Emmet shook his head.
“No. That’s what my mother drives,” he replied.
“It’s a wonder she isn’t pulled over every block or so,” Anita said as Emmet opened the door of his Honda for her, trying to get her in before Agnes came over to gawk. But he was too slow.
“Emmet!” she said in her raspy voice. “How are you?”
”I’m fine Mrs. Malloy,” Emmet said politely.
Agnes’ green eyes focused on Anita, her eyebrows raised in surprise.
“And who is this, Emmet? Don’t tell me you’ve finally got a girlfriend,” she said to him.
Emmet flushed for a moment then recovered.
“This is Anita, Mrs. Malloy,” he said.
Anita smiled at the woman, who she thought resembled a vulture a bit. She had a thin neck and a rather beaked nose. With her head craned forward the way it was, Agnes really did look like a vulture scanning the plains for a meal.
“Hello, Mrs. Malloy,” she said.
“Hello Anita,” she replied, looking very curious. “Where are you two off to?”
“Oh, just running around,” Emmet replied, not wanting to tell the nosy woman his business. He was sure his mother would tell her.
“Running around, eh? Be sure to use a condom, Emmet,” she said sharply, Anita staring at her in shock.
Emmet sighed. It was his mother all over again.
“What is it with condoms around here?” Anita thought, watching as Agnes sniffed and walked into the house.
Emmet got into the car and looked at Anita.
“Sorry about that,” he said, “Agnes is a bit much sometimes.”
”I’ll say,” Anita responded, picking up the newspaper and looking at the circled apartments. She pointed to one.
“Let’s go here first, Emmet,” she said.
After checking out several apartments in complexes, Anita and Emmet stood outside of a home that had been renovated into four separate apartments. The neighborhood was residential and children rode up and down the streets on bicycles. Lovely trees were spaced evenly along the sidewalks and people waved at them as they passed.
“Oh, this is a nice neighborhood, Emmet,” Anita breathed, “and a house is so much more homey than a complex.
The front door opened and a woman stepped out.
“Can I help you?” she called down from the top of the stairs. She was a black woman of about sixty, short, nicely dressed, her gray hair pinned up in a bun. She looked over her glasses at them.
“Ah, yes. We were interested in looking at the furnished one-bedroom apartment advertised in the paper,” Emmet said.
The woman looked at them for a moment.
“Well, come on in then. You’re lucky you caught me,” she said.
Emmet and Anita walked up the stairs.
“My name is Loretta Johnson and I’m the landlord,” she said to them, her brown eyes looking them up and down in evaluation.
“My name is Emmet Barrows and this is Anita Bowen, Miss Johnson,” Emmet said smiling as Anita extended her hand.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Johnson,” she said politely.
Loretta shook Anita’s hand, then Emmet’s. She looked at the couple again as if evaluating them. Some tenants looked fine, but once they got into the apartment, they changed in a very disturbing way. Loretta wanted good, quiet, responsible tenants. She surreptiously looked at Anita’s hand for at least an engagement ring.
There wasn’t one. Then she looked at Emmet. He seemed like a nice, polite young man.
”Follow me. First you have to fill out the application, then I have to check your credit. I have a computer, so it will only take a few minutes to do. No sense showing you the apartment if you don’t qualify for it,” Loretta said, walking into the house.
There was a long hallway that went straight down the middle of the home. There was a small office on the left, and a stairwell with a small landing that turned the corner on the right. Further down there were two doors, one on the right side of the hall, the other on the left. One-A and One-B. The floors were wood and highly polished and the hall itself was painted off white. Small tables held plants in vases and several paintings of flowers rested on the walls.
Emmet and Anita followed Loretta into her small office. She had a desk and a flat-screen computer monitor resting on top of it. Baskets with folders rested on either side, as well as a rolodex, cup of pens and pencils, and pictures of smiling family members. Pictures were on the walls too. Babies, youngsters, adults and elders, all smiling down on the visitors. Plants were everywhere. Loretta’s office was very homey.
In front of the desk were two cushioned folding chairs. Emmet let Anita sit first, then took a seat himself. Loretta noticed this. The young man had manners. She liked that. She adjusted her glasses, opened a folder and took out several forms. She clipped them to a clipboard and looked up at the couple.
“Which one of you will be leasing the apartment?” she asked, “Or will you both be?”
“Both,” Anita said, looking at Emmet who smiled at her a bit tenderly.
Loretta noticed that too.
“Will this be your first apartment?” Loretta asked them.
Emmet said yes and Anita said no.
Loretta eyed Emmet.
“You look a bit old for this to be your first apartment,“ she said to him, her brows furrowed. Maybe he had a bad apartment history. Well, if he had broken any leases in the past five years…it would show up.
“Well, I live…er….lived with my mother since I was born,” Emmet replied. “I’ve never lived anywhere else.”
”I see,” Loretta said to Emmet, then she looked at Anita pointedly.
“How about you?” she asked.
Anita hedged a little. She had lived so many places.
“I’ve had a few apartments. I move around a lot,” she said.
“Why?” Loretta asked her suspiciously.
“Well, I don’t have any family to speak of, and so I’m looking for a place to settle down. If after a few months I find I don’t like it…I move on,” she said.
Loretta frowned.
“You must not have a very good work record then, moving from town to town,” she said, “What’s the longest you’ve worked in one place?”
Anita thought about it.
“Eight months,” the young woman admitted.
Loretta continued to frown and looked at Emmet.
“What about you?” she asked him.
“Um, I started working for B, B&B services when I was twenty,” he said, “I’ve been there ever since. Six years.”
Loretta’s face relaxed a bit. So he was responsible and reliable. Hm.
“How’s your credit?” she asked Emmet.
“As far as I know, it’s A-1,” he responded. “I just bought a car for myself and my mother with no problem…though I paid cash for my mother’s car.”
He bought his mother a car?
”What kind of car,” she asked him.
“Well, it was used. A Cadillac Escalade,” he replied. “Lavender.”
Loretta’s eyebrows rose. She had seen a white lady driving a lavender Escalade with spinning rims and easy listening music blasting. That had to be his mother. The Escalade was loud, but very nice. He had to pay good money for it.
“I’ve seen that Escalade. I bet she gets pulled over every other mile,” Loretta said, grinning. “How old is your mother?”
”In her fifties. I got it for her so she could get out more,” Emmet said.
Loretta shook her head.
“In her fifties and driving a car like that. Good gracious,” she said, smiling at Emmet.
It was obvious he was a good son. The couple was looking better and better.
“All right, time to get down to the nitty gritty,” Loretta said, “This is a quiet neighborhood with good people in it. There is next to no crime, no reasons for the police to come here every night, and I want tenants that live that way
. Do either of you smoke?”
Both Emmet and Anita shook their heads.
“That’s good. Smoking stinks up an apartment. Gets all in the furniture and curtains. Do you do drugs? “
Both Emmet and Anita shook their heads again.
Loretta eyed them. They didn’t look like addicts.
“How about friends? Do you have a lot of friends over? Give parties?” Loretta asked them.
Again they shook their heads. Emmet didn’t really have any friends unless you counted Herman. And Anita didn’t stay anyplace long enough to make any.
Loretta nodded and studied the couple for a minute or two.
“I’m going to be honest with you,” Loretta said, leveling her brown eyes on Anita, “I wouldn’t lease the apartment to you, Anita. You move around too much and have no secure work history,” she said.
Anita nodded.
“But I will lease it to Emmet if you want it, after I check his background and credit of course. You have a choice of a three-month, six-month or yearly lease, though I prefer at least six months,” Loretta said.
“Can we take a minute to talk about this?” Anita asked Loretta, who stood up.
“Sure. I have to put my laundry in the dryer anyway. We have a laundry room in the basement. Take your time,” she said, exiting the room.
Anita looked at Emmet.
“Emmet, I don’t want you to take the responsibility for the apartment by yourself. We can go look at some other places that aren’t so strict,” she said.
Emmet looked at her.
“You like the neighborhood. And it’s safe. Safer than a complex,” he said.
“Yes, I do, but…but…we don’t even know how much it is each month, and like I said…I don’t want you getting stuck with it in case I have to leave,” she began.
“You won’t have to leave,” Emmet said firmly, “I don’t mind leasing it, Anita if it will give you a nice place to live. We can split the rent, or if it’s too much I’ll pay two thirds. I make more money than you do so it won’t be a burden,” he said.
Anita looked doubtful.
“Anita, I want you to stay. I’d spend every dollar I have so you could stay,” he said sincerely, “Let’s just look at the apartment, all right?”
Anita looked at Emmet and felt a strong affection wash over her.
“If Loretta wasn’t coming back, Emmet, you know what I’d do to you right now?” she asked him in a low voice.
Emmet had an immediate reaction in his lower parts.
“What?” he asked her, his eyes getting a bit heated.
“I’d give you another blowjob,” she said, her lids becoming heavy at the thought of it.
Emmet swallowed. Anita was such a turn-on. He tried to adjust himself because he now had a full-blown erection. Just the idea of Anita’s mouth anywhere near his cock was enough to make him blow.
“You shouldn’t tell me things like that in places like this, Anita,” he said to her hoarsely, “It’s embarrassing.”
Anita looked down with a smirk. The lap of his khaki pants was extended, the outline of his cock clearly visible.
“One day, Emmet…we’re going to be somewhere public where no one is around,” she purred at him, “if you think you’re embarrassed now…wait until I actually…”
Suddenly Loretta opened the door.
Emmet straightened guiltily, covering his lap by dropping his hands between his legs and Anita lowered her head, smiling wickedly.
Loretta stood in the doorway.
“Have you decided what you’re going to do?” she asked the couple.
“Yes. We’d like to look at the apartment,” Anita said.
“All right then,” Loretta said, “Emmet, fill out all that paperwork and Anita, come with me. I can tell even though Emmet pays the bills, you’re the one making the final decisions. Good young man you have there. Hang on to him.”
Anita felt awkward that was how Loretta perceived them…Emmet spending the money and she in control. She looked at Emmet and blushed slightly, but he just smiled at her. It could be exactly that way and he wouldn’t care a bit. As long as she stayed.
Emmet watched the women exit, then tapped at the front of his pants, trying to beat his erection down. His cock remained stubbornly hard. Sighing he pulled his chair closer to the desk, plucked a pen out of the cup and started filling out the forms.
If Anita liked the apartment, he wanted her moved in as soon as possible…
Then…he’d face his mother.
Chapter 31 ~ Breaking in the New Place
Anita loved the apartment and Emmet signed a lease for it for six months, and gave Loretta a security deposit. Anita watched him with liquid eyes as he paid for the apartment, then he turned to her and smiled.
“All right. Now we need to go get your things, Anita,” he said to her, handing her one set of keys that Loretta had given them.
“Um…not yet, Emmet…let’s just take one more look at the apartment,” she said to him.
Emmet thought they could look at it more after they got her clothes, but didn’t say that. He just shrugged and followed her back to the apartment, Loretta smiling to herself and shaking her head. She saw the look in Anita’s eyes.
Anita opened the door and walked in, Emmet behind her. The apartment had a huge living room, a full kitchen and a dining room. The bathroom was enormous, with a sunken tub large enough for two people and a separate shower. The bedroom was huge with a king-sized bed, dressers and a walk-in closet. The bed didn’t have any sheets on it however. The couple was going to have to provide those themselves.
The living room had a nice set of matching furniture in blue. A sofa, loveseat, two armchairs, a coffee table and two end tables. Lamps and all else was provided as well.
When Emmet came in and closed the door, Anita locked it. Emmet looked around the apartment, then his brown eyes fell on Anita and he adjusted his glasses.
Anita seemed more interested in looking at him than the apartment. She took his hand.
“Come sit on the couch, Emmet,” she said, walking him over to it. Emmet sat down obediently. Anita remained standing.
“Aren’t you going to sit down?” he asked her.
Anita gave him a very wicked smile.
“Not exactly,” she said, sinking down to her knees.
Emmet’s eyes widened.
“Anita…what…what are you doing?” he gasped at her as her hands went to his belt buckle, tugging at his strap and pulling it open.
She smiled up at him naughtily.
“Thanking you,” she said shortly, unfastening the brown button on his khakis and pulling down his zipper. She opened his pants and pulled his shirt out. Emmet’s fire engine red boxers came into view and Anita unabashedly stuck her hand down them and released Emmet’s rigid cock, Emmet hissing as her hand closed over it.
“Oh my God, Anita,” he breathed, “You don’t have to thank me like this…”
”Trust me, Emmet…I just said that as an excuse to blow you. It’s not just for you, believe me. I get off on it,” she breathed back at him, covering the head of his cock with her warm mouth and sucking softly, Emmet’s mouth dropping open.
She got off on doing this to him. Damn.
After a moment or two of sucking, Anita pulled away and looked up at Emmet, whose head had fallen back against the back of couch with a groan as her soft, warmth closed over him, his glasses all askew. She laughed and Emmet’s head snapped forward.
“Take off your glasses before they fall off, Emmet,” she said, grinning at him.
Emmet quickly removed his glasses, put them on the cushion next to him and stared down at her, biting his lower lip. Anita’s hand was still holding his cock up. God, she was so sexy and her hand around his cock was almost too erotic to look at.
Anita then applied herself to sucking Emmet’s cock, bobbing her head and using both her hands, Emmet’s hips bucking up reflexively as she gave him “the treatment.” He was groaning and gasping as she
blew him.
“Anita, you’re so good at this,” Emmet moaned, Anita’s mouth gliding over his cock rhythmically, driving him wild with its wet, hot suction. He fought to keep control.
His statement only made Anita more ardent, Emmet watching as she licked his long, glistening organ like a large, pale, penis-shaped lollipop. Suddenly, he wanted to fuck her. A blowjob was fine but her pussy was out of this world. He wanted to bury himself deep inside her sweet body and listen to her say very dirty things to him. He liked that. Emmet grimaced as pleasure pulsed over him in waves.
Now, how to tell her before she made him come?
“Um…hoo…hah…uh…Anita,” he groaned as she applied the suction again.
Anita didn’t respond because she didn’t realize he was trying to call her with all the moaning and hissing Emmet was doing. Then she bobbed down hard, taking Emmet into her throat a little, Emmet’s eyes rolling up into his head at the pressure wrapped around his shaft as he rested partway down her gullet.. His balls began to tighten.
“Arrrgh!” Emmet growled.
In response, Anita brought her fingers up and captured his balls, manipulating them with her fingers. She pulled away from his cock, a deep “pop” sounding as his meaty shaft exited her mouth.
“Come for me, Emmet…come on, baby,” Anita said, her eyes wet and her voice quavering with passion before she slid her mouth back over him, still squeezing and playing with his balls.
Emmet knew he wasn’t going to last long enough to have sex with her, so he just gave in to the feeling, leaning forward, his hands reflexively grabbing Anita’s head and pulling it forward, letting out a stifled cry as he came. He felt himself fire between Anita’s soft lips and her swallow down his ejaculation, her mouth clutching around the head of his cock.
After about a minute, Anita slowly released his organ, which fell limply between Emmet’s legs. Still panting, Emmet gently pulled her up into his lap and kissed her.
“You are…are like a living wet dream, Anita,” he said softly, “I still can’t believe you…you…”
”Believe it,” she said kissing him again then standing up and taking on a business-like mien, “Now we’ve got to go. Fix yourself up, Emmet. We don’t want Loretta seeing what you’re working with.”
At the mention of Loretta, Emmet hurriedly stuffed his spent cock into his boxers, tucked in his shirt and zipped up his pants as if she were about to walk in on them. Anita grinned. Emmet was so not used to this. Emmet stood up and quickly fastened his belt, then looked at Anita sheepishly.
It's All a Matter of Choice Page 26