It's All a Matter of Choice

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It's All a Matter of Choice Page 25

by Liberty Allure

  Emmet sighed but gave in.

  As they grabbed some muffins and coffee from the continental breakfast in the lobby, Emmet looked at Anita. She was dressed nicely in blue slacks, a blue flowered shirt and a blue scarf that held her brown hair back. She looked lovely, and Emmet couldn’t help staring at her, remembering how she gave herself to him. His heart seemed to swell every time she met his eyes.

  Anita was all smiles. It was easy to see how smitten Emmet was. He was always a gentleman before, but he seemed doubly solicitous now as he walked ahead and opened the lobby door for her. She took his arm as they walked across the parking lot. Emmet noticed car with two men in it driving slowly by, both looking at Anita as she walked beside him. Emmet knew he was envied…and it felt damn good.

  He unlocked the Honda and opened the door for Anita to get in. She did so. Emmet wished the seat belts weren’t automatic. He would have liked to reach across her and fasten the belt like he did in his old car. He could have stolen a kiss. With Anita settled, he walked around the car and got in on the driver’s side. They were off to his house.

  And his mother.

  Emmet looked at Anita rather nervously.

  “Um, Anita…you might not get that warm a welcome from my mother,” he said hesitatingly. “She still kind of treats me like a little boy. It’s irritating, but that’s how she is.”

  Anita gave him a wry grin.

  “Well I can assure her that you are all man, Emmet,” she said, grinning wider as Emmet colored. She wondered how long he would be able to do that.

  Actually, Anita already knew what to expect, based on what Emmet told her about his mother. He didn’t say anything bad about her…just what he would do for her, and some of the things she told him.

  “She wasn’t too happy about me dating you…she said I was moving too fast and I didn’t know anything about women,” Emmet had confided in her.

  Anita looked out the window and smiled broadly. He knew something about them now.

  Emmet felt himself getting more nervous as he got closer to home. He hadn’t come home all night, and his mother didn’t go away for the weekend. She was probably glued to the living room window, watching for him…if not reporting him missing to the police.

  You had to wait twenty-four hours to make a missing persons report, didn’t you? Or was it forty-eight?

  “Emmet, you look like you’re on your way to the electric chair,” Anita observed.

  Emmet did look a bit pale, and his hands were clamped to the steering wheel as if stuck to it with Crazy Glue. His knuckles were white.

  Anita leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

  “It’s going to be all right, Emmet. I’ll handle your mother,” she said reassuringly, sitting back against the seat. Her eyes narrowed just a little.

  Anita had no intentions on letting June Barrows drive her off.


  June Barrows was looking out the living room window, scanning the street both ways for Emmet’s car. He had stayed out the whole night…not even calling to check in with her. How inconsiderate was that?

  She had called several area hospitals to make sure no Emmet Barrows had been brought in on the brink of death. No. They were all Emmet-free. She knew Anita was staying at a hotel, but she didn’t know what hotel, and after calling one or two she discovered they didn’t give out guests’ names.

  And it was too early to file a missing person report.

  June scowled.

  Emmet had finally been drawn in by the wiles of a woman. Her little boy was no longer an innocent. She didn’t know anything about Anita, but felt sure she was some kind of gold digger. Emmet always did well for himself…even before he started dressing differently and traveling all over the place leaving her alone.

  Of course, the only place Emmet ever traveled to was Virginia to meet Mr. Grimes, but June was on a roll, swelling his offenses to an enormous size.

  Suddenly she saw the Honda. He was back. June hurried over to the couch and pinched her cheeks so they looked a little flushed. She was in curlers and her housecoat, her nightgown on under it. She lay on the couch and tried to look as drawn with worry as possible. She’d teach him to not call home.

  Emmet walked Anita up to the front door, then hesitated.

  “Go on, Emmet. Go in,” Anita urged him with a smile. Emmet looked at her and resolutely opened the door, letting her walk into the foyer first, then following. Anita waited for him to pass her.

  “Mom? Mom, I’m home,” he called walking into the living room. Anita followed him.

  June Barrows was stretched out on the couch, the back of her hand resting dramatically against her forehead.

  “Emmet? Emmet is that you?” she asked in a weak voice. “Where have you been? I’ve been so worried.”

  Anita rolled her eyes. Oh brother…this just couldn’t be for real.

  Emmet immediately looked concerned as he walked over to his mother.

  “I was…was…” Emmet began. He faltered.

  But Anita didn’t.

  “He was with me,” Anita said. “Hello Mrs. Barrows. I’m Anita,” she said, walking around the couch and smiling at June.

  June’s rheumy eyes immediately cleared and she sat up on the couch, looking at Anita. She was very attractive.

  “With you?” June repeated. Of course she knew Emmet was most likely with Anita, but she didn’t expect the woman to have the tits to come to her house and announce it.

  “Yes. I just borrowed him for the night. He’s all in one piece,” Anita replied. “No worse for wear.”

  Emmet colored as his mother scowled at Anita, who looked completely unrepentant that she had spoiled June’s little angel.

  “Um, I just came to change clothes, mom. I’m taking Anita apartment hunting,” he said, then looked at Anita. “I’ll be right back.”

  Emmet hastily left the room.

  Anita and June looked at each other. Dislike was evident on June’s face. The sad thing was, she probably would have liked Anita…if she hadn’t stuck her claws in Emmet.

  “May I sit down?” Anita asked, walking over to the armchair Emmet often occupied and sitting down without waiting for an answer.

  “Please,” June responded sarcastically.

  The two women sat there in silence for several minutes, June studying Anita. Yes, she was quite an attractive young woman, tall, brown-eyed with quite a nice figure. She dressed nice as well. June could see why Emmet would be attracted to her. But still, things seemed to be moving awfully fast between them. Too fast. Maybe she could slow it down a bit.

  June’s blue eyes narrowed and she cleared her throat.

  Anita, who had been studying the ‘70’s decor, looked over at Emmet’s mother.

  “So, you’ve known my son for what…a month?” June asked her.

  Anita nodded.

  “Yes, that’s right. I’ve been here a little more than a month,” she replied.

  June sniffed.

  “That’s not very long,” she said pointedly. “Do you make it a habit of having men you’ve only known a month spend the night with you?”

  Anita colored a bit, then recovered. She felt like telling June, no…that she usually knew them for about an hour before bringing them home. That would shoot those oversized pink curlers straight out of her hair.

  “I’m an adult, Mrs. Barrows. If I want male company I find nothing wrong with getting it,” she said evenly. “I happen to like Emmet very much. He’s a very sweet man.”

  “He’s also a very well-off young man, who doesn’t have much experience with women. It would be very easy to take advantage of him,” June snapped.

  “I would NEVER take advantage of Emmet,” Anita said heatedly.

  “I think you already have,” June shot back at her.

  “Why, because I slept with him? Mrs. Barrows, Emmet is twenty-six years old. He’s not a little boy. He’s a man and you need to treat him like one,” Anita said to June sternly.

  June’s eyes went wid
e with shock.

  “How…how dare you tell me how to treat my son! Who do you think you are? Just because you gave him a taste of your probably over-used…poontang…”

  Anita’s mouth dropped open in shock

  “…doesn’t mean you’re going to replace me! And I hope to God he used a condom!”

  Anita was about to fire off at June when Emmet walked back into the living room. He was dressed in a light brown sports coat, a brown and beige striped shirt, khaki pants and brown loafers. He wanted to look presentable too. First impressions were important, especially if you wanted to rent a place to live.

  “How are you two getting along?” he asked his mother and Anita, completely oblivious of the tension hanging in the air like a heavy, wet blanket.

  “Fine,” they both lied.

  “Good,” he said smiling. Then he looked at his mother.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t call, mom. Next time I’ll let you know whether I will be home or not,” Emmet said apologetically.

  Anita made a smug little face at June. She couldn’t help it.

  “I hope you don’t make staying out all night a habit, Emmet. You do have responsibilities you know,” his mother said.

  Emmet thought he’d like to make fucking Anita a habit. He was already addicted to her. Then he thought about his decision about moving in with Anita to help her stave off her father and how his mother would take it. Well, he’d wait until they found a place before breaking the news to her. He’d explain it would probably be temporary.

  Like that would help.

  “I promise you mom, I won’t stay out any more than any other guy my age,” he replied.

  Emmet felt like patting himself on the back for that diplomatic response. Anita smirked as she stood up, walked over and took Emmet’s arm. He looked at her tenderly for a moment, then back at his mother.

  Emmet’s reply was hardly reassuring to June. Some young men hardly ever came home. And she saw the look he gave Anita. Her son already seemed to be in love. It figured he’d be taken in by the first girl that came along and gave him a tumble. Men were so gullible.

  “We’re going to go, mom,” Emmet said. He released Anita’s arm, walked over and gave June a kiss on the cheek.

  “Will you be home tonight?” June asked him as he returned to Anita, who took his arm again.

  Emmet looked at the brunette, his eyes going a tiny bit hot.

  “That depends,” he said, still looking at Anita, who blushed. Then he looked at June again. “I’ll call later and let you know. I might have to help Anita move too. See you later mom.”

  Emmet started walking toward the door with Anita, who looked over her shoulder.

  “Goodbye Mrs. Barrows. It was interesting meeting you,” she said.

  Emmet looked at Anita for a moment, then over his shoulder at his mother. It had been “interesting?” What was interesting? Most people said “It was nice meeting you.”

  “Goodbye,” June snapped.

  She watched as Emmet opened the door, letting Anita exit first. He gave June a final wave then left.

  June Barrows slumped back on the sofa. It had happened. Emmet had a girlfriend…one he was sleeping with. Her influence had been severely compromised. Now Anita would be the one he gravitated to. Hopefully, she’d do something to break the spell she had on her son. Maybe order Emmet around or nag him until he couldn’t take it any longer and dumped her.

  No. That wasn’t going to happen. Emmet had lived with that kind of treatment for years thanks to his mother. He’d be able to cope.

  And June had no one to blame for Emmet’s adaptability but herself.

  Chapter 30 ~ Moving Closer to Goals

  John Bowen sat quietly in the cab of the tractor trailer truck that picked him up. The driver was a heavyset, ruddy faced Southerner of about thirty-five with black hair. He was dressed in overalls, a rather sweat-stained t-shirt and a blue cap with the confederate flag proudly emblazoned on the visor. Country blues blared on the radio, the trucker tapping his foot and intermittently singing along. His name was Tommy Jones and to hear him tell it, he was the baddest boy out of ‘Bama.

  John had spent Thursday night and all day Friday with Sarah and Alicia, drinking, eating and fucking. He was shocked when after half a case of beer, Alicia went down on him right in front of Sarah, who watched dispassionately, turning a bottle up to her mouth. Well, since she didn’t care, why should he? John stripped down and fucked Alicia right in front of her.

  Later that night, John was awakened by a naked Sarah. He was in Alicia’s bed.

  “I’m horny,” she said briefly.

  “I can help you with that,” John said, untangling himself from Alicia who was dead to the world. He bent Sarah over the end of the bed and took care of the problem. He woke up the next morning with two naked young ladies on either side of him.

  “Not bad,” he thought.

  Alicia didn’t seem a bit surprised Sarah was in the bed with them when she woke.

  “She likes to pretend that watching me fuck doesn’t get to her…but it does,” Alicia said to John as she stretched. “This isn’t the first time I’ve woken up to find her in the bed with me and some guy.”

  Alicia rolled out of bed, John looking at her appreciatively and getting a very impressive erection. Alicia crooked a finger at him.

  “Come on. We stink of cigarettes, beer and sex. We need a shower,” she said.

  John wasted no time following the young woman into the bathroom. Alicia unabashedly sat on the toilet and pissed with John standing there. She figured he’d already fucked her…so watching her pee wasn’t a problem. The young woman wiped, flushed and turned on the shower. John relieved himself as she mixed the water. He took quite a while.

  “Damn,” Alicia said looking at him. “You could fill a gallon jug.”

  ”Drank a lot of beer,” he replied shaking his cock off and flushing the toilet.

  Alicia stepped into the shower, John following her. It started out innocent enough, each of them taking turns under the spray and washing. But once they were clean, they started at it again. John had just slid inside Alicia from the back when he heard the toilet flush and the shower door was yanked open.

  Sarah stood there naked, her blue eyes washing over them as John stood frozen in place, his loins pressed against Alicia’s ass, his hands still gripping her breasts.

  “So, you started without me,” Sarah said, stepping in and closing the door.

  Things became very slippery and wild from that point on. It became quickly obvious to John that the young women were bi-sexual. Even better. He could rest.

  Afterwards, they dressed and Alicia made breakfast while Sarah went out to get several cases of beer. Enough to last the entire day. Alicia was a very good cook and John gobbled everything down and had seconds. He had expended a lot of energy…two hot young women could take a lot out of a man.

  Sarah returned with the beer and ate breakfast as Alicia and John stocked the refrigerator and then cleaned up the living room from the night before. Alicia said she liked to make a clean start every day. After everything was in its place, she cut the television on.

  “There’s a couple of games on today,” she said as John handed her a beer and sat down on the couch. She sat down beside him, picked up the remote off the coffee table and clicked the television over to the sports channel.

  John chugged his beer, thinking how great this was. Not only were Sarah and Alicia sexy little beer drinkers…they liked sports as well.

  Sarah washed the breakfast dishes, then joined them in the living room, grabbing a beer.

  They spent the day drinking, watching the games and fucking.

  The next morning, both girls were sad that John said he had to go.

  “Will you be passing back by?” Alicia asked him, pouting.

  “I don’t think so,” John replied. “I usually just keep moving.”

  “What do you do for money?” Sarah asked him.

  “What I can,�
� he said shrugging.

  Both Alicia and Sarah dug into their purses and handed him a wad of bills apiece. John counted it, his eyebrows raised. It was over four hundred dollars. He didn’t protest a bit but shoved the money in his pocket.

  “Thanks,” was all he said. He felt a little like a gigolo, but so what? He needed cash.

  Sarah and Alicia drove him about two hundred miles, Alicia trying to convince him to stay one more day, trying to tempt him with a promise of more beer, then climbing over the seat and giving him a final blowjob as Sarah watched through the rearview.

  “That’s not fair…I’m driving!” she complained as John groaned.

  Alicia brought John to the edge, climbed back over the seat and took the wheel. The car swerved dangerously as the girls climbed over each other, John sitting in the back with his cock hanging out, barely registering the danger. Sarah climbed into the back seat and eagerly finished him off.

  Panting, John said as Sarah wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, “If I stayed with you two, I’d be dead in a few days. I’m too old for this.”

  “But what a way to go John,” Alicia grinned at him through the rearview, “What a way to go.”

  John’s luck stayed with him. When Tommy Jones stopped six hours later and asked him where he was going, John told him.

  “Well I’m going right by there. Hop on in, son,” the trucker said jovially.

  John climbed in and introduced himself, shaking Tommy’s thick, pudgy hand firmly.

  “Thanks,” he said.

  “No problem. I’ve been up twenty-nine hours. Coffee, No-doze and country blues for company. I’m hoping you’ll help keep me up,” Tommy said.

  John noticed he looked a little bleary-eyed. He sure would keep the son-of-a-bitch up. He had no intentions in dying in a trailer wreck.


  As Emmet and Anita left the house, Agnes pulled up in June’s lavender SUV, “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” blaring from the sound system.

  Anita’s eyes went wide as she stared at the customized vehicle and the older woman sitting in it.

  “Is that hers?” Anita asked as Agnes turned the SUV off and carelessly flicked the butt of her cigarette out the window.


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