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Day Dreamer (Undeadly Secrets Book 2)

Page 35

by Aaron L Speer

  “I didn’t know.”

  “But you did know what your father was. You knew why you were sent here and eventually, you knew for certain you were a wolf, and you kept that from us as well. Do you have any idea how close we all came to death last night? If Dante hadn’t pretended to turn you in, Alex and I would’ve been beaten and tortured for housing you. Nicole would’ve received worse. The excuse we didn’t know wouldn’t have worked for them either. Your lying to us would’ve got us all killed. 7,000 people are dead right now. Alex has a friend in hospital right now. She’s saying goodbye to a braindead vegetable, for chrissake. I spent over twenty years in an asylum purely to protect my daughter, and just when I get her back, you come in and piss all over us…”

  Alicia roared, flaring her fangs. She had only taken a step when Margaret pulled a pistol from her handbag. “That werewolf shit doesn’t scare me.” Margaret cocked the gun. “You’ll have to do better than that, missy.”

  Alicia spread her fingers out as a response, her nails curved and sharp, ready to strike.

  “Stop!” Nick stepped in between them. “Margaret, please—”

  “Don’t! Not another word. I will say this, from the bottom of my heart, Nicholas. I love you, your human side, I truly do. You may not understand that, but it’s the truth. That’s why this is so hard. I could understand the lying and look past it, as I have had to do it myself to protect those I love. But when the lies lead directly to my only child being in danger, when I have sacrificed so much to keep her out of harm’s way, I cannot forgive that. It was selfish and stupid. And dangerous. You may think you have your shifting under control, but you don’t, and you won’t. The beast always wins. Alex doesn’t see it, that’s why she’s kicked me out, but I do. I am asking you to get out of the city.”

  “Or what?” Alicia sneered.

  “Or I will do what I have to. I’m going to come after you, and I will kill that thing inside you.”

  “We’re already planning to leave,” Nick insisted.

  “Fine. Then so am I.” Margaret moved towards the door, still pointing her pistol, until finally she bolted out the door.

  “Don’t listen to her, honey. She’s wrong.”

  Nick stared after one of the two women that had been so kind, that housed him. Gave him love and kindness. What had he given them in return?

  “No… I don’t believe she is.”

  Chapter 42

  What Say You?

  “What is going on?” Creed pushed his head against the cockpit window of the jet. They were going to miss their spot in the take-off queue if this delay went on much longer.

  Tobias waved him away as if he were an annoying gnat and repositioned the microphone of his headset. “Say again, tower? I missed that, over.” He spoke the message aloud to Creed as he received them:

  “Repeating, you have not been given clearance. We are experiencing technical difficulties. As soon as they are fixed, your flight path to Sydney will be confirmed. Over.”

  “Give me that…” Creed snatched the headphones and microphone from Tobias.

  “What technical difficulties? It’s fucking Heathrow! Do they only have one computer?”

  Tobias shook his head hard, looking just as exasperated as Creed felt.

  The flight controller’s voice took on a tone of indignant politeness. “There is no need for the attitude, sir. I can’t explain why your details can’t be processed. It could be because you only booked this morning. You and your group will just have to be patient. I have been to three computers and my supervisor has been to two and we both get the same error message every time.”

  “What error message?”

  “Sydney says: No dogs allowed. Must be a glitch of some kind.”

  “No dogs…?” Creed drummed his fingernails along the dashboard. He snorted when he realised, and then couldn’t stop a full-on belly laugh. He tossed the headpiece back to Tobias.

  “What’s so funny?”

  Creed raised an impressed eyebrow. “They certainly know how to make their final hours entertaining. I will give them that.”

  “So…they know we are coming?”

  “It seems that way.”

  “I wouldn’t let the men know that. They are willing for the hunt no doubt, but now the element of surprise is gone, coupled with the knowledge of Wilson’s son…” Tobias gave a shrug and a sceptical shake of his head. “After all, Wilson was known to be extremely powerful.”

  “And yet he was beheaded without a whimper. By me. Anything can be stopped. Everyone can be killed. But I do admit this does take some rethinking. If they can hack Heathrow’s systems, they will no doubt be able to monitor us from the air. They will attempt any delay they can. Very well…”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  Creed looked out onto the tarmac under the gloomy sky. The runway looked surprisingly sparse today compared to what he was used to. All those times travelling with Wilson and a few of these same men all across Europe for business dealings. Some exchanged money, others fists and fangs. But they had triumphed every time. Stood tall and won respect and riches. It caused him no grief whatsoever to think of carrying both Alicia and her son’s head back with him. They were a stepping stone to his ultimate glory. But if he was honest with himself, a small part of him died when he removed Wilson’s head. Creed had loved him as a brother and a son. Mentored him for his duty as an Alpha. That Wilson had foundered in that duty was as much Creed’s failure as it was Wilson’s. Bitterly, Creed pictured that blonde bitch in his mind. She truly had made what could’ve been a great Alpha weak. She hadn’t been the one Creed had wanted for Wilson.

  Creed leant back in seat, his mind ablaze with daring. Could it be possible?

  “I will take a page out of Alicia’s book. Why didn’t I think of this before? I will head to Sydney with my best, except one. You will stay here and do something for me.”

  When Tobias looked disappointed, Creed continued, “Or rather, you’ll go to Sydney as well, but without me.”

  Tobias remained silent.

  “They will know how many are coming, and when we are scheduled. But you, will be my plan B and you will bring my plan C. I want you to go to Rannoch Moor.”

  “The Scottish Highlands?”

  Creed gave an abrupt nod. “I will give you the exact location. There you will find something that the Australians know nothing about, a weapon we can use, stronger than any of us.”

  “What is it?”

  “It’s not an it. It’s a her.”


  Alex blinked through her red achy eyes. Dry from lack of sleep and crying. How long have I been in this hospital room? A day and a half? More? Fuckety. Her palm was warm and sweaty from constantly holding Michelle’s hand but she just couldn’t remove it. She knew every minute that ticked by, she was closer to saying goodbye for the final time.

  Kept breathing by machines only, Michelle had been moved from her private room to this ward of other Dream State victims. It was horrible hearing the families, one after another, pleading with their loved ones not to leave them, crying out in anguish when their hearts finally gave out. Every flat line, rush to the body by the nurses, futile resuscitation attempts and finally the silence, before the cries of sorrow, were like knives to Alex’s soul.

  She knew every life that dumbed down to nothing was like time, ticking away what Michelle had left.

  “I don’t know if you can hear me,” Alex stroked Michelle’s face. “But I hope you can. I’m so sorry, Mish. I don’t know why you couldn’t talk to me instead of turning to this. I should’ve been there for you…” Alex sucked in her lips as the emotion caught up in her throat. “I’m so lost. I kicked mum out. I have no idea where Nick is. Dante wants to be here, but he’s dealing with the wolves and the worst part is that such a wonderful, beautiful person…my favourite person in the world, only has one friend beside her. You deserve so much more.”

  Alex broke down. She’d wanted to contact Michelle’s parents
but didn’t know their names. Michelle had never said, only that they had been told years before that she was deceased. By her tone, Alex had let the subject drop at the time. But now she wished she had pursued it. Somewhere out there were two people that had no idea their daughter was slipping away. It just didn’t seem right. Dammit, none of this was right or fair.

  Alex placed her head in Michelle’s lap, holding her as best she could, begging her through hushed sobs to wake up, before sleep finally claimed her.

  It could’ve been hours, or it could’ve been moments, Alex wasn’t sure how long she had been out. She felt the tiniest press of lips against her head. Dante. It was a relief that he had made it. Exhausted, she remained where she was, eyes closed, still half-drifting. She heard Dante move to the other side of the bed. But he said nothing for the longest time. Maybe the sight of Michelle was harder on him than she thought. Or maybe he just didn’t believe his words would reach her?

  Alex thought about what to say, or whether anything she could say would even be reassuring to him. It was truly his choice what he should do, but if Alex could comfort him in anyway, she would. They were in this together, and she needed him just as much as he needed her. But then Alex heard something in the darkness she didn’t expect. Heavy breathing. Struggling. Pain.

  For an instant, Alex thought that Dante had succumbed to tears. But even so, Dante didn’t breathe. The figure on the other side most certainly was breathing.

  Alex slowly raised her eyes and jerked back, startled. She fumbled for her phone and clicked the torch app.

  “Oh my god…”

  It was Nick. He had taken the IV needle out of the bag and plunged it into his exposed arm. He raised his head, face covered in sweat. His beautiful blue eyes had changed to their silver counterparts, staring at her, his breath heaving like a marathon runner through clenched teeth and four gleaming fangs.

  Chapter 43

  Anything You Want, You Got It

  “Nicholas!” It was not Alex who screamed. Just as she was about to turn, Alex saw someone she hadn’t laid eyes on for over seventeen years rush over to her nephew. “What do you think you’re doing? Stop!”

  “No…” he grumbled, wheezing heavily. “My fault…”

  “Don’t listen to that old bitch! She doesn’t know you. You didn’t do this. It’s not worth your life!”

  Nick’s eyes fluttered and Alex gazed down at his arm. Blood pumped out of the hole, oozing steadily. The grip that he had on the needle had faltered, his strength failing him as it bent sideways.

  “Maybe not,” Nick met Alex’s gaze. “But she is.”

  Alex stood with her mouth partially open, watching this unfold. Only when Nick collapsed did she move, joining Alicia kneeling on the floor over him.

  “I…” Alex took a hand in both of hers. “I don’t understand. What happened?”

  “Your mother got to him. He told me he wanted to see you before we left, to thank you for supporting him. If I had known he had this in mind, I never would’ve agreed. Little shit.” Alicia sniffed, brushing Nick’s hair.

  Alex noted the words were harsh but Alicia’s actions were gentle. She was scared for him. Yikes. Better not to talk about mother Margaret, I guess. “What was he doing with the IV? Is he ok? What will happen to her?” She indicated Michelle.

  “I don’t know about her. Check.” Alicia’s answers were no less curt than before.

  As Alex rose and turned to check on her friend, the lights of the room sparked on. A ward nurse stood in the doorway.

  “I understand this is a difficult time, but only you were given an allowance to be here after hours.” She marched over with determination. “I’m sorry you’ll both have to— What is going on here?”

  Alex looked over Alicia, who was standing in front of a prone Nick. It looked like she had shoved him towards the wall to disguise him, but not in time.

  “Whatever this is,” declared the nurse, “you will all need to leave right now, before I call security.”

  “You’ll have to call them, ma’am. I’m not leaving.”

  Alex was spared having to face security. Before the nurse could even take a step toward the door, Michelle sat up and sucked in a huge breath, eyes darting left to right. “Where am I?”

  Alex forgot about the nurse, about everything. How she had any more tears left she didn’t know, but they flowed true. Alex darted across the room to the bed, planted kisses across Michelle’s cheeks and lips, wrapping Michelle in her arms and squeezed tighter than she could ever remember.

  “Oh, Michelle! I’m so relieved you’re okay.” Alex leant back and smoothed away the hair that had been mussed due to her enthusiasm. She carefully rubbed off some of her lip gloss smears from Michelle’s lips and cheeks with her thumb. “Oops, sorry about that.”

  Michelle wore a groggy grin and shrugged. “I’m not. That’s a great way to wake up.”

  Alex felt the nurse grab her gently by the elbow. “Ok, I’m going to need you to back away now. Give me some space. I need to make sure she’s o— ”

  Alex turned to Alicia…who was no longer there. Nick was gone too. The nurse shook her head and closed the curtains of the bed.

  Alex leaned, back against the wall, and slid down it to sit on the floor, hands together, eyes closed. She wasn’t much for prayer, but did give thanks for this miracle. Not to God, but to the one person that made it possible. She pictured him in her mind and whispered with all the love she possessed. “Thank you, Nick. Thank you so much.”

  When the examination was completed, the nurse was still insistent that Alex leave. As hard as it was, Alex didn’t want to antagonise the nurse further, and she was sure Michelle could tell she didn’t want to leave her side.

  “It’s ok,” Michelle smiled. “Wait outside, the car will be along in fifteen minutes.”

  “What car? I drove here, silly.”

  “Oh, you didn’t, did you? Alex…” Michelle wagged her finger.

  “What—” Alex was confused.

  Michelle interrupted, keeping her gaze hard. “We’ll sort that out. Just wait outside for the car…”

  It dawned on Alex that this was some sort of message. Though she didn’t know exactly what she was supposed to do, she just decided to agree. “Oh, okay.”

  “Fifteen minutes,” Michelle repeated.

  Finally, Alex clued in. “Front?”


  Alex nodded and made her way out to the elevator, escorted by the nurse. The elevator chimed and Alex stepped in, thanking the nurse, hoping her sudden happiness couldn’t be seen through. There was no car here, of course. Alex climbed into her own and drove it around to the rear parking lot of the hospital and parked in a darkened distant corner and waited. She knew the police would want to question Michelle. She was, after all, the first Dream State case to wake up from the coma. But with this command to wait, Alex was sure Michelle had no intentions of talking to the police. Somehow, Michelle was escaping, and Alex didn’t doubt her ability to do so for a second. The painful lump of anguish in her chest was lessening. Her Michelle was alive!

  Just as she checked her watch for the sixth time, the passenger door opened and Michelle, still in her hospital gown, hopped in and gave Alex a proper hug.

  “Don’t you ever do that to me again,” Alex mumbled into Michelle’s neck, before starting the car and driving off.

  “I’m sorry. It just happened. I got low, and I thought the drug was a cure. I guess I knew it was too good to be true, but I had to try. I missed Dante so much. All I kept thinking about was that connection—one that I’d never have again. And then I heard that Dream State would reverse the effect of the poisoning of my blood. I had to try it. I had to.” Michelle gripped her hands together tightly in front of her as if wishing, praying she could just make the past go away.

  “I can’t imagine it. I’m so sorry you felt that way.”

  “I was…lonely, you know? It wasn’t like I spent all the time picturing having sex with Dante.
I just felt so alone. I kept thinking about you too.”

  “Why didn’t you call me?”

  Michelle gave a brief smile. “I guess I didn’t know what to say. I felt like when I lost Dante, I kinda lost you too, just when we were getting closer.”

  Alex could only shake her head in sadness for her friend. “Oh, Mish… I guess it’s my fault too. I thought it was inconsiderate of me to be the one to initiate contact with you, since I was with Dante and taken your place. No matter what you said, I knew it hurt you more than you let on. I wanted to be there for you, but in my head it was just so complicated. I thought I needed to give you your space. That you would call me when you were ready. I should never have let things go so long. If you had died from this, I…”

  Michelle took Alex’s hand. “Stop. Please promise me we’ll let each other in from now on. I’ve lost too much already. We both have.”

  “I promise.”

  Michelle leaned over and they embraced, tears of loss turning to ones of joy, relief, renewed companionship. They would never NOT be there for one another after this, Alex knew.

  “Ok.” Alex sniffed, wiped away tears, grinned and threw the car into gear. “So I’m thinking I take you to Dante, but to your place first so you can get changed.”

  “Oh man. Undies and my own clothes would be a great start. And you can fill me in about what’s been going on…”


  “The door is open. That’s weird.” There were sounds of tense chatter coming from inside. Alex and Michelle looked at one another and crept cautiously inside. Alex tried to remain unseen as she looked around. The living area was filled with people surrounding the lit fireplace. Some Alex knew and some she’d never seen before.

  “Hello girl with a boy’s name.”

  Alex nearly jumped out of her skin. She whirled around and found Nathaniel grinning up at her. They were certainly not hidden now.


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