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Wandering Engineer 6: Pirates Bane

Page 55

by Chris Hechtl

  “Carry on then,” Irons replied.


  Sprite had gone through the various logs Firefly had uploaded to her. The Admiral was still far too busy to read them in any depth, but he did take the time to scan her abstract. He skimmed the records of Pyrax, and uploaded orders and suggestions, as well as a copy of his own notes, log and tutorials he had made over the past three and a half years.

  He found that Pyrax had gotten intel of other raiding fleets from other intelligence sources including the raid on Antigua. That raid didn't surprise him, the outcome and the pirate numbers involved had however. Captain Mayweather had done an outstanding job, a near suicidal attack. But the ships, and the sudden escalation by the pirates worried him immensely.

  Clearly Horath had been busy. Something had to be done to stop them. Something soon. He was tempted to try a direct attack, but the distance involved, the lack of manpower, lack of intel, and the ships damage... no. It was best to hold up somewhere and rebuild, then forge the weapon properly.

  He nodded in passing as he made his way through the ship.

  Firefly had provided him with a report about some of their adventures, including the marine drop on Agnosta, and the capture of the pirates there. They have a forward supply and marine training base in Agnosta, and recruiting posts at Gaston and Seti Alpha 4 now. All three-satellite bases were growing steadily, and all three needed defending.

  “Antigua was quite different Admiral,” Firefly said as he entered the wardroom.

  “Now you're reading my mind Captain?” Irons asked dryly.

  “Excuse me?” the ship AI asked, momentarily confused. Sprite chuckled.

  “Never mind. You were saying,” he asked as he took a seat.

  “Admiral, Antigua has changed. They were hit, not as bad as what you've told us about Hidoshi and the other worlds, but bad enough. Thousands dead on the station and on the planet.”

  “I see,” the Admiral said softly.

  “They've turned over a new leaf. We've left them a lot of ships and a skeleton crew to grow around. I know Commander Logan, excuse me; Captain Logan was planning on sending a relief mission to send supplies and to recall Fuentes. I have a personal message from Governor Randall to you sir,” Captain Mayweather said, looking him in the eye. “He wants you back sir. He's apologizing for what he did, and is desperate for you to return.”

  “Desperate,” the Admiral said.

  “Sounds about right. You fought the enemy off. I'm surprised he's not blowing it over,” Sprite said.

  “He's changed Commander,” Mayweather said. “I didn't get a lot of time to talk with the man, but I did get a sense of him. He's cut from a different cloth than Walker. He's... I don't know, cleaner.”

  “I'll bet.”

  “Give them a chance Admiral, they may surprise you. This Randall sounded sincere, and at least he's not a snake like the one we've got in Pyrax.”


  Irons mused over that. Randall had been a pain in the ass when the Admiral had been there, but he had genuinely not wanted the Admiral to leave. He was technically the lesser of two political evils. His personally message from Randall with a formal apology had been nice.

  “What do you think? He's not as bad as Walker. I've read the reports the Captain filed about him,” Sprite said to the Admiral.

  “True, he's not Walker. And Antigua is different than Pyrax.”

  “From what intel we've got, Randall is the man. Or at least the best we've got Admiral. If we're going to have a chance in holding this together...”

  “All right,” the Admiral said nodding.

  “So, more running?” Sprite asked, sounding aggrieved and heartily tired. “You're not planning a frontal assault on Horath are you?” Irons shook his head. “Oh thank the spirits of space for small favors then,” the AI said sounding relieved.

  “I'm done running Sprite.” He frowned. “We are done running. It's time to stand and fight.”

  “So are we returning?” There was a note of excitement in the AI's voice. Almost glee.

  “In a manner of speaking. But not to Pyrax.”

  “Oh hell, another long jump Admiral? Are you serious? With these ships? They are barely held together with band-aids and bailing wire! Rigging tape still...” Irons held up a hand to halt the complaint.

  “No. Not there either. We're returning to the one place we have a hope of standing firm and actually beating the Horathian's at their own game. But we're going North by way of Kathy's World. I heard there is a Horathian ship in orbit there.”

  Captain Mayweather had picked up that little tidbit during the post battle interviews and computer interrogations. Her intel officer had picked up a partial memo of a ship that had been dispatched with extra soldiers to fulfill the task force's original objectives of taking Protodon and Kathy's World. The ship was a converted freighter, but there was no telling what havoc they could have unleashed on the supine ice planet.

  “We'll have to find out what is going on there, and if necessary, liberate them. Or not. We'll see.”

  “Antigua?” Sprite asked, sounding suspiciously excited.

  “Antigua it is,” he replied with a firm nod.

  “Hallelujah! About damn time,” she said with some satisfaction in her voice.

  “Don't rub it in Commander,” he growled.

  “Well, I would never say you were slow and pig headed... sir,” Sprite said with a malicious twinkle. He snorted. “But I am glad you finally came around.”

  “We'll see. First we've got to get there. And we've got some work here to do before hand.”

  “We are just outside Pyrax...” she suggested.


  “Just checking,” Sprite said, holding her virtual hands up. He shook his head.

  “What about Miss O'Neill?”

  “She'll understand,” Irons said quietly.

  “So, we're really doing this. Antigua,” Sprite said, testing it out. She sounded as if she didn't quite believe him.

  “Antigua,” Irons echoed. “And perhaps a visit into the past,” he said looking directly at her.

  Sprite looked uncomfortable for a long time. She had urged him to go there several times. Now that he was willing to pass that Rubicon she was no longer certain it was a good idea. Sometimes the past was left buried. There was no telling what they would find there, and the distraction could prove fatal in more ways than one. “What brought this change? The battle?”

  Irons pursed his lips and then shrugged. “It's time to put away ego. We've got a lot more at stake. I was just reminded of it. And well, this,” he waved a hand to the reports floating around him, “That just confirms it.”

  “If any of it is true,” Sprite replied.

  “I'm betting some of it is. Which means we've got to get our collective acts together and start working together. That means, among other things I need to pack my wounded pride and get with the program.”

  “Or we'll all hang separately,” Sprite replied with a moue.

  “Nothing concentrates people more than the threat of a hanging,” Irons quoted.

  “But the ships...”

  “Are going to need a lot of care, work, and training. We've got some time on our hands, months in transit. We'll put that to good use. And if you can get over your objections, I'd hope you could help with some AI crew as well.”

  “A mother, at my age,” Sprite teased, smiling coyly. “Again.”

  “You've got the hips for it,” he teased right back.

  Sprite's eyes widened fractionally before she chuckled. “Admiral, that's the first time I've heard you say something like that!”

  “Sorry,” he said.

  “Don't be. It's all good. I'm glad you are starting to get a handle on things.”

  “We need to get the ball rolling.”

  “That sounds suspiciously like a lot of work coming,” Sprite said warily.

  Irons chuckled. “You know me so well,” he said.


  The most damaged of the captured ships, and all the salvaged or left over scrap was intended to go to Pyrax. Irons stuffed each of the ships with material, including newly built fighters and fighter parts. They would serve to fill the flight decks on two of the orbital forts and one of the escort carriers that was currently mothballed. Horatio and the Yard could at least get the platforms out into space. They would lack a hyperdrive, but at least they would be mobile enough for defensive actions.

  The wounded Maine would lead the three destroyers, three corvettes, and one frigate to Antigua, with stops along the way to pick up the ships in Hidoshi's World and Richalu. Coming along with them would be six of the freighters, the two tankers, and the factory ship to Antigua. The liner stuffed with Horathian occupational soldiers was now a prison ship, with all their Horathian prisoners on board. A pair of marine squads watched over the four thousand nine hundred and fifty prisoners warily. They would take them to Pyrax and an internment camp.

  On second thought Xavier the other Arboth and most wounded tin can could return with Firefly, the Admiral thought. They had the yard to repair her and return her to service. That would leave Bounty and the Antelope rechristened the Mary Apple with the Maine.

  The Admiral split the surviving two frigates down the middle, one each. That would make everyone happy. And of course since they had less distance to go Firefly could take the most damaged one.

  Echo had been returned to service the night before. Sindri was still grumpy, but not quite up to the task of taking her through the jump on his own. He was tempted to task them to travel ahead to Richalu, but there were too many variables, too many unknowns between here and there. He didn't even know if Hoshi had actually stopped there, or if she had changed her mind and decided to run the Kathy's World gauntlet.

  He had briefly toyed with the idea of sending a ship to Bek, but it was far too dangerous. They were green crews, going into a very dangerous route... no. He'd figure something else out there, later.

  Once he was certain all the ships were ship shape and able to at least handle one jump the Admiral declared a day of rest. Ironically it was on the Founding day of the Federation. Sprite arranged to have a party.


  “Does this mean I'm losing you finally Commander?” Mayweather asked, turning an inquiring eye to her exec. Word had gotten around about the promotions. There was an excited feel in the air, everyone wondered where lightening would strike next.

  “Not until Prometheus launches ma'am.” Newly promoted Commander Shelby Logan said, smiling. “I'm more of an engineer at heart ma'am. I think I can do well there.”

  “I think so too. And now that we've got a work around, let see if we can finally pull a Captain's chair out for you permanently." She smiled slightly. Her exec had been promoted to full commander and was going to skipper Xavier for the ride back to Pyrax. She would be greatly missed. Renee didn't like the holes in her crew, but she understood the need. She just hoped she got most of them back when they returned to Pyrax. "Getting this chain of command thing sorted out was going to be a headache. Wait until Vargess hears about this.” She grinned mischievously.

  “I forgot about that. And daddy,” Shelby grimaced. “I mean Captain Horatio Logan.”

  “Your father hasn't been entirely too comfortable with over all command. I think a change may be in order. For the good. Although my being in system command will make things interesting.” Firefly grimaced.

  “Aye aye... commodore,” Captain Mayweather said with a smile.

  “Yes, that is definitely going to take a bit of getting used to,” Firefly replied. The Captain chuckled.

  “I've received files from Commander Sprite. Most are encrypted for Captain Logan and the staff. We also have an all ships header to look for Kiev 221."

  "Yes, I remember from the dispatches. She's still overdue?"

  "Yes. She still hasn't arrived in Pyrax."

  "Ouch. Well, we may have to look into that. Firefly or another ship."

  The AI nodded.

  "Anything else?"

  "Yes, some file updates and I do have one personal message for a civilian.”

  “A civilian?”

  “I think I know who,” Commander Logan said, smiling coyishly. “Miss O’Neill if I don't miss my guess do I?” she asked, looking at the AI avatar.

  The AI nodded.

  “Thought so. Boy he has some explaining to do,” Shelby said, smiling slightly wider. Her eyes twinkled with mischief. “And come to think of it, she's going to be just a bit put out because we turned down her request to come along.”

  “She'll get over it,” the Captain growled. She poked Shelby. "I believe you have a ride to catch Captain Logan."

  Shelby blinked and then nodded. "By your leave then Captain?" she asked with a smile.

  "Go on, get out of here. Get Xavier sorted out, we've got a long ride ahead of us."

  "Aye aye ma'am." She turned and nodded to the AI. "Sir."

  "My compliments Captain," the AI said, with a return nod. "Smooth sailing."

  "Aye sir," Shelby replied, saluting the AI, and then the Captain. They returned the salutes and then she about faced and walked out of the compartment. Renee just caught the small smirk on her former exec's face.

  "Think she'll do okay?"

  "She'll do just fine ma'am. It's past time to push her out of the nest," Firefly responded.

  "Yes well, that does open up a bit of a hole in our chain of command though," she shook her head. Ensign Tr'j'ck her JTO was off on the prisoner liner, acting as her Captain. Ensign Sampson her senior communications officer was off on one of the frigates, as was Ensign Rator'll her sensor officer. She was a bit concerned about that Veraxin, he was still a bit jittery and hadn't quite settled down enough in her opinion. Hopefully his time in the hot seat will mature him. Chief Chowler was on one of the freighters. Manning bridge watches was going to be fun for the midshipman and ratings, she'd have to keep a close eye on them. At least she still had Janice and guns by her side.


  The morning of their separating ways, the Admiral had a few last minute chores to finish up. So, while some of the crew nursed hangovers or grumbled over the engineers’ insistence on one last series of checks, he called a meeting of senior officers.

  “I'll try to keep this short,” the Admiral, said, turning to the captains. “Mayweather and Firefly, when you get back to Pyrax and if Commander Vargess returns while you are there, hold a promotions board for him.”

  Both captains nodded. “With Logan on file as a Captain you have the minimum three to do so. Once you have I want you four to go through the rank and file and correct any long overdue promotions. Fill the vacancies in the command staff if Horatio hasn't already done so for one.”

  “Easier said than done. The best candidates for the jobs refuse to do it. And we've had one case of seniority in a... alien being and his body’s limits has caused issues with us.”

  “Joy,” the Admiral replied. “Do your best to handle it without stepping on toes, but if you must you must. But fill in the gaps first.”

  “Aye sir,” Captain Mayweather replied. She glanced at Shelby. The other woman shrugged slightly.

  “Firefly, Sprite has found the updated regulations in her travels regarding key transfer. Apparently during the later stages of the war the rump legislature recognized the problem and tried to address it. We now have a partial fix, a firmware update for Horatio.

  Commander Sprite and I have recorded the firmware updates to Horatio. His MOS is as an engineer, so he will have engineering implant codes. We have uploaded them to you in an encrypted file. When he comes on board, you are to have him jack in and receive the firmware update. It should take. It isn't the entire update, but it is enough to get the ball rolling until we can meet up physically and I can finish the key install.”

  “Aye sir,” Firefly responded. Mayweather nodded slightly, doodling with her finger
s. “I see the files,” the AI said cautiously.

  “Don't touch them,” Sprite warned. “Don't even do a virus scan or they will self destruct.”

  “Understood. I've handled classified data before Commander,” Firefly responded.

  Irons nodded. “With the firmware update, the keys you three have, plus what you now have in storage or under construction, you should be able to finish the smaller ships. At least get them space worthy. That should thicken the defenses in Pyrax nicely,” he said.

  Again the AI and human Captain nodded.

  “I've taken the liberty of queuing up all the replicators and your machine shop. Those include the machinery in the armory. I believe sergeant Riley had a conniption until he realized just what I was up to,” the Admiral said.

  “And just what were you up to sir? If I may dare ask?” Commander Logan replied. “Tucking away some goodies I hope?”

  “In a way,” the Admiral replied. “I've got equipment currently under construction, as Firefly well knows. It is draining your fuel, so I arranged for you to be topped off before you head out. I left my gas refinery in Beta 100, so it should be full by now, we'll pick it up and drain her on our way through that system.”


  “The armory is churning out frames and parts you couldn't before. Enough to outfit a platoon. The other fabricators and machine shops are making weapon, computer, and hyperdrive components. I've got enough backlogged in the cue for you to build things your entire trip back. That is until you run out of room or materials. So I strongly suggest you also make room and take on as much materials as you can. Stuff them in crew quarters and in companionways if you have to. Unload what you can to other ships. There is a list,” he pushed a tablet to the center of the table.

  Commander Logan whistled as she touched the tablet with her index finger and the file uploaded to her.

  “Do not, and I mean do not,” the Admiral said sternly, getting their attention. He held up one warning finger. “Under no circumstances should you interrupt it. Do not interrupt the queue. It's on a set pattern, once you do it won't reset it will wipe the codes. So, if it isn't important, it had better wait,” he said.

  “Aye sir,” Firefly replied.


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