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Deadly Holiday, A SCVC Taskforce Series Novella (SCVC Taskforce Romantic Suspense Series Book 8)

Page 6

by Misty Evans

  The young boy nodded, holding the bowl tightly in his little hands.

  Ronni held her phone up so she would be able to read from the screen. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here not only to celebrate the union of Celina and Cooper, but to christen and baptize Novia Harris and Jett Holden.”

  She motioned Owen forward, dipping her fingers in the water. “Lord, sanctify this water, and grant that this child may receive the fullness of thy grace.” Ronni then placed her hand over Novia’s head, sprinkling a few drops on her. “I baptize Novia Harris in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

  While Ronni moved on to Jett, Celina noticed Aunt Charo dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief. Her heart swelled. She was so thankful her family was here, which wouldn’t have been possible without the amazing man standing next to her.

  Celina found Cooper’s gaze over the top of Novia’s head and she mouthed, “I love you,” blowing him a kiss. He smiled, mouthing back, “I love you too,” waggling his eyebrows. She swallowed a laugh, not wanting to interrupt Jett’s baptismal moment.

  “And now I pronounce you…uh, baptized babies?” Ronni guessed, and everyone laughed.

  “I’ll drink to that.” Nelson lifted a wine flute and the party guests moved indoors for drinks. Bottles of wine, juice, and sparkling water had been laid out in the kitchen on the breakfast bar with an assortment of cakes and cookies.

  Cooper and Celina were given a special cake that Thomas had nabbed just before the bakery closed. Holding the knife, they cut it and gave each other a taste, sealing the sample with a few heated, sugary kisses that sent everyone away.

  Celina noted Sophie sitting near the bar, a glass of sparkling water in her wine flute. She hadn’t had a chance to get to talk with her much, and she was making her way over to her when Nelson stepped forward, tapping a knife on the side of his own to get everyone’s attention.

  “Everyone, Sophie and I have an announcement to make.” He paused, flashing Sophie an adoring look. “This time next year we’ll have two additions to our group.”

  Confusion crossed the faces all around.


  “Are you kidding?”

  “What are you talking about, Nels?”

  The comments came in a flood.

  Sophie shook her head, seemingly exasperated with Nelson.

  He bounced on the balls of his feet, his smile a mile wide. “Sophie and I are expecting. We just had the ultrasound yesterday. It’s twins. Our due date is in June. And by then…our adoption of Lexie should be complete too.”

  There was shocked silence, than a burst of cheers as more hugs were passed around. Alexa Morales, the blind sister of a cartel leader who had bonded to Sophie strongly during an undercover operation, had been living with an aunt. Sophie, however, had been on a quest for the past year plus to adopt the girl, because she, too, wanted Lexie to be part of her and Nels’ family. Nels had been by Sophie’s side every step of the way, and Celina chuckled at the fact that the FBI agent—Miss I Work Alone—was about to find herself in charge of three children.

  “Jeez, remind me not to drink the water around here,” Olivia joked, and everyone laughed. Even Victor, standing next to her, cracked a smile.

  With her arm wrapped around Cooper’s waist, Celina stood back to soak in the happiness as everyone took turns congratulating Sophie and Nelson. The expectant parents beamed.

  A little while later, Celina noticed Ronni and Thomas were necking down the hallway, Emma and Mitch were snuggling with baby Jett in the living room, and Victor and Olivia were looking at one another at the breakfast bar like they wished they could be alone. Celina had a feeling about those two and looked forward to seeing what happened between them.

  With so many celebrations in one night, Celina couldn’t even remember a time when she felt so completely happy and at peace. Even Princess Via was being loved on by Aunt Charo and all the cousins, the lullabies coming from the other room sending Celina back to her own happy childhood. She loved this, loved all of them. If only she could bottle this night up and replay it forever.

  “Come with me.” Cooper’s lips brushed the lobe of her ear, sending delighted shivers over her skin. Slipping her hand into his, she followed him out the back door and to the patio.

  “I love you so much, Celina.” His arms slipped around her waist, and he nuzzled her head as he drew her into the circle of his arms. “Are you happy?”

  “I love you too,” she murmured, pressing a kiss to his strong jaw, “and I think it’s safe to say I’m deliriously so.”

  “Good, because I asked your aunt and cousins to stay with us while they’re visiting.”

  Celina drew back, eyes going wide. “You…really?”

  He nodded, chuckling softly. “I know how much they mean to you, and I don’t want you to miss a minute of their time here, so Bobby canceled their hotel reservation and their luggage will be delivered in the morning. We can push back all the living room furniture and make beds on the floor, and Owen even gave up his room so your Aunt can…”

  Celina cut off the rest of what he was about to say by silencing him with a kiss. He growled against her mouth, lifting her against him, then swinging them around and pressing her against the side of the house. Her legs wrapped around his hips as his large hands roved beneath her elf skirt, finding the edge of her tights and slipping beneath them. He groaned, and she smiled against his mouth.

  “You’ve been pantyless all fucking night? Good God, you slay me, woman.” He suckled her lips, his tongue tracing the seam.

  “Speaking of ‘sleighs,’” Celina purred in between hot kisses, “I do believe Santa promised to come visit me tonight, though I already feel like I’ve gotten so many presents already, and Christmas is still two days away.”

  Cooper traced his fingertips over her face, as if committing every detail to memory. Celina sighed, leaning into his touch. This man, and their life together, she would never get enough of it, of him. And she couldn’t imagine any place she’d rather be than right here, right now.

  “Don’t worry, wife,” he said with a wink. “Santa has plenty more presents to put in your stocking. Just you wait and see.”

  About the Authors

  USA TODAY Bestselling Author Misty Evans has published over forty-three novels and writes romantic suspense, urban fantasy, and paranormal romance. She got her start in 4th grade when she won second place in a school writing contest with an essay about her dad. Since then, she’s written nonfiction magazine articles, started her own coaching business, become a yoga teacher, and raised twin boys on top of enjoying her fiction career.

  When not reading or writing, she enjoys music, movies, and hanging out with her husband, twin sons, and two spoiled puppies. A registered yoga teacher, she shares her love of chakra yoga and energy healing, but still hasn’t mastered levitating.

  Get your free Super Agent story and sign up for her newsletter at Like her author page on Facebook or follow her on Twitter. Bloggers and reviewers, if you’d like to join Misty’s Rockin’ Readers review group, send her a message at and she’ll hook you up!

  Amy Manemann is an International Best Selling Author. She writes sexy and intriguing romantic suspense, young adult paranormal romance, contemporary romance, and dabbles in children’s books. She resides in her hometown along the Mississippi river with her husband and their two children. When she isn’t plotting her next book, Amy enjoys spending time with her family and friends, and diving into a good book.

  You can connect with Amy at

  Romantic Suspense and Mysteries

  by Misty Evans

  The Super Agent Series

  Operation Sheba

  Operation Paris

  Operation Proof of Life

  The Blood Code

  The Perfect Hostage, A Super Agent Novella

  The SCVC Taskforce Series

  Deadly Pursuit

eadly Deception

  Deadly Force

  Deadly Intent

  Deadly Affair, A SCVC Taskforce novella

  Deadly Attraction

  Deadly Secrets

  Deadly Holiday, A SCVC Taskforce novella

  The Justice Team Series (with Adrienne Giordano)

  Stealing Justice

  Cheating Justice

  Holiday Justice

  Exposing Justice

  Undercover Justice

  Protecting Justice

  Missing Justice

  Shadow Force International Series

  Fatal Truth

  Fatal Honor

  Fatal Courage

  Fatal Love

  Fatal Vision

  Fatal Thrill (January 2018)

  The Secret Ingredient Culinary Mystery Series

  The Secret Ingredient, A Culinary Romantic Mystery with Bonus Recipes

  The Secret Life of Cranberry Sauce, A Secret Ingredient Holiday Novella

  Read more from

  Amy Manemann!

  Taci Andrews Mysteries (Cozy Mysteries)

  Deadly Reunion

  Deadly Science

  Deadly Politics

  SCVC Taskforce Novellas (Romantic Suspense)

  Deadly Affair

  Deadly Holiday

  Secret Agent Series (Romantic Suspense)

  Don’t Know Jack

  Lightkeeper Series (YA Paranormal Romance):

  Into the Light

  Through the Darkness

  The Hartley’s (Contemporary Romance)

  Love on the Slopes

  Saddle Creek Sisters (Contemporary Romance)

  Going All In

  The Remingtons: Kindle World Novellas (Contemporary Romance)

  Pulled by Love

  Pitching for Love

  Catching up with Love

  Illustrated Children’s Book

  Dracula’s Party




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