't even have the slightest idea of where he is. We only know that the Red Wizard was headed to Dragons Lance with an outrageously small force that consisted mostly of Stone Dragons...not the bulk of his troops. He was protecting what he believes to be the remainder of his dragons. We don't even know why he was headed there, because it had to be the most unfriendly dragon village in existence."

  Méi nodded. "The Red Wizard is from Dragon’s Lance. He could have been running home to his family?"

  Both Dunia and Mack shook their heads.

  It was Mack who spoke up, "He is still a very powerful magical creature. He wouldn't have to run. And those nutters in Dragons Lance are magic-phobes if any ever existed."

  Méi smiled a large, toothy smile.

  "What?" Mack asked.

  Still smiling, she head-butted him. "You both just referred to a human as a creature. You are finally accepting your place as a dragon, in the dragon community."

  Both Mack and Dunia smiled. “Yes,” Dunia said. “We were both lucky enough to be found quickly by people who loved us. When Arlen returns, he will need us, all. He has gone from one extreme to another, and who knows what he is up to with the Green Witch."

  "She did say she was his legal mother. However, that was in the other world, not in this one. Not only that -- if that is true then she knew where we were, and could have brought us home if she so desired. But did not. Instead, she played mommy to Arlen. She even calls him Wayne, by his human name." Mack sounded annoyed.

  Before Dunia could answer there was a great roaring into the distant North, followed by someone bellowing into an enormous trumpet-like object. "The Green Witch and Arlen's team returns, the Red Wizard is tied, hanging from a stick like a pig."

  A great cheer and roar erupted from the camp.

  Only Dunia, Mack, and Méi, thought it might be premature to celebrate.

  The Mad King

  Dunia slept all night outside the medical tent, where Zeke was resting. Although based on his conversation with Misty she overheard, they were most likely sleeping peacefully. They had tried to be quiet with their plans, but it wouldn't be much longer before everyone knew her rider was the King's rider's intended mate. The extra security would complicate things and make it harder to do her job.


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