“You two look content.” She smiles, reaching for Noah’s hand when he starts to gurgle at her.
I place my palm on her cheek and lean down, brushing my lips across hers, and I feel her tremble.
“Come inside and I’ll make you coffee.”
She nods, following me.
I place Noah in his chair, then pour us both a coffee.
She shifts nervously under my gaze, taking a sip.
“It’s time we told people.” I lean against the counter, catching her gaze roam across my body as it always does when she thinks I’m not looking.
“My father knows. It’s no one else’s business.”
I ignore the simmering frustration that stirs in my chest. “Thought you and Noah could come to the game tonight. There’s a box for the wives-”
“I’m not your wife.”
“Not yet.”
“I know.” I sigh, placing my cup in the sink, then removing the distance between us.
“This is a lot all at once,” she says when I wrap my arms around her waist, her palms coming up to my chest. “I just think we should take things slow.”
I place my forehead against hers and mutter, “Stubborn.”
She shrugs, slipping her hands under my shirt, and giving me a teasing grin. “You already got me in your bed. What else do you want, Madden?”
“Everything, sweetheart. I want everything.” I kiss her, feeling her body melt against me. “And I have every intention of getting it, because I have something that trumps stubbornness.”
“What’s that?” she asks, slightly breathless.
Chapter 25
That’s what he called me.
I know he’s right. Especially with him. But old habits die hard. And even though my heart is begging me to take the leap of faith, I can’t help but think I’m going to lose myself if I do.
“You’re already living with him,” I mumble as I put the finishing touches on a painting I’ve been working on. “What difference does it really make if people know?”
All the difference.
Because the second the world knows, the harder it will be to run.
My gut does a somersault as the thought goes through my head.
I don’t want to run. Not anymore. Not from Kane.
But his life, the world he lives in—I’ve spent years trying to get away from it. Hating it. Blaming it for Sam’s death. For the childhood I missed out on.
I know that Kane isn’t my father. But there’s still that nagging feeling in the back of my head that is scared of jumping in with both feet.
Maybe you should have thought about that before you slept with him, my brain chastises.
But sex and marriage are very different things.
Sex, you can walk away from.
“Who am I kidding?” I toss my dirty brushes in the sink. I’ll never walk away from him. Never again. Not without losing a piece of myself.
I’m in deep. Deeper than I ever thought possible.
There’s a bang on the door.
I’d ignore it, except Noah just went down for his nap, and I’m afraid if the person keeps knocking, they’ll wake him up.
“Oh,” the girl says with a frown when I open the door. Dark hair hangs over her face, but it doesn’t hide the bruises, the black eye that is swollen shut, or the deep purple bruise on her jaw. “I…Sorry. I must have the wrong apartment.”
I know who she is immediately, from the photos Felix sent me.
“You’re Kiley, right?”
Her eyes widen and she nods.
“I’m Brynne. I’m Kane’s…” God, what am I? It feels weird calling myself his girlfriend, so I just say, “Why don’t you come in.”
“I don’t know.” She shifts nervously, glancing over her shoulder at the elevator.
Noah’s cry echoes down the hall, and I curse inwardly. His afternoon naps are getting shorter and shorter lately.
Kiley’s eyes widen at the sound. “You have a baby?”
“I do.”
“Is…is it Kane’s?”
“Yeah.” Which makes him her nephew. It’s an odd thought, one I hadn’t considered before.
We stand there in awkward silence for another few seconds. But Noah’s cries keep getting louder.
“I need to get him.”
She nods, then starts to turn.
I hesitate, then say, “Would you like to meet him?”
“I…” She frowns, but when I open the door wider she steps in, and I get a real sense of how tiny she is. She’s got on a baggy hoodie, but it doesn’t hide the fact that she’s severely underweight. “Okay.”
“You’re staying with Blake, right?” I say, leading her into the living room.
She lifts her shoulders, not responding. There’s pain written all over the girl. Pain and heartache. And I know why Kane didn’t want me to meet her. She reminds me of Sam, with the same lost, desperate look.
I reach down into the playpen and lift Noah out. He hiccups a couple times before finally settling down.
Her expression softens when she sees him. “I didn’t know Kane had a kid.”
“It’s been complicated. We haven’t told many people.”
She frowns. “I don’t think Kane would want me here.”
I know she’s right. But the girl in front of me isn’t a threat. She just needs help.
“Do you want to hold him?” I ask.
She shakes her head and looks over her shoulder, like she expects Kane to come storming through the doors.
“I shouldn’t. I just came here to give him this.” She pulls a folding letter out of her pocket and hands it to me.
I know the look in her eyes. It’s one I can relate to - fear. Whatever the letter says, I know what she’s planning - she’s going to run. And if she does, she’ll be running straight back into the trouble she just got out of.
“Why don’t you stay for a bit?” When she starts to protest, I don’t give her the chance to walk away. I place Noah in her arms, and start towards the kitchen. “I was just about to start preparing dinner, and I’d really appreciate the company. Plus, you can help keep Noah entertained. He gets a bit fussy at this time if he’s not being held.”
“I don’t think-”
“You’d be doing me a favor.”
She looks down at Noah, shifting him in her arms, and mumbles, “Okay.”
“Good. Do you like spaghetti and meatballs?”
She nods.
From the kitchen, I watch her interact with Noah as I start dicing the garlic. When the sauce is simmering on the oven, I sit down on the couch opposite them.
“You’re good with him.”
She shrugs. “I’m used to being around babies.”
I remember Kane saying something about the foster families she’d been in, but I don’t press her.
Silence stretches between us, and I can see pink creep into her cheeks as I study her.
“I know what you think of me,” she says, bouncing Noah on her lap.
“What’s that?”
“Same thing Kane does. That I’m here for his money.”
“Are you?”
“And I’m not a charity case, either. I can take care of myself.”
“I’m sure you can. But it looks like right now you could use a little help.”
She winces. “Help always comes with conditions.”
I pick up the letter from the coffee table that she’d given me earlier, and turn it over in my fingers.
“You’re right. People never do things without a reason.”
“Yeah.” She gives me a skeptical look.
“But sometimes that reason is that they care about you.”
“If you’re talking about Kane, then you’re wrong. When I found out I had a brother, even before I knew who he was, I thought maybe…” She touc
hes Noah’s cheek. “Maybe I could finally have a family.”
“You can, Kiley. You do.”
“No.” She stands, wincing as she does, then places Noah back in his playpen. “Kane hates me. I don’t know why. But I see it in his eyes. He doesn’t want me here. Not that I blame him. He’s got this whole perfect life. And I’m just a reminder of where he comes from.”
“You’re wrong.”
“Am I?” She’s shaking as she stands there, a small hint of fire burning in her eyes, which gives me a small ounce of hope that she still has something left inside of her to fight.
“I think you scare him.” I stand and take a step towards her. “In a way, you scare me, too.”
Hurt fills her expression. “I’m not a thief, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“No. God, no. That’s not what I meant.”
“Then what? Are you convinced I’m a junkie, too? I know that’s what Kane thinks. But I’m not.”
I suck in a shaky breath, and tell her the truth. “We lost someone a couple years ago. Someone we both cared a lot about. You remind me of him.”
She fidgets, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. “I’m sorry about your friend, but-”
“He was my brother.” I swallow hard. “He overdosed two years ago. Both Kane and I tried to help him…but he wouldn’t let us.”
She shivers and looks down at the floor.
“So, yeah. You scare me.” I take her hand, careful not to squeeze too hard when I see the bruises there. “But you’re Kane’s family. Which means your mine and Noah’s, too.”
Her eyes shut, she inhales through her nose, and I can tell she’s trying to hold back tears.
“You know what I think?” I say softly.
“I think you’re a lot like me.”
Her eyes widen. “No.”
“Yeah. You are. You’re strong. Stronger than you think. But you push people away because you know that feeling anything more than indifference is dangerous. Someone hurt you. And not just the bruises on your body.”
“You don’t know me.”
“You’re right. But I want to.”
Her fingers are ice cold in mine, and they tremble the way Sam’s used to, but I’m starting to wonder if it’s not for a different reason.
“Come back and sit down. I’ll finish making dinner and then we can watch the game together.”
“I’m not a junkie,” she whispers again, sucking in a breath and glancing away. “I just…there are things…”
“You’re shaking.” I place an arm carefully around her shoulder and lead her back to the living room. “How long has it been? Since you used?”
Her cheeks stain red. “I haven’t-”
“Kiley.” I give her a stern look.
“A couple weeks. But it was only pot. I swear.”
I nod, trying to keep all judgement from my expression. Not sure if I believe her. But I don’t know her story. And part of me wonders if I want to. The girl is damaged in ways that most people would never recover from.
But I was telling her the truth when I said she’s family. And even if it means facing Kane’s wrath, I won’t let the girl run away. Not without a fight.
Like Kane says, I’m stubborn. And she’s not the first Madden I’ve come up against.
Chapter 26
One more win under our belts and we’ve guaranteed a playoff position. It feels good. But not as good as going home and knowing Brynne is waiting there for me.
She’s at the door when I walk in the apartment.
Tossing my stuff on the floor, I pull her against me and kiss her hard. “I could get used to this.”
“What?” She asks breathlessly, her body melting against mine.
“You waiting up for me.” I kiss her again, then nip at her bottom lip. “But it’s late. You should be in bed. Naked.” I nuzzle my nose against her ear and inhale her scent. “Very, very, naked.”
She laughs, but her palms come up to my chest and she pushes back. “I have to tell you something.”
I groan, because the last thing I want to do right now is talk.
“Can it wait?” I kiss her jaw, her neck. “Because I’m really enjoying this, and I have a feeling whatever you’re about to say is going to put a damper on what I want to do to you.”
“All right.” I sigh, straightening, but not releasing her. “What is it?”
“Don’t be mad, okay?”
I grunt. “That doesn’t sound good.”
“I just wanted you to know before you go into-”
A harsh knock on the door makes Brynne jump.
I frown and look down at her. “Expecting someone?”
She shakes her head.
More banging.
I go to the door, frowning when I open it and see Blake there, the look on his face tortured and frantic.
“What’s wrong?”
“She’s gone.” He leans against the doorframe, breathing hard. “Kiley. She’s not at my apartment. Her things are still there. But she’s-”
“She’s here,” Brynne says, coming up behind me and placing her hand on my arm. “She came up looking for Kane, and I asked her to stay for dinner. She fell asleep while we were watching the game and I didn’t want to disturb her.”
Blake’s shoulders sag and he lets out a low breath.
All the tension that I released on the ice tonight returns. “She’s here?”
Brynne nods, chewing on her bottom lip like she’s been caught doing something she knew I’d be upset about. And she’s right. I’m furious she’d let the girl in without talking to me. God only knows what could have happened.
“She’s sleeping on the couch. That’s what I wanted to tell you.”
I hold her gaze, my jaw tightening. “Brynne-”
“We talked for a long time. It was nice-”
“Brynne,” I say again, but she keeps chattering on like the words will somehow stop the frustration building within me.
Blake looks between us, his brows drawn down.
“…and she spent some time with Noah.”
“You let her around Noah?” I drag my fingers through my hair, ignoring the glare Blake sends me. “You should have talked to me before bringing her in here.”
Brynne frowns. “She’s your sister.”
“She’s a-”
“Kane.” The word is a warning from Blake, and when I follow his gaze, I meet Kiley’s waif-like eyes.
“I knew this was a bad idea,” she mumbles, keeping her head down as she walks to the door. “I’ll go.” She gives Brynne a weak smile. “Thank you for dinner.”
Blake is glaring daggers at me, and Brynne pinches my arm hard, but I let the girl leave, shutting the door hard behind them.
Brynne’s arms are crossed when I turn back to her.
“What was that?”
I shake my head at her. “You shouldn’t have let her in.”
“Why, because she’s struggling? She’s not dangerous, she just needs help.”
“And I’ll help her. But…” My neck is tense, the muscles cramping, and I rub my palm over them.
Brynne says softly, “She’s not Sam.”
I frown at her. It’s the same thing Blake said. “I know that.”
“I talked to her. And I don’t think drugs are the problem.”
“Bullshit. You saw her. She’s an addict.”
“She’s scared. I don’t know what of. But I don’t think she’s an-”
“Maybe she’s a better liar than I gave her credit for.”
“What’s your problem with her?”
“My problem is she came here looking for a handout because she’s too stoned to work in order to support her habit.” Irrational anger mixed with fear rises up in my throat.
Fear of Brynne getting attached, of her getting hurt again. Of what the girl could bring into our
lives. But more specifically, fear of losing another person I care about to drugs.
Brynne steps towards me and places her palms on my chest. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” I spit out.
“For not seeing how much pain you were in. For thinking Sam’s death only affected me. I was selfish. But you can’t turn your back on her because you’re afraid she’ll end up like him.”
I rest my forehead against hers and sigh. “Maybe you’re right.”
“I usually am,” she smiles up at me.
I grunt, wrapping my arms around her. “You’re also sexy as hell.”
Her lips quirk up. “Now that we’re alone, I can think of some things I’d rather do than argue.”
“Really?” I raise an eyebrow. “Like what?”
Her fingers move to my belt, unfastening it, and I groan when I hear the snap of my jeans button, the zip of the zipper.
“Like tasting you.” She licks her lips, and I lose all fucking control.
I don’t care that we’re in the middle of the hallway. I tug at her shirt, as her own hands desperately attack my clothes.
“God, Brynne,” I groan, when she drops to her knees and takes my cock into her warm, wet mouth.
Her tongue lashes out at the head of my cock. I twist my fingers in her hair and watch as she takes me deep, then pulls back, glancing up at me with a wicked little smile.
My cell rings somewhere in the pile of discarded clothes. I ignore it, but when it rings for the third time, Brynne releases me and stands, raking her nails down my chest.
“Should you get it?”
“No fucking way,” I growl, crashing my lips against hers, wanting to find the damn phone and toss it off the balcony.
It rings again.
Brynne mumbles against my lips, “Maybe you should-”
“Shit,” I mutter. The universe is not on my side tonight. I rummage through the clothes and find my phone, answering gruffly, “Yeah?”
“Mr. Madden?”
“I’m calling from University Hospital. I have you listed as a contact for Steven Jacobs.”
I glance over at Brynne, who’s watching me with raised eyebrows, and my throat sinks into my chest. She must see it, because concern flashes in her eyes.
“Is he all right?” I ask, already knowing the answer. They wouldn’t have called if he was.
Second Shot: A Men With Wood Novel Page 14