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Carnal Obedience

Page 3

by Kate Hill

  “There you go insulting my intelligence again. As if the Leader of the Vampire Nation doesn’t know what’s happening under her rule.”

  “She has a lot of territory to keep track of. The tribal leaders have direct control over much of it. Look, I’m not thrilled with royalty either, but Lady Altah doesn’t seem to be cruel. My gut feeling is she wouldn’t approve of what happened.”

  He shrugged. “Talk to her if you want, but I’m telling you it will be useless.”

  “Before you release me, let me know how I can get in touch with you --”


  “But how can I --”

  He grinned and cupped her cheek in his hand. “I swear, Jolie, if you keep insulting my intelligence I’ll have to punish you.”

  Rather than threatening, his words and expression dripped lust. A shiver rippled down her spine and dozens of nasty, carnal punishments flashed through her mind.

  “Then how am I supposed to let you know if Lady Altah is willing to negotiate?”

  He drew a deep breath, his broad chest expanding, then he released it slowly. “We’ll contact you. Good night, Jolie. In the morning we’ll release you. Hold out your hands.”

  She did as he ordered and he unlocked her handcuffs. Her first instinct was to attack him, but that wouldn’t make sense at this point. Not only did she have no clue as to where the exit was, but even if she found it most likely it would be heavily guarded. Strangely, she didn’t fear for her safety. Instinct told her she could trust Ransom. Temple she wasn’t so sure about, but if he felt even a portion of the loyalty for Ransom that Ransom felt for him, he wouldn’t harm her.

  Jolie rubbed her sore wrists and held his gaze.

  Again he placed a hand to her cheek, leaned closer and spoke against her lips, “Sweet dreams.”

  “Here? You’ve got to be kidding.”

  Chuckling softly, he left the cell and locked the iron door behind him.

  Chapter Two

  “Are you crazy?” Temple demanded, glaring at Ransom, his brow furrowed. He’d just returned from a bath after hunting. His pelt was still damp from his swim in the lake and Ransom couldn’t resist running a hand over his broad chest.

  He gripped Temple’s rock-hard pecs and pinched the dark nipples scarcely visible amidst the wavy chestnut hair.

  “I’m only crazy about you,” Ransom smiled and leaned closer for a kiss.

  Temple grasped his shoulders and held him at arm’s length. “Don’t try to distract me. I want to know if you actually trust that traitorous bitch, Jolie, because if you do, you have lost your mind.”

  “Obviously I have no reason to trust her.”

  “I think you’re attracted to her. It’s clouding your judgment.”

  “No it’s not. And you’re just as attracted to her. Admit it.”

  Temple shrugged.

  Ransom studied him carefully. He knew Temple well enough to sense when someone turned him on, and Jolie aroused him thoroughly. Even though he also found her sexy and rather likeable, he felt a twinge of jealousy. Sometimes his affection for Temple was almost overwhelming. For as long as he could remember he’d been in love with Temple. Yes, he was arrogant and overbearing, but he was also fiercely loyal and exuded sexual magnetism like no wolf he’d ever known.

  “What if she can get Altah to listen to us?” Ransom asked.

  “Vampires don’t negotiate unless they stand to gain a lot. What will they get out of working with us?”

  “An end to our thievery. We’ve stolen from so many rich vamps that they’re afraid to walk the streets.”

  Temple laughed. “Our thievery is only an annoyance to them. I allowed you to talk me into it only because it was a good way to put some fear in them as we work toward other things.”

  “You know how I feel about murder,” Ransom stated.

  “I know.”

  “And as usual you don’t care what I think.”

  “How much longer do you think these games of ours can last? Eventually we will be caught. You and I both know it. There’s only one way to really help our cause.”

  “We’ve talked about that and it’s crazy. The way the pack leader is protected you’d never get close enough to issue a traditional challenge. You know that any legitimate challenge must be made in a political forum.”

  “Who’s talking about a traditional challenge? If we infiltrated Altah’s palace there’s no reason why we can’t do the same to the pack leader.”

  Ransom glanced at Temple, noting the wildness in his eyes. Though he hadn’t admitted it to Jolie, he agreed that Temple was a little crazy. He always had been. But there was also another side to him. A deeper side. Temple would, in a heartbeat, give his life for their pack. And, in spite of his savageness, Temple inspired people. They followed him, which explained why so many wolves had joined him in self-proclaimed exile.

  “Temple, stealing from Vampires is one thing. Killing the pack leader is another.”

  “It’s the right of every pack member to issue challenge.”

  “But only in a political forum and that hasn’t been done in centuries --”

  “We haven’t had a leader this bad in centuries.”

  Ransom cocked an eyebrow. “Can’t argue with that.”

  “If I kill him, the Vampire Nation will have no choice but to deal with us if they want to keep the treaty.”

  “Think about this carefully. What you’re suggesting will send us into war with the most powerful nation in the world. They’ll destroy us --”

  “They’re destroying us anyway,” Temple snapped. “Slowly. At least this way we can die fighting like wolves instead of like sheep.”

  “I know that’s what you believe, but --”

  “It’s the truth.”

  Ransom pushed closer to him and took his face in his hands. “I don’t agree, but whatever happens, whatever we ultimately decide, I’m behind you.”

  For a brief moment Temple’s brow smoothed and a look of pure love gleamed in his eyes. As if embarrassed to be caught revealing his inner emotions, he growled deep in his chest, grasped Ransom by the hips and dragged him so close their pelvises ground together. “You’re behind me, huh? You mean that literally?”

  “That depends.” Ransom smiled, wrapping his arms around Temple’s neck. “Is that how you want it?”

  Temple’s blue eyes darkened with passion and he spoke against Ransom’s lips. “You know how I like it.”

  Just looking at Temple, hearing the roughness in his voice and feeling the warmth of his body turned Ransom on, making his heart beat faster and his cock swell so much that his snug jeans became far too constricting.

  “Yeah, I do,” Ransom said, pressing his mouth to Temple’s. Their tongues met in a fierce battle. With long, wet strokes they challenged one another. Lustful growls rumbled in their chests. As they tightened their grips on each other, Ransom felt their hard cocks straining between them. Temple’s pelt receded, as did his fangs and claws and he reverted to his man form. Warm skin replaced the wolfish pelt. All that remained was a wiry ginger thatch of pubic hair and a light dusting of hair on his chest, stomach and legs.

  Temple was right. Ransom knew exactly what he liked, what made him howl. He tried to break the kiss but Temple held him fast, cupping the back of his head and burying his fingers in Ransom’s hair.

  With a grunt of passion, Ransom forcefully broke the kiss and sank to his knees in front of Temple. Damn, his cock was perfect. Long and thick, a good portion of it, including the bulbous head, pushed past the heavy foreskin. Ransom wrapped his hand around it and pumped for several moments. He gazed up at Temple who was staring at him with such heat and intensity that Ransom could have come just from his look if he’d let himself. Finally he pushed down the foreskin, lowered his gaze and licked his way up the ruddy, well-veined shaft to its thick, dark head. He took it between his lips and began sucking fast and hard, just as Temple liked.

  Temple growled and clutched handfuls of Ransom’s ha
ir, his leg muscles taut as his hips thrust in time with Ransom’s sucking.

  * * *

  Jolie sat around for half an hour before she started to rethink her attitude regarding her captors. Yes, something told her that Ransom was trustworthy and his sad story about his pack had touched her, as did the sight of so many wolves living in this… cave. Still, there was the matter of Temple. Each time she recalled Temple a shiver ran down her spine. The man was out of his mind. He oozed rage. At the same time he emanated raw sex appeal that made her wet just thinking about him. Every wolf in this cave was loyal to him and who knew how many others still in his pack territory secretly felt the same.

  As she thought, Jolie removed her belt and flipped it over to where several small tools were sewn into the leather. They were old-fashioned metal tools that she’d carried since her pirating days, but they were good enough to pick a lock. Her mind churning with possibilities about Ransom, Temple and their band of renegades, she worked the lock on the heavy iron door.

  It didn’t take her very long to free herself. The corridor was dark and empty. Sniffing the air, she only caught Ransom’s faded scent from hours ago. Shifting to her wolf form, she walked soundlessly down the corridor. Her pulse quickened as she neared the chamber where she’d spoken to Temple. His scent and that of Ransom was very strong, almost sexual in its intensity. A low groan sounded from behind the door and she paused. Her keen vision detected a hole in the rustic wooden door. Common sense told her to go on her way while she still could, but another groan and a lustful growl dragged her back to the door where she crouched and glanced in the hole.

  Her breath caught in her throat. Inside Temple stood, his sleekly muscled body naked. Ransom, wearing jeans that hugged every lean, rock-hard curve of his legs, knelt in front of him, Temple’s cock clasped in his hands while he lapped and sucked its thick, ruby head.

  She knew Ransom had strong feelings for Temple, but she never imagined they were lovers. Compelled, she continued staring, her nipples tight and clit aching as Ransom sucked deeper, harder. One of his large, long-fingered hands slid around to stroke and knead Temple’s gorgeous backside.

  Temple’s eyes were closed, his thick lashes casting shadows on his tanned cheeks. His broad chest expanded with each ragged breath and he growled incessantly, a wild, sexy sound that made Jolie’s clit throb. Temple buried his hands in Ransom’s thick black hair while the other wolf began sucking with a vengeance.

  Temple’s ragged breathing became hard panting. His steely pecs twitched in spasms of pleasure. Muscles tightened in his gorgeous thighs and his big, taut buttocks clenched as he thrust his hips in time with Ransom’s sucking.

  Her heart slamming in her chest and clit aching with need, Jolie stared. She moistened lips that had gone dry. One of her secret passions had always been watching two men together. To her nothing was sexier.

  Just when she was certain Temple was going to come, he grasped Ransom roughly by the shoulders and shoved him away. Ransom tumbled backward. Muscles bulged in his long, sleek arms as he braced his hands against the floor to keep from slamming onto his back. From that position, the bulge in the front of his jeans was obvious.

  Damn these wolves had the most fucking gorgeous bodies she’d ever seen. Unable to resist, she dipped her hand between her legs, cupped her sex and rubbed slowly.

  Ransom rose swiftly to his feet, his motions graceful yet strong. The differences between him and Temple seemed even more pronounced at the moment -- one emanating subtle power and the other radiating primitive strength. Jolie wondered what it would be like to be in the room with them at this moment, snug between two magnificent wolves.

  She’d been a free spirit all her life. Though she had more than her share of proposals, she had no desire to ally herself to one man. Now a shocking realization struck her. Maybe, like her foster-father, one partner wouldn’t be enough for her. She imagined herself trapped between Ransom and Temple. Stroked and caressed by one. Vigorously claimed by the other.

  Once again her thoughts were broken as Ransom kicked off his boots and removed his socks and jeans. While he undressed, Temple removed a container of lube from the trunk across the room. As soon as Ransom stood, naked, Temple grasped him roughly by the waist, turned him toward the bed of blankets and pillows on the floor and shoved him hard. Ransom flashed him a look, part angry but mostly aroused, and dropped to his hands and knees on the bed. Still growling deep in his throat, Temple knelt behind Ransom, lubed first his cock then Ransom’s tightly-muscled bottom.

  An almost wicked grin on his lips, Temple worked first one finger, then two fingers, then three inside Ransom. The black-haired wolf’s face was in perfect view of Jolie. His half-open eyes gleamed with lust and his lips were parted as he drew short, fast sips of air. The muscles in his chest, shoulders and arms strained as pleasure grew. Temple reached around with his free hand and began stroking Ransom’s cock while he continued toying with his ass.

  “Will you fuck me already?” Ransom grunted, his fingers tight on the blankets.

  Temple chuckled, leaned forward and licked up the length of Ransom’s spine. Then he withdrew his fingers from his ass, replacing them with the tip of his cock. Ransom growled, his eyes tightly closed as Temple grasped him by the hips and eased his way in. Temple began thrusting in a steady rhythm. Jolie realized the hand between her legs was stroking in time with Temple’s thrusting.

  Almost abruptly, Temple’s pace quickened. He pounded fast and hard, making Ransom groan and growl. Temple grasped Ransom’s cock, squeezing and stroking as he thrust until with a savage cry, Ransom climaxed, his come shooting across the makeshift bed.

  His head thrown back, the tendons in his neck standing out and his chest flushed and heaving, Temple rammed into him with a few more fast thrusts then erupted, his hips grinding into Ransom’s pulsing ass.

  Temple pulled out and Ransom collapsed onto his side, a contented smile on his lips. Temple rinsed his hands in a nearby bowl of water, picked up a towel and dried them off, walking across the room.

  Jolie was so turned on by what she’d just seen that she was on the verge of orgasm, her hand still kneading between her legs. She didn’t notice until too late that Temple had neared the door.

  He flung it open and she gasped in surprise, falling onto her butt.

  A knowing grin on his lips, Temple said, “We have a little visitor, partner.”

  “I know,” Ransom replied from where he was sprawled on his back, his eyes half closed. “I smelled her, too.”

  “Yes. The scent of unfulfilled passion.” Temple reached down, grasped Jolie’s arm and dragged her to her feet. His fierce blue gaze fixed on her and she was lost. Gods, his eyes were beautiful. “Frustration. Isn’t that right, Jolie?”

  Glaring at him, she tried to push him away, but his grip was solid. “What’s it going to be now, Temple? You going to do me up the ass next like your boyfriend here?”

  “You speak with contempt but your scent tells another story,” Temple said.

  “Maybe she only enjoys watching,” Ransom suggested, raising himself onto his elbows.

  “Very possible.” Temple shoved her inside and closed the door. He circled her, his arms at his sides though she knew he was anything but relaxed. His gaze, his walk, even his scent revealed the sharpness of his senses. “She’s been around Vampires for so long that she’s probably forgotten how to mate like a wolf.”

  “You don’t know anything about me, Temple,” she said. “So you can’t judge. I, on the other hand, have learned a lot about you in very little time.”

  Temple and Ransom exchanged glances and knowing, masculine smiles that both irritated and aroused her.

  “I’m sure,” Temple continued, advancing upon her. His scent, the heat of his body and the passion of his gaze made her want to squirm with desire. “For instance you know I like to fuck up the ass.”

  He reached for her and her foot shot out in a quick kick to his groin. He was just as fast, however, and shifted p
osition so the blow struck his hip. Instinctively she flew at him, her fangs and claws poised to attack. He shifted to his wolf form and their bodies locked. She bit and clawed, drawing blood, but to her surprise he didn’t respond quite as violently. He wrestled her to the ground, holding her captive with his big, hard body.

  His fangs bared and eyes wild, he spoke in a deep, wolfish voice, “If you’re trying to excite me, it’s worked.”

  “Excite you?” she practically roared, her own voice deeper than usual as her wolfish nature surfaced completely. Maybe she was. Regardless, something told her she wasn’t getting out of this chamber without an attempt by one or both wolves to fuck her. The question now became should she rebel or should she give in?

  Temple’s hairy hand dipped between them. He cupped her sex, just as she had done when she’d been spying on them, except his hand felt far better upon her. Her heart raced and she resisted the urge to thrust against his stroking hand.

  “Get off me,” she snarled.

  He cocked an eyebrow.

  “Temple,” Ransom stated, his expression serious. “Get off her.”

  Temple’s gaze locked with hers and a slight smile touched his lips before he stood, reverting back to his man form. She also changed to her human shape and pushed herself to her feet. Ransom did the same. He approached, cupping her cheek in his hand and gazing at her with large gray eyes she was slowly beginning to trust.

  “Are you all right?”

  “She’s fine,” Temple snapped. “At least she was fine enough to invade our privacy.”

  “Invade?” She stared at him in shock. “You’ve kidnapped me. Talk about invasion of privacy!”

  “Yes, and we were going to let you go. Now I’m not so sure.”

  “Don’t toy with her like that,” Ransom said. “It’s not nice.”

  Temple glanced at them, his arms folded across his chest. “Whoever said I was nice?”

  Taking her hand, Ransom lifted it to his lips and brushed the back of it with a kiss. “What my partner is trying unsuccessfully to ask is would you like to spend the rest of the night here instead of in your cell?”


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