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Carnal Obedience

Page 6

by Kate Hill

  She watched him carefully, her gaze fixed on his. For the first time she almost pitied him. Yes, he was strong and courageous, willing to do anything and everything for his cause. Unfortunately the qualities that made him a potentially great leader had robbed him of the gentle emotions every living creature needed to be complete. Now she understood why he and Temple were a pair. They balanced each other. One couldn’t be whole without the other. Strangely, the most complete she had ever felt was here with them.

  All her life she’d been searching for somewhere to belong. Yes, Crispin had made it plain she had a place with him, and his partners, Andre and Chantel, had always welcomed her, but they had each other. She was an outsider. Always adrift, forever tormented by memories of her destroyed pack. Maybe that was why she felt such a connection to Ransom and Temple.

  With a suddenness that startled her, Jolie lunged at Temple, her fangs bared, her muscles rippling, halfway between woman and wolf.

  He responded with a savage growl and shifted his stance, prepared for her attack. Instead of striking or clawing him, she dropped to a subservient position, a semi squat that forced her to look up to him. Soft, sensual growls rumbled in her throat.

  A slight, satisfied smile touched his lips. This was something all wolves understood. Respect for the alpha male and invitation to mate.

  Another low growl echoed from the cave mouth. Jolie glanced at Ransom who stood, his sleek body naked, his gaze fixed on her and Temple. His scent revealed raw desire and a hint of envy. He had no reason to be jealous. At this moment everything made perfect sense. They belonged together. A trio.

  Temple’s gaze locked with Ransom’s, and held his hand out.

  Ransom strode forward, his hand slipping into Temple’s. Jolie stood, sliding her palms up their bodies. They turned to her, Temple nuzzling her neck while Ransom licked and kissed her shoulder.

  Temple’s hand curved around her breast. He gently kneaded and brushed his thumb over her nipple. Even beneath the cover of clothes it stiffened, responding to his touch.

  Ransom tugged her shirt from her trousers and slid his hand beneath. He caressed her stomach, then sank to his knees, unfastened her belt and unzipped her trousers. He slid them down her legs. She lifted one foot then the other so he could remove her trousers.

  He ran his hands up and down her legs from thigh to calf and back again, pressing gentle kisses to her inner thighs. Pleasure washed over her and she moaned softly. Temple guided her arms above her head and pulled off her shirt. She shivered a bit as the chilly autumn air fanned her naked body. Temple moved behind her, swept her long, thick hair over her shoulder and touched his lips to the back of her neck.

  Jolie closed her eyes and let her head drop forward. Pleasured groans escaped her throat as Temple continued licking and kissing the back of her neck. His arms slid beneath her so he could cup her bare breasts. He pinched her nipples and brushed the pads of his thumbs over the sensitive peaks. Jolie’s breathing deepened. She thought the sensations couldn’t get any better until Ransom knelt in front of her, grasped her buttocks and covered her clit with his mouth. His wet tongue swept over the plump nub. His exploration became more thorough. The tip of his tongue gently licked one side of her clit, then the other. At the same time his large, warm hands kneaded her buttocks. One finger slipped between the spheres and teased her nether hole with a feathery touch.

  Jolie’s heart pounded and she floated on a warm haze of passion. Her breasts, clit and bottom simultaneously stimulated. She could do nothing except stand completely at their mercy and enjoy the wonderful sensations breaking over her.

  Then Temple swept her into his arms and released a sexy, aggressive growl that sent a pang of raw desire through her lower belly. Her clit, still tingling from Ransom’s wickedly skilled tongue, throbbed with need. She was almost on the verge of a fantastic orgasm.

  Ransom also growled, but in protest, his eyes flashing with uncustomary annoyance. “What the hell are you doing, Temple?”

  The chestnut-haired wolf growled again and bared his slightly elongated fangs. Jolie felt the ripple of his powerful muscles as, halfway between his man and beast forms, he carried her into the labyrinth.

  “Come, Ransom, so we can fuck her properly.”

  Temple’s words sent a shiver of anticipation through her. Clinging to Temple’s strong neck, she glanced at Ransom who gathered Jolie’s clothes and followed her and Temple. The passion in his eyes made him look uncharacteristically savage. Her gaze swept his tall, sinewy body, lingering over his broad chest, trailing down his sleek abs to his cock that stood, long, thick and yearning.

  When they reached the cave where they’d set up camp, Temple, now completely in his man form, placed her on the blankets. He left her to reach into his trunk and pull out a container of lube.

  Jolie grinned. “You guys keep that stuff everywhere?”

  “Anywhere we might want to fuck,” Temple replied.

  He covered his hands with lube, approached Ransom with a wicked smile and curled his fist around the black-haired wolf’s cock. Ransom tossed the clothes he was carrying aside. Temple stroked until Ransom closed his eyes and groaned, then Temple took more lube and rubbed it on his own cock.

  “Umm, I like this game,” Jolie purred. She crawled on her knees toward Ransom and began rubbing his cock briskly.

  His chest expanded in a deep, aroused breath as he opened his eyes and watched her pleasure him with her hand. Leaning closer, she flicked her tongue over his cock head. He swelled in her grasp and she continued lapping the ruby crown until he pushed her onto the blankets, knelt between her thighs and guided her legs around his shoulders. Without hesitation he began licking and sucking her clit. The delicious teasing went on for a lustful moment before Ransom paused, grunting in pleasure-pain, his muscles tightening.

  Jolie opened her eyes and another bolt of excitement shot through her at the sight of Temple kneeling behind Ransom, his hands on his hips and the tip of his thick, well-lubed cock easing into his ass. One hand slid around and pumped Ransom’s shaft.

  Ransom’s eyes closed. His chest muscles twitched and tendons stood out in his neck as pleasure grew. Panting, he dropped his head forward, his fingers gripping the blanketed floor tightly. Grunts and growls of desire erupted from his throat. Jolie shifted her position, raising her legs higher and locking them around his neck.

  “Ah gods,” Ransom gasped when Temple began thrusting into him. He dropped his face to Jolie’s clit and once again lapped, sucked, and used his lips to tug on her sensitive flesh.

  The tenseness of his muscles and the raggedness of his breathing told her his emotions ran high. Still, Ransom continued teasing her closer and closer to orgasm.

  Jolie wanted to close her eyes but she couldn’t look away from the sight of her gorgeous wolves fucking her. Fucking each other. Her clit pulsed and pussy clenched, waves of desire rolling through her. Unable to hold back a moment longer, she came. Her eyes squeezed tightly shut. Pulsations tore through her, making her heart pound and forcing all thoughts from her mind except those of pure fulfillment.

  As the sensations finally began to ebb, she felt Ransom stiffen and come. She heard Temple’s fierce shout of ultimate pleasure. Jolie dropped her legs from Ransom’s neck and both wolves collapsed on either side of her. Their bodies partially draped over her, covering her, warming her, making her feel completely and thoroughly loved.

  Chapter Four

  Later that night, the trio cuddled together in wolf form to fend off the autumn chill. Ransom had taken a small radio from one of the trunks and tried to find a news station.

  Finally, they picked up a broadcast they all had feared hearing.

  “…related to the Renegade Wolves, a group of rebels from the Wingedpaw Pack have been located in a cave on unclaimed territory. They revealed to guards the identity of the Renegade Wolves. Ex-scientist Dr. Ransom Hastings and former hunter and pack guard Temple Symon have allegedly stolen millions in cash, jewels and other commo
dities from countless citizens of the Vampire Nation, including the royal jewels of Lady Altah. They have allegedly kidnapped a bounty hunter from Silver Claw Investigations. Earlier today Royal Guardian Kyros sent out a message to Hastings and Symon ordering them to turn over the bounty hunter and surrender. Royal Guards have taken over the rebel caves in the unclaimed territory and intend to stay until they are contacted by Hastings and Symon. If they don’t respond within twenty-four hours, the rebels will be escorted to the Vampire Nation’s capital city for rehabilitation. Now in sports. The annual autumn hunt on the Raveneye Pack’s territory proved to be --”

  Ransom switched off the radio, closed his eyes and leaned his head against the rock wall. “Fuck. Rehabilitation.”

  “A nice way of saying our people are being arrested for our crimes,” Temple muttered. “The gods only know how they managed to extract information about us from them.”

  “Lady Altah doesn’t approve of torture, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Jolie said.

  “They probably used what are commonly known as truth drugs,” Ransom stated. “Painless but effective.”

  Temple stood and paced the room. “We don’t have a choice. I’m going to turn myself in.”

  “So am I.”

  “There’s no need for that. I can say you were killed or something. That the shot hit you.”

  Ransom nodded at Temple’s chest. “You still have the scar. It hasn’t fully healed yet. Besides, we’re in this together.”

  Jolie also stood and began pacing. “You’re right. We’re in this together.”

  Curling his lip in her direction, Temple said, “What the hell are you talking about? You’re the bounty hunter, remember?”

  “Exactly. Which is why I can help you.”

  “We saw how helpful you were when the guards shot at us,” Ransom said.

  “That was a single shot. And I’ll bet it was against orders. My foster-father and his mates were there yesterday and there’s no way in hell they’d let anyone take a shot at me. My plan is this. I take you guys in quietly, that way there won’t be any trouble. I’ll talk to my foster-father and I’m sure he can arrange for a meeting with Lady Altah or at least her guardians.”

  “It won’t make a difference,” Temple scoffed.

  “It might,” Ransom said.

  “At least it will cut out any unnecessary violence if you guys try to walk in alone.”

  They exchanged glances. All three knew that if Jolie couldn’t negotiate with Lady Altah, it would be death for Temple and Ransom. The thought of losing them was almost physically painful. She liked these wolves. She admired them. And she knew they were fighting for the right cause. If only she could somehow shift the odds. If she could place their battle on legal grounds, there might be a chance for everyone involved.

  “One way or the other you guys are headed for destruction. You know it and I know it. At least give me a chance to try to get us out of this the legal way.” Jolie’s pleading gaze fixed on Temple. Ransom would see reason, but Temple might be a little harder to convince.

  “All right,” Temple said, the words ripped from his lips. “I’ll give you a chance.”

  Ransom drew a deep breath and released it slowly, he slipped an arm around Jolie and spoke close to her ear, “Pray this works.”

  “Believe me,” she said. “I do.”

  * * *

  The next few hours passed like a nightmare. As soon as they neared the caves, guards surrounded them. Andre was among them. Even if she didn’t recognize his scent, there was no mistaking his distinct appearance. Tall and powerfully built, Andre had a spider tattooed on his shaved head and carried himself with the poise of an aristocrat.

  “Jolie,” he said. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine and I’ve brought the Renegade Wolves, but there’s something I need to tell you about them. I need to speak with Crispin and Chantel, too. There are things Lady Altah needs to know.”

  “We’ve already seen that.” An angry look flashed across his eyes. “What’s happened to these wolves is wrong.”

  “Then you can see there are reasons for what Ransom and Temple have done?”

  “I’ll be interested to hear more about it and I’m sure Lady Altah will, too.”

  “You have much faith in a Vampire,” Temple said.

  Andre turned to him and flashed his fangs. “You’re not in the position to use that tone, my friend.”

  “I’m not your friend,” Temple sneered.

  “Temple, please,” Jolie touched his arm. “Remember what we discussed. Give it a chance, all right?”

  He gave a snort of contempt, but remained silent. Andre motioned for the guards to approach. They grasped Ransom and Temple roughly and dragged them away. Jolie’s belly clenched. Regardless of whether or not she was able to convince Altah that reform was needed, this would not go easily for the Renegade Wolves.

  “Jolie!” Crispin shouted, rushing out of the cave, his unkempt auburn hair flying behind him. He glanced at the Renegade Wolves with a growl before once again focusing on Jolie. Grasping her shoulders, he stared at her with relief. “What the hell happened?”

  “It’s a long story. Come on. You’ll need to hear. Cris, where is Chantel?”

  “At Lady Altah’s palace.”

  “Great. I’m assuming the Renegades will be transported to her capital city right away. I need to go with them. It’s very important that I speak to Lady Altah as soon as possible.”

  * * *

  “By the Gods! Jolie, what the hell happened to you while we were away?” Chantel, Crispin and Andre’s third partner, shouted as soon as Jolie stepped past the gate at Lady Altah’s Palace. Tall, buxom and with dark eyes that had earned her the nickname “Fire Eyes,” Chantel was one of the most honorable Vampires Jolie had ever known.

  She embraced Jolie, then greeted Crispin and Andre.

  “I’m sorry for the trouble I caused,” Jolie said.

  “Trouble runs in this family,” Chantel grinned. “The only real problem was when Crispin was fined five thou for beating the shit out of the guard who fired at you in the woods. We need to go right now. After Crispin called with your request to speak to Lady Altah, she agreed to see you as soon as you arrived.”

  “Then let’s go,” Jolie said. “See if we can get this mess straightened out. Chantel, you wouldn’t believe the conditions most wolves from the Wingedpaws are living under.”

  After being thoroughly inspected by the guards, Jolie once again found herself in the presence of Lady Altah and her guardians. This time they greeted her in the great hall which had been cleared for their meeting. Lady Altah sat at the head of a long oak table, her wolf guardians on either side of her. Other guards were posted outside the doors. Crispin, Andre, and Chantel had accompanied Jolie to back her up. While at the caves, Crispin and Andre had learned much about the plight of the wolves hiding there. Though angry about Jolie’s kidnapping, after hearing her story they at least understood the reasons for the Renegade Wolves’ actions. Now all they had to do was convince Lady Altah that reform was necessary.

  “Please be seated,” Lady Altah said.

  Jolie bowed her head. “Thank you for meeting with us, My Lady.”

  “Silver Claw Investigations has served the Vampire Nation well, first when my mother was leader and now during my reign.”

  Jolie knew Altah’s words were meant as a compliment, yet they made her gut twist. She remembered how Temple had called her a slave to the Vampire Nation. If she couldn’t find a way to help the Wingedpaw Pack, then perhaps Temple was right after all.

  “If we’ve served you well, then in return I ask you to listen to what we’ve learned about the conditions of the Wingedpaw Pack since the treaty.”

  Altah nodded. “Please go on.”

  The meeting with Lady Altah lasted several hours during which Jolie and her companions gave detailed descriptions of their experiences with the Wingedpaw wolves. Lady Altah and her wolf guardians were appa
lled to learn of what had gone on there. Altah ordered Kyros to contact the pack leader of the Wingedpaws and also Sandro who was the Vampire in charge of the tribe that bordered on Wingedpaw territory. They were to report to the palace for a meeting as soon as possible.

  “What about the Renegade Wolves?” Jolie asked.

  “Regardless of how good their reasons, they must pay for their crimes,” Rex stated.

  “However, their punishment will not be decided until we learn more about what’s been going on with the Wingedpaws,” Kyros said.

  “Punishing them is like punishing anyone who has ever stood for the oppressed,” Jolie stated, trying to keep control of her temper. “If those in power had made sure common wolves weren’t taken advantage of, Ransom and Temple wouldn’t have had to rebel.”

  Rex growled and Altah placed a hand on his arm.

  “Rest assured this situation will be carefully investigated,” the Vampire Leader said. “You are dismissed, but you are invited to remain here at the palace in case we need more information from you.”

  “My Lady, may I see Ransom and Temple?” Jolie asked.

  “Not today,” Kyros told her. “Perhaps tomorrow.”

  “But --”

  “Jolie,” Crispin said firmly and placed a hand on her shoulder. “It’s time for us to go.”

  “Thank you, My Lady,” Chantel said to the Vampire Leader.

  Torn between hope and frustration, Jolie followed Crispin and his mates out of the great hall.

  That day all she could think about was Ransom and Temple. She’d done as she’d promised and spoken to Lady Altah, but would it be enough to save them from execution? If they weren’t punished by death for breaking into the royal palace, what would the Vampire Nation do to them?

  * * *

  Crispin and Chantel agreed to remain at the palace with Jolie while Andre returned home to oversee Silver Claw Investigations. By the following afternoon, the news was buzzing with stories of uprisings among common wolves not only from the Wingedpaw Pack, but other packs worldwide.


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