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Brick: An Urban Paranormal

Page 24

by Natavia

  “He’s holding the fort down until I get back. Someone has to watch over our planet, but he will come soon,” Neoth said. I made dinner for all of us. I couldn’t remember the last time I had a family dinner, and although I was grateful, I couldn’t ignore the missing member. I left Sumi with the clan to go out, and get some fresh air. I sat on a bench in the garden with a bottle of wine. I wasn’t a cigarette smoker, but I needed one. I stared at the bush next to the bench, and I touched it. Flowers began to blossom, and they sparkled. A bird landed on my shoulder, and I sang to it. I didn’t know exactly what I was in the beginning. I thought I was just an immortal with wings, but I was a fairy. The connection with immortality was becoming stronger each day. I was growing into my abilities.

  My life is still a never ending journey, I thought.


  “I t’s been long enough, mother,” I said. I was in another world, a world where the spirits of the Gods and Goddesses lived. I stood over my body as it laid on a stone bed. A sheet covered me from waist down as I slept peacefully.

  “Our ancestors don’t think you are ready, Midas,” my mother said.

  “It’s not up to them. Am I dead or am I sleeping? These mind games are pissing me off. I need to get back to my soul mate. What about my daughter, mother? I want to hold her,” I replied.

  “Your grandfather doesn’t want you to return yet,” my mother said. I slammed my fist against the stone wall, and my mother looked at me with disappointment.

  “You have a temper,” she said.

  “I’m trapped inside of an immortal kingdom with a bunch of dead immortals. Why not let me die?” I asked.

  “Revenge, Midas! You and your father can’t let things go! You carried out the same legacy he did. He won a battle and was still hungry for more. You were stolen from me because of his revengeful heart. Rudan betrayed us, but your father watered the seed, and it grew. Neoth told you the war was over, and you struck him. You followed after Jonelius to kill him although you promised Nabila you were going to return back to her. You are strong, but not strong enough to climb out of a falling kingdom. You knew these things and followed Jonelius anyway. The gargoyles were free, Midas. The war was for freedom, but you turned it into a personal vendetta. Your ancestors are not happy with you. They were not happy with your father neither, so they left him where he was without saving him. Neoth learned the true meaning of himself after he was awakened by that crazy human. Every action has a consequence. You failed us, Midas, and this is your punishment. A God should never kill for personal reasons,” she said.

  “I figured out that much before I took my last breath. I was selfish and had always been selfish. I am flawed, mother. I couldn’t let Jonelius live because he didn’t deserve it,” I replied.

  “That was not your call, son. You cannot take away someone’s second chance. You took Rudan’s second chance after knowing he was sorry for what he did,” she said.

  “That muthafucka’ was sorry because he knew there was a war coming. He’s a snake, and he slithered his ass out of being a traitor. Rudan and Jonelius didn’t deserve a second chance. If you fuck me over, you will get dealt with. That’s the way it is,” I replied.

  “It’s still about you, Midas. I want you to think about everything you have done. Our ancestors did good things, and they are afraid to show our world a bad seed like you came from them,” she said.

  “All of this because of their image? I can’t believe this bullshit. This is nothing, but fucking bullshit! I want to see my daughter!” I yelled, and the temple shook. My mother took a step back from me.

  “Anger will kill you,” she said.

  “And so will this place I’m in,” I replied, and she disappeared.


  I laid on the floor and stared at the ceiling. I was in a dungeon without windows and light. I didn’t know who I was mad at them or myself. I wanted to see Sumi and hold her. I wanted to hold Nabila in my arms while I told her I loved her. I didn’t feel any remorse for Rudan or Jonelius. They deserved their fate. Jonelius was revengeful, and I knew he wasn’t going to stop, but it wasn’t my duty to kill him. Why did I really kill Jonelius? Was it because of what he did to me or was it because of what he did to my kind? I realized I did it because I hated him. The hate I had for him overshadowed the cause of the war. I was supposed to kill him to protect my kind, but I killed him because I hated him. I let the bad cause outweigh the good cause. Rudan’s death wasn’t because he betrayed his kind. I felt he deserved to die because he betrayed me. A door slid opened, and a bright light shined in my eyes. A man walked in with silver locs which came to his feet. His eyes were gray, and he wore a big medallion of a star around his neck. I stood up when he walked over to me.

  “I am your grandfather, Citzen,” he said. I bowed my head to his presence.

  “I want to know why you deserve a second chance,” he said. His voice was loud, and it rang my ears.

  “I was never given a first chance. If one doesn’t know his identity then he is not living,” I replied.

  “Explain yourself,” he said.

  “My life wasn’t a free one. My escape to Earth was only a temporary escape because my life still belonged to Vada. Nothing is worse than someone controlling your mind. A free man is an alive man. A slaved man is a dead one. I’m not careless, although my actions seem that way. I’m still fighting to free my mind of all the fucked-up things I did. Keeping me here is mind control because my body is upstairs resting, and I have to look at it not knowing if I’m sleep or dead. I’m in Vada all over again. All I want to do is live, and enjoy my family,” I replied.

  “We aren’t Vada, and we are not against you. We want you to see what matters and what doesn’t, Midas. You are a young prince, and mistakes will be made. We want you to learn from them; let them teach you to become stronger. You will die if you learn nothing. Your actions led you to die. You found your flaws, but it was too late. Your soul was already entering our gates. I know what you have been through. I didn’t interfere because a true God is strengthened after being broken down. You become weak when your enemy can still get a reaction out of you. Your father made that same mistake, but I didn’t save him because he wasn’t dead. Your heart stopped, Midas. A heavy brick snapped your neck in half. A crucial way to die,” Citzen said.

  “I just want to see my daughter and hold her. I’ll stay here forever if you want me to. All I’m asking is for a few minutes with her,” I replied, and he smiled.

  “Go home, Midas. You cannot leave if you come here again,” he said. Another door opened, and my mother appeared next to Citzen.

  “I have to stay here. My soul can rest now, and tell your father I’ll always be in his heart, but he has to let me go. I chose to die from heartbreak. It wasn’t his fault because I should’ve waited, but I didn’t. I love you, Midas,” she said. She kissed my cheek, and I wiped a tear from her eye.

  “Love you too,” I replied.

  I stepped into a gold light in the wall, and my body shot through a portal.

  “Awww, shit! Y’all could’ve let me use my wings,” I fussed. I landed in the woods, at the top of a tree. The tree tipped over and knocked a few others down. I realized I was naked when I stood up.

  “This is some bullshit! My dick is swinging, and I might scare my daughter like this,” I said to myself.

  I stepped out of the woods in front of my house. My father and aunt came to visit a few days prior. I sensed their presence because of the hole in the ground. I turned the door knob, and it was locked. Lightning from my hand pulled open the lock from the other side. It was quiet when I walked in, and my home looked different. Nabila decorated my home with a lot of expensive items she had imported from different countries. I flew up the stairs and landed in front of the double doors to the bedroom. I pushed the doors opened, and Nabila was sound asleep. I grabbed a pair of sweat pants from the closet. My eyes landed on the glow inside the cradle. I peeked over the cradle, and Sumi’s eyes lit up—she was b
eautiful. I touched her small toes and hands, and she smiled at me. I picked her up and cradled her. I kissed her forehead and inhaled the fresh scent from her hair. I thanked the Gods above for giving me another life.

  “Brick?” Nabila asked.

  “Hey, beautiful,” I replied. She climbed out the bed and walked over to me. She wrapped her arms around me, and I bent down to kiss her lips.

  “I love you,” I said.

  “I love you too,” she replied. Sumi opened her small mouth to yawn. She fell asleep in my arms, and I sat on the bed with her.

  “I wish I could dream forever,” Nabila said.

  “This is not a dream, Nabila,” I replied.

  “I’m losing my mind. I miss you so much that it pisses me off when I wake up. You come to me then leave me feeling hopeless, but I have to remain strong for Sumi. It gets really hard, Brick,” Nabila cried. I placed Sumi inside her crib to hug Nabila.

  “It’s not a dream, baby,” I said.

  “That’s what I keep telling myself to make it feel better,” she replied. I grabbed her face and kissed her lips. She moaned against my lips, and her hands reached for my pants.

  “Make love to me, Brick. Make it feel real. I need you,” she moaned. I laid on top of her, and she wrapped her legs around me. The front of my pants was wet from her.

  “Wait, I just want to hold you,” I said. She ignored me, and continued to push my sweatpants down. She held my dick in her hand, and stroked it.

  “I need to feel you, Brick,” she replied. I pushed forward as my dick aimed at her center. My head pierced through her wet, and virgin-like opening. She lifted her negligee and massaged her breast. She held her breath in after she inhaled because of the penetration I was giving her. Her tight pussy gripped me, and I wanted to explode. I raised my body to send her deep and intensifying strokes. Her legs were wide-opened for me, as I slowly pounded her spot. She moaned my name as she squirted. She panted heavily while I continued to give her what she asked for. She gripped the sheets, and arched her back away from the bed. I drilled her spot and watched the seductive look on her face from her climaxing again on my dick. I licked the tears that fell from her eyes. A tear managed to escape my eye as well. My heart was like a brick, but Nabila softened it. We created a life together, and she had a piece of my soul. She pulled my locs when I went deeper.

  “I love you sooo much!” she screamed out. Her eyes fluttered, and she gasped from explosion. I constantly slammed against her spot so she couldn’t stop coming for me.

  “Urrggghhhhhhhh,” I groaned when I exploded inside of her. I laid on her chest, and kissed her until she fell asleep.


  I sat up all night to watch Sumi and Nabila sleep. The sunlight beamed into the room, and the birds came in to sing. Nabila opened her eyes, and screamed when she saw me. She jumped out of bed, and tripped over the sheets she pulled with her.

  “I’m losing my damn mind! I’m losing my damn mind!” she repeated.

  “Are you aight?” I asked.

  Risha and Odega burst through the door, and they froze when they saw me.

  “Do y’all see him? I’m going crazy,” Nabila said.

  “My brother!” Odega yelled. I stood up, and he slammed his body into mine when he hugged me.

  “I can’t believe this shit. How? When? This is impossible,” Odega said.

  “I died, but the Gods gave me another chance. I was in a place where I had to literally do a lot of soul searching,” I replied.

  “I’m so damn happy, bro! I can screw three human women right now,” Odega said. Risha cleared her throat, and he explained himself.

  “Not like that, baby. I’m just expressing my happiness,” Odega said.

  “Welcome home,” Risha said, and she hugged me. Nabila ran to the bathroom with the sheet around her, and slammed the door. She was embarrassed. Odega left the room so I could talk to Nabila. Risha picked up Sumi, and took her out the room. I knocked on the bathroom door and called out to Nabila.

  “Let me in, beautiful,” I said. She yanked the door opened with a scowl on her face.

  “Asshole,” she said.

  “Huh?” I replied.

  “You did this to us. I’m so happy you’re here, but now I can express to you how angry I am. You should’ve brought your ass home with everyone else that day, but you just had to go the extra mile. Did I not cross your mind? Did Sumi not cross your mind? What were you thinking? I thought you were dead! Three months seemed like forever. I gave birth to her by myself!” she screamed at me. I reached out to her, and she moved my hand away.

  “Don’t touch me,” she said.

  “You wanted me to touch you last night,” I replied.

  “I thought I was having a wet dream, moron,” she spat.

  “Why are you acting like this?”

  “Because you hurt me! You didn’t think about me when you were in Vada. All of this could’ve been avoided if you didn’t go back for more. You are selfish,” she replied.

  I really fucked up, I thought.

  “Baby, I’m sorry. From the bottom of my heart. I thought about y’all, but it was too late,” I admitted.

  “Get out,” she replied.

  “Out of the house or out of the room?” I asked.

  “Both!” she said.

  “I’ll let you cool off,” I replied. I grabbed clean clothes to take a shower downstairs. I flew down the stairs, and Nabila slammed the doors to our bedroom. I went into the kitchen and sat at the table with Odega and Risha.

  “She’ll cool off. Women are emotional. She have been through a lot while you were gone,” Risha said.

  “I know. She’s even lost weight,” I replied.

  “She doesn't eat right. We had to make her eat when she was in Lacas,” Odega said. I held my arms out for Sumi, and Risha gave her to me.

  “Appreciate the both of you for helping her out,” I said.

  “You know I got her back. Just know I’m helping her fight you if she decides to kick your big-ass,” Risha said.

  “Odega will have to peel you off the wall, water serpent,” I joked.

  I sat in my workshop the next day with Sumi in my arms. I rocked her while I flipped the portfolio Nabila put together for our business. I felt something warm on my arm, and it was white stuff coming out of Sumi’s mouth.

  “NABILA!” I called out.

  “I’M READING!” she yelled back.

  “SUMI IS ACTING HUMAN!” I said. Moments later, Nabila came in the workshop. She rolled her eyes at me because she was still mad at me.

  “Give me my baby,” Nabila spat.

  “Your baby? Go sit down somewhere, and I will figure this out myself,” I replied. I flew up the stairs with Sumi my arms.

  “What in the hell!” I said to myself. Green, and watery poop soaked through Sumi’s clothes. I didn’t know what to do. Nabila showed me how to bathe her, and change her. A twist fell in Nabila’s face while she reached into Sumi’s crib. I moved it away from her eyes, and pulled away from me.

  “She usually takes a nap around this time,” Nabila said.

  “Why can’t I touch you?” I replied.

  “I don’t want to be bothered,” she lied.

  “Ugh, why is he so fine? Why do I love him so much? He need to stop looking at me so I can be mad at him for a little bit longer,” Nabila thought.

  “Are you listening to my thoughts?” she asked.

  “Naw, why you ask that?” I replied.

  “I know how your mind works,” she said.

  “Why do you love me so much?” I asked.

  “Damn, it Brick! I just knew your nosey ass was in my business. Stay away from me,” she said. She left out of the room, and her ass jiggled in her tights.

  “I won’t be able to if you keep walking like that!” I called out to her. I leaned over the crib, and watched Sumi. Her eyes were getting heavy as she yawned.

  “You should poop on your mother for treating your father bad,” I said to Sumi
, and her eyes glowed. I watched Sumi until she fell asleep in her crib.


  Nabila ignored me for the rest of the week. I slept in the guest room downstairs to give her space. I got hungry one night and went into the kitchen. She was sitting at the table eating a bowl of ice-cream. She rolled her eyes at me, and I chuckled.

  “This is uncomfortable. We are supposed to be happy,” I said.

  “We can be happy after I finish being mad,” she replied.


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