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Schooling Their Racy Teacher [Racy Nights 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 2

by Tara Rose

But this was getting uncomfortable, so Ava decided to answer his question. Maybe if she did, these two would back off each other. She wanted to hate him on sight because it was obvious that something about him bothered Kari, but she couldn’t. He had charisma, and she felt compelled to keep him here, even though it was clear now his mission hadn’t been one of a friendly Racy resident welcoming a new member to the community.

  A horrible thought occurred to her. Was she drawn to him because he reminded her of the few good things in Leo? She hoped not. The last thing she needed was a rebound romance.

  “I have been talking to them. The principals of the schools, that is.” That did it. He finally broke eye contact with Kari and turned his full attention toward her. “But I also know the budget in this state isn’t exactly overflowing with money.”

  “Well, that’s good to know.” He seemed a bit off-balance now, and she resisted the urge to smile. Had he expected her to deny it? “Because I’ve been fighting to keep track and field as part of the sports programs for a long time now, and—”

  “And you’d hate to see some newbie come along and sway the school board to funnel money into the struggling music program, in favor of a sport.” He looked annoyed that she’d cut him off, but she didn’t care. She didn’t need a lecture on budgets. “I get it, okay? I was part of an orchestra in Chicago that had to fight for every dime, even to put on free programs in schools. I know what it’s like. But I also know what music can do for a child’s mind. I know how it can improve their school performance, even if all they get is a chance to listen to it.”

  She planted her feet when his gaze turned intense and challenging. The corners of his mouth lifted slightly. She wasn’t sure if he was mocking her or impressed by what she’d just said, but she wasn’t about to be intimidated by this gorgeous man. She’d let that happen with Leo, and the results had been disastrous. She hadn’t moved here and started a business to have it happen all over again.

  “And I think it was rude of you to come here for the purpose of lecturing me, or to check up on what I have or have not been saying to people in the school system.”

  “Would you rather I have made assumptions on my own, then, without asking you face-to-face?” His voice sounded soft, but it held the same tone she’d heard in Leo’s voice when he was trying to control his emotions about something. Ava swallowed hard. This man wasn’t Leo. She had to get a grip on her memories.

  “Look, I’m not here to run you or anyone else out of a job. I’m here because I like this town, and because I have something new to offer it.”

  He frowned slightly, cut his gaze toward Kari for a second, then turned his attention back to her with a curious look. “I didn’t realize you were so familiar with our charming little town.”

  “I’ve been living here for a month.”

  Kari jumped in. “Ava and I met when I lived in Manhattan and we’ve kept in touch since then.”

  Jake nodded slowly. “I see. In that case, I owe you both an apology. I didn’t realize you two knew each other so well. I also didn’t mean to come stomping in here like gangbusters. I care about the kids in this town, but it appears you care about children and their education as well.” He extended his hand again, but Ava merely stared at it. “Do you forgive me? Can we start over?”

  Oh, he was a charmer all right. And she was being sucked right in. He flashed a grin that made her pussy wet in the short space of time it took her to shake his hand again, then pull it away as though he’d burned her.

  Shit. She was in deep trouble here.

  Chapter Two

  Jake wished Kari weren’t in the shop with them because all he could seem to think about was kissing this stunning woman standing in front of him. Her loved her hair color. It was like nutmeg or cinnamon. She wore it just past her shoulders in a loose bob that he thought complemented her face shape perfectly. Her eyes were hazel, more green than gold. Or, that could have been the soft lighting in here.

  But it was the emotion in those eyes that held him captive. To say she sent mixed signals was an understatement. Her glances vacillated between wariness and barely-concealed lust with a speed that made him dizzy. She’d been here a month? Why hadn’t he known that? And why hadn’t he known that she and Kari had met years ago?

  “Of course I forgive you.” Her voice no longer had the edge to it. Now it came out all soft and breathy, and images of listening to it in a candlelit room floated through his mind. He was grateful he hadn’t taken off his coat because his dick was now rock hard. Good grief. Hold it together, man.

  “Good. So let’s start over. Welcome to Racy.” She almost smiled, and Jake bit the inside of his cheek as his dick began to twitch. He had to find a way to get Kari out of here so he could talk to this woman and find out more about her.

  “Thank you. That’s a much better start.” She glanced around the shop. “I’d give you a tour, but this is it. No merchandise yet.” She pointed toward an alcove where a comfortable-looking sofa and two matching armchairs were grouped in the center. “I plan to make that both a reading alcove and the area where hardback books are sold. Everything from history to composition. And I hope to turn the rooms upstairs into studios for lessons or practice.”

  He cut his gaze toward the staircase. “Are you living up there now?” When Kari had moved back home to Racy last October, she and Alexa had lived on the second floor of Tye Me Up while they were renovating the house.

  “No. I bought a condo on Turbine Trail from Evan Rydell. Do you know him?”

  “Of course.” He looked away from the sharp glance Kari threw his way. Was Ava in the lifestyle, too? Did she even know that Kari was?

  Ava watched Kari carefully. What was that about? “I suppose I could have lived here like you did when you first moved back home. I hadn’t really considered that until just now.”

  Kari shook her head and smiled. “Be glad you didn’t. It wasn’t fun for us. Alexa and I asked ourselves every day for months why we’d chosen to live in a house that was being renovated.”

  “She still lives there, right?”

  “Yes, with Luke and Chase.”

  Luke Rodriguez and Chase Taylor were Alexa’s Doms, but did Ava know that? He studied her face carefully. There was no surprise or shock on it. She must know then, but that still didn’t mean she was in the lifestyle.

  “You’ll be close to your shop then,” he said. “Turbine Trail is only a few minutes away.”

  This time, she did smile, and his heart gave a strange lurch. “Yes, that’s one of the reasons I bought the condo.”

  “I wish I could have talked Noah and Adison into buying it,” said Kari. “But Noah didn’t want to have to sell his like Adison did. I don’t like being all the way across town. I worry about Alexa being here alone so much because Luke is always at his bar and Chase works way more than eight hours a day.”

  Kari lived on Honey Locust Lane with her two Doms, Noah Wells and Adison Kincaid, in a condo that Noah owned, two doors down from his parents’ home. Once again, he watched Ava’s face, but it was obvious she already knew who Noah and Adison were. He was more than curious now about who she was, and where she’d come from.

  How and where had these two met in New York City? Kari had been with her ex-Dom for nine years, and from what he’d heard, she’d never gone anywhere without him. That meant they must have met at a social function, like a party. A play party, perhaps? Or a munch? Or, maybe he’d jumped to rather broad conclusions and they’d met at Bloomingdale’s.

  “But now that all these shops are going up, she won’t be so isolated here,” said Ava. “Chase told me they expect to have them all completed by June or July.”

  Kari nodded. “That’s what he told me, too. I’m so glad they built them. It’ll mean more business for all of us.”

  Both women glanced at him as if they’d suddenly remembered he was still there. Jake wanted to talk to Ava a bit longer, but he no longer had an excuse for being here. If he hadn’t been such an ass as soon as h
e’d walked in the door, he might have been able to wait until Kari left, but not now. The silence in the shop became uncomfortable. He’d have to figure out another way to get Ava alone so he could find out more about her. He was about to say his good-byes, but Kari beat him to the punch.

  “I have to get back. We’re really busy today.” She gave Ava a quick hug. “Call me later. Can you come for dinner? Adison is making his famous goulash.”

  “Oh, lucky you,” said Jake, without even thinking first. “That stuff is to die for.” Once again, he wished he’d kept his big mouth shut. Kari gave him a long, hard stare, but this time she didn’t look angry with him. She almost looked like she was trying to make up her mind about something.

  “Want me to ask Noah and Adison if they’d mind you coming over for dinner as well?”

  Jake stared at her, convinced he’d just hallucinated. “Ah, okay. Sure. I’d love to.”

  “Okay. Plan on it, then. I’m sure they won’t mind.”

  It was time to get out of here before he made a complete ass of himself. He was so confused right now that he couldn’t even think straight. He turned his attention toward Ava, who also looked a bit confused, but not unhappy. He couldn’t blame her. He’d known Kari all his life and right now he was completely baffled about her change of attitude during the past few minutes. “I’ll see you later, then. I look forward to getting to know you better.”

  “I’m looking forward to that as well.”

  Jake turned, opened the door, and resisted the urge to run down the front stairs. He could feel them both watching him, but he didn’t dare turn around. For a man who had been a Dom since turning twenty-one, he’d just come unhinged by a sub and a musician. What the fuck was wrong with him? He risked one glance as he pulled away from the curb, and nearly ran off the road as he spotted them both standing at the front window, watching him.

  Dinner tonight was either going to be the most fun he’d had in a long time, or the most embarrassing.

  * * * *

  “Well, that was interesting.”

  Ava laughed at the tone in Kari’s voice. “All right. I’m thoroughly confused here. What the hell is going on behind the scenes with you two? When he first got here, it seemed like you barely tolerated him. But then you invited him to dinner, right after you invited me. You’re not trying to play matchmaker, are you?”

  Kari’s spontaneous laugh sent relief coursing through Ava’s body. “No. Definitely not. Jake is…complicated. I don’t know why I invited him. Something in his eyes when he apologized to you. And the fact that I’ve rarely heard him apologize, as well, I guess. Do you want me to call him and tell him we’ll have him over another night instead? I don’t want this to be uncomfortable for you.”

  “No, that’s all right.” She was more than intrigued by Jake Malloy. “Just tell me he’s not a total asshole.”

  “He’s not. He’s just very alpha. Very sure of himself and a bit arrogant at times. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.” Kari put up both hands “Don’t misunderstand me. I have nothing against people from rich families. Maddox’s family is very wealthy, but Maddox doesn’t strut around town with the need to let his presence be known by all.”

  Maddox McCree operated a BDSM club in his home, but Ava hadn’t been there yet. Only Kari, Alexa, and their respective Doms knew that she was in the lifestyle, and she wanted to keep it that way for now. “And Jake’s family is rich, too?” That wouldn’t bother her and Kari should know that. Ava’s family was rolling in money.

  “You know those miles of wind turbines along the interstate? Notus owns and operates them, as well as other wind farms around the country. Jake’s family owns Notus.”

  “Holy shit.”

  Kari laughed. “Yeah. He teaches English and coaches track because he wants to, not because he has to”

  Ava had to ask. Kari might not tell her, but she had to ask. “Is Jake a Dom as well, then? He seems to know everyone you mentioned.”

  Kari licked her lips. A sure sign she was nervous. “Not my place to tell.”

  “Why did you say that was an interesting statement, coming from him, when he made that remark about wanting to keep everything open and upfront?”

  “Also not my place to tell.”

  “Are you going to answer any of my questions about him?”

  “Not right now.” Kari opened the front door. “I really do have to get back. See you at six for dinner, okay?”

  Ava watched her bound down the stairs. “You are playing matchmaker,” she called. “I know you are. You’re not that subtle, you know.”

  Kari waved with one hand as she sprinted down the street. Ava didn’t need to see her face to know she’d guessed right, but she was still confused by what had just happened. And to find out that Jake’s family were those Malloys had been totally unexpected. But still, he couldn’t be all bad. He didn’t need to work, and yet he’d stood here and given an impassioned speech about kids and sports in schools.

  And she knew without Kari admitting it that he was a Dom. He had to be. That voice, the look in his eyes, his aura…they all gave him away. She could spot them, every time. She was drawn to them, but unfortunately that also meant she was prone to having her heart broken by the less-than-scrupulous ones.

  “Only one. Leo.” Her whisper echoed in the shop, sending shivers up and down her spine. It was time to go home and practice. When she played her cello, she cast aside all her fears and worries, and there was only the smell of the wood, the feel of the bow gliding across the strings, and the music that filled her soul.

  Chapter Three

  Gary Reed stretched, then took another sip of his coffee. Why did Maddox have to have these meetings so damn early in the morning? The man never slept. He glanced at Sean Brennan and Chad Bristol, two of the three detectives on the Racy police force. Neither of them looked like they’d slept last night, and he knew at least one of them had been on duty all night, but they didn’t look bored or tired.

  Gary took another sip of coffee and tried to mentally shake the cobwebs from his brain. If Sean and Chad could do this on a Saturday morning after working all night, he certainly could do it after sleeping four hours. And he didn’t have a noble excuse for being so tired. He hadn’t been up all night working like Sean and Chad probably had been. He’d been up late last night watching movies on cable, and pounding out cadences with his drumsticks on the coffee table. What an exciting life he led.

  “So we’re agreed then?” asked Maddox. “We’re going to start with munches once a month, and one to three classes a quarter, depending on everyone’s schedule. Right?”

  “Sounds good to me,” said Gary. Maddox had been trying to get the regular Doms at his club to help him put together classes for a long time. One thing after another had stopped them all from planning those and the munches, but finally they were on their way to making this a reality.

  Sean glanced at Gary. “You still okay with teaching bondage safety and letting me or Noah teach the flogging?”

  “Sure. I’ll teach anything you need me to. Are we opening the classes to everyone?”

  “Only if they’ve come to a munch first,” said Maddox. “I don’t want Dennis Connor making trouble for anyone who wants to attend, and I don’t want any friends of Paul Wakefield showing up uninvited. I want to know who is sitting in on these classes, the same as I want to know who is playing or watching inside the club.”

  Everyone groaned at the mention of both names. Dennis Connor was the only councilperson left who opposed the club and the kinksters in town, but he wasn’t going anywhere soon. His term had expired last year but he’d still been reelected, despite all the trouble in city government the town had seen. But they had a layer of protection now that Zach Kincaid, another Dom at Maddox’s club, had easily been elected mayor.

  Paul Wakefield was a paramedic who worked with Trent Rohan, another Dom, and who continually gave Trent shit about his lifestyle choice during their shifts together. Paul and several
members of the church he attended showed up on Birch Lane in front of Maddox’s house several times a year to march up and down the street, holding up signs protesting the club. No one took them seriously, but it bothered Maddox that they did it at all. He was always worried that the protests would escalate one day, and someone would get hurt.

  “Okay,” said Maddox, jotting down notes on a legal pad. “I’ll contact the others who didn’t show this morning and make sure this schedule is all right with them, and then I’ll send out an e-mail with the finalized schedule and who is teaching what. Let’s plan to have the first munch in two weeks, on—”

  His words were cut off as Jake Malloy strolled in. “Sorry I’m late.”

  “It’s okay. We were just finishing up. I’m sending out an e-mail with the finalized schedule as soon as I contact the few who couldn’t come this morning. The first munch will be on Friday, March 14, right here. We’re asking for RSVPs because I don’t want any surprises.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Jake nodded toward Gary and raised his eyebrows, so after everyone started to get up and make small talk in the room, Gary wandered over toward Jake. “What’s going on?”

  “You will be very interested to hear this. You know the shop on Lawnview that’s finally finished? The one without a sign and that we’ve all been wondering about? The rumors are true. It is a music store.”

  “And because the budget meeting is in one week, you’re freaked about that, right?”

  Jake frowned and shook his head. “No. This has nothing to do with that. I’m talking about the shop owner. She’s a very pretty woman with the unlikely name of Ava Harmony. She plans to open in a month. It turns out she and Kari met in New York City, and have kept in touch all these years.”

  Gary grinned. “Is that her real last name?”

  “I didn’t ask.”

  “Is she from New York?”

  “No clue. Her speech doesn’t sound like it. Sounds like she’s from the Midwest. But I didn’t have a chance to ask her too much. Kari was a bit peeved that I turned up.”


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