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Carnal: Pierced and Inked

Page 62

by Simone Sowood

  I take the phone from her hand. She does nothing to resist.

  “When are you going to stop being so hard on her,” I say into the phone.

  “What? Is this Liam? Did you put her up to this? She was happy before she started dating you,” he screams into my ear.

  “Calm down. And look at who’s really to blame for once — you.” I don’t raise my voice, but speak with such authority that he shuts up. “You can phone her later to apologize,” I add and hang up.

  I hold the phone out to Darcy, but she doesn’t move. She’s frozen in thought.

  “You okay?” I ask, wrapping my arms around her.

  “I didn’t know Elite Exhibitions bought the interior design show,” she says, her voice flat.

  “Well, you haven’t started yet. It’s not the sort of thing they would mention in an interview, is it?”

  “But after I accepted the offer?”

  “I’m sure they’ve bought and sold lots of small conventions in the past month.”

  “I wish my father had listened to me, and put in a better bid.”

  “You should be glad he didn’t. The company you’re now in charge of got it instead.”

  “I suppose,” she says, but doesn’t sound like she believes her words.

  “Hey,” I say, squeezing her playfully, “think of the future. You’re the CEO of Elite Exhibitions. That’s an amazing achievement, and I’m incredibly proud of you. We’re going to have the most amazing future.”

  Darcy looks up at me, blinking back tears. “We are?”

  “Yes, we are,” I say, and kiss her cheek.

  “My father will never forgive me.”

  “He’ll come around. Once he’s had time to think over everything. He’ll realize how he pushed you away by treating you like shit.”

  “You keep saying that, but I’m not sure I believe it. My father isn’t the kind of man to let something like this go. And I can’t help but think I’ve made a terrible mistake. I should’ve tried harder to fix things at my family’s company before bailing on them.”

  I can’t have her getting cold feet about this move. There’s no way I can handle her going back and working with Timothy. He’d treat her even worse than before. Assuming, of course, that he forgave her in the first place.

  That’s it, Timothy won’t give her the option to go back. She’ll have to go to Elite Exhibitions. What choice would she have? I breathe a sigh of relief. She’ll be safe from his abuse.

  “Stop thinking that way. He’s the one who should be forgiving you. Hell, he should be on his knees groveling for your forgiveness at being both a terrible boss and a terrible father.”

  Darcy sucks her lower lip between her teeth. I use the silence to steer her deeper into my apartment. With my arm around her, we leave the entrance, pass the grand living room, the media room, my office and end up back in the sitting room beside the wine room. We sit down on the sofa where I first told her who I am.

  She remains quiet and I don’t say anything. Instead I give her time to digest the situation.

  After several minutes, she says, “I shouldn’t have accepted a position at a competitor. It was wrong to go to Elite Exhibitions.”

  Here we go.

  “No, it was the best decision. You have all this industry knowledge and insight that your father doesn’t care about anyway. But the new company will, they’ll listen to everything you say.” I give her a chaste kiss and continue. “You’re the boss now. They have to.”

  Darcy smiles, and the tension in my shoulders eases. “Yes, I do like that part.”

  “I thought so, I know how good you are at taking control,” I say, glancing at the wall of wine where she first dropped to her knees.

  “You’re going to be a much better CEO than Tom.”

  “Tom?” She asks, furrowing her brow.

  “Yeah, Tom.”

  “Tom,” she states again.

  “Elite Exhibition’s current CEO.”

  “Thomas Schumann?”


  Her eyes widen and her face drops. “Hold on, how do you know that?”

  My mind races, deciding on what to say, but before I can say anything, she says, “Holy fucking shit, do you own the company? You fucking own Elite Exhibitions, don’t you?”

  “Darcy, wait.”

  “Wait. What the fuck? So it’s true, Elite Exhibitions is another one of your many companies. You didn’t think that little piece of information might’ve been important to tell me? Like all the times we were talking about the industry, and I was telling you my insight, and you never once thought you should stop me because I work for the fucking competition?” Her voice raises until she’s yelling and she stands.

  “It’s not like that. I’m not hands-on with that business, I don’t do anything other than know I own them. I just really enjoy talking to you about business.”

  “And that’s why Elite Exhibitions went and bought the chocolate convention and the interior design one. I’m supposed to believe that was a total coincidence? How stupid do you think I am?”

  “You’re not—”

  “You know what? Don’t answer that. You’ve been playing me this entire time, and now I’ve ruined my relationship with my father and my family’s company. I feel sick,” she says, and grabs her stomach.

  “How long have you owned them?” She asks softly.

  “Six years,” I say and leap up off the sofa, intending to take her into my arms and soothe her. To make her understand why I did what I did and that it was nothing to do with the reasons she thinks it is.

  Before I can touch her, she turns and half runs out of the room.

  “Darcy,” I call after her.

  Unwilling to let her leave, I run and catch up to her, grabbing her by the forearm to stop her in her tracks.

  “Let go of me. This is done, Liam. I won’t be taking the position at Elite Exhibitions and I sure as hell won’t be seeing you again.”

  “Listen to me. Just hear me out,” I say, not letting go of her arm.

  “There’s nothing you can say that would make things any better. There’s no excuse in the world for what you did to me. You used me, plain and simple, and for that I can never forgive you.”

  “That’s not true,” I say, my mind racing to figure out a way to prove myself to her.

  “Let go of me.”

  “I need you to listen.”

  “No fucking chance.”

  Do I let her go and cool off? I can’t make her listen now. But if she walks out that door now, there’s a good chance she’ll never come back.

  “You’re right. I should’ve told you before.”

  “Like when we first met. Or the night of my cousin’s wedding. Mentioning it on the jet as being the real reason you wanted to go to the chocolate exhibition would’ve been a good time. Or how about when I asked you what companies you owned? You didn’t think it was relevant to say you owned my family company’s biggest competitor? What kind of dick are you? How do you think I can forgive you?”

  “Because I only did it for you. I can’t stand the way your father treats you, I wanted to get you away from him. I did it because I love you. I love you, Darcy. I can say it in five different languages, and I’ll learn a hundred more. Anything to make you understand how true the words are.”

  She pauses, her blue eyes softening as they bore into mine. Her chest heaves with emotion and tears well in her eyes.

  After a moment, she shakes the arm I’m holding to loosen my grip. She says, “That’s fucking bullshit, you used me to fuck over Knight Global Events, and you planned it from the night we met at the Fat Kok.”

  Pulling Out


  My mind is so overloaded with emotion that I can barely process my thoughts. Liam. My father. What a mess.

  Why couldn’t I see it before? Why didn’t I ask Liam more questions? He was always so eager to talk to me about the events business, so quick to go to the chocolate and interior design events.

  “I absolutely did not plan this from the start. I’m serious, Darcy. This was only ever about you. From the minute I first saw you, everything I’ve done has been about you.”

  “Right. I’m supposed to believe you didn’t walk into the Fat Kok and see your business rival Timothy Knight standing there and you thought what a fucking gift when he invited you to sit down and have dinner with us.”


  “During which you sat and listened to us discuss Knight Global Events’ strategy.”

  “I was too busy being angry at the way he was treating you to pay attention to your strategy.”


  “Trust me, my only strategy was figuring out whether I should take you home, here, to my real home that night or take you on a nice date where just the two of us could get to know each other better.”

  He speaks with such earnestness that I want to believe him. My heart wants to believe him.

  But I know I can’t.

  My stomach churns and I feel like I’m going to puke. Right here in his lavish living room.

  I shake my head. “I can’t do this. Not after what you did to me. And nothing will ever change what you did to me. Now let go of me so I can try to repair my relationship with my father.”

  He leaves his hand on my forearm, though he’s holding me lightly enough that I could easily get away from him.

  Liam slowly closes his eyes and opens them again. “I only did all this because of your father. You have to see that. You can’t go back to him, he’s an asshole who doesn’t deserve someone as amazing as you in his life.”

  “So you keep saying. At least he’s never lied to me.”

  “I had reasons. Reasons that only had you behind them.”


  “I was worried about how you’d feel about joining Elite Exhibitions, knowing I owned it. That you’d think you were only getting the job because of me.”

  I scoff at his comment, and say, “I fully believe I can run that company better than anyone.”

  A broad smile appears on Liam’s face, his caramel eyes shine with genuine happiness.

  “Good, I’m relieved you’re still going to take the job.”

  “There’s no way in hell I’m working there. Why would I? How could I?”

  “Fine,” he sighs. “If you don’t want to work at Elite Exhibitions, I understand. But I can’t let you walk out of my life. I’ve spent my entire adult life believing you didn’t exist. I never knew how much a person could make me forget about my life and only want a life with them. I’d give up anything for you, Darcy, I truly would. The only thing I want in life is you.”

  The tears I’ve been blinking back finally overflow and stream down my cheeks.

  “All you had to be was honest. That’s all it would’ve taken, and I’d have been yours forever.”

  “I’m being honest with you now.”

  “It’s a bit late for that.”

  My stomach churns again, worse than before. I can’t talk to him any longer. I have to get out of here, and figure out what to do with my life next.

  “It’s never too late.”

  “It definitely is,” I say and shake my arm free.

  As fast as I can, I walk to the door, my arms swinging at my sides as I move. Liam follows close behind me and my heart races, wondering what he’ll do when we reach the door.

  “Chase,” Liam yells as I reach the front hallway.

  He’s out of his fucking mind if he thinks I’m taking his bodyguard with me. I’ve humored him long enough over this ridiculous non-threat.

  I turn and snap at him. “Chase is not coming with me. We’re done. That means everything between us. I have no need for your bodyguard.”

  “Darcy, sweetheart, take some time to figure things out. Don’t just walk out that door and think we’re through. We can’t be. We’re too good together.”

  “Liam,” I say, my voice clear and steady and my eyes narrowed at him, “We were good together.”

  “I understand that you’re angry with me but I am sending Chase with you. I have to protect you.”

  “From what? Is there something else you’re keeping from me?”

  “No more secrets. I just love you too much to let anything happen to you.”

  “Nothing is going to happen to me,” I say, and start to turn back away from him.

  “When I was younger, my mentor’s father was kidnapped. They demanded a ridiculously huge ransom and he refused.”

  His words stop me in my tracks, and I turn to face him.

  “That’s awful,” I say, my eyes wide. I’m both shocked at the abruptness of his words, and the gravity with which he says them.

  “He refused to pay it. He offered them a quarter of the amount they wanted, which was still a huge amount.”

  “Did they take it?” I shouldn’t let him distract me, but I can’t help but ask.

  “They cut off his father’s pinkie finger, and mailed it to him.”

  My heart races. “Fucking hell, that’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard.”

  “I’m not done. They demanded even more money, so he offered them the first amount they wanted.”

  “Don’t tell me they cut off more body parts.”

  “Nope. They filmed themselves beating his father. He ended up in the hospital for months.” His voice catches in his tightened throat.

  “You saw it. The video?”

  He nods. “I was the one who opened the box with the finger in it. I’ll never forget the smell.”

  I fight the urge to hug him to comfort him.

  “I can’t imagine what that was like.”

  “He ended up paying them double what they’d originally asked for, just so they’d get his father an ambulance. It was eighty percent of his wealth. He shot himself the day before he was due to see his family again. He couldn’t face the fact that he’d failed to protect his dad.”

  “And that’s why you keep your identity a secret. So it doesn’t happen to you,” I say, my voice a whisper. It wasn’t a question. I didn’t need to ask.

  “Yep. And now you know. You know everything about me there is to know. And you understand why I need Chase to go with you. I can never let anything happen to you, not if you’re a target because of me.” Liam’s voice is strained, and my heart melts. But I have to keep it in control, I can’t forget what he did.

  “You’ve been as afraid to live as I’ve been,” I say.

  “You’re probably right.”

  Chase appears around the corner of the hallway. He opens his mouth to say something, then realizes how tense the room is and freezes.

  My mind races, wondering what to do. I’m furious with Liam for his lies. They’re worse than lies. He manipulated me. Used me to get insider information on Knight Global Events. He caused me to destroy the tenuous relationship I had with my father.

  Things he had no right to do.

  The renewed rage of his betrayal boils in my blood, but I can’t ignore the emotion he had when he told me the story of his mentor, and how much I care about him.

  I swallow, and say, “Fine, Chase can come with me.” Before I finish the sentence, I stride out his front door.



  My throat is crushingly tight, and my heart hammers against my ribs as I stand frozen, staring at the door Darcy just walked out.

  At least she took Chase.

  Thank God, she took Chase.

  “Fuck!” I scream, and grab the nearest thing I can reach.

  It’s a porcelain lamp and I hurl it against the closed door. It shatters into a thousand little pieces. The same way my soul just shattered against the door when Darcy walked out it.

  I pick up the matching lamp and wail it even harder against the door. I throw it with every ounce of my strength and it dents the heavy wooden door.

  The lamps gone, I look around for something else to throw. I pick up the heavy occasional chair, upholstered in gray velvet, and s
mash it against the marble floor until the leg snaps off.

  None of this makes me feel any better.

  I hear footsteps coming, it will be one of my staff, and I retreat from the room. I head deeper into my apartment, to the wine room.

  After scanning the shelves, I decide wine isn’t what I need right now. I go into the adjacent sitting room and open the bar cabinet.

  Selecting the first bottle of Scotch within my reach, I take a heavy crystal glass and sit down on the sofa.

  Our sofa.

  The sofa where I first told Darcy who I am. I close my eyes and can almost feel the sensation of my dick being buried deep inside her.

  I pour four fingers and gulp down half the glass.

  Yes, I should’ve told her. It’s just there were always good reasons not to.

  At the start, I didn’t want to scare her off. Would she have agreed to go to the wedding if she’d known I owned her biggest competition?

  Afterwards, I enjoyed discussing the industry and strategies with her so much, that I didn’t want those talks to end. It’s not like I have anything to do with running the company anyway. I have a hundred companies, I don’t have time for that.

  That’s what my employees are for.

  As the owner of the parent’s parent company, I only deal with the big picture stuff, like what companies to buy or sell and when I need to use my influence on the government.

  I honestly didn’t think it would be as big a deal to her as it is.

  The decision to buy the chocolate and interior design events were nothing to do with me. Hell, if I’d known, I would’ve stopped Elite Exhibitions from buying them, just for her.

  I would do anything for her.

  Before I know it, the day is half gone. The Scotch has numbed me enough that I don’t give a flying fuck about the time or all the meetings and decisions I should be making, but it hasn’t numbed me enough to stop hurting over Darcy.

  Grabbing my phone, I type out a text to her. It takes me several attempts to get the spelling right before I hit send.

  You’re right, it was wrong of me to keep things secret from you


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