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Hidden Charm

Page 10

by Jill Sanders

  “He’ll be fine.” He was silent for a moment. “This air mattress isn’t big enough for the two of us.”

  The room lit up with lighting, and she jumped when the loud thunder sounded almost immediately.

  “I’ll come in with you,” JT said, rolling off the mattress and standing quickly.

  He moved slowly towards her. He was wearing only a black pair of boxer briefs, which clung to him. Her eyes moved directly to the bulge. It was too dark in the room to see everything, but she took her time appreciating the view of his tan skin as he walked across the room.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked softly.

  “I’m not sleeping alone. Not when I know someone was in there earlier.” She shivered visibly as she thought about it.

  JT’s hands moved up to her shoulders. The move was meant to soothe, but she felt her skin heat. Their eyes locked and she moved without thinking. Her mouth was on his, her hands on his shoulders, enjoying the feel of his skin under her fingers.

  He pushed her against the doorframe and held her body against the wall with his own.

  Her breathing was labored as he ran his mouth down her neck, his hands roaming over her body.

  The cream-colored silk top and shorts she’d worn to bed were suddenly too much as her skin heated. She felt his erection press against her and moaned as his hands moved under her top and found her. He dipped his head further. When his mouth found her nipple, she cried out with pleasure as he pushed her shorts off her hips. He dipped a finger into her as his mouth covered the other nipple and he used his tongue to suck the tip.

  She rolled her head back and bit her bottom lip as he used his fingers and mouth to please her.

  “My god,” he said as he moved lower. When he laid his tongue on her, she cried out again and her fingers gripped his hair. Her hips jerked along with his movements.

  He hoisted her left leg over his shoulder, opening her, exposing her further.

  Her back rested on the wall as his mouth and fingers sent her over the edge so fast, she didn’t have time to brace herself.

  “My god,” he said again softly. He’d moved up and buried his face in her hair. His body pinned hers to the wall, stopping her from sliding to the floor.

  “I…” She shook her head and took a deep breath.

  Just then, they both heard a bark. Her eyes met his. She yanked her shorts up, and they both rushed down the stairs together.

  When JT opened the back door, Bo rushed in and gave his thick fur a quick shake, sending rainwater over the both of them.

  She laughed as she knelt down and hugged the wet dog.

  “He’s okay.” She closed her eyes and hugged the dog, who was trying to French kiss her back.

  Suddenly, the room was flooded with light as JT turned on the kitchen light.

  “He looks that way.” JT ran his hands over his dog. “We’ll go in and get him checked out tomorrow after Brock swings by to pick up the note, just in case. I’d hate to think he’d been poisoned again. Here.” JT got up and grabbed a large brown towel from the laundry room. “Let’s dry him off, then maybe you can get some sleep.”

  She helped JT dry the dog off and knew instantly what he’d been talking about with Bo’s wet dog smell.

  “How can a dog smell this bad after spending hours in the rain?” She tossed a wet towel into the washing machine.

  “It’s his gift.” JT chuckled. “I’ve used every known shampoo, nothing seems to work.”

  “Have you thought of giving him a haircut?” She ran her hands over Bo’s thick fur.

  “Labs don’t need haircuts.”

  “Some do. It might help.”

  “I’m willing to give it a try. When we take him in tomorrow, I’ll have them groom him.”

  They followed Bo back upstairs. He jumped up on the bed and quickly fell asleep.

  “Looks like your protector is back,” JT said, nodding into the room. “Think you can get a few hours of sleep now?”

  She nodded, holding in the sigh of frustration that Bo would by lying next to her instead of JT.

  “Night.” JT moved away.

  “JT?” She didn’t know what caused her to call after him, only that she didn’t want him to leave just yet. He looked at her and their eyes locked, but she couldn’t think of anything to say to keep him there. Or, better yet, get him into her bed. Finally, she gave up. “Goodnight.”

  JT nodded quickly, then disappeared into his room.

  Emma closed the door behind her and crawled into bed next to Bo. Bo glanced up at her as she reached for the light and turned it off.

  “You had better have a good reason for leaving us scared all night.” She snuggled next to the dog. The wet smell was almost completely gone now.

  Bo rolled over so she could pet his stomach. She obliged and fell asleep holding him in her arms.

  Chapter 13

  JT stood in his kitchen the next morning as Brock read over the note for the second time.

  “Think this is meant for her?” Brock nodded up towards the ceiling, and JT knew he was talking about Emma.

  “Would make the most sense.”

  “So, someone is watching you.” Brock sighed. “Damn, you know how much paperwork this is going to cause me?”

  JT laughed. “Sorry, I know you failed typing class twice.”

  “Once,” Brock said, his eyes narrowing as he looked up at JT. “Just once. I had to take it twice. The second time I got a D.”

  “Right.” JT chuckled again, then his smile fell away.

  “I’ll check with all the local boat rentals, see who was renting yesterday. Think you can come up with a list of people you suspect?”

  “Sure.” A few names instantly came to mind.

  “Do you think this could have something to do with what your sister went through?”

  JT reached for his coffee mug and took a big drink of the lukewarm liquid.

  “I did, until I saw that.” He nodded to the note Brock held in a clear bag. “Now? I don’t see how it could.” He shrugged.

  “Crazed fan? I’ve seen Misery.”

  JT shivered. “Yeah. I write shit like that, I don’t like living it.”

  “What about you guys leaving the island and coming to the mainland for a while? It’s hard to keep an eye on you both when there are a few miles of water separating you from the rest of the world.”

  JT thought about all the craziness they would have to deal with on the mainland. He had the apartment he’d been staying at while he helped his mother, but the place was nothing more than a loft above the local bookstore, the same place he’d rented when he’d first moved out on his own years ago.

  “I’ll think about it. For now, how about a few weekly patrols? I’m going to hit the hardware store today and buy a security system, something with cameras and alarms.”

  “Good idea,” Brock said, tucking the note into a binder. “I’ll see about swinging by a few times a week. Maybe get a few others on the rotation. Scott has his own boat. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind getting paid to swing by here a few times.”

  “Thanks.” He shook Brock’s hand and opened the door just as he heard Emma came down the stairs. Bo rushed past him, almost knocking Brock over as he headed outside.

  “How’s the big guy doing?” Brock asked, nodding to the dog.

  “He’ll get a full checkup today.” His eyes moved over Emma. He could see the dark circles under her eyes and knew she hadn’t gotten as much sleep as she needed. “I’ll keep you posted on what the vet finds.”

  Brock nodded, then tipped his hat to Emma. “Have a good day.”

  “Thank you,” she said as Brock made his way towards the docks alone.

  “So?” she asked when they were alone in the kitchen. “What did he have to say?”

  “They’re going to up the patrols around the island.” He saw a look of unrest in her eyes. “I’m heading inland again today and buying a security system. I should have had one installed years ago when I found a
few people sneaking on the island, trying to get ahold of my latest manuscripts. That’s one of the reasons I have super security on my computer systems. Actually, it’s the reason I got Bo. Little good he’s done through this all.”

  “It’s not his fault.” Emma glanced at the door where Bo had disappeared to. “Will you be gone long?”

  “A few hours. If you want, you can come along?”

  “No, I think I’m going to try and make a few phone calls I’ve been putting off.” She avoided his eyes.

  He felt like he’d been kicked in the chest. Was she trying to arrange to leave? So many other questions rolled through his head. “I’ll make us some breakfast.”

  She sat at the table, working on her tablet while he moved around the kitchen.

  “I have a few opportunities for my next project.”

  “Oh?” He glanced back at her.

  “Yes, I’m having a hard time deciding which one to choose.” She sighed. “I suppose I’ll have to read through the scripts and decide.”

  Suddenly, he had an idea. “Don’t decide on anything just yet.” He felt that familiar flutter in his chest as his mind worked quickly.

  Emma’s eyes moved up to his as her hands stilled over her tablet.

  “Why?” She blinked as he set the spatula down and turned towards her.

  “When do you have to make a decision?” he asked as he ran over the list of things he had to do today, and mentally added one more.

  She shrugged. “Next week. But, I suppose it could be postponed for a few more days.”

  He nodded. “Hold off, at least until… hold off,” he finished.

  They ate scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and fruit, then he took Bo and headed down to the docks. Emma followed him down the pathway.

  “Are you sure you’ll be okay alone?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She turned her face up to the sun and sighed. “I might just hit that beach of yours and get some sun.”

  “Is there anything you need in town?”

  She thought about it for a moment, then shook her head. “No, I’m fine. Thank you.”

  JT took Bo to the vet’s office, then he went to the local hardware store to go over all the security options. When he was done, he met with Kayla, Rowan, and his mother to fill them in on what had happened.

  His mother looked like she was just recovering from the flu, and he quickly convinced her to return home. Kayla promised her she’d stop by with some fresh soup for dinner.

  “Thank you, sweetie.” His mother leaned down and placed a kiss on Kayla’s head, then did the same to him.

  A few months ago, he would have been shocked by the simple act, but his mother was a changed woman. They had all changed in the past six months.

  “So.” Rowan turned to him. “What’s the big project you wanted to talk about?”

  He’d texted Rowan on the boat and told him he had a plan but hadn’t given him details.

  “I’ll need your help.”


  “Flush out the bastard who’s scaring Emma.”

  “Any ideas who it might be?” Kayla asked.

  “Only one person makes sense,” he replied.

  “Do you think it’s Mark?” Rowan asked.

  “Mark?” Kayla leaned closer. “Mark Rayes? The actor?”

  “Emma’s ex-fiancé,” JT supplied. “Someone who doesn’t want her here.”

  “How do you know that?” Kayla asked.

  “I spent a few hours last night going over everything I could find about the man. He’s a self-centered, controlling, manipulative ass.”

  “Not to mention an abuser,” Rowan added.

  JT nodded. “Besides, no one in Hollywood seems to know where he is at the moment.”

  “What’s your plan?” Rowan asked.

  Emma relaxed in the soft warm sand. She’d changed into one of her swimsuits and had made a snack and drink to take with her. She’d found beach towels in the laundry room and had made her way down the path to the beach area.

  There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and when she’d waded into the water, it was warm enough that she decided on a quick swim. JT had worked with her several times and she was more confident moving through the water.

  There was a buoy JT had swum easily to and back, but she didn’t feel comfortable swimming out to it yet. Especially since she didn’t know how strong the currents were and she was swimming all alone. Even with JT beside her, she’d only made it halfway out to the buoy and back.

  When she walked back up on the sand, she fell onto the towel and waited until her breath returned to normal. Nothing compared to swimming in the ocean. Since JT had taught her, she was wondering if she could make time to swim laps back in LA.

  She closed her eyes, feeling refreshed and tired at the same time. She hadn’t realized she’d fallen asleep until her cell phone chimed beside her.

  Rolling over, she answered without glancing at the screen.

  “You sound tired,” Mark replied.

  Instantly, her entire body tensed. “What do you want?”

  “There you are, now you’re back.” Mark sighed loudly. “When are you coming back to LA?”

  “I don’t know,” she answered truthfully. She rolled over and looked up at the sky. Now, there were dark clouds gathering and she could tell they were in for some more rain later.

  “There’s a party—”

  “Mark,” she interrupted him. “I’m not going to any party with you.”

  “It’s for the premiere.”

  She sighed and closed her eyes, wishing she’d checked her screen before answering.

  “Unless my agent contacts me, I’m staying put.”

  The line was silent for a while. “I’m sorry,” Mark broke in. “About… last week. I was drunk and just seeing you talk to—”

  “It doesn’t matter. We both knew it should have ended long ago.”

  “I don’t agree. I think we just have a few things that we need to work out.”

  She shook her head, feeling disgusted and exhausted all over. She wanted to hang up, but decided against it.

  “I’d like to be given another chance. Come home.”

  “I’m where I need to be, I have to go,” she jumped in, not wanting to continue the call. “I’ll see you at the premiere.” She hung up and tossed her phone into her bag.

  She lay there trying to get her emotions back in check. When she heard thunder crash in the distance, she piled everything back into her bag and walked back to the house.

  Since JT hadn’t told her when he was going to return, she decided to check through his freezer and cupboards for something to make for dinner.

  She settled on turkey and cheese sandwiches along with slices of dill pickles and some potato chips. She wasn’t the best cook, so she ate a lot of sandwiches.

  She took the sandwich into the living room. She wondered how JT and Bo were doing and glanced at the clock. When would they return home? She read one of JT’s books as she nibbled on her food.

  When she was done with her sandwich, she decided a fire was needed to set the mood. There was a chill in the air from the heavy rain.

  She sat in front of the fireplace and found everything she’d need. There had never been a fire in her house growing up. Even in the winter in Georgia, it had never gotten cold enough to warrant a fireplace in the house.

  She figured it couldn’t be that hard. She took a stack of newspapers and wadded a handful up, then laid two thick logs on top and lit the papers.

  The papers burned quickly enough, but the logs refused to burn. She kept pushing papers under the logs, but nothing caught.

  “Let me help,” she heard from across the room, causing her to scream and jump at the same time.

  JT moved across the room as he apologized.

  “Sorry,” he said again when he was kneeling beside her. “I thought you’d heard us come in.”

  “I guess I was too busy trying to get this thing going.” She frowned at the unburnt log

  “You need kindling.” He took a few smaller pieces of wood and, after removing the heavy logs, laid them over the paper.

  These smaller pieces caught fire quickly. He laid one large log over them and she watched as it began to burn.

  She sat there on the floor, watching the flames grow.

  “Did something happen?” he asked after a moment. She turned and looked at him.

  “No. I just wanted a fire.” She moved to get up, but he was there, helping her stand. “Thanks,” she said, dusting off her jeans. “How did it go?” She glanced around and, not seeing Bo, frowned. “Where’s Bo?”

  “He’s outside still. He has a clean bill of health.”

  “Good.” She relaxed. “What about the security system?”

  “I’ll install the cameras tomorrow.”

  She nodded, waiting for the rest, but he just continued to look at her.

  “JT, what else?”

  “You’re beautiful,” he finally said, causing her heart to flutter. She was so thrown from her thoughts, she didn’t know how to respond.

  He moved forward and brushed a strand of her hair away from her face. She closed her eyes at the feeling of his hands gently on her. Her body swayed towards him as she wished more and more that he’d touch her everywhere.

  Chapter 14

  JT couldn’t help himself. In the dim light, with the firelight flickering over her skin, she was more beautiful than anyone he’d ever seen. Her pale skin glowed, her eyes heated as she looked at him, and her entire body melted when he touched her.

  He wanted her more now than ever. Just as he leaned in for a kiss, her cell phone chimed, and he froze in place.

  It rang again and she closed her eyes on a sigh.

  “You should get that. I have some work to do.” He turned away from her, knowing that if he didn’t, he wouldn’t go. “I’ll let Bo in. If you need me…”

  She nodded and walked over to answer her phone.

  Bo was sitting by the back door. He bent down and spent a few moments petting the dog as he talked to him.


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