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Day Dreamer (Undeadly Secrets Book 2)

Page 25

by Aaron L Speer

  “Nikki, you can’t give up.”

  She shook her head emphatically. “I’m not. I have every intention of fighting for myself. I just wanted to let you know you won’t be seeing me around school and to offer you help with what you’re going through.”

  “Then let me help you too. It’s the least I can do.”

  “Hey, I don’t want you to feel guilty. This was all my choice. But, maybe we can help each other, the way friends should.”


  Nicole took a breath and cleared her throat. “Look, Nick, I don’t know what this is,” she said, pointing first to herself and then to him. “But I can’t deny it anymore either. I like you, a lot. I haven’t felt this way in…I’ve never felt this way. That really scares me and I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I don’t fancy that much either. But why should that be an issue right now? We like each other, can that not be enough to be going on with? You know how I feel about you, but I don’t want anything you’re not ready for. How’s about we just agree to take things as they come. Not slow. Not fast. No restrictions, no expectations.”

  “Ok, I can do that. That sounds nice.”

  “What I would like to do, is get to know you better, and then maybe take you on a proper date. What about after the dance tomorrow night?”

  “I’m not really in the mood for going to the dance. Why don’t you come around to my place again?”

  “Not going? Why not? You organised it, after all.”

  Nicole shrugged. “I’ve seen it all before.”

  “Ok, how does seven sound? I’ll be there with bells on.”

  Nicole giggled and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Sounds perfect.”

  Picking up her bag and purse from the floor beside the couch, she made to leave. But Nick grabbed her hand and gently eased her back down. Smiling, she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and kissed him again, this time on the mouth. A tingling warmth spread throughout her and she wanted nothing more than to stay here all day, but…

  “I’ve…gotta…get…going,” she said, giggling in between kisses.

  Nick gently held her face in place. “So…stop…kissing me…”

  Nicole let herself free and pinched him. “Cheeky bastard. You’re supposed to be recovering.” She slung her bag over her shoulder and pointed towards the bed. “I’d fix that before they come in.”

  Nick looked down to where she indicated and turned bright red. He quickly grabbed the extra pillow from behind him and placed on his lap.

  “See you later.” Nicole waved goodbye.


  “And just where the fuck have you been?”

  “Ah…you’re awake. How delightful.” Dante had stepped through the door of his apartment to find Melina sitting in his favourite chair, cross-legged and armed, tapping her fingers. “Hope you had a nice nap. Pity it couldn’t have gone on for another few years.”

  “Shut up!” Melina bolted to her feet. “How dare you think you can just leave me here.”

  “Humblest apologies I did not seek your permission, Mistress.” Dante gave a deep bow. “I didn’t realise you had taken my balls with you to the mansion all those years ago.”

  Melina crossed her arms and her eyes shrunk to slits. “Just who the hell do you think you are, talking to me like that?”

  “Should I talk more like Julian? I’ll bend over then, while you insert something.”

  “Don’t mention that ingrate. I’ve moved on to bigger and better things. Well…” Melina paused to look around, as if reminding herself where she was. “Figuratively speaking.”

  “If the décor does not meet with Mistress’ approval, there is the door.”

  “Oh, but how would you gloat then? Poor Melina had to come to you of all people for help.”

  Dante unbuttoned his shirt. He didn’t have time for this. “You’re welcome by the way.”

  Her eyes darted over his chest. “What are you doing?”

  “Getting changed.”

  “You’re leaving again? I’m just supposed to stay locked in this cage, am I?”

  Dante tossed the shirt into a chair and grabbed a new one from the closet. “Do what you like.”

  “I intend to.”

  Dante realised with a jerk what she was thinking, what she was expecting. “Oh no. Except that.”

  “I wasn’t asking. I’m bored and I’m coming with you.” With deft hands, the pyjama top she was wearing was removed over her shoulders and flicked to him. She stood before him, all angelic radiance, and bold in her nudity, but Dante kept his focus on her eyes.

  “The last place you need to be is on the streets.”

  “The last place I need to be is stuck in one place where they can get to me. Besides, I’ll have my big strong man to protect me.” Melina wrapped her arms around herself.

  “You will have no such thing. You got yourself into this mess, you can get yourself out of it.”

  Melina gave a huff. “So where are we going then?”

  “Jesus Christ, woman. Will it shut you up?”

  “It might.”

  “Well then, you will have to get changed too.” She could say whatever she wanted but she couldn’t hide the truth from him. Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Melina wanted and needed no one. Ever. Yet she was no more than a foot from him. Having every opportunity to leave, she stayed. And for what, to trade insults? No, Dante knew better. “Are you coming or what?”

  “What the hell do I have to dress up for? Where are we going?”

  “To see Sebastian Gould.”


  “You’re still speaking.”

  “I’m still bored!”


  Dante pulled up outside the lavish two-storey house. Naked and semi-naked men and women strolled uninhibited in and out of the grounds. The air was thick with laughter and marijuana.

  Sebastian Gould had his fingers in a lot of pies, as the saying went. His business was sex and drug trafficking. There was nothing illegal that went on in Sydney that he didn’t think up, pass up, or hear about. He knew about the existence of vampires and said nothing because a lot of the deals he did were for Vincent and with Vincent’s blessing. He was also a bisexual nymphomaniac and a clinical sociopath. And he would be just the one who might be able to help Dante now.

  Dante and Melina strolled along the footpath leading up to the front door, as the world of Sebastian Gould moved around them. The lawn was bathed in bright light, supplied by an oversized search light. The pool was crowded in and around with party goers. There were rows of naked women along the deck with lines of coke set up along their bodies. Surrounding them all were separate groups of up to four, each with a ziplock bag of pills. Dante had seen it all before and watched with detachment, but he could tell Melina was thinking with her stomach. “Not here. We aren’t here for that,” he warned.

  “Speak for yourself.” Melina replied, looking at a well-built negro walking past, wearing nothing but sunglasses. He carried a lighter and spoon with him, and joined a group of five around a picnic table, topped off with a pipe and crystal meth.

  Dante took her hand and pulled her along with him. “Let’s go.”

  “Ice users are scum of the earth anyway. What the fuck is this place? There are more knobs here than a locksmith’s gallery and enough clit on show that I should be a sea captain. Why did you make me wear this if I can’t join in?”

  She looked down at her ensemble. At least it matched Dante’s. They were both in leather. He wore an open black silk shirt with leather strips along the shoulders and leather pants, she a jacket that buttoned closed just over her bra, and tight pants, opening at the ankle.

  “It’s a requirement of those who attend his drug orgies. Either naked or leather.”

  “I don’t know if I want to kill this human or buy him a drink.”

  “Neither. He has plenty of people giving him things and I need him.”

  “You still haven’t told me what for?”
br />   “And I probably won’t.”

  Dante led Melina up to the front door before he felt her pull back. She was staring at a couple engaging in carefree sex. The gaunt woman though, with sunken eyes, had abandoned her cries of passion and stared at Melina. The partner, that looked to be at least thirty years older than her, continued to plug away.

  Breathless, as if in awe, the woman raised her voice to just under shouting. “Who are you?”

  “I’m the fuck fairy.”

  “Join us.”

  The volume of her voice carried, and several heads turned towards Dante and Melina, noticing them for the first time.

  “Come on. You know you want to,” she continued, trying to reach for Melina, as if forgetting her partner was even there. “I can’t handle the thought—”

  Melina clicked her fangs down. “You couldn’t handle the ride, junkie slut.”

  Dante pulled Melina away and through the door.

  Melina flicked her face back and retracted her fangs. “Couldn’t help myself.”

  “You could try.”

  Dante waved to a tanned blonde girl in a bikini standing behind a mini desk just inside the door.

  “Whoa…hey, Dante.”

  “Hello, Stephanie. Nice to see you.”

  “And you,” she purred.

  “Where’s the boss?”

  “Upstairs. Someone else wanted to speak with him, but he has been up there for a while. You should be good to go.”

  “Thanks. Take care of yourself.”

  “Call me.”

  Melina did not wait until she was out of earshot before mocking Stephanie. “Call me. I cannot believe you associate with the likes of that.”

  “Bossy and jealous, what a prize you have become. Although given the way you looked at the dark gent, your taste his improved. From Julian, anyway.”

  Both of them reached the top of the stairs, and Melina followed Dante to the right.

  “My taste? Fuck you! At least he isn’t platinum blonde like Miss Universe-reject downstairs. Her roots look like you did them.”

  “Oh, please!” A short and scrawny man, with thick-rimmed glasses, and curly hair that looked rather lifeless, appeared from one of the rooms. “Will you two kindly get a room and get it out of your system? The sexual tension is killing my party’s mojo.”

  He wore silk pyjama pants and a red silk dressing gown, holding a full whiskey glass.

  “Sebastian.” Dante nodded.

  “My god, the bogan Hugh Hefner.”

  Sebastian raised his glass to her. “A terrific social scientist, my dear, and I’m not ashamed to say, my inspiration. I see you getting all flustered with the D Man. Have you given any thought to rooting him? The thought of what a video with you and my gorgeous Spaniard here would make us all rich. Well…richer.”

  Sebastian took a sip from his glass and a young Asian boy appeared from the room and knelt before him. Sebastian raised his eyebrows at Melina. Dante had to nudge her with his elbow. Clearly, the sight was just something she had to deal with, as he was expecting an answer.

  “I popped his cherry,” Melina replied.

  “Oh my god, you lucky bitch!” he giggled. The Asian boy continued his work and Sebastian continued to act as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on. “Come on, just between us girls—Dante hold your ears. How big is he?”

  “Sebastian…” Dante really had no desire to banter this night.

  Sebastian sighed and reached into his pocket as the boy got to his feet. He slapped the boy across the face. “Teeth! How many times do I have to tell you, no fucking teeth! Here…” he said, dropping a pill into the boy’s palm. “Take this and don’t come back till you know how to do it right!”

  The boy rushed away, swallowing the pill with no water.

  “Now we can talk, Dante.”

  “I had a call earlier from a detective Crane, two of my staff were found dead. Both drug related, although the authorities have nothing to go on. Both of them went the same way. It looked like they had just fallen asleep and didn’t wake up. Firstly, I need to know if our agreement is still intact.”

  “If your staff died from taking, it was from shit I didn’t supply. I don’t push into T and neither do my dealers, as per your wishes. You know what happened the last time I even suspected one did.”

  Dante did remember, replying gravely, “You poured battery acid down her throat.”

  Sebastian looked thoughtful. “I did, didn’t I? Thank god. I would’ve been a father had she lived. Good girl, nice legs. Oh well.” He shrugged. “You don’t know how the drug scene works. They could’ve got it from a number of sources. It’s a nightclub after all.”

  “I don’t know how it works and that’s the point. You are the drug king. Which are the deadliest ones?”

  Sebastian laughed. “All of them, if you’re talking about overdosing. A hit too big and that’s it. You close your eyes and you don’t wake up.”

  “Fine, is there anything new on the market?”

  “Well, now that you mention it, yes. Now you have me thinking, my convict friend.” He dug in his pocket and pulled a small vial out containing a glowing blue liquid. “Here it is.”

  “Where did you get that?” Melina asked.

  Dante flicked his eyes from the vial to Melina. “You know this?”

  “Of course, it’s Dream State, a drug created for vampires to let them dream. The mansion is rife with it. I have no idea where it comes from, but I do know it’s not meant for humans.”

  “On the contrary, humans love this stuff. It allows them to dream whatever they want. It is the best high you can get.”

  “And perhaps the most deadly. Vampires have to wake up at sunset. They have no choice, and it is a natural defence against the major risk of this Dream State, which makes the user not want to stop living in the fantasy world.”

  “Wow…good thing I haven’t done it then, ain’t it?”

  “You haven’t?” Melina sounded sceptical.

  “Baby, anything glowing I prefer to put in someone else.”

  “Stop!” Dante gripped him by the shoulder. “Where did you get the Dream State?”

  “You know I never reveal my dealers.”

  “Your dealer is responsible for the death of my staff, even indirectly. You can always get another dealer, you can’t get another testicle. Choose now.”

  “Well, when you put it that way.” Sebastian searched again in his pocket. He handed Dante an old business card of an insurance agency. The agent’s name and number had been scratched off, replaced with Luca and a mobile number. “That’s his name, and the address on the card is where he lives.”

  “Botany. We can make it before sunrise. I’ll be seeing you.”

  “No hug and kiss?”

  Dante didn’t turn as he and Melina headed for the stairs. “Goodbye, Sebastian.”

  “So, we gonna kill him?”

  “Possibly. As a last resort.”

  “What an odd couple we are. I have the vagina, yet you’re the pussy. Killing is the only resort.”

  “I may be the pussy, yet you’re the one running for your life. We will do it my way.”


  On the roof opposite the building listed at the address on the card, Dante and Melina stood watch. The scene below them should have been a regular if not sleazy drug deal. But this wasn’t regular. A young woman had approached a vampire, who was willing to give her anything she wanted, as long as she gave him the one thing he needed.

  “You’re Luca, right?”

  The vampire nodded.

  “I got some money. My friend told me it would be two hundred.”

  “I don’t need money.” Luca gripped her chin.

  The woman moaned as if coming to a difficult choice. “All right, you got any condoms?”

  “You mistake me again. Your friend was clearly not very informative.”

  “What do you want then?”

  He flashed his fangs, hand covering her mouth. “Jus
t a little something I can sink my teeth into.”

  Beside Dante, Melina leapt off the roof. “To hell with this. Amateurs!”

  Luca leaned his head back, stopping as she landed. Dante followed a second later.

  “Bravo,” Melina clapped. “That has to be in the top five vampire attack clichés to use, and ya did. My favourite line when they ask that would be, the salt of your tears on my tongue, something like that.”

  “Rack off, bitch. Find your own dinner.”

  Dante moved forward in step with Melina. Her rage could set this off before necessary. “Now is that any way of treating two potential customers?”

  Luca looked above and then behind him, several things probably going through his mind. In the end, he went for the more sensible option and let the woman go. She dashed off around the corner of the building as quickly as her legs could take her.

  “Ok,” he raised and lowered his hands. “Can’t say no to two customers. Hope you have cash coz that was my meal. What do you want?”

  “Dream State.”

  “How much?”

  “All of it. Why you are selling to humans and where do you get it from?”

  Luca chuckled. “Whatever. I don’t know what game this is, one of you better start talking sense, or shit is about to get real. You tell me how much you want, I tell you the price.”

  “The lady already told you, we want all of it.” Dante said.

  “Yeah,” Melina agreed, flashing her fangs and black eyes. “And we won’t be paying for shit.”

  “Ooooh scary.” Luca displayed his own fangs. “What you gonna do, ranga?”

  “I’m going to rip your cock off!” Melina screamed, before Dante halted her.

  “There’s no need for this to get out of hand.”

  Melina balled her hands into fists. “Like hell!”

  “Yeah, fuck you, grandpa.”

  Melina shoved Dante out of the way and onto his back and whipped around to Luca. “Come here, you little shit.”

  She startled him with a left and right fist combination. Before he could retaliate, she had jumped and launched a kick to his chest, sending him into the concrete wall of the insurance building, shaking the powdered cement out of his eyes. Melina came at Luca again but he ducked her punch and pushed out a kick of his own which she dodged.


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