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Day Dreamer (Undeadly Secrets Book 2)

Page 11

by Aaron L Speer

  “I didn’t know how you were with sharing food.”

  She rolled her eyes and placed his hand into the box, which rested on her lap. “It’s ok, I don’t have cooties.”

  Nick snorted and tossed a few kernels of popcorn at her. “Maybe I do”

  She feigned offense and threw some back at him, laughing. “Now you’ve done it. This means war!”

  Then the trailers started and they settled in to watch. She felt hyperaware of her breathing, of the people around them, of his face as he reacted to scenes in the movie.

  They walked out of the theatre with a faint hint of buttery salt smell over them, and Nicole couldn’t quite remember the plot of the movie. It had been ages since she had just…been silly. And she loved it.

  And then she spotted Trent Miller on the other side of the snack bar, the centre of a group of girls and of course, Jason. Nick had seen them too, and his body had almost frozen in place. Nicole held his hand briefly and tugged him away. “Your cousin will be here soon. C’mon, if we’re lucky they won’t see us.”

  “I hope they do,” Nick said darkly.


  “I don’t like the way he speaks to you. What he says to you. The way he carries on.”

  “He’s an arse. He’s the type that will never grow up. But listen, I don’t want or need you to pick fights in order to defend my honour. Better we just avoid him. Besides, I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “So…you can protect me but I can’t protect you?”

  Nicole turned to him, trying to judge his expression. It was curious, not arrogant. “Why must we protect? Protect is a strong word. I can care, I can advise, but ultimately it’s up to you.”

  “I just think he is dangerous.”

  “I don’t disagree with you there,” Nicole said as they entered the car park. “But you know what he isn’t? Worth it. He is obviously very unhappy and makes others want to be the same. Just try and forget him.” She continued toward the car and muttered half under her breath, “Besides, he’s not the only one who’s dangerous.”

  “What’s that? What do you mean?” Nick asked.

  She’d said it louder than she’d intended. “You’re dangerous too.”

  Nick looked taken aback. “I don’t understand,”

  “I didn’t expect you to.”

  He was dangerous for her. He was charming, very much so. At first she was sure he was deliberately being that way, trying to get her attention. But lately she wasn’t so sure he was even aware of it. He was simply being himself. Like paying for the coffee as a treat for her, honouring his word to buy the snacks, not trying to impress her in a fake, overbearing way. Holding doors open, wanting to protect her from Trent.

  Even though she didn’t need or want all of it, she was realising this was him, it wasn’t an act. That made it somehow more appealing.

  Nicole got on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. And another peck before she flattened her feet. Before she knew it, their lips were touching. She barely knew what was going through her head as she continued kissing him, gently cupping his face as his hands found her waist and brought her closer. His lips were so soft, his kiss was so gentle, Nicole felt completely at ease. It was when the tips of their tongues met that she stepped back.


  “I didn’t plan to do that. Sorry.”

  Nick nodded. Thankfully, he didn’t say anything.

  “Thank you for a great time. Hope we can do it again,” she said.

  “The movies?”

  “Yes. The movies.”

  She smiled as she stepped into the car and drove off, trying not to go too quickly. As she looked in the rear-view mirror, she saw him give a small wave.

  Chapter 15

  Turn Of The Tide

  Alex and Dante stepped into the elevator of Raven Apartments. She jabbed the down button impatiently. Herschel Rasmussen and Dante had just engaged in a long q-&-a session, but as far as Alex could tell it was all mumbo jumbo. But why had Lauren’s name been mentioned? She had not heard from her ex-bff and never asked either, but was it possible she had something to do with the wolves?

  “Hey do you think—”

  Alex was stopped from finishing her question by Dante almost crushing her lips with his own, pressing her body hard into the wall of the elevator. He broke the kiss to seek her jaw and neck, his cool mouth leaving wet kisses and sending tingles over the skin he touched with it.

  “Dante…” Alex smiled, “Where did this come from..?”

  “Forgive me…” Dante breathed, gripping her body tight, using his tongue to trail up her neck, taking her ear lobe into his mouth and sucking it in. Every kiss gave Alex tingly goose bumps. “It’s time.”

  “Time for what?” Alex whispered, eyes closed, head back.

  The elevator shuddered to a halt. Alex snapped her eyes open and saw that Dante that had hit the emergency stop button. His green eyes blazed. “I need you.”

  Alex wrapped her arms around his neck and covered his mouth with her own. She embraced him with enough force that he had to take a step back, but regained himself to push her into the wall again. With only the briefest of efforts, Alex felt Dante un-button her jeans using a mere flick of his wrist as he returned his kisses to her neck. The groan of the lowering zipper was one of the hottest sounds that had ever reached her ears.

  She caressed her tongue over the tips of the three fingers he placed just inside her mouth so that they glistened when he removed them. She was so wet he didn’t need to lubricate his fingers, but found sucking on them so he could use them on her too hot to stop him. He reached inside her panties and growled into her neck. With his first and third finger he held open her folds while flicking her slippery clitoris with his second. Every flick caused her to bump against the wall, her body giving involuntary jerks, before he finally inserted them.

  She opened her eyes and looked into his. Without thinking, she pulled open her collar violently, exposing her neck for him. Dante sunk his fangs into the flesh connecting her shoulder and neck, pressing his body into hers, locking her in place. Alex grabbed his hair and pulled his face closer, wanting him to take more as he wriggled his fingers faster. She could feel her blood slowly trickling out of his mouth and down her chest, staining her shirt and bra but she didn’t care, the pain excited her. Dante released his bite and proceeded to stroke his tongue along the wound, partially sucking the droplets still oozing out. Dante’s saliva and her blood mixing on the tender skin of her neck combined with Dante twisting his fingers into her was too much for Alex.

  Her eyes fluttered as the elevator’s lights flashed.

  “Alexandra…” Dante whispered.

  “Hmm?” She didn’t want to move.

  “Alexandra, wake up.”

  Alex opened her eyes to see Dante staring curiously at her, but they were no longer in an elevator. She was in Dante’s bed, just a sheet covering their otherwise naked bodies. “Are you all right?”

  “How did we get here?”

  “We’ve been here for hours. We haven’t left.”

  Alex fell back onto her pillow. No. NO. “I was dreaming wasn’t I?”

  “So it seemed. Quite intensely, I would say,” Dante replied, handing her a bottle of water.

  “Fuckety.” Alex sat up and twisted off the bottle cap. She took a deep swig and felt the water ease her parched throat before swallowing. She tried to wipe away the wonderful images from the dream and let out a frustrated sigh.

  “What is it?” Dante asked.

  “Where do you see this going? What is this to you?” she asked, pointing at the freshly healed bite on her neck and then sweeping her hand down and around the whole room, as if to highlight the entire situation.

  “I don’t understand what you’re asking. It’s a donor relationship,” Dante replied.

  “Yeah but, could it be…anything more?”

  Dante considered her for a moment, “More?”

  Alex raised her eyebrows. “Dante you can’t be th
is dense.”

  Dante looked her up and down quickly, “Oh. You mean sex.”

  “Well…not just that,” Alex replied quickly. “But just, a little more closeness, I guess. I mean…I’ve never been in this situation before. I have these feelings, and urges. It seems the more blood you take from me the more I want other things to happen.”

  “You wish for me to make love to you?”

  The word was out so fast before Alex could even think. “Yes.”

  “I see,” Dante frowned. “Forgive me. I never even thought that to be an option, given my history with your mother.”

  “But you said you two never…”

  “We didn’t. But I wonder if she had similar feelings, despite the fact that she was married. Which makes me wonder about Michelle…” Dante trailed off just before Alex leaned her head to the side. At the mention of Dante’s previous donor, she didn’t know what to say.

  Michelle Davidson had been with Dante for several years, they were best friends and lovers, but not in love as she had explained once to Alex. Nevertheless, when Vincent had stripped Dante of his right to be with her for breaking vampire law months ago, both had taken it badly, but none worse than Michelle.

  Dante sighed and turned away from Alex.

  “You haven’t mentioned her in a long time,” she said softly. “Have you tried speaking to her?”

  “Several times, but she still won’t answer her phone or return my messages. It bothers me more than I would like.”

  “I feel so bad. I haven’t tried to contact her for ages. With you and Nick and mum and teaching, things have just been crazy.”

  Dante nodded his understanding. “I’m sure you miss Matt too.”

  Alex was again surprised at a name Dante mentioned. “Well, yeah of course. I mean, I wish I knew where he was, obviously. We didn’t end on good terms, but I will always care about him.”

  “Have you thought about dating anyone else?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well only you will know when you’re ready, of course. But I just don’t want you to waste any opportunities to be happy, if and when they come along.”

  “So what am I doing here with you then, if this isn’t an opportunity to be happy?”

  “Alexandra,” Dante stood, hands out in a pleading gesture. “I care about you, more than you will know. What we have is something special, but I will not be the one to stand in your way when a real relationship is on offer. That would be selfish and ridiculous.”

  “So my feelings for you are ridiculous?” Alex asked, anger building.

  “You have to understand the difference between having feelings for a human and having them for a vampire. What you’re feeling is not real.”

  “Don’t talk to me like I’m a child. And don’t tell me what I feel! You’ve had relationships with humans before. Why not with me? Look, I know that I’ll age and that you won’t. And I know that my relationship with you would have to end. But it’s my life and my choice. Why can’t you see that?”

  “Alexandra, I am not trying to hurt you. You’re taking this too personally.”

  “You’re damn right I am. First, you treat me like an idiot and act as if I have no right to my feelings. So much for someone who cares about me!”

  “That is not what I was saying,” Dante replied, getting angry himself. “And you know it. I have seen this time and time again. Humans think they fall in love with a vampire, but it is only hormones and curiosity, not love. Love is with someone you can walk in the sun with, someone you can have children with, grow old, and be happy. Vampires can’t do that. We are freaks of nature. We cannot give a human the love and life another human can give.”

  “What if I don’t want any of that? What if I just want you?” Alex said thickly.

  “I wouldn’t give you the choice for the very reason that I do care about you.”

  Alex took a deep breath and stepped forward. “I need to know right now… Forget everything else, and this caring about me bullshit. Do I mean anything to you?”

  “You are a very dear friend.”

  “No, dammit. You know what I am asking you!”

  Dante took a good few seconds before answering. “Yes.”

  “Then why can’t you let me in?”

  “Because you’re after something I can no longer give to a human. You deserve better than the life I could offer.”

  Alex drew in a breath and began silently collecting her things. Not until she reached the other side of the front door did the tears come.


  Dante had stood and watched her gather her belongings and go. He’d wanted to stop her, to comfort her, but knew no matter the outcome it would not help. He hated hurting someone so wonderful, feeling he had to remain strong for the both of them. It wasn’t the relationship she wanted, but it was the best he could do. He didn’t want her to go, but he let her. Just, he thought, lowering his head, as he had had to do a few times in his life with the women that held a special place in his heart. A handful after his heart stopped beating, but only one while it pumped life and love for her through his veins.

  Andalucia, Spain 1764

  “Alejandro, por la prisa de dioses!” Alejandro, by the gods, hurry up!

  He paid no attention. He was busy kicking the sand of the beach with his foot and trying to catch it. How he loved the beach. The warm sand, the feeling of jumping and sinking into it, running his fingers through it, then splashing his feet in the cold sea, shrieking with delight. What did he care that his town had been busy preparing for weeks for this very day. He wasn’t even seven yet. Why did he need to behave himself and watch his step and tendency to swear, using the words the sailors used so freely around him, just because the town was expecting a visit from one of the richest men known? Raphael Alvaro, the man who owned several of the houses in Andalucia, had announced an unexpected visit to the city of Cordoba and everyone Alejandro had seen was in a flurry of panic. Alejandro found it strange that the adults he knew were so afraid of Alvaro, yet he, at only four was not. He had heard the stories, but that didn’t mean he believed them. Alvaro was known as El Cuervo—The Crow—a man who had made his money in blood. These were only some of the stories about him. Others claimed he was a man that had the power to summon demons against those who stood against him. Several people known to have had quarrels with him were never seen or heard from again, the only evidence of foul play were whispers of screams in the night, but these were never spoken of openly.

  Alejandro had his hand snatched from his side and his whole body half dragged up to the town centre by Esmeralda. He called her aunt, although she held no relation to him. He was an orphan, and had been found on her doorstep when he was only a few days old. Normally, she enjoyed his games and sense of fun, but not today.

  “Alejandro por todos que es bueno y Santo te ruego de comportarse. Sólo por esta vez, para mí! Por favour!” Alejandro, by all that is good and holy, I beg of you to behave. Just this once, for me! Please.

  Alejandro did not like the rushed way his aunt Esmeralda spoke, clearly upset.

  “Aunt, what is wrong? With everybody? Why is this man coming? Why is everyone afraid?”

  Alejandro noticed the population of the city lining up at the main gates, standing in welcome. Raphael was close.

  “He wants a son,” she replied bitterly. “It doesn’t matter right now,” she said, replying to the child’s uncertain look. “What matters is you behave. This man is very powerful. If he sees you do something he doesn’t like, he will hurt you. Do you understand?”

  Alejandro frowned. Of course he understood the words, but not the reason behind them. How could a town of so many be so deathly afraid of just one man? He looked around as Esmeralda led him into the line at the front of city’s inn. Fear was power, and he was beginning to understand its emphatic effect.

  The ground beneath his feet trembled, but instead of looking down, he looked up. Coming to a stop just outside the city gates was a four-horse-drawn c
arriage. The side door opened and slowly, very slowly, a man stepped out. The man Alejandro knew to be Raphael. Large flat nose, greasy, stringy hair and thin beard. He paused when on the ground and looked left and right with a scowl. He approached the line of city folk who bowed in turn as he passed. He walked several steps before stopping and retreating back to stand in front of a young woman, dressed with a shawl over her head.

  “You will do nicely,” Raphael said, quickly removing the shawl and flicking it to the floor. Whatever the grave-faced girl was supposed to do, it did not seem to please her, even as she curtsied and walked into the inn. Alejandro did not know who looked more devastated, the woman or her young husband. Raphael continued to move along the line, picking a further two girls who followed the first into the inn, all with the same serious and sad looks on their faces. Raphael stopped when he came to Alejandro and Esmeralda. He looked first at her, then to Alejandro.

  “I don’t like the way this one is looking at me.” He sneered. Aunt Esmeralda squeezed Alejandro’s hand ever tighter as Raphael asked her, “Is it yours?”

  She shook her head. “Forgive him, Lord. His name is Alejandro. He is an orphan, not yet capable of understanding basic manners. The fault is mine for not teaching him.”

  Raphael grunted as a response before asking, “Han sido aflojados sus lomos?” Have your loins been loosened?

  Esmeralda faltered slightly as she replied. “No, my Lord. I am not able to have them. I have never been able.”

  Raphael considered this for a moment. “Esto significa que usted está intacto entonces?” You mean to tell me you are untouched?

  Esmeralda swallowed. “Yes, my Lord.”

  “Luego le tendrá primero” he said, turning his back on her. Then I will have you first.

  “Hey, wait a minute!” a man in the line shouted. “The agreement with our town was you get our women to give you a son. This woman cannot have them yet you take her as well.”


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