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Day Dreamer (Undeadly Secrets Book 2)

Page 29

by Aaron L Speer

  “Wait, what do you mean? With your career?”

  “Yes, apparently he feels he can fix things. I just got a text message. I don’t like to doubt such an amazing man, but it’s impossible. There’s nothing he can do except let the matter run its course. I would do anything to be a counsellor, of course. For my life to be back on track, the way I planned it. But it’s not. So, it’s time to start fresh. Whatever this is, isn’t a bad plan B.”

  Nick kissed her hand. “So, would you like to go somewhere for lunch?”

  “Maybe I should have breakfast first!” She nodded toward the tray. “And then…”


  Nicole brought his lips to meet hers. “Then.”


  “To breaking news. The residents of Glebe woke up to the gruesome discovery of a teenage boy’s body in the centre of Jubilee Park this morning. Rebecca Zietta is there. Hello, Rebecca. What can you tell us?”

  “At approximately 5:40 this morning, a group of girl guides doing a bushwalk came across the body of the boy, who appears to have been killed and left at the scene of the crime. A bizarre incident was also reported last night in the same area: a booming roar that rattled windows and led to a number of calls to emergency services. I spoke to several of the residents of nearby apartments and all are quite shaken by the events, as you can imagine.”

  “Rebecca, have the police come out with any information on what they think might have killed the boy?”

  “The police are playing their cards close to the chest as to what their suspicions are. They will come out with an official statement in a couple of hours’ time, and hopefully then they’ll be able to shed some light on the many questions local residents have been asking. All we know at the moment is the report from the initial witnesses—and I caution any sensitive viewers who might not wish to hear this next portion—the initial witnesses, who said, and I quote, “his spine looked like it had been literally ripped from his body and tossed to the ground just beside him.”

  “How horrible. Thank you, Rebecca. And just in on that story, the boy’s identity has now been released, as the victim’s family has now been informed. The boy was seventeen-year-old Jason Trodd. We will have more news on that for you as it appears.”


  “What do you make of this?”

  Calibos stepped into the main area of the pub and dropped the daily newspaper on the table. It was late afternoon, so the only occupants were the pack. They were all grumbly about Lauren’s escape and their failure to recover her. They weren’t in the mood for questions and games either.

  “We should patrol Glebe?”

  “Honestly, yes and no. Do you have any idea the raw power needed to do that to a human body?”

  “Vampire,” Matt said.

  Calibos wore a bright smile. “Nice try on the input Matty. Not a vampire in this case, though. Werewolf.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  “We aren’t alone. One of the captives may have gotten free or England sent someone to help. We’re gonna try and find him for when we take the mansion. We’ll need the extra muscle.”

  “For when?”

  “We make final preparations for the next full moon. It’s time to take back what’s ours.”


  Vincent stepped out of his custom-made security vault, housing his four wolves. “All present and accounted for. No change in readings.”

  “Well then, what are we to do make of this? It was clearly a wolf I heard last night, and only a wolf could’ve caused the wounds I saw. If none have escaped from us, and with no incidents at all from the others you say have been here for months’ worth of full moons, then what was it? Last night was only a half-moon. This doesn’t bode well for the full potential this wolf must have.”

  “But why now? To what purpose? You said yourself there were no bite marks on either human. And where are the other bodies?”

  “Other bodies?”

  “Since when have you ever heard of a wolf only attacking two people in a night? This was a public park, and a huge one. They were in the middle of it, no one else in sight. The beast would’ve had to travel past any number of potential victims to get there, yet left them all alone. It’s not typical behaviour.”

  “You make it sound like a pre-meditated attack, as if the wolf had set out to do this mauling and nothing else.”

  Vincent turned abruptly.


  “That’s exactly what it was. And only one class of wolf targets specific prey if it so wishes. We have an Alpha amongst us. Have you succeeded with turning the boy?”

  Julian grimaced. “No idea. I ordered the blonde to stay with him until he wakes up. If I’m not mistaken, she is the holder of a record. She’s not even a year old and already a maker.”

  “Desperate times call for desperate measures. We will need the strength of a newborn against an Alpha. It will guarantee victory. Speaking of which, have Clive meet me in my room at once. There’s something I need to find out.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Whether Wilson Slade had any children,” Vincent growled.

  Vincent stormed into his room and looked up at the ceiling. A sharp squeaking had gotten his attention. Finding nothing, his eyes fell to his desk and an envelope that lay there. Vincent didn’t know what it contained, obviously, but he knew who sent it. The Messengers of Osiris. Over two hundred years ago, when Vincent had still been living in Ireland, he had received a letter like this informing him he had been made a king. He remembered it well as it also followed the sound of squeaking. An angry falcon had nestled in the corner of the room.

  Looking up again toward where he’d heard the noise, he spotted it. The falcon, wings curling slowly around its body, could’ve been identical to that one from so long ago.

  The legend was that if the addressee did not respond to the letter’s instructions within one week, the falcon would take their soul.

  Vincent slit open the envelope with a nail and read.

  We are disappointed. You have disgraced yourself for money and tainted your rule over Sydney. Power is not yours to gain, it is ours to give and take. You are blinded by greed and you will no longer be responsible for Sydney. You are ordered to relinquish power by signing your name in blood. Once this is done, the falcon will return with your new instructions.

  Vincent looked up at the falcon and tore the letter in half as Clive stumbled into the room. Good thing he didn’t believe in myths and legends.

  “You are to send a computer letter to the new Alpha of Britain. I need to know if his predecessor spawned any mutts. Do this and I may forget you defied my direct order.”

  “Vincent, Lauren was going to die—”

  “I told you I do not care. She was foolish enough to get herself captured.”

  “She has had no training! Everyone has abandoned her, yet when she matters to either you or Julian, then you have expectations she can’t possibly live up to. You asked me to place a tracker on her before she left. I asked for you to let me bring her home, that’s all.”

  “I denied you. Day after day, when I should only have to do it once, you just up and out. Off on your merry way to be the dashing rescuer, when she thinks you insignificant?”

  “That’s not…that’s not what this is.”

  “I think it is.”

  “It’s about doing what’s right!”

  “Enough! I decide what’s right. You are fortunate that as of this moment I require your services and Julian requires hers. Otherwise your fates could be vastly different. Send the letter, and one day, you may see her again.”


  The Creed Estate – Britain

  A loud echoing pounding continued on his bedroom door. “Somebody had better be dead!” Damien Creed roared.

  The door swung open and Tobias Lee walked in jauntily, holding a printed A4 piece of paper. “I’m in luck then.”

  Creed gritted his teeth and snatched the note from Tobias. He really needed to
do something about his arrogance. He glanced sleepily at the message and then sat up abruptly and read it again.

  “Is he serious?” Creed asked.

  “Yep, it’s no trick. I just looked it up on the world news and it’s all over YouTube as well. Some stupid kid got his spine ripped out in Sydney. It was a great kill.”

  But Creed wasn’t listening. His eyes blazed as he kicked the sheets off himself and almost ran to the button on the wall on the opposite side of the room. He pressed it. A panel in the wall slid open revealing a woman huddled in the corner. Creed raised an arm and walloped her before grabbing the chains holding her to the wall and yanking her across the floor.

  “Guess who just sent me an email, Alicia? The vampire king of Sydney. You remember him, don’t you? You know that I watched all your communication with him all those months ago? He knew not to worry about the men you were sending because their proposal would be null and void as the British Pack would be undergoing a change of management. Here’s what he didn’t know: that a second team would be coming along. He was pissed off to say the least, but when nothing happened every full moon following, he realised they were human and no threat to him and his business operation. None of those traitors have been sighted again. They’re probably a vampire snack by now, so you fucked up well and truly. But it appears you had more brains than I gave you credit for. Do you know what the current headline in Sydney is today? Imagine the vampire king’s surprise when a werewolf attack is reported now, after all this time. You sent a third party along: your only son.”

  Alicia spat on the floor, blood mixing with the saliva. “Leave him out of this, Creed. He’s done nothing to you.”

  “Shut up. I’ve had a thought. I was going to kill you, send you off in pieces to him, as a warning and to show him how it’s really done, but no. How about a deal? You’ll get to go to Sydney and be with your precious boy. On one condition. You present yourself and your son to Vincent and subject yourselves to his jurisdiction.”

  Alicia nodded, and Creed waved some guards in to take her away. Under ordinary circumstances, the Alicia he’d known would have taken time to think things over, but she’d been locked up for months now, and Creed knew the overwhelming need to see her son took over all else.

  When she was out of ear shot, Tobias raised an eyebrow. “So what are you really going to do?”

  “I’m going to tell Vincent everything. Nick’s name and what he looks like. It’s up to him to find him. But I’ll tell him that within days he will have the former Alpha’s son and wife at his disposal. The wife that tricked him. I’d wager he’ll kill them publicly as a warning to other wolves to stay out of Australia.”

  “Your response will be?”

  “That as far as I am concerned, their blood is tainted, therefore it does not bother me the line ends with Nick. I hate Australia, and everyone knows that. There will be no need to even pretend to care about the fact we are forbidden to go there. As long as I still get my cut from Dream State, Vincent can do what he likes.”

  Tobias cleared his throat. “My Alpha, is that wise?”


  “Wilson’s son is the blood Alpha. Is it wise to let a vampire be seen destroying what is naturally yours to challenge? There cannot be two Alphas. It’s not possible.”

  “In a few days, Vincent will make sure it’s not an issue. The boy and his mother are dead. The future belongs to me.”


  Alex sat up and rolled her head around, stretching. She got up from the bed and casually searched for her underwear. She and Dante had resumed their naked feeding ritual, and Alex had never felt better. She was comfortable and at ease with him. She loved the kissing of her lips and neck, the licks across her breasts, the gentle sucks and his hands exploring her body. That was still as far as it went, still it was all to turn her on. Doing so, helped make the bite easier, and boy did it.

  “Try not to be afraid,” Dante said.

  “I’m not,” Alex got down on her hands and knees to look under the bed, reaching. “I admit the news today shocked me, and now when you’re telling me it’s obvious a wolf has done it, I agree. I’m not afraid. We knew they were here, so now we’ve just got to deal with it.”

  “I’ve got to deal with it.”

  “Dante,” Alex stood and stepped into her panties, facing him. “Let’s not ruin this ok? I told you, I want to be with you, as your donor and as your friend. That means taking everything on that you do. I can’t do what you do, but I can be by your side and help. I want to smash these pricks back to England, or hell, or wherever. I want to help however I can.”

  “Very well. Until that time comes, just take care of yourself and your mother. Nick too, of course.”

  “Yeah, Nick seems to need a lot of protection at the moment.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Well, he went over to a girl’s place last night, and he hasn’t been home yet.”

  “Ah, yes. Well, as far as protection goes, I’m sure he’ll be responsible. As long as he is making her happy and vice versa.”

  “He was so happy on the phone when he told me he was still there. I wish Alicia could see him now. It would be weird if the two of them went on to get married. Nick and Nicole Slade… Dante?”

  He had jerked his head toward her. “What did you say the name was?”

  “Nick’s? Slade. Why?”

  Dante clenched his jaw but shook his head dismissively. “Oh… I thought you said something else. My mistake.”

  Alex wondered what the deal really was, but Dante was not going to tell her until he was ready. “No worries. Anyway, gotta rush off. I’m meeting mum for dinner. Talk soon?”

  “Definitely,” he said. Alex gripped him in a strong hug and pressed her lips against his.



  Dante marched to his study and removed a book from the newer part of his collection. Flipping to the index, he scanned down the list and turned to the correct page.

  Current Alpha of Germany 1989 – Armin Cordula (2nd Generation)

  Omega – Felicie Bauer Cordula (dec)

  Children - Franz, Hanz, Angelique, Geert (dec)

  Current Alpha of France 1971 – Claude Absolon (3rd Generation)

  Omega – Charlotte Christelle Absolon

  Children – Eveline, Jaq, Claude Jnr, Jean (dec), Fabien (dec)

  Current Alpha of England 2003 – Wilson Slade (9th Generation)

  Omega – Alicia Slade

  [No children present at time of printing. Maiden name not given]

  Dante hung his head. He knew he had heard the name Slade before. So much made sense now, though it made it harder to digest.

  Nick was the killer of the teenage boy, Jason Trodd. Alex’s cousin, a tenth generation Alpha wolf, and probably not even aware of it or how strong he would become. Dante looked out the window into the darkness, deciding. What to do? His heart and his head were in very different places. He set in mind what he should do, and would worry about the consequences later. He had to do what he believed was right.

  “Please, forgive me,” he whispered to the night.

  Picking up the phone on his desk, he dialled. “It’s me.” He rubbed his palm across his forehead. “Get Vincent.”

  Chapter 36

  The Things You Do For Love

  “Thank you all for coming.”

  Alex raised her glass toward Margaret, Nick and Nicole, all seated at Dante’s dining table. He had invited them all over for dinner. This in itself was not a strange thing for Alex. What was strange was that Dante was insistent, and as long as she had known him, he was never insistent.

  It got even stranger when Dante had called her yesterday to check and double check they were all coming.

  Still, dinner had been delicious, and conversation interesting. Admittedly, Nicole hadn’t taken her eyes off Nick for more than three seconds, constantly looking at him like he was a giant Ferrero Rocher chocolate that she just wanted to attack. And of cour
se Nick looked back at her like…well, Alex didn’t want to think about that. Still, all in all, a pleasant evening.

  Alex and Dante joked with each other. Just for a minute, Alex could imagine this being a a recurring event. Might be nice to have a “family night” of sorts. Alex appreciated the closeness and the connection to Dante again after making up. He didn’t treat her as a boyfriend, because that’s not what he was. He was a very affectionate friend. But something was different tonight, despite it all. Off. Forced? Alex couldn’t put her finger on it. The lead-up to the night just wasn’t right.

  Dante had spent a lot of time speaking to Nicole, probably trying to make her feel comfortable. But at the same time Alex couldn’t help but feel he was trying to charm her. Which again, was not typical of Dante. Everyone seemed content, but Alex could sense something was amiss.

  “It is wonderful to see you again,” Dante chinked his wine glass against Nicole’s, and set it down as she sipped. “And looking so happy. Your new…uh,” Dante held out a hand, as if uncertain how to pronounce the word, “friendship? Seems to be agreeing with you. He is a fine fellow. May I ask what you see in him?”

  Nick swallowed his food rather fast and gave a brief cough.

  “Dante…” Alex started. Dante never asked something like that of anyone. He viewed such things as none of his business. Why now?

  “No, it’s ok,” Nicole smiled and held Nick’s hand. “He’s really sweet. He makes me laugh. He makes me feel comfortable just being me.”

  Alex’s eyes flicked towards Margaret, who said nothing, but sipped her wine with a strangely sly smile teasing the corners of her mouth. Alex swallowed another forkful of her dessert and glanced at Dante, who stared at Nicole, seemingly captivated, even though she was no longer facing him. He seemed to be studying her, hard, a questioning expression adorning his face. Contemplating something?


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