Ready, Willing and Abel (Passion in Paradise: The Men of the McKinnon Sisters Book 3)

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Ready, Willing and Abel (Passion in Paradise: The Men of the McKinnon Sisters Book 3) Page 24

by Sarah O'Rourke

  Chapter Sixteen

  Years from now, Patience would tell both herself and everybody else who would listen that it had been the doubled amount of hormones coursing through her body that had incited her to violence that long ago day.

  That would also be one of the biggest whoppers she’d ever told in her life.

  Because the truth was, it hadn’t been the hormones.

  Oh, there’d been plenty of estrogen flying all over the place in her loft that long ago evening; that was for sure. But the truth was that her tipping point hadn’t been caused by anything quite so ordinary.

  Nope, her true provocation had been the laughter. Or more specifically, the laughter of the man that had impregnated her with his litter of children. Yeah, she knew that two didn’t necessarily constitute a litter.

  She didn’t care.

  He wasn’t the one walking around like a double stuffed Oreo cookie.

  As she straddled his lap now, her breath coming in shallow pants as he finally captured her wrists in one hand and used the other to pull her flush against his chest, she cursed the fact that her babies seemed to be slowing down her reaction time. Or maybe they were just both on their daddy’s side.

  Nothing would surprise her at this point.

  She’d just have to be satisfied with the few solid shots that she’d landed on the insufferable jerk’s body in front of her. She was pretty sure that she’d managed to knee him in the nuts at least twice. He was still grey faced and breathing hard from the last little strike she’d delivered to his solar plexus. Someday, somebody would give her a medal for this. After all, she was doing her part to save all other defenseless women from her fate, right? That was something! Heck, in her eyes, that was EVERYTHING.

  “Are you done yet?” Abel managed to wheeze, his breath fanning her face in hot gusts. “Or do I need to tie you up?” Gritting his teeth when she tried to jerk her wrists from his grip, Abel shook his head. “I mean it, Hellion. I’ve got things to say and you need to hear them. I’m gonna let go, but you make another dive for me and I’m gonna sit on you.”

  Staring back at him, Patience’s furious eyes bore into his. “Whatever,” she bit out. “You aren’t the only one that has things to say,” she acidly communicated to him through barely moving lips while he slowly released his grip on her. Barely suppressing a snarl when he dropped a heavy arm across her thighs to keep her sitting in his lap, she forced herself to remain still. “Speak, Abel,” she ordered. “I’d advise you to get out every single thing you wanna say now because this may be your last chance to talk to me for a while.”

  Abel wanted to laugh but instead chose to ask, “Do I need to start saying my own prayers at this juncture?”

  “Couldn’t hurt. God likes proactive parishioners,” Patience admitted, her own lips forming an unconscious grin. “At least, that’s what Honor says.”

  “Well, your sister is fluent in all matters faith-based,” Abel noted with a small chuckle. “In fact, when last I saw her, she was relying heavily on her faith to keep her from committing her own heinous crime against Zeke.”

  “What?” Patience questioned blankly, tilting her head as she listened to what Abel was saying. “What are you talking about?”

  “Let’s just say that Honor was Zeke’s last interview for today regarding Angie’s murder. Your sister wasn’t exactly happy to give her statement. Especially when Zeke asked her for her alibi.”

  “Oh, for the love of God! Honor didn’t kill that bitch. I swear to God, if you two morons have upset my baby sister, I’ll…”

  “Hey,” Abel interrupted as Patience’s anger gained steam, “Your sister is fine. We know she had nothing to do with what happened, but you know we had to talk to everyone,” Abel explained steadily as Patience nodded.

  “Don’t leave me in suspense, Abel. I’m on the edge of my seat,” Patience said sarcastically. “Where was my sweet, upstanding sister at the time of the crime? Whatever did she have to say to you and Zeke?”

  “Oh, she was a fount of information. When Zeke asked if she’d wanted the victim dead, Honor was more than forthcoming. She shared that while she had not, in fact, wished Angie dead, she certainly wasn’t going to argue with the Almighty’s decision to call her home.”

  Patience nearly choked on her giggles. Mostly because she could just imagine her prim and proper sister answering the question in EXACTLY that way.

  “And when asked for her alibi, Honor readily stated that she was at home sleeping at the time of the murder. Alone.”

  “Well, of course she was,” Patience snapped, her eyebrows drawing together as she grew irritated. “Where the devil else would she have been? And why would any of you guys’ dumbass questions have upset Honor?”

  “Oh, it wasn’t Zeke’s questions that ticked her off, per se. It was the fact that evidently her alibi could be verified. And readily, too….since the witness was there!”

  “Huh?” Patience grunted.

  “I guess after the showdown at the café on the night Angela was murdered, I wasn’t the only one chasing a McKinnon woman down. It would seem that Zeke went to Honor’s house to try and plead his own case. Of course, like you, she’s stubborn. Must be a family trait. Anyway, when she wouldn’t let him in, he proceeded to spend the night on her back porch. As you can imagine, the news that he’d stayed the night on her porch without her permission did not further endear the Sheriff to your sister.”

  Patience started to laugh again because she could just imagine how that had gone over with her kin. “What happened?”

  “Well, she tried to convince the deputy with us to arrest his boss for trespassing. That was an interesting conversation,” Abel replied with a grin. “And even though Deputy Seaver refused to push the issue with Zeke, Honor wouldn’t be swayed. She turned around and handed Vivian Miller a dollar bill to retain her services. You see, your lovely younger sister wanted to review her legal options – while, I might add, Zeke watched with something like amazed horror. Thankfully, Vivian was able to explain that though she was an excellent attorney, she was quite convinced she wouldn’t be able to make trespassing charges stick since technically Zeke was in his jurisdiction. Honor was understandably disappointed.”

  Burying her face in her hands, Patience groaned through her laughter. “I swear, if Angie wasn’t already dead, I might be tempted to kill her for all the trouble she’s causin’ my family!” Lifting her head, she met Abel’s gaze and asked softly, “Bullshit aside, do you guys have any idea who did this to her? You know, any suspects at all that aren’t related to me?”

  “We’re working on it,” Abel answered gently. “The good news is that all your family has been cleared. The bad news is that Angie had enemies everywhere. In Paradise and out. It’s gonna take Zeke a hot minute to get this mess under control. We’ve all gotta be patient with him and the investigation.”

  Patience sighed. “I just wanna put the whole sordid mess behind me. As long as me and mine are cleared and safe, that’s all that matters.”

  “True,” Abel agreed with a nod. “But I really didn’t want to talk about any of that. We need to talk about us, Patience. You. Me. Our children. You know, our family.”

  “Abel…” Patience whined, lifting a hand to rub her temple. “It’s late. Can’t this wait?”

  “While I sit back and watch you go out on another date? No, Hellion, this can’t wait,” Abel retorted, his voice growing hard.

  “You don’t get to tell me who I can see or who I can date, Abel. And for the millionth time…there isn’t an ‘us’,” Patience proclaimed, growing impatient with the man intent on driving her crazy. “I’m not screwing around with you, Abe. My Abel Turner endurance level is reaching the red zone. You’re in danger, man,” she warned him sharply.

  “Yeah, well, your Little Miss Stubborn Ass routine isn’t exactly making me turn any cartwheels either, babe. Can’t we just call it even now, Patience? I hurt you, and you hurt me back. The games are over. We’re even, okay? Let’s
move on and let’s do it together. As a couple!”

  “We’re even?” Patience repeated dumbly as she looked into his earnest face and tried to understand what the heck he was rambling about now. “What the hell nonsense are you talking about? What do you mean, we’re even. And what game do you think we’re playing here?” she asked, growing more and more agitated the longer she looked at him.

  “Patience, please baby, don’t play dumb. You know what game we’ve been playing. This damned cat & mouse, hide and seek bullshit we’ve had going on between us is just exhausting. And honestly, we’re both too old for it.”

  “I have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about,” Patience denied, shaking her head as she stiffened against him. “I don’t play games with people, Abel.”

  “Now, I’m the one that’s gotta call bullshit, darlin’,” Abel smirked. “Or are you gonna sit there and deny that you aren’t using Ice to make me jealous the same way I used Angie to get to you the last few weeks. We’re both guilty, Hellion,” he said quietly, lifting a hand to stroke her cheek. “Let’s just admit it, apologize to each other, and move on from here.”

  Jerking her face away from his gentle hand, Patience bolted to her feet, madder than she ever remembered being. “Are you freaking kiddin’ me? Because you better be kidding me here, Abel!” she yelled as her body vibrated with rage.

  “Patience,” Abel began, quickly rising to face her. “Calm down, honey.”

  “Screw calm! I’m not the one that plays games with people’s feelings, Abel,” she sneered, thumping her chest as she took a hostile step toward him. “That’s your MO! Don’t try to paint me with your nasty brush, you asshole! I don’t use people. Let me clear up some things for you, though, so that we’re all on the same page. First, Ice is my friend. Just my friend. Everyone knows it. The only person that thinks we’re more than that is YOU! We went out tonight together as FRIENDS. But even if we didn’t….even if it had been a date – that would have been MY business. But if it HAD been a date that we’d been on, you can bet your ass that I wouldn’t have been using him. I would have been there because I WANTED to be there with him as MORE! See, I believe in being straight with people, unlike you!” she accused, sweeping an accusing hand toward him.

  God, it hurt that he believed she’d play games with people’s hearts. Especially people she cared about. She wasn’t evil. Or manipulative. Like that witch he’d spent years with. That wasn’t her! And to think that he’d ever think she would staggered her. It felt like somebody had reached inside her chest and twisted her heart in an iron grip. She was startled when he immediately retaliated against her and she braced as the force of his anger hit the room.

  “Ha! Nice try at deflection, Patience.” Abel barked. “But I was straight with you, woman. Months ago! I was completely straight with you. I told you that I wanted more from you than a fuck. I told you that I’d get more, too. But you did what you always do, Patience. You ran scared when you realized that a man was serious about you. As soon as you saw that I wasn’t just leading with my dick, you bolted. And I chased, woman. Goddamn, how I chased you! And I never give chase,” he laughed humorlessly, shaking his head in exasperation. “But I cared about you….I wanted you, woman. I wanted you in ways that I’ve never wanted anybody… not even the woman I thought I’d loved. So, like a fucking lovesick fool, I chased you. And what did you do Patience?” he shouted, his grey eyes darkening. “Tell me what you did,” he demanded.

  “I ran,” Patience whispered, tears stinging her eyes as his brutal honesty battered her.

  “That’s fuckin’ right,” he agreed bitterly. “You ran. So, I decided that I’d try something else to catch you since being forthright and honest hadn’t worked any miracles for me. I made a decision and took another route; I tried to make you jealous,” he admitted roughly, spinning away from her to pace the room.

  Wide eyed, Patience watched Abel stalk across her loft, his big body moving fluidly across the floor. She knew she shouldn’t let herself get distracted by his broad shoulders and tight butt, but she was only human. She understood that she needed to concentrate on what he was saying to her instead of the graceful way he moved across her space, but damn it…. He was beautiful like this. Forceful and commanding. Rugged and raw…. It was enough to dampen even a nun’s panties.

  “Dammit, woman, are you even hearing me?” she heard Abel’s deep voice growl as suddenly he was standing in her space, closer than was wise for her at the moment.

  “I…I…,” Patience stammered, trying desperately to remember the last thing she’d heard him say.

  “I said that I was sorry, Hellion,” Abel repeated, lowering his voice. “Using my very, very former relationship with Angie was part of a desperate plan on my part meant to grab your attention. What you witnessed was the full extent of how far it went. Honest to God, my skin crawled every time she got near me. There’s no way I could have forced myself to go any farther with her.”

  “But you suffered through it,” Patience muttered, dropping her gaze to the floor beneath her feet. She knew she should just accept his apology, but watching them together had hurt. Yeah, she’d run from him and the relationship that he’d wanted them to have, but still…seeing him let Angela Hastings - of all people – fawn over him. Watching him touch her, however innocent it was… it hadn’t just hurt. It had ached. Deep inside her. Where it mattered.

  “Hellion,” Abel called, cupping her chin and lifting her face toward his, “It was an act, baby. A cruel, stupid, twisted as fuck act. Performed by a very, very desperate man in a misguided attempt to show you how much he was completely in love with you. When it comes to what I feel when I look at you, Patience, Angie never could have competed, then or now.”

  “Shut up,” Patience whispered nervously, swallowing hard as heat flooded her body. Every normal girl dreamed of a man saying these things to her; the rational part of her brain knew that. The thing was, she knew she’d never been normal. And these words he spoke – words that sounded a whole lot like promises – scared the shit out of her. Mostly because she wanted to believe them.

  “No,” Abel denied. “I’m not gonna shut up, sweetheart. I’m gonna keep talking for as long as it takes until you let me into that very guarded heart you have.

  “You realize that it’s cruel to say this stuff to me just because I’m having your kids. You can be in their lives without being in mine,” Patience offered, her eyes darting around the room for her quickest escape route.

  “Don’t try it, babe. You won’t even make it to the door,” Abel cautioned, knowing exactly what she was thinking. “As for our babies… I’m gonna be in all your lives, darlin’. You can count on that. And I’d never say I loved you unless I meant it.”

  “You can’t mean it, Abel!” Patience shouted back at him, rebellion shining in her eyes.

  “Hellion, I loved you before I realized we’d made one baby, let alone two. I think I knew I loved you when I slid into you the night we made those little miracles,” he continued, his voice low and hypnotic as he edged closer to Patience, his movements slow and careful so that he didn’t spook her any more than she already was.

  “Abel, we won’t work. Not together. Not as a couple. I’ll compromise and do my best to co-parent as best as I can with you, but…”

  “Patience?” he murmured as he towered over her, bending his head to stare lovingly into her terrified eyes.

  “Hmmm?” she hummed uncertainly, chewing her bottom lip as she met his stare.

  “Shut up, pretty girl, and let me kiss you. I’ve missed those lips. I’d really like to taste them again,” he offered tenderly, his lips slowly descending toward hers.

  “Oh, crap,” she breathed, a half second before his mouth covered hers and his tongue swept across her lips. She moaned involuntarily, her mouth opening as Abel took advantage of the opportunity. Moaning as his fingers tangled in her hair and pulled her closer to his hungry mouth, Patience felt her resolve weakening and turning to ash as his t
ongue devoured her like a starving man. Oh, this was bad, she thought with a touch of desperation as Abel’s other hand moved beneath her tee shirt to warmly stroke the sensitive slope of her back. With every meaningful touch, she could feel her control slipping.

  And the last time that she’d lost control, it had ended with a very positive pregnancy test.

  Then again, Patience reasoned as Abel’s lips trailed down her cheek, she couldn’t get any more knocked up. That ship had sailed.

  Right over the edge of the Earth.

  She wasn’t sure how much time passed as they stood in the middle of her loft. It could have been minutes. Truthfully, it could have been hours. She knew enough time had elapsed for Abel to reach second base because when she did, finally, regain her senses, she was breathing hard and he was cupping her boob in one of those alpha possessive holds that made her panties almost spontaneously combust on the spot.

  Luckily for her, she still had enough of her marbles left to tell her vagina to stand down and her body to get a grip on itself. Patting Abel’s biceps lightly, she forced a wobbly smile to her now swollen lips and took a shaky step backward while she prayed her knees didn’t give out on her completely. “That kiss shouldn’t have happened, Abel.”

  “Too bad, Hellion. It did happen,” Abel responded evenly. “It’s gonna happen again real soon if I have anything to say about it.”

  Patience automatically shook her head. “Listen, I’m sorry. I let things get out of hand for a second, but you and I are not a good idea. Separately, you and I are fine. We’re both decent, God-fearing folks with good heads on our shoulders and people generally like us.”

  “Can’t say I disagree with that.” Abel nodded, dropping his hands to his hips as they faced each other.

  Patience held up a finger to interrupt him. “Great. Glad you’re being open-minded. Because, Abel, together, we’re toxic. Pure, potent poison. There’s a runnin’ bet down at the bar on whether we’ll first kill each other or some poor innocent bystander that has the misfortune to stand a little too close to us when one of us finally blows our top.”


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