Wolf Untamed
Page 19
The sight of his muscular legs made her stomach flutter like there were butterflies in it. She’d always been a leg woman, truly appreciating a well-muscled pair that looked like they could run all day. Diego had that part covered. But they also looked powerful enough to kick a car over at the end of that run.
As for the thick erection between those legs? All she could say was that perfection was a clichéd and overused word, but even that was clearly unsuitable in this case.
Beyond perfection?
More perfect?
More perfecter?
Nope, none of those came close, either.
Moving closer to the bed, Diego reached out to slowly pull off one sandal, then the other. He tossed them casually aside, then slipped his fingers under the straps of her dress. She had half a second to reach behind her and unzip it before he dragged it off. He was so strong, he probably could have gotten her dress off whether she’d gotten to the zipper in time or not. For some crazy reason, that was a really hot thought.
She was busy wiggling out of her bra when she felt hands at her waist. Two big, strong, warm hands. Then her panties were coming down, the slight tearing sound they made as he hastily worked them over her hips impossible to miss.
Then Diego was staring down at her naked body with a hunger and intensity that would have been scary if it wasn’t so arousing. As his gaze wandered over her skin with little flickers of yellow gold in his eyes, she realized no one had ever made her feel so desired simply by looking at her.
“You’re beautiful,” he breathed.
The compliment made her blush and she smiled. “You’re pretty beautiful yourself.”
Bree started to move, planning to roll over and scramble up with every intention of throwing her arms around Diego and kissing him until they were both dizzy. But when he cupped her butt in his big hands and slid her toward him until she was right on the edge of the mattress, she realized he had his own plans.
Spreading her legs, he ran his fingers along her calf and down her thigh to trace them along her folds. Her breath caught as he swiped lightly across her clit, and all she could think at the moment was that he possessed the most wonderful fingers ever.
“Do you like that?” he asked huskily, his eyes piercing, words coming out in a sexy rumble that Bree was sure she could feel in her chest. Before she could answer, he moved closer, leaning over her, his strong, naked body pushing her legs back until her knees were pressed tightly to her breasts. He was so big compared to her. “When I touch you like this,” he added, his face above hers, eyes glinting with that flash of color, his warm breath caressing the sensitive skin of her lips. “When I tease you.”
He dipped a finger deep inside her as he said that last part, finding that most sensitive place there like he had a road map and drawing a gasp out of her that answered all of his questions. But from the patient expression he wore, he seemed to be waiting for her to answer his question the old-fashioned way—even as he continued to caress her G-spot at the same time the pad of his thumb made little circles on top of her clit.
Expecting her to form intelligent words when he was touching her like that was patently unfair. Bree could barely think, much less talk. But worried Diego might stop what he was doing if she didn’t speak, she somehow found her voice.
“I love when you touch me like that,” she practically shouted, realizing now how wonderful it was that his house was out in the middle of nowhere. “Please don’t stop.”
He lowered his head until his mouth was mere inches above hers, a wicked smile on his face. “Oh, you don’t ever have to worry about me stopping. I’ve just started.”
Then he was kissing her, a second finger slipping inside with the first, the movements faster and far more intense, his thumb grinding deliciously on her clit while he made love to her mouth.
She wrapped one leg around his back and spread herself wider as the fingers moving inside her became more insistent. It was hard to kiss him when she was gasping for breath and moaning at the same time, but she sure as hell tried.
When her climax exploded through her, Bree yanked her mouth away from Diego’s, arching back on the bed and screaming long and loud. Even after she was sure her body couldn’t take anymore, he kept working her with those amazing fingers, backing off her sensitive clit but continuing to caress her G-spot until she thought she’d pass out.
By the time Diego was done with her, Bree was so wrung out that she collapsed back on the bed like a limp noodle the second he moved away. As she rolled over on her side and reached her hand between her legs, wanting to calm the tremors still rippling through her, a small part of her semicoherent mind wondered where he was going. She heard some soft rustling sounds, then the bed dipped as Diego joined her. Pushing herself up, she rolled over to meet him, her heart beating faster when she saw the foil condom packet in his hand.
“Let me help with that,” Bree said, reaching out to take the packet from him and nudging him onto his back.
After the mind-numbing orgasm she’d had, a part of her was a little surprised she was so ready for more, but the idea of having him inside her had her body trembling with need. She wondered if it was because she hadn’t been with a man in a long time. But she knew it wasn’t that. It was Diego, pure and simple. There was something about him that made her want to wrap herself around him and stay there forever.
Bree got the condom package opened and reached for Diego. But the moment she wrapped her hand around his shaft, instinct took over and she leaned over to take him in her mouth. The desire to get her lips around him had nothing to do with wanting to make sure he was hard enough to put the condom on. This was purely about wanting to taste him.
She moaned at the first touch of his flavor on her tongue, swirling it around the head before taking him as deep as she could. She almost laughed at the groan of pleasure Diego made, but her mouth was full, so she couldn’t.
It was easy to get lost in the rhythm of going down on Diego’s cock, her hand moving in perfect counterpoint to her mouth and tongue. What had started as an urge to get a taste quickly turned into a desire to have him calling out her name as he came in her mouth.
Diego took the decision away from her, weaving his fingers in her hair and tugging her up and away from his throbbing cock with a growl that went right through her core.
“Not that I’m not enjoying the hell out of that,” he murmured, reaching for the condom she’d somehow remembered to hang onto. “But if I’m not inside you in the next five seconds, I’m not going to be responsible when I lose it and start sprouting fangs and claws.”
Bree slapped his grabby hand away and kept the condom for herself. “I think I might like to see that.”
Grinning, she quickly rolled the latex sheath over him. The second it was in place, she swung her leg across his hip. Diego grabbed her hips and eased her down slowly. The feel of him inside her was exquisite and she closed her eyes, dropping her head back. It might have been a long time, but it had never felt this good.
“Yes,” she sighed as he settled in nice and deep, holding her there. “Just like that. Stay right there.”
Bree had the urge to simply sit there astride Diego’s hips, his cock deep inside her, undulating slowly side to side as she drifted her fingers down to touch herself.
But Diego didn’t give her the chance.
Instead, he used his grip on her hips to lift her until the tip of his shaft was still inside her, then he simply dropped her. The impact of his hard length filling her so fast drove the air out of her lungs and started a tingling in her tummy that suggested it wouldn’t be long before he made her come again.
Diego used the grip on her hips to set the pace, but once she had it, he let those hands drift up until they were cupping her breasts, thumbs and forefingers pinching and teasing her nipples as she rode him. The combination of sensations, from the electric sparks radiating out
from her nipples to the lightning bolts shooting through her every time she came down on him and he discovered places that had never been touched in her life, was nearly overwhelming and she never wanted the sensations to end.
Bree leaned forward a little, both to push her breasts harder into Diego’s big, strong hands and to allow her clit to grind against him perfectly. Then he started thrusting, the motion making pleasure ripple deep in her core, and she knew this one was going to be huge.
“Harder,” she demanded. “Don’t stop. I’m close.”
Diego definitely didn’t stop. Grasping her hips, he pounded into her so hard and fast Bree swore there were sparks flying off their bodies with every thrust. She collapsed onto his chest, burying her face in the curve of his neck and shoulder, and screamed as her vision went white behind her clenched eyelids. Her thighs tightened around his hips, and she held on for dear life as he yanked her down on him over and over, her clit grinding against him as spasm after spasm ripped through her. She wasn’t sure how it happened—or why—but her teeth somehow found their way into the muscles of his shoulder as she continued to ride out the best orgasm in the history of humanity.
Diego let out a deep growl, and she was flying through the air. She didn’t have a chance to catch her breath before her back hit the bed and he was thrusting again.
She came again. Or maybe she hadn’t stopped coming from the first one and this was simply the second drop on the roller coaster.
Either way, she arched her back and spread her legs wider, giving Diego all the room he needed to pound her into oblivion. When he slammed in deep and grunted out a long, deep groan, she could barely keep her eyes open. But she was glad she did because she got to see him gazing down at her with eyes that were completely yellow gold, the tips of his fangs just visible over his lower lip.
It probably should have been terrifying to be so vividly reminded she was making love with a werewolf, but at that moment, she couldn’t imagine a sexier sight in the world. Reaching up, she curled her hand around the back of his neck, dragging him down until his full weight was pressing her into the bed. Then she wrapped her legs around him and squeezed tightly, never wanting to let him go.
Diego moved enough to get rid of the condom, then they spooned together, his body keeping her warm as they both slowly came down from their orgasms. She had no idea if it had been the same for him, but she knew he’d ruined her for every other man out there. She couldn’t imagine wanting to be with anyone else. The mere thought of not being with Diego made her stomach twist into knots.
Bree pushed that notion away, wondering why she was thinking it anyway, and immediately felt better. She relaxed, sinking back against Diego, wrapping her hand around the arm he had over her and holding tight. She was half a second from drifting off into sleep when she realized she couldn’t do that. One glance at the clock on the bedside table confirmed her worst fear.
Forcing herself up, she rolled over to face Diego, wishing she didn’t have to wake him. “I’m sorry to ask, but could you take me home now?”
His eyes snapped open immediately, concern and what looked like hurt there. “You can stay, if you want. You know that, right?”
Bree leaned in and kissed him. “Of course, I know, and I’d really love to stay. But I can’t. Brandon has no clue where I am, and he’s going to be home in less than an hour. I know this is horrible timing, but I don’t like the idea of not being there when he gets home. Not when I haven’t talked about our relationship with him yet.”
She braced herself, worried Diego would complain, get upset, or try to cajole her into staying for the night. That was her experience with other guys, and while she wanted to think he wouldn’t act like that, she wasn’t sure.
But instead, Diego kissed her long and slow on the mouth. “Don’t worry about it.” He twirled her hair around his finger, absently playing with it. “We shouldn’t have you sleep over until Brandon is on board with the two of us. It’s a package deal. I respect that.”
Her heart stuttered in her chest a few times, hoping against hope she hadn’t screwed something up. “Are you sure that you’re okay with this? I know it’s something we should have talked about before jumping into bed…”
He gently pressed a finger to her lips, shushing her. “Yes, I’m sure. Yes, I’m okay with it. And no, it’s not anything we needed to talk about before jumping into bed. Because I understand. I hope you don’t regret what happened.”
It was impossible to miss the tension in Diego’s body as he spoke, and once again, Bree was sure she’d ruined everything.
She moved closer, until her forehead was resting against his. “I could never regret making love with you. It was the most perfect moment I could ever wish for. Please don’t think that my needing to go means anything other than what I said. I simply want to be there for Brandon when he gets home. It’s important to me.”
Diego gazed at her for a long moment, then nodded and smiled. “And you two are important to me. So, come on. Let’s get you home.”
The bands that had been tightening around her chest suddenly disappeared and she could breathe again. Cupping his face, she gave him a tender kiss. “Thank you for understanding.”
Chapter 12
“Do you think they forgot we’re in here?” Hale asked.
Diego, Trey, and Hale sat at a table in the small room the guards at Coffield Unit used as a break area. They’d made the hour and a half drive down here on the off chance a guard or another prisoner might be able to give them some information on Dave. Since coming to the conclusion Bree’s ex was somehow involved in this whole delirium thing, they’d learned absolutely nothing about the guy, and Coffield might be their best bet.
“They didn’t forget we’re in here,” Diego said, though they’d been waiting for nearly fifteen minutes. “It could take a while to find anyone who knows Dave well, especially since he’s been out for months.”
At least Diego hoped that was the case. There was always the possibility the shift supervisor they’d talked to when they’d first gotten there had gone straight to the warden, who was at that very moment talking to Chief Leclair, wanting to know why three SWAT cops were sniffing around asking about a released convict.
“You and Bree finally slept together, huh?” Trey said.
Diego had been wondering when his teammates were going to mention it. Even after showering this morning, Bree’s scent was all over him. Not that he minded. Being surrounded by her pheromones 24/7 was fine with him. Besides, it wasn’t like he was hiding anything from his pack mates.
“So, did you?” Hale asked, needing a verbal response since it wasn’t like his crappy nose was going to tell him anything.
Diego had never been the kind to kiss and tell, but he knew if he didn’t answer, Trey would.
“Yeah.” He grinned. “Brandon went to a friend’s house to play video games, so Bree and I went back to my place.”
And it had been perfect.
Understatement there.
He couldn’t begin to describe how devastated he’d been when she’d announced she had to go home. Irrational as it was, his inner wolf had been afraid his mate was rejecting him and howled in agony. When she’d told him it was so she could be there when Brandon got home, he felt worse, but this time for an entirely different reason. He hadn’t thought about Brandon, and he was supposed to be his alpha. This whole idea of having a pack of his own was new to him, so he should probably cut himself some slack, but still. Luckily, Bree had been doing this parent thing longer, so he was going to have to follow her lead.
“Have you and Bree talked about The One yet?” Trey asked. “Now that you’re sleeping together, she must have picked up on the fact that there’s a connection between the two of you.”
Diego winced. “I…um…haven’t gotten around to that.”
Hale did a double take. “Seriously?”
��I know I should have, but it’s not exactly an easy topic to bring up, you know. Especially after sleeping together.”
“I don’t see what’s so complicated about it,” Hale said. “Just tell her she’s your soul mate and that you’re destined to be together. Easy peasy.”
Diego opened his mouth to tell Hale he was an idiot, but Trey cut him off.
“Don’t listen to him. He hasn’t been in a serious relationship since he was sixteen years old, and that ended with him getting his face punched in. Go as fast as your instincts tell you to go, and everything will work out fine.”
Diego wasn’t so sure of that, but before he could say anything, the sounds of heavy footsteps heading down the hallway outside the break room caught his attention. There’d been hundreds of different sounds coming from various parts of the prison the whole time they’d been there, from the clank of cell doors slamming closed to the shouts of angry inmates, but right now, he was only interested in whoever was finally coming to talk to them.
Three uniformed correctional officers walked in. Two of them were men whose name tags read Beasley and Garcia. The other was an older woman with graying hair and a stern expression wearing the rank of sergeant and carrying a black backpack over one shoulder. Her name tag read Clark.
“The shift supervisor said something about you wanting to talk to anybody who knew an ex-con named Dave Cowell,” the sergeant said, eyeing them curiously as she set the backpack on the floor beside her. “Let me guess. You think that piece of crap has done something that’s gonna get his ass shipped back here, don’t you?”
“Sounds like you wouldn’t be surprised if that happened,” Diego said.
Garcia snorted. “Cowell showed up here with an impulse-control problem for the record books and left a cold-blooded manipulative killer. To say we expect him back would be putting it mildly.”