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Hidden Charm

Page 18

by Jill Sanders

  She heard him spring up. “You okay?” he asked, eagerly.

  “I could use some water,” she said. Her throat was dry and scratchy.

  “I’ll get some.” His hand dropped from hers and a low light turned on in what she assumed was the bathroom. She heard water running and when he came back in, he left the light on.

  “You need some sleep,” she said after sipping the water.

  “I’m getting some,” he said, sitting back down.

  “That chair can’t be too comfortable.” She tried to turn her head and look around the room, but her neck hurt too much.

  “I’m okay. How are you? Do you need some more pain meds?”

  “No, I’m fine. What time is it?” She glanced around the room, moving only her eyes.

  He looked down at his watch. “Well, this is still on Maine time, but it’s two a.m. there, which makes it…” He calculated. “Almost eight here. But I suck at math and calculating when I’ve only had a couple hours of sleep. I don’t even really know what day it is here.” He chuckled.

  “That’s okay.” She sighed. “Can you open the curtains?” She motioned to the windows.

  He moved over and she could see the light just beginning to flood the sky. Sighing, she relaxed back. When he sat beside her again, she asked the question she’d been dreading.


  Upon hearing her agent’s name, JT’s eyes turned sad and she knew the answer before he opened his mouth. Tears started to flow and JT moved closer to comfort her.

  “It’s okay.” He held her as lightly as he could. She didn’t mind the physical pain his arms around her caused, since her heart hurt more than her body.

  “I’m so sorry,” he kept repeating.

  “I’m okay,” she said when she felt her head ache from the crying. “I… can I get a washcloth?”

  He moved around the room, turning on a few dim lights as he went. He brought her a warm washcloth and a dry hand towel.

  “How do I look?” she asked after she’d dried up all the tears.

  “Like heaven,” he said. “You scared me.” His voice cracked.

  “How bad is it?” She looked down at her wrist.

  “Broken wrist, sprained ankle, and a bump on your head. You were lucky.”

  “Rich…”—her breath hitched—“saved me. When he…” She closed her eyes and tried to remember everything. “I remember him shoving my body under his before everything went black.”

  JT moved over to her and took her hand. “I knew I liked the man.”

  She smiled as light tears streamed down her cheek. “When can I go home?”

  “I’ll go get the doctor and find out.” JT disappeared through a wide door.

  Reaching over, she used the buttons to sit her bed up slightly. Then, seeing the button marked for the television, she flipped it on.

  The first image was that of the black car she’d been riding in. How she had survived being in there, she didn’t know.

  She saw an image of Rich and the driver of the car, whose name was Justus Melaenis. According to the report, he was a father of four in his late fifties.

  Emma closed her eyes and sent up a silent prayer for the man along with one for Rich.

  “You asleep?” someone asked with a thick accent. When she opened her eyes, a silver-haired doctor was standing over her, smiling.

  “No, just praying.” She nodded to the screen.

  His eyes moved over and he frowned at the scene. “Hard to believe you came out of that with only one broken bone.”

  He reached over and flipped off the screen.

  “Yes, it is,” she agreed.

  “Now, let me have a look at you.”

  For the next half hour, the older man checked her from head to toe while JT stood in the corner. Then he informed her that, if she was feeling up to it, he’d release her the following day.

  “They’ve asked me to make a statement,” the doctor said before leaving her room. “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to tell everyone that you’re on the mend.”

  “I… Rich usually…”

  “I’ll go down and make a statement,” JT said, then stopped. “I’ll need a shower and a shave first.” He rubbed his hand over his face.

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “Yes, it’ll be best coming from someone who knows you.”

  Emma settled back down on her bed. “Might want to have some clothes delivered first.” She nodded slightly. “It looks like you were painting.”

  He glanced down and frowned at the soft cream paint on his black T-shirt.

  “I’ll make the arrangements. Rest.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I’ll have your stuff delivered here too. We can leave directly from here tomorrow.”

  She nodded and shut her eyes. “Thanks,” she said, before sinking into sleep again.

  This time when she closed her eyes, images of JT’s island flooded her mind as she drifted into glorious slumber.

  After a very uncomfortable shower in the smallest shower he’d ever seen and a shave with a dull razor from the gift store downstairs, he answered the door and received the clothes his agent had ordered for him. He had to admit, the woman had style.

  He was as quiet as he could be digging through the bags. He pulled out a pair of slacks along with a button-up shirt and dress shoes. The rest he folded and put into the new luggage that had come along with the haul.

  Emma’s items arrived shortly after his. He stacked the bags against the wall and prepared what he’d say in front of the cameras. Barbara had called a small news conference for him in the lobby of the hospital for the top of the hour.

  When he walked out of the elevator, he was a little shocked at how many people were waiting for him. Cameras flashed and questions were screamed at him in different languages.

  Holding up his hand, he approached the podium.

  “I’ll make this short and to the point. Emma is doing fine. Other than a broken wrist, twisted ankle, and a slight bump on her head, she’s okay. She’s lucky to be alive and thankful for that fact. We’re saddened by the death of her agent Rich Andress. I knew the man personally and want to thank him for his last-minute heroics in saving Emma from harm. He gave his life for hers, there’s no doubt in our minds about that. We’d also like to take this time to honor Justus Melaenis. Our hearts and prayers go out to his family. I’m told the police are investigating the cause of the accident.” He held up his hands as questions were shouted at him. “I have no further detail about that. Emma is being released soon and will be taking a hiatus from further commitments on Crescent Creek at this time. Thank you all for your thoughts and concerns.” He started to turn around, but one question thrown at him caused him to turn back.

  “Is it true that Mark Rayes was driving the car pursuing them?” When he found the woman who’d yelled out the question, several other people were looking at her. She appeared to be in her mid-thirties and was attractive enough in a black-knit dress with simple black heels. Her light-colored hair was tied back so tightly, he was sure her eyes narrowed because of the style.

  “I’m sorry?” Suddenly his ears were full of buzzing noises. “I hadn’t heard anything about that.” He turned to go again.

  “Why come all this way for an actress? Is it true that you’re involved with her? Why waste your time on such small fries?”

  He glanced back, his eyes narrowing once again to the woman who had shouted the two questions. Turning back, he looked directly in her eyes. “What news affiliate are you with?” he asked her, causing her chin to raise slowly.

  “You haven’t heard of it.” The woman smiled at him.

  “No one ever will,” he said under his breath. He turned back around, ignoring all the other questions.

  When the elevators shut, he pulled out his phone. He had to check and see if there was any merit to the story of Mark chasing Emma.

  It took less than five minutes to debunk the story. Mark had remained at the party in which Em
ma had just left for the premier in Rome, alongside his new girlfriend, Nikki. There were pictures of the pair of them leaving shortly after they’d gotten news about the accident.

  He knew paparazzi were famous for getting under everyone’s skin, but that woman had crossed the line.

  Brushing the entire ordeal off, he grabbed a cold sandwich and a soda from the vending machine down the hallway and made his way back to Emma’s room. Outside, he stopped and talked to the nurses, requesting dinner be brought in for Emma. The young nurse smiled at him and asked if he’d like anything. He added a bowl of tomato soup for himself and made his way back into the dark room.

  Emma was still sleeping, but woke when he shut the door.

  “How’d it go?” She hit the button to move her bed into the sitting position again.

  “Fine,” he lied as she turned on the television.

  Instantly, his face filled the screen and he groaned.

  “Look at how handsome you look.” She smiled.

  “Turn it off.” He groaned as he set his cold sandwich and soda down.

  “Shh.” She waved at him and turned the volume up. He watched her face pale when the question about Mark was shouted.

  “It’s not true,” he added quickly. He shut the screen off and sat beside her. “I looked into it. Mark and Nikki were still at the party you’d just left.”

  She nodded. “I… He hasn’t been a problem since he met Nikki.”

  “I introduced them. I figured that they’re perfect for each other.” He took her hand in his. “Like I figured that you’re perfect for me.” Her eyes moved up to his and he noticed the color return to her cheeks. “This is a terrible place…” He looked around.

  “I don’t care,” she said softly.

  “I want you to move to the island with me. Full time. While you’re not filming.”

  “JT?” She sighed.

  “I love you,” he blurted out when she wasn’t looking convinced. “I’ve loved you since the moment I saw you step out on the stage during your audition.”

  She smiled. “I think for me, it was the moment you kissed me.”

  He leaned his forehead against hers. “Come home with me,” he repeated.

  “I’d love to.”

  Chapter 25

  The flight home was a million times more pleasant than his flight to Rome. Emma lay next to him on the long sofa as they watched movies and ate the in-flight meals.

  “Whose jet is this?” she’d asked as he’d helped her up the stairs.

  “Sarah and Ben’s.”

  “Right.” She smiled and rested back as she looked at him.

  “Sarah and Ben just had their first kid, Aurora Lilly.” He smiled remembering how the little girl had smiled at him when he’d seen the family at the diner in town.

  “You like kids.” It was a statement. Emma was looking up at him, smiling.

  “I’m not an ogre.” He laughed.

  “No, you’re a softy.” She reached up and touched his face. “I miss the beard.” She ran her hands over his smooth face.

  “It itched.” He placed his hand over hers. “But for you, I’ll grow it back.”

  “No, not right now. I like this too.” She sighed and closed her eyes. “Meds are kicking in.”

  “Rest. We have a long trip home.”

  “M-kay,” she said on a sigh and was fast asleep.

  When they landed, it was full dark. Rowan met them at the airport. He helped Emma into the front seat before climbing in the back seat of the sports car.

  “You need a bigger car,” he mumbled when his knees hit the seat.

  “Yeah, your sister keeps telling me the same thing,” he said before a yawn.

  “How’s the kid doing?” JT asked.

  “CJ’s fine. Kayla got his cold. She kept me up last night.”

  “I thought they were staying at my place.”

  “They were, until Kayla ended up with the flu. Then Cora convinced her to go home. That girl likes living out there all by herself. She’s getting pretty good at driving your boat too.”

  “Cora’s driving your boat?” Emma glanced back at him. “I’m jealous.”

  “I’ll teach you.” He nodded to her cast. “As soon as that heals.”

  Rowan parked at the end of the dock and helped him carry their bags to the boat.

  “I take it there were no other… incidents?” he asked after Emma was settled in the boat.

  “No, nothing but silence,” Rowan answered.

  “Good.” He shook Rowan’s hand. “Thanks again for looking out.”

  “No problem. If you keep the travel up, maybe you should think about getting Bo a friend. One who doesn’t roll over for everyone.”

  He chuckled at the idea, but as he drove in the dark towards his land, the idea grew on him.

  He left their bags in the boat and carried Emma up to the house. She looked too tired to walk and with the hurt ankle, he knew she wouldn’t be able to make it that far.

  “I should get a golf cart,” he said out of the blue.

  She laughed. “I don’t need—”

  He silenced her by kissing her lips.

  “It would help me cart stuff from the dock up to the house. I’ve been thinking about getting one for a while.”

  She smiled and tightened her arms around his neck. “Oh,” she said when they stopped at the back door. “The cats.” She wiggled until he put her down.

  She knelt down and spent a few minutes petting the seven cats on his back porch. The kittens had grown quickly. He had vet appointments scheduled to get them all shots and have them fixed as soon as they were big enough.

  He could hear Bo barking inside and turned just as Cora opened the door. His sister rushed past him and hugged Emma.

  “You’re okay,” she said, holding Emma tightly.

  “Yes.” Emma smiled over Cora’s head at him. “I’m okay.”

  “We were so worried.” Cora helped Emma inside the house, then whistled for Bo to stop chasing the kittens and follow her.

  The dog did her bidding, causing Emma’s eyebrows to raise slightly.

  “He’s no longer my dog,” JT joked.

  “He knows who the smartest person on the island is,” Cora teased.

  “Yeah, Emma’s just returned,” JT added as Cora stuck out her tongue at him.

  “You two seem to be getting along much better,” Emma said, sitting down at the table.

  “Why not? JT’s given me a place to live, food, security like I’ve never had before.” Cora smiled as she sat across from Emma. “So, tell me everything. I’m sorry about your friend.” He saw the sadness behind his sister’s eyes and his heart melted a little.

  “Thank you.” Emma sighed. “I still can’t remember much, just the last few seconds. Rich shoved me back, shielding me from the blow. That’s it.”

  “I would’ve like to meet him. I’ve read up on him. He seems like he was nice.”

  “He was. He was the first person I met in Hollywood,” Emma added. “He called me out of the blue after an audition and told me he was going to make me a star.”

  “He did.” Cora sighed.

  “Yes, he did.” Emma smiled.

  “You made yourself. Rich saw what was already there,” JT added. He turned to Cora. “You’ve got that appointment tomorrow morning.” He glanced down at his watch. “Unless I have my days mixed up.”

  Cora jumped up and clapped her hands. “Emma, you have to see my studio. I’m heading into town for an audition.”

  Emma stilled. “You want to be an actress?”

  “God no!” Cora laughed. “I can’t act.”

  “She can dance,” JT explained. “She’s meeting with someone from the Broadway Art Center.”

  “Ballet.” Cora smiled. “My aunt signed me up when I was five. The first time my mother…” Cora shook her head. “Ever since then, I’ve wanted to go to Broadway and dance. I didn’t think it was possible, but JT pulled some strings. Rowan’s flying me down there tomo
rrow morning. I’m staying in a real hotel.” She squealed and jumped up and down.

  “Rowan’s going to be here at seven,” he warned. “Go get some sleep.”

  She leaned in and kissed his cheek, then gently did the same with Emma.

  “I’m so happy you’re okay,” she said before Bo followed her out the door.

  “She loves you,” Emma said as he carried her up the stairs.

  “What’s there not to love about me?” he joked. He laid her down on the bed and she smiled up at him. “I love her back. It’s funny how the kid has grown on me so fast.”

  “She’s family,” Emma said.

  “Yes, she is.” He thought about protecting his family.

  The fact that Emma was now included in that mix felt more right than anything else in his life had ever felt.

  The following days were filled with a lot of rest. It was driving Emma crazy. JT kept a close eye on her while he finished his projects around the house.

  She stayed in bed while Cora and Rowan flew to New York. She could tell that JT missed the girl. He moved around the house like there was something missing. When she returned, they worked as a pair on finishing the final touches of his back deck. She wanted to help them paint, but instead, she propped herself up in a chair with a glass of ice tea and fell asleep, thanks to the pills JT had insisted she take.

  A few days later, she finally got to meet his mother, Mary. The woman was soft-spoken and kind, but Emma could see a hint of fear in the woman’s eyes. She knew that his mother had hidden herself away for the past decade and wondered if it was her first trip to JT’s place, since she seemed unfamiliar with the surroundings. Of course, Kayla, Rowan, and Connor James were there.

  The look of pure love in the older woman’s eyes as she held onto her grandson outweighed everything Emma had heard about the woman. She was obviously totally and madly in love with the little boy.

  “It was a pleasure to finally meet you,” she said just before leaving. “I’ve heard so much about you from my children. I know they were both relieved to hear that you were okay after your accident.”


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