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Wandering Engineer 6: Pirates Bane

Page 53

by Chris Hechtl

  Chapter 27

  Change is inevitable

  They had a short window, another week before Firefly had to head back or she would be considered overdue. Irons pursed his lips thinking hard about his plan. He had to commit, to jump one way or the other. But from the reports Mayweather had passed on, Pyrax was still a political sewer. That left only one option.

  He wasn't going to leave Logan and the others high and dry though. Now that they were getting damage control under control and they had a CSP a Combat Space Patrol out on the perimeter, they were getting down to picking up the remaining scrap. Tugs and robots were out, picking through the spreading wreckage, trying to make the most of the short opportunity.

  Carnegie would take it all in, but he had them on the lookout for potential items of intel value. Not just computers, but also items that seemed out of place. Unfortunately most of the wreckage was just that, scrap. Still, it was worth the effort.

  Once things had settled down Sprite insisted on a party to blow off steam. It was a good way for the crew to decompress and get to know one another. Reluctantly the Admiral agreed.


  Irons sat back watching the celebration and smiled to Firefly. “Feeling the weight yet?” He asked mildly. He had informed the AI of his intentions to promote him to Captain JG. It was a long time in coming, the AI had spent some time in grade as a Commander, and centuries waiting in his lonely vigil. The Admiral had a plan in mind to deal with the potential conflict of interest however, so the rank wouldn't go through just yet.

  “I am not sure what you mean. As Commander turned Captain you mean? That is an interesting concept. I believe only a handful of AI have ever risen to directly command a battle group in the entire history of the Federation Admiral. I started out as technically, a dumb AI. I never expected to survive the war, let alone become a smart AI thanks to Commander Sprite, or rise above a first Lieutenant Commander's rank. Thank you sir.”

  “Technically your task force was a single ship so don't get a swelled head. And also, it wasn't exactly a battle group.” Irons said smiling slightly. “And by the way, you weren't in command, Mayweather was. And still is,” he reminded the AI. Sprite had reminded him to award the Captain for her valor and leadership in Antigua and in B101a1 first. The medal would come with an automatic bump in rank, pushing her up to full Commander, thus justifying a promotion out of the zone to Captain Junior grade. That little fillip tidied up any paperwork issues that might crop up in the future if her promotion was questioned. At least he hoped so.

  “True,” the AI replied, then cocked his head. “I was wondering if this had some nefarious purpose Admiral?”

  “Oh?” Irons asked, stirring his drink.

  “Yes, I believe you left quite a vacuum behind when you left Pyrax.” Irons grimaced. “Which was understandable. You had little control of the situation,” Firefly said.

  “Yes.” Irons sighed. “I'd did want to rectify the chain of command.”

  “I believe an organic should be promoted as well.” Firefly said after a moment. He turned to study the view port then back to the Admiral as Irons raised an eyebrow and leaned against his arm.

  “And you have a candidate in mind of course?” Irons asked, clearly amused.

  “As I said, I believe you had this in mind from the beginning.”

  “Quite possibly.”

  “In order to build the minimum required Captain's board.” Firefly said.

  “Point,” Irons said, nodding ever so slightly.

  “As an honorary commodore I could serve on a flag board.”

  “Possibly. But we'd need a third person. Right now there aren't any available.” Irons grimaced. “Hell, none we even know of.”

  “We could promote Lieutenant Commander Sprite.”

  “Pass.” The AI responded, swirling into being near the hatch. She was wearing a formal gown but it was in navy white and sported shoulder boards with her rank insignia. “The Admiral and Trinity come as a unit. We can't separate the entities for a legally justifiable board. It won't wash.” She shook her head. “Undue influence and all that.” She sat on the edge of the desk. "Besides, I'm a Lieutenant Commander. Jumping me up that high would scream nepotism."

  “Which leaves Mayweather,” Firefly replied, turning to the Admiral. “There was considerable precedence for this as well. A battlefield promotion. She's proven herself Admiral.”

  “Talk about...” Sprite frowned as Firefly turned to her. “Okay you are right. But there was a bit of a conflict of interest to be resolved.”

  “And a conflict in the chain of command. This also complicates the chain of command in Pyrax. Commander Logan.” Firefly responded.

  “And... Oh I get it.” Sprite nodded. “Bootstrap a board.”

  “Exactly.” Both AI turned to the Admiral who cocked his head then sighed. “She's served well?”

  The ship AI nodded. “As well as to be expected. She didn't have our background or training but she's made every effort to overcome that handicap. She's a new generation Admiral.”

  “Besides, with a bootstrapped Captain's board in Pyrax, and Firefly as an acting flag officer, they can finish Prometheus.” Sprite said, smiling. “Something I believe you wanted to happen.”

  “I did.” Irons grimaced. “We'll do this by the book though. Formal promotions board. Full inquiry into each and every action she had been in over the years.”


  “Me and my big mouth.” Sprite said shaking her head. “More paperwork and red tape you’re imposing on yourself Admiral.”

  “No, just dotting every I and crossing every T. Attention to detail remember?” He asked. She snorted.


  Jethro smelled the Admiral coming before he rounded the corner. It wasn't anything distinct; it was actually the lack of smell that alerted him. That and the familiar soft tread of his boots on the deck. The combination screamed the Admiral.

  “Ah, Sergeant,” the Admiral said, nodding to the panther as the panther saluted. The Admiral returned the salute briefly. “Did you consider the transfer?”

  “I did sir,” Jethro said. “I'm going to have to decline sir, sorry. I have three squads under my eye right now, that's a lot of people to keep in line.”

  “I see,” the Admiral said nodding.

  “If you've got a moment, I would appreciate it if you looked at my suit sir. It has been acting up. Now that it has locked down. I keep feeling... I don't know, like it's sulking.”

  “Suit? A suit that can sulk?” Sprite asked from the Admiral's shoulder.

  Jethro flicked his ears. “Yes ma'am. The suit AI. Or should I say, AI in the suit and in me,” he said grimacing slightly.

  “An AI in you?” Sprite asked, now curious and confused. “Is that what I sensed when I scanned you?” she asked.

  “Classified Commander,” Irons said, turning his head to the right.

  “I know, you said that. You were also the person who pointed out Admiral, that classified is flexible right now since it's been seven centuries and the laws on information declassification...”

  “Unfortunately do not apply in the Sergeant's case,” the Admiral finished. “It sucks, I know,” the Admiral replied.

  “Sir, I know it's a cadre suit,” Jethro said quietly. “I know it's doing something to me. If you can't explain, that's fine. If I don't get answers I'll walk when my contract is up in six months. That is all there is too it,” he said quietly.

  “You...” The Admiral stared at him. “Young man, I don't like being blackmailed,” he growled.

  Jethro's ears flicked. He forced them to remain upright, despite every instinct for them to flatten. “I'm sorry sir, but it is my body. And my honor. I don't like the idea that I can't be trusted about knowledge about my own body.”

  The Admiral cocked his head and studied him with hard eyes for a long moment. Jethro felt the challenge there and met it without bristling or giving in. “Sun Tzu,” Iron
s said softly.

  “Know yourself,” Sprite paraphrased just as Jethro noted his relief approach behind him.

  “Something like that Commander,” Irons replied. He tossed his head. “Commander, clear my schedule for a couple of hours. Come on Sergeant; let's have a chat with your suit. Along the way, maybe you can fill me in on what you know. I can't give you too much; the laws on this subject are specific and have harsh penalties. But I can... hopefully ease your mind a bit,” he said.

  Jethro nodded. He turned to the other marine nearby. “I relieve you,” the corporal said.

  “I stand relieved. No issues to report.”

  “Understood. Good luck Sergeant,” the corporal said quietly.

  “We make our own.”


  As they walked to the armory, Jethro felt a ping. Cautiously he opened the channel.

  “It is a pleasure to see you again Sergeant,” Sprite said over the link. Her image hovered like a ghost in his field of view.

  “Mine as well ma'am. In a manner of speaking,” he said.

  The Admiral turned to glance his way and then snorted softly.

  “So, how have you been?” Sprite asked as they entered the lift.

  “Fine ma'am. I've had a few scares, but I'm fine.”

  “I heard about your rocket pack scare,” Sprite said, voicing her sympathy. “I am surprised you used it again,” she said.

  “What doesn't kill us makes us stronger ma'am,” Jethro replied. “And it wasn't the rocket pack that failed ma'am, it was the sled. I'm just glad it wasn't armed.”

  “True,” Sprite replied. “Did they ever get to the bottom of it?”

  “A series of failures ma'am. Postmortem said that there were several stuck and frozen valves in the fuel assembly. Ox was a bit embarrassed by it all. We live and learn,” he said.

  “A wise saying,” the AI replied. “So, how did you know your suit is a cadre suit?” she asked.

  “My ancestor Tobias. He left messages for his descendants and the clan.”

  “Really?” Sprite asked. She hesitated to search for them in his database. She felt Defender surge to prevent her access.

  “Do you mind?” She growled at the other AI.

  “Who... what is that?” Jethro said, stopping in his tracks. The Admiral turned, looking at him.

  “That would be Lieutenant Defender. Busy body. He's trying to block me from asking for access.”

  “Well ma'am, the files are on the Marine net for anyone to access,” Jethro said, now confused.

  “They are?” Sprite asked. She said, twisting his tail. She ran a search and found the file. “Damn! How did I miss that!” Again Defender blocked her from viewing the files.

  “They are?” the Admiral echoed.

  Jethro nodded, eyes wide. “Yes sir. Major Forth and the other officers showed an interest in the life lessons my ancestor had to offer so they asked for permission to distribute it. I agreed.”

  “I see,” Sprite said triumphantly. She turned a glare on Defender. “So, thousands of military personnel, and possibly civilians can gain access to this information but I can't? It seems the secret is out,” the AI said.

  The Admiral frowned thoughtfully.

  “It has been out for seven centuries ma'am,” Jethro said. “The cadre was an open secret even before the war. I know of several video shows about them and Seal Team Six. They even did a documentary on the Cadre.”

  “I see,” the Admiral said. “And you've seen it?”

  “No sir, but my ancestor Tobias McLintock did refer to it briefly. I searched for it but I couldn't find it.”

  “Ah,” the Admiral replied as the lift jerked softly to a halt. The doors opened. A group of crewmen went to enter but then stopped when they recognized the Admiral. Swiftly they stepped aside, making a hole as they straightened to attention and saluted.

  “Carry on,” the Admiral said, saluting as he walked past.

  “Recon, Cadre... it seems the classification is a bit of a paper tiger,” Sprite said with a grin in her voice.

  “Perhaps,” the Admiral said.

  “I'm scanning the files now,” Sprite said, brushing past Defender. The other AI hesitated. She copied the file and then scanned it. Slowly she whistled in awe.

  The Admiral winced. He knew Sprite was insatiable when it came to a secret. She like all smart AI loved to ferret them out. She had the programming to curtail it, but apparently that had been partially suborned by the release of the data.

  “Let's see the suit,” Irons said.

  “Aye sir, this way to the armory,” Jethro said with a nod.


  In the armory the Admiral nodded to Ox and Riley. Both Marines tried to get to their feet but he waved them back down. “As you were. Carry on even. Sergeant...” He paused as Sprite gave him an ID. “Riley. I need to see Sergeant McLintock's suit,” he said, motioning to Jethro.

  “Sergeant... oh, Jethro,” the human said, blinking. He looked over to the Admiral's shoulder to Jethro and then shrugged. “Sure. Do you want me to unpack it or just bring you the crate sir?”

  “Unpack it. And secure the fitting room. We'll be in there for a few hours,” the Admiral said, waving to the room.

  “Yes sir,” Riley replied as he nodded and punched up the orders. “It will be a minute or two. I put it in the back when she started getting buggy.”

  “No problem,” the Admiral said. He turned to Ox. “I'm glad to see a Tauren on board.”

  “Aye sir.”

  “Are you...”? Sprite fed him a brief bio. He nodded. “Ah, from Port a Prince. You have my sympathies Sergeant Ox.”

  “Thank you sir.”

  “Did anyone tell you I ran into some Taurens on Kiev 221? Some remained behind in Antigua,” the Admiral said.

  “Yes sir, I know. I met Gwen and Riff. Torg was unfortunately killed when we retook Prime,” Ox said.

  The Admiral sighed softly. “I'm sorry again son. War.”

  “I know,” Ox rumbled. “By all accounts he died a hero. He gave his life to save the others,” he said.

  “A good man. I remember him briefly. I wish now I'd had the chance to get to know him better,” the Admiral said. “I'm taking a force to Antigua, do you wish to return?”

  “No sir,” Ox said, indicating Jethro. “My place is here,” he said.

  “Very well,” the Admiral said, nodding as he looked at the panther. “I see you make good comrades. I'm glad.”

  “War brothers sir,” Ox said.



  When the armor was up Jethro followed the Admiral into the fitting compartment. “Shut the hatch Sergeant,” the Admiral ordered as he studied the suit. It was hanging in pieces from the various robotic arms in the room. There was a mechanical air of expectancy to the taboo. Also a smell of grease and hydraulics.

  Expert eyes studied the suit. “Recon I thought at first, but you are correct, it is a Cadre suit. Recon Cadre,” the Admiral said. He touched the back plate and then traced his fingers over the weld lines. “It looks like someone took the antimatter power pack out and replaced it with a micro fusion reactor. Any trouble running it?” he asked.

  “Now that you mention it, no sir. I thought that was because Firefly... excuse me sir, Commander Firefly,” Jethro said, looking up in apology. Firefly wasn't snippy about being talked about so he didn't respond. “Worked with private Veber, Ox, and Riley to get it sorted out.”

  “A lot of hands went into restoring it?” the Admiral asked, running his hands over the suit. Jethro felt odd, like data was moving, swimming around him.

  “Some sir. She was in a sorry state I'm afraid to say. My ancestors tried to use her and she seemingly fried. So they cannibalized her for parts over the years. She was little more than the reactor, shell, and main components when we got to her,” he said. He flicked his ears as the data solidified. He could now see it on his HUD.

  “Sir, the data
...” he asked.

  “I see it too,” Sprite said softly, to him alone.

  “No, it's not me. Your suit is reacting to my presence,” the Admiral replied. He paused with his hand on the breastplate. “It is the AI.”

  “AI sir?”

  “I think you know it has an AI right?”

  “Yes sir. We've established that. A nanite layer embedded in the armor. It can self repair the armor to a degree. It also linked to me.”

  “It brought the suit the rest of the way for you. And it's running the cloak and reactor. The AI forms the bridge between you and the suit, interpreting your actions for you. It hasn't spoken to you though?” he asked, turning his head to look at the panther.

  Jethro shook his head no. “Once sir, but most of the time I get... I don't know, feelings. Emotions that aren't my own. Mood swings sometimes.”

  The Admiral smiled. “Your body isn't quiet your own anymore young man. I know. It never was, you just never knew.”

  “I looked into synthetic biology. I know about the things growing inside me,” Jethro said. “I know they are computers.”

  “Organic computers,” Sprite said. “Fascinating,” she said, looking at the Admiral.

  Irons for his part merely nodded.

  “I'm guessing that the AI in the suit is interacting with the computers in me. When I jack in and suit up. I was getting urges to suit up a lot. And well,” he shifted uncomfortably. “To retake my ancestors surname,” he said.

  “I see,” the Admiral replied quietly. “Dreams?”

  “Sometimes sir. And well,” Jethro related the incident when the suit went rogue. The Admiral listened impassively.

  When the panther stopped he frowned and then sent a ping to the suit. It responded, but an echo came from the panther. Then he felt data stream from the suit to him. It was incoherent. But there was an underlying thing he felt, an emotion. Relief. Interest. Joy. That was dampened by an attentiveness.

  “The AI isn't so much in the suit alone. It is also in you. Had anyone else tried to use your suit it would have killed them or blown up.”

  “I... know now sir,” Jethro said.

  “The link. It is a symbiotic link between you and it's parts. When you are together and in synch you are as one. Nearly unstoppable,” the Admiral said.


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