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The Billionaire Bull: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

Page 69

by Romi Hart

  His brows relaxed. "Ah, I see. Well, love is nothing if not being completely out of control." He laughed and patted the hand she had resting in the crook of his elbow. "But in my life, there's a lot I don't have control over, including what these people think of you and me. Are you ready to face that?"

  Kylie hadn't considered that aspect of this situation, and her stomach awoke with nervous butterflies. She didn't let on, though, beaming at Jordan. "As long as no one accuses me of being a paid escort, they can think whatever they want."

  His laughter was deep, came from his gut, and it made people turn to look at them. Reesa arched a brow in question as they all sat at the table in the wings, where Marcus would wait until he took the stage. Kylie just shrugged. She'd never considered herself to have the best sense of humor, but so far, Jordan seemed to genuinely appreciate it.

  "You know what?" As Jordan lounged in the chair next to her with his ankle propped on one knee and his arm thrown casually across the back, he scooted closer and leaned over, as if they were having an intimate conversation. Kylie preened under his attention. It wouldn't last, so she would bask in it as much as she could.

  Turning and gazing at him with open adoration – as much for their public audience as out of honesty – she asked, "What?"

  This time, his eyes roamed up and down her, raking her over slowly, and Kylie nearly squirmed. Instead, she clenched her hands so tightly in her lap her knuckles hurt and her nails dug into her skin. When he met her gaze again, his smile grew, and his eyes seemed to glow with a light of their own as they danced with mischief. "Nothing against your girlfriend, dear, but I feel pretty damn lucky right now. I've got the hottest girl in the room sitting next to me, all because of happy circumstance."

  Kylie considered the possibility he was blowing smoke up her ass, just to give her a thrill, but somehow, she didn't believe it. No, the way he looked at her proved he really thought she was hot. She supposed that wasn't too hard to believe. After all, plenty of guys had lusted after her in the past. She'd simply mistaken lust for something more, something that involved emotions instead of libido.

  Tonight, she wouldn't make that mistake. She would take everything at face value, and she'd enjoy it. Didn't she always preach to Reesa to live in the moment? Yes, she would follow her own advice and set an example for her friend. If something came of it, and she ended up going home with Jordan for a quick one night stand, she wouldn't expect anything more. And if she didn't get that invitation, she might be a little disappointed but wouldn't let it get her down.

  "You really think I’m hot?" she asked. So, she was fishing now, and it didn't matter. She doubted she'd ever see him again.

  Jordan looked taken aback by the question. "How could you not realize how incredibly sexy you are?" It sounded so much better coming from him in that amazing accent. "Kylie, sweetheart, I can't keep my eyes off you."

  The sincerity in his tone made her blush, and she ducked her head, suddenly shy in a way she hadn't been since her awkward preteen years. "Thank you," she told him, her voice quiet. Finding her boldness, she told him, "I'm sure you realize you're pretty easy on the eyes yourself."

  "I've heard it a time or two, but I'm glad to hear it from your mouth." Now, he sat up and leaned in so his lips almost touched hers. "A mouth I'm really eager to taste."

  Kylie inhaled sharply, her eyes going wide and her panties creaming at the look on his face, like he'd just found the perfect steak he wanted to devour. His gaze fell to her lips, and she knew he meant every word he said. She needed a fan. Knowing she couldn't stand the heat crawling along her limbs and gathering between her thighs, she forced a laugh. "Why do I have the feeling you're a playboy who says that to a lot of girls."

  He shook his head slowly, never breaking eye contact as he grew serious. "You've got me pegged all wrong, love. I never say anything I don't mean."

  No matter how hard she tried, Kylie couldn't look away, and Jordan seemed to challenge her with amusement. It wasn't until someone tapping the mic and the quieting of the crowd drew their attention that Jordan turned away, and Kylie released a hefty breath. She glanced out the corner of her eye as the MC took the stage, finding that, while he'd turned to face the front, he hadn't moved away from her at all. She swallowed hard, feeling like her heart pressed at her throat, and then nearly whimpered as she felt his touch on her thigh. He rested his hand there, just low enough not to be indecent, and she thought she might hyperventilate.

  Reesa shot her a look over her shoulder, and her friend's eyes widened, her brows shooting up to her hairline, when she noticed the intimate contact. Kylie tried to send a silent plea with a simple look. What am I supposed to do? Is this okay?

  But Reesa just smiled and winked, turning back to whisper something to Marcus that made him smile just before he was called up to speak. Kylie couldn't concentrate on the whole song and dance, something regarding the children's cancer charity that Marcus had gotten heavily involved with recently and some sort of carnival or festival they were having in Central Park as a fundraiser. It didn't matter tonight. She knew Marcus was a philanthropist, and she applauded him for it, but her focus was elsewhere.

  Mostly on the tingling heat that crawled from the spot where Jordan's hand rested on her very thin leggings to the juncture between her thighs. She had never reacted so quickly and easily to a simple touch, especially from a guy she'd just met. But something about Jordan seemed dangerous and exciting, aside from his smoking hot appearance and his enticing accent. Just knowing he found her so attractive worked magic on her, and that made every other sensation heightened.

  "I'll be at that event," Jordan whispered. When had he turned and pressed his lips to her ear? Kylie couldn't breathe, couldn't move, as he let his mouth linger there, his breath floating down and across her cheek. It was almost too much, and if Marcus hadn't been in the middle of a passionate plea for support, she might have excused herself and gone to hide in a stall in the ladies' room.

  Instead, she sat frozen, until he spoke again and his whispers melted her until she thought she might puddle to the floor. "You should come to the carnival and see me. Of course, I'd like to see you come a lot sooner, in a much more private place." As he said it, he let his fingers crawl just an inch higher on her leg.

  Kylie's lips parted, and her eyelashes fluttered down to her cheeks as arousal coursed through her and gave her a buzz, like a shot straight to her veins. He was still there, in her ear, and when his tongue flicked out against her ear, she had to press her lips together to keep from moaning out loud. Luckily, Marcus finished right then, and several things happened.

  The crowd erupted with applause, shielding everyone's ears from the tiny squeak she couldn't hold back, and thankfully, Jordan sat up and clapped with everyone else, then stood to greet Marcus as he came down with a pat on the back and a handshake. It meant he broke contact entirely, and Kylie's shoulders slumped as she gasped for air. Why hadn't she remembered to breathe?

  At the same time, she shivered, the places where he'd touched her instantly cold and wanting. Oh, yes, she had every right to fantasize now. In fact, she was certain she would get everything she could dream of and then some when the formalities were over.

  Chapter 2

  Kylie usually enjoyed cocktails and schmoozing, and admittedly, she didn't mind doing it with an extremely sexy sports celebrity. But while she basked in the green glow of envy from all the other women around, she felt nothing but relief when their foursome finally exited the building. At that point, she had nothing to worry about. The eventuality would be a question of 'your place or mine'.

  "Where's your car?" she heard Marcus ask Reesa.

  "We took the train," Reesa replied.

  "Do you girls want a ride home?" This time, Marcus spoke louder to include Kylie in the question.

  It gave her the first opening she needed. "No, I'm fine, thanks. But Reesa, why don't you go ahead and go with Marcus? The two of you haven't exactly had any privacy tonight." And neither have
we, she added, glancing at Jordan, who strolled beside her with a light hand on her elbow.

  Reesa gave her a worried look. "Are you sure? It's late. I don't want you on the train alone."

  "I'll take a cab," Kylie promised, reluctantly moving away from Jordan's touch to hug her and Marcus goodbye.

  "I'll make sure she gets home safe," Jordan piped up behind her, and Kylie forced herself to keep a straight face. That's what she'd counted on, and she didn't want to give it away. "Go on, Marcus. Take your lady home." He completely dismissed them as he turned to Kylie, and they shrugged and waved. He stared at her with a teasing grin and finally said, "Are they gone yet?"

  Kylie leaned to glance around him so she could see and caught them rounding the corner with their arms around each other's waists. She nodded and looked expectantly up to him. As their eyes met, she gasped, realizing he was already reaching for her. His fingers closed around her small waist, proving just how large his hands were, and he yanked her to him, stopping just short of touching his lips to hers. "So, are you going to come with me? And for me?"

  Panting as her body quickly fought off the chill of the air with the heat of arousal, Kylie tried to think of a witty response, but none came. And then she smiled. "That depends. Will you still respect me in the morning?"

  "More than ever, sweetheart." He brought his mouth to hers in a crushing kiss, and Kylie fisted her hands in the front of his shirt, wanting to make sure he couldn't kiss and run. As he prodded at her lips with his tongue, she opened to him and tasted the wine they'd had on his breath, along with something minty and sweet like honey.

  She knew people passed by, watching, and she didn't care if they made a spectacle of themselves. The passion grew as he lifted one hand to her chin to tilt her back further so he could continue his exploration, and the other snaked down to her rump, squeezing and pressing her against a very promising erection. When he finally released her, his fingers remained, and she sucked in a gulp of air. His chest heaved against her, and his eyes danced with mischief and pleasure. "I'm more than ready to get out of here. Are you?"

  Again, she nodded. "Your place or mine?"

  "Mine's a disaster, but it's closer. The choice is yours." Considering her place was trashed with dirty clothes and dishes, it was a no-brainer.

  Somehow, Kylie managed to keep her hands to herself on the cab ride. Well, mostly. Jordan kept her on edge, his hand tucked between her thighs, and from time to time, he leaned in to tease her ear and her neck. But by the time they were alone on the elevator headed up to his apartment, the arousal boiled over. Before the door slid shut, Jordan shoved her against the back wall, pinning her wrists behind her back with one strong hand.

  She panted and gasped for air as his lips neared hers, his body already pressed so tight against her that his hard-on hit into her stomach. He nibbled at the corner of her mouth, and she thrust her hips forward, rubbing against him. Jordan grunted, and the fact that she could have such an effect on him only put Kylie's excitement into overdrive.

  The door opened again much too soon, but Jordan didn't release her, simply stumbling out of the elevator with her still wrapped up with him, their mouths still teasing and taunting and battling with each other. She landed against another surface and assumed it was the front door, but he didn't reach for any keys. She took a brief moment to wonder if they might just go at it right here and not worry about the neighbors, but she heard several beeps and realized he had a programmed keypad.

  The solid mass behind her back disappeared, and Kylie stumbled, nearly landing on her ass. Jordan caught her just as her balance gave, and they fell together on a piece of furniture, Jordan on the bottom. He started laughing, his chest rumbling and shaking against her back, and she couldn't help but join in. She wriggled against him, trying to gain leverage to get up, but one of his arms snaked higher, and his fingers curled around her breast, stilling her instantly.

  His mouth was at her ear again as he said, "Where do you think you're going?"

  She shivered, her hands starting to shake as the anticipation grew. "Nowhere," she whispered.

  "Ah, now that's the right answer." He squeezed and molded her breast, and Kylie tipped her head back, letting it fall against his shoulder as his lips pressed against her neck. Then, his free hand found her thighs and delved between them, forcing them to part enough for him to cup her sex through her leggings. He stroked and gripped, and Kylie moaned as moisture poured from her.

  She was so hot for him that it soaked quickly through her panties and then her leggings, and Jordan hissed. "God, that's hot! I bet I could make you come right now, without even touching your flesh."

  He was probably right, but she wanted more, and she was going to get what she wanted. Grabbing his wrist, she forced his hand away, and then she managed to slip her clothes down her legs, far enough that she could bend her knees and spread wide for him. She could feel his gaze focused on what she was doing, felt his cock pushing hard into her back as he reacted, and finally, she brought his hand back to her, pressing his fingers into her with her own hand.

  "Fuck me," he groaned, and Kylie had to bite her lip to keep from coming instantly. Her body shook with the effort to fight her instincts and hold on, waiting for more. She wanted to explode with the force of a typhoon, and she knew she had to wait. Focusing instead on Jordan's reaction to her, she began to ride his hand, using her fingers to point his in the right direction. She pressed his thumb firmly against her swollen clit, rolling it in circles, and when he started to stroke her wet folds, she pushed his index finger into her pussy, along with her own, dipping them in and out as she rolled her hips.

  "Fuck me, Kylie!" he repeated, louder this time, and the lack of control in his voice sent her over the edge. She cried out with a shocking release, pumping their fingers harder and faster into her. When her coordination failed, Jordan took over, tapping against the sensitive nub while he pounded into her with two fingers now.

  Slowly, she came back to herself and realized how she'd just acted. She might have taken a moment to feel ashamed if Jordan hadn't taken advantage of her suddenly loose body. With incredible strength, he rolled and twisted to his feet, catching her up in his arms, all in one smooth motion. "You're so fucking sexy," he all but growled as he carried her across the living room and into the bedroom. With no gentleness, he tossed her on the bed and yanked her leggings off, then moved onto her sweater and bra with the same lack of care for the material.

  He jerked at his belt and winced as he shoved his own jeans down, releasing his erection so it bounced up, long and hard against his stomach. It was definitely impressive, and Kylie licked her lips at the thought of its silky length stroking in and out of her. And her body heated further as he tugged his shirt off, revealing the absolute perfection of his chest and abs.

  As he finally crawled onto her, Jordan's eyes were dark, filled with desire, and they consumed her from head to toe. Her skin tingled as his gaze roamed her, singeing in every place they touched her, and when his body pressed over hers, Kylie moaned without him even making a move. "Are you alright, sweetheart?" he asked in a tender voice completely at odds with his rough, hungry actions.

  She laughed throatily. "Better than okay," she rasped, and his mouth was bruising hers almost before she finished the statement. As his tongue pushed its way into her mouth with sensual determination, he fell between her legs so his head stroked her folds till he found her opening. She gasped into his mouth at the feel of him so close, and the place inside her where the pressure grew tightened in expectation.

  One of Jordan's hands slid down to cup her ass, and when he had a firm grip, he thrust into her, one long stroke that took him so deep she was coming before she even realized what was happening. "Oh, my god!" She cried, her eyes bulging and her skin on fire as her veins filled with pure ecstasy.

  "I'm no god, but I appreciate the sentiment," he breathed against her lips, driving into her again with even more insistence. Kylie wrapped her legs tightly around him, g
ripped his shoulders and let her fingertips bite into him. She had to hold on for dear life as he plunged in and out, the motion almost violent as she slid across the surface of the bed till only the pillows kept her from banging against the headboard.

  And damn, it felt utterly amazing.

  "You're tight and hot," Jordan grunted. His muscles tensed and pulled, and the view of his back and arms as he worked her made Kylie feel like she might overheat. It was beautiful, magical, and she had to take every bit of pleasure she could get from this. She turned her head, so her mouth was half an inch from his ear, and she lifted it just enough to suck his lobe into her mouth, flicking it with her tongue and nibbling it. He shuddered, and she felt the bumps rise on his flesh beneath her hands. "You're an evil vixen."

  She liked that, laughed deep in her chest. But the humor died quickly as he shoved an arm behind her back and lifted her off the bed so she was half sitting. He thrust into her again, and she cried out as the change in angle took him deeper, allowing him to reach buttons inside she didn't know existed. Wanting more and not caring how wanton she looked, she propped herself on her elbows and used the leverage to ride this out, meeting him drive for drive until her vision blurred and time stood still with an orgasm that ripped through her like a blade opening her chest.

  Apparently, it was too much for Jordan, and he sheathed himself as far as he could go as his body went into spasms, bucking wildly with his release. Kylie's inner walls gripped him, milked him, and used the way he spilled into her to bring her to the very edge of reason.

  Exhausted and spent, they fell to the bed separately, on their backs, and Jordan gave a deep, hoarse laugh. "That was definitely what I wanted." He rolled his head to face her, and Kylie tried to see him clearly beneath hooded lids. "Was it good for you?"


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