Book Read Free

Hidden Charm

Page 14

by Jill Sanders

  “It’s not that hard,” Cora chimed in. “All one would have to do is wait until after dark. There are red blinking lights on each camera. You should really put some tape or something over the lights, so you can’t see them in the dark.”

  He thought about it, then nodded. “Want to help me move some cameras around?” he asked the pair of them. “I’ve got some black duct tape.”

  He pulled the roll out of the drawer.

  “Not exactly how you expected the meeting to go?” he asked Kayla.

  “No.” She smiled as she looked at Cora. “I think this is much better than I could have planned. I’m glad you’re safe,” she said to the girl. “Looks like Bo earned his dinner.”

  He chuckled. “I’d say a whole steak is in his future.”

  For the next two hours, the three of them moved around the island together. He carried the ladder, and Cora climbed up and removed and replaced the cameras. He’d shown her how to work the drill, and she’d begged him to give it a try. She seemed to love the work and was very good at it. He even thought about seeing if she wanted to help around the house, if she was planning on sticking around for a while.

  The sun was setting by the time they got everything in place. Cora and Bo went with him to take Kayla back to the mainland. Kayla hugged both of them and got into the car when Rowan pulled up.

  “She likes you,” JT said as they pulled away from the dock.

  Cora was quiet for a moment. “Why are you guys being nice to me?” She tucked some of that wild red hair of hers deeper into her dark hoodie.

  He thought about it for a second. “You’re family.”

  “I’m not. Not really.” She shook her head.

  “You may not know this, but I was eighteen when our sister Lori died. I’m six years older than Kayla. I never was close to either of them. Until recently, Kayla and I have had… a strained relationship.”

  “What changed?” Cora broke in.

  “Life. Things change.” He shrugged thinking back. It wasn’t one thing that had really changed them. His mind cleared on an image of Connor James and he smiled. “She had a kid.”

  “I saw him in the car. Was that her husband that picked her up?”

  “Rowan?” He shook his head. “They’re getting married in a few months.”

  “What happened to the boy’s father?”

  “He killed himself a few months back.” It still made him sick to his stomach knowing what the man had put Kayla and Connor through when he’d been alive. Connor’s arm may have healed months ago, but the kid was still jumpy around strange men.

  “I’m sorry,” she said after a moment.

  “I did a little research into your mother.” Cora’s back straightened. “She’s been in and out of a few facilities outside Columbus. Twin Valley Behavioral?”

  Cora’s eyes moved to her hands as she nodded. “I usually stay with my aunt, Patty, when my mother is gone. That was… until my father…”

  “Divorced my mother and moved there full time?” She nodded again.

  “Medical records are sealed, so I couldn’t see why…” He left the question open. His island came into view and he smiled, as he usually did when he saw the lights flickering over the water.

  “My mother has struggled with bipolar disorder her entire life. The first time she was admitted into Twin Valley, she was nine.” He was silent, waiting for her to continue. When she didn’t, he jumped in.

  “It must have been hard for you, growing up with her.”

  “There were ups and downs. There was a time when she would just go off and leave me alone. That’s when Aunt Pattie moved in full time.”

  “Your aunt…”

  “She’s wonderful. Well, was. She died a few years back during a bad snow storm.” Cora looked off over the water. “She was more like a mother to me than Mom. Things didn’t get better until Dad moved in. Then, at least for a while, Mom seemed… normal.”

  “What changed?” he asked as he slowed the boat and maneuvered into the boathouse.

  “Dad contacted you,” she said quietly.

  For the next few days, Emma spent what little time she had trying to avoid cameras. There were a few promo spots she had to do, including interviews. She was flown out to New York for Good Morning America, along with a few favorite night shows. She spent two nights in the big city and crossed the idea of moving there off her list of possibilities.

  The noise, the smells—she didn’t know how some loved it. For her, it was all so… overwhelming. Not that LA was any better, but after spending a week and a half on a quiet, peaceful island… nothing could stack up.

  She dreamed almost every night of being back on JT’s island. She missed Bo’s snoring in bed next to her. She missed the feel of JT’s hands and mouth on her. She missed the way he made her laugh or just the way he brushed the hair away from her face. She counted the days until they could see one another again.

  Adding to her irritation was the fact that Mark was everywhere she was. Her nerves were shot.

  Mark knew just how to pull her strings. Since they were supposed to coordinate their outfits, along with Liam’s, they had all decided long ago to wear emerald green, which matched the movie’s promo images. However, at the last minute, Mark changed to a brighter green, claiming it would show better. This meant she had to find a new dress, heels, and a clutch.

  She spent the day prior to JT arriving in LA getting fitted and getting her hair and nails done. She had spent fewer hours in makeup for one of the final scenes where half of her face was gone than she had changing her outfit for Mark.

  She had hoped to meet JT at the airport, but he called the night before and convinced her to meet him at his hotel instead.

  They’d had many long conversations at night. Once, they had spent the entire night Facetiming. She’d talked to Cora a few times. The girl seemed to be happy with JT and Bo.

  JT had given her the room above his office. She’d bragged about helping him fix the guest room and the possibilities of turning the attic into his new office.

  “He’s letting me stay in Whistler Manor,” Cora had joked. “He’s even moved his computer and desk out. He wants to add a small kitchen area so I’ll stop raiding his hidden stash of Oreos.”

  She’d enjoyed talking to the girl, but enjoyed it even more when JT would call her later at night, alone.

  She had to admit, she was more nervous about seeing him again than she let on. She’d changed outfits three times before finally settling on a cream flair skirt with a burgundy blouse. She’d left her long hair down, but spent almost two hours curling it and making it look perfect.

  She glanced at her watch as she entered the lobby of JT’s hotel and almost bumped into a row of fans who were being pushed out of the building by the seriously underpaid hotel staff.

  She’d bumped into one girl who had turned on her and opened her mouth to yell at her, but then instantly snapped it shut. She let out a high-pitched scream a moment later.

  “Hannah!” she shouted, gaining the attention of everyone in the crowd. Soon, she was completely surrounded. Hands grabbed at her, pulled at her clothes, and tugged on her hair. She briefly panicked when she saw a flash of silver, but the girl with the scissors was quickly yanked away by a security guard who had been trying to get to her.

  Then, strong hands took hold of her and tucked her tight against a body she knew very well.

  He pushed and shoved until finally they were free from the crowed and rushed into a private elevator.

  Her breathing was labored as she closed her eyes and rested her head back on the wood walls.

  “You okay?” He asked. Looking up, she felt her heart kick in her chest as JT looked back at her with concern.

  “How…” She didn’t get anything else out, since his mouth covered hers in a passionate kiss that seared her entire body.

  She didn’t remember leaving the elevator or JT fumbling with unlocking his door. The next thing she knew, her clothes were gone, and she w
as pushed up against the wall. She wrapped her legs around JT’s hips and held on as he plunged into her.

  Chapter 19

  He hadn’t meant to attack Emma. Really, he hadn’t. He’d walked into the hotel lobby and after seeing the mob, almost walked out again. That was until he saw the flash of blonde hair in the middle and heard several fans screaming her name. Then, he’d pushed and shoved his way through the crowd. When he’d seen the fan pull out the scissors, he’d no longer cared if he was gentle. He’d done everything he could to get her free from their clutches.

  When they were alone in the elevator, he’d lost his hold, needing her.

  Now, they were both breathless, leaning against the wall. He was pretty sure he’d ripped her blouse and panties.

  “You okay?” he asked again.

  “I’m much better now that you’re here.” She sighed against his shoulder. “Especially after that.” She chuckled. “I needed a release. You?”

  He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “I needed you.” His hands ran over her soft curves and he felt himself grow hard again. “Still do.” This time, he wanted her in the massive bed across the suite. Gently, he picked her up and carried her across the marble floors and entered the huge bedroom. The bed was bigger than any he’d seen. When he’d checked in, he’d dropped his luggage off, then had gone across the street for some necessities. He hadn’t expected to run into the mob downstairs. When he’d left to run across the street, they hadn’t been there.

  He laid Emma down gently on the bed and smiled down at her completely naked body. He’d missed her.

  “What?” She smiled up at him. “Come here.” She crooked her finger at him. “I need to feel you against me.”

  He moved down and covered her. Their legs tangled. His fingers dipped into her curly hair.

  “I like your hair like this, loose for my hands to run through.” Their eyes met. “I like you naked, underneath me.” He moved his hips and watched her silver eyes heat before slipping closed.

  The moan that escaped her lips had him growing even more. This time, he slipped into her. He could spend the entire night making love to her.

  He told her how she made him feel every step of the way, whispered in her ear what she did to him as her nails dug into his skin, holding him as close as she could.

  Sometime after the room had grown dark, they both slipped into oblivion together. He held her as their bodies cooled and darkness filled the room.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked when he knew she wasn’t asleep.

  “I could eat.” She chuckled. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Well, since I’m pretty sure I ripped your pretty blouse, I was thinking of ordering room service.”

  She sat up slightly and glanced around. “I think I tore your shirt too.”

  He laughed. “I have plenty more. I doubt you brought…” He stopped when she glanced back at him and he saw the look in her eyes. “Okay, so maybe you planned ahead?”

  She chuckled. “I brought a change of clothes for the morning.”

  Sitting up, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her soft lips. “God, I love a woman who plans ahead.”

  He thought he felt her tense slightly, but he kissed the moment away and then jumped out of bed to hand her the hotel menu.

  As they waited for the food, they hopped in the massive marble shower. They got out when they heard someone knocking on the outer door.

  He threw on a hotel robe and answered the door. The bellman entered and, as he set up the food, apologized for the mess in the lobby.

  “We’ve doubled our security. The managers have assured me that security has been handled for both you and Miss Wilder.” At this point, the man glanced around the empty room and JT knew he had to get the guy out of there as quickly as possible.

  “Thank you,” he interrupted and walked him to the door. “Goodnight.” He waited until the man was just outside of the doorjamb before shutting the door quickly.

  When he heard a chuckle behind him, he turned to see Emma standing in the doorway, a matching hotel bathrobe covering her.

  Her wet hair fell over her shoulders and she smiled as she walked towards him.

  “I think you scared him off.”

  He frowned at the door. “I guess we won’t be able to keep it a secret that you spent the night here, with me.”

  “Did you want to keep this a secret?” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

  “It’s our business. No one else’s.”

  “This is Hollywood. We’re lucky if it’s not already all over town.” She leaned up on her toes and kissed him.

  “I’ve missed you,” he said, changing the subject. “I guess I fooled myself into believing we could hide out here like we did at home.”

  She sighed and rested her forehead against his chest. “I’ve missed the quiet.”

  “With Cora around, it’s no longer quiet,” he joked.

  She leaned back and their eyes met. “You’re enjoying having her around.” It was a statement, not a question.

  He dropped his arms and walked over to remove the cover on their food. The wonderful smells hit him full force and he realized he hadn’t eaten anything since the breakfast he’d plowed down between his flights earlier that morning. “She’s growing on me. Bo adores her and those cats and kittens are living on the back deck.” He sat down and patted the spot next to him for Emma to sit. When she did, he set her food in front of her.

  As they ate, she filled him in on everything that had happened since he’d seen her last. He was upset to find out that Mark Rayes was being possessive of her still.

  “You’ve broken things off with him.” It was a simple statement, yet he could see the weariness in her eyes.

  “Yes, multiple times. He continues to claim that it’s all for show, but the funny thing is, he continues to act that way when we’re alone.” She sighed and pushed her half-empty plate aside. “When I talked to Jim about it, he encouraged me to follow along, at least until after…” She stood up and walked over to the window to look out.

  The room was on the top floor. The view was something few people get a chance to see, yet he doubted it even registered with her.

  Walking over to her, he laid his hands on her shoulders, then turned her around until he could see her silver eyes. “What are your plans after all this?”

  Emma closed her eyes and leaned against his chest. “I haven’t decided. I was stuck in New York for a few days, and I doubt I could last a week there, let alone move there to continue my career.”

  He thought about her being as far away as New York and felt his heart break slightly. So, he did something he’d never done before.

  “You could always return and stay with me.”

  Emma tensed for a split second, but it wasn’t for the reason she knew JT thought it was. She tensed because she’d been waiting for his invitation from the moment she’d seen him again. She’d imagined what her life would be like, living on his island with him and Bo. She’d wanted it so badly, dreamed about it, desired it. But she knew she had to make something of herself first before relying on someone else.

  “There’s nothing I’d like better…”

  “But?” He reached up and took her face gently in his hands. “It’s not you?”

  “I need something first.” She sighed. “I have to prove something. It’s funny.” She stepped back and crossed her arms over her chest. “You don’t hear a lot of what they’re saying about me, since you don’t follow the gossip, but there’s nothing but talk about how I’m riding on Mark’s coattails.” She closed her eyes as the pain surfaced. “They haven’t even seen the movie or what I can do yet, and they’re already knocking me.”

  “That’s what they do. Destroy, tear down, belittle. That’s one of the reasons I chose to separate all that from my life.”

  “I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a smart move.” She turned back to him. “But I can just imagine what the papers are going to
read tomorrow morning.” She felt her stomach drop out slightly. “Emma Wilder rides the coattails of another.”

  “Hey.” He moved over and took her shoulders again. “This has nothing to do with your career.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Doesn’t it? We met because of it. You’re writing a sequel that would have never been, because of who I am.” He stepped back as if he’d been slapped. Tucking her arms more tightly around herself, she moved back to the window. Maybe this was for the best.

  She couldn’t continue with the fantasy that they could be together. Not only did they live on opposite sides of the country, but opposite sides of the industry.

  He was silent as she moved around, pulling on her clothes. They were wrinkled and he had been correct, he’d torn her shirt. Pulling her backup blouse from her bag, she tossed it over her head and tucked her almost dry hair into a sloppy bun.

  “Stay,” he said, his voice rough and his eyes pleading.

  “I can’t.” She shook her head, fighting back the tears. “I can’t afford the talk if I did.”

  “Damn the talk.” He moved closer to her. “I want you here, with me.”

  “There are a lot of things we both want. I have a job and a promise to keep. At least until next month, I’m still engaged to Mark.”

  This time he did look shocked he looked angry.

  “That’s just for show.”

  “Yes, but that’s the business I’m in.” She leaned up on her toes and kissed his cheek. “I’ll see you at the party tomorrow night.”

  His eyes closed slowly as she took a step away from him.

  “Is there anything I can say that would keep you here?” he said, his eyes still closed.

  “If I have to tell you, it’s not worth saying.” She turned and left just as a tear slipped down her cheek.

  She called for a car in the elevator and prayed that the lobby was clear, since it appeared she would be waiting close to five minutes for the car to take her home.

  When the elevator doors opened, she sighed when she saw the empty lobby.

  Wrapping her jacket around herself, she tucked her wet hair under the hood and waiting by the door until the app told her the car was outside.


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