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Schooling Their Racy Teacher [Racy Nights 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Tara Rose

  “Oh, I don’t know. I’d have to give that a lot of thought.”

  “Please do. It would be one way to turn your experience into a positive that would possibly help others avoid the same pitfalls.”

  She squeezed his hands tighter, wondering what sort of magic he possessed. He’d just taken the worst years of her life and turned them into something positive. No one had ever helped her see the silver lining in all this. Then again, no one else knew the entire story. She hadn’t even told Kari about Leo letting his friends watch.

  “Thank you, Gary. I’m glad you asked me out to dinner tonight.”

  “So am I. And I’m really looking forward to Friday night.”

  “Me, too.”

  “But what shall we do with the rest of this evening? It’s too early to end it.”

  The question hung in the air, so palpable that Ava swore she could reach out and touch it. What indeed? She knew he probably had to get up in the morning and teach class, but she didn’t want their evening to end yet.

  He let go of her hands as Emma brought the check over, then he picked it up and rose. “I’ll take care of this.”

  “Do you have a drum set at home?” She had no idea why she’d asked it. It had simply popped into her head, much the same way a difficult piece of music would finally click in her brain, even when she’d been working on it for weeks or months. It just materialized, making perfect sense, in one perfect moment of clarity.

  He grinned. “I sure do. You want to see it?”

  She rose. “Yes. And I’d love to hear you play.”

  Chapter Seven

  Gary paid the check, conscious of Ava’s perfume as she stood next to him. He could hardly think right now. Between the need to discover who Leo actually was, finding him, and beating the shit out of him for doing that to her, and looking into Ava’s eyes for the past forty-five minutes, he was out of mind with both the need to avenge her, and the desire to kiss her into oblivion.

  They stepped outside, shivering against the bitter cold. “I guess you’re used to this weather.”

  “To tell the truth, it wasn’t this cold in Boston, but it’s pretty much the same here as in Chicago.”

  They stopped next to his car, and when she gazed up into his eyes, Gary felt dizzy for a second or two. This charming woman had totally captivated him. He had no idea what this evening would bring, but he was ready to embrace it.

  He didn’t think about it this time. He merely pulled her into a gentle embrace and kissed her. At first he thought it had been the wrong thing to do, because her body stiffened, but then she moaned softly in the back of her throat and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He pulled her closer, teasing her lips with his tongue, and was rewarded with her mouth parting just enough that he was able to get his tongue inside.

  She was so warm, and it felt so good to hold her. Gary never wanted to let go. He moved his tongue and lips over hers, wishing he could wipe out the painful memories of Leo, and wishing she hadn’t yet met Jake. He wanted Ava all to himself.

  He pulled away and cupped her face. The expression in her eyes was full of lust, mixed with just the tiniest bit of trepidation. “I’m not going to apologize for kissing you. But I want you to know that I would never, ever do anything to hurt you. Never. I’m not like that. No Dom in this town is, including Jake.” It was true. Jake would never hurt her either, and it was important that he acknowledge that to her.

  “I know,” she whispered. “I’m just…so many emotions are swirling around in my head right now.”

  “Please tell me you didn’t hate the kiss. Tell me I have a chance with you.”

  She laughed softly. “Oh, no. I loved the kiss. You have a chance. You definitely have a chance. But I need time. If I rush this—”

  Her words were cut short when a group of people walked past them, talking loudly. Gary stared into her eyes again after the group passed, but the spell was broken. He opened the passenger door of his car and once she’d slid inside, and he’d entered the driver’s side, he started the engine. Turning to face her, he made a snap decision.

  “Let’s save the drum set for another time. I don’t think I can handle you being in my condo tonight without kissing you again. And if I kiss you again, I won’t want to stop there. I’d want to make love to you. And as much as I want to do that, it’s not what you need right now. You just went through something traumatic and painful. You need to heal from that first.”

  She blinked a few times, as though she wasn’t quite sure he’d actually said the words. “Chivalry isn’t dead after all.” Her voice was soft and filled with awe.

  Gary wasn’t sure about chivalry, but he knew that if he was alone with her tonight, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself, and that was the very last thing she needed right now. She’d just told him the worst example he’d ever heard of a Dom abusing his power over a young, star-struck, inexperienced sub. She didn’t need another reason to believe that yet one more man had taken advantage of her vulnerability.

  He cupped her face again. “Please don’t misinterpret what I’m saying. I am very attracted to you. But I think what you need for a while is space, time, and friendship, above all else.”

  She gazed into his eyes for so long that he actually grew uncomfortable. When she finally spoke, her voice was filled with awe once again. “Where have you been hiding all my life? Thank you, Gary. This means the world to me. And please don’t misunderstand me, either. I’m very attracted to you as well, but you’re right. The last thing I need is a rebound physical relationship. Thank you for understanding that.”

  He nodded because he didn’t trust his voice right now, and he let go of her face because the urge to kiss her again was very strong.

  As he made his way toward Lawnview Drive where she’d left her car parked in front of Harmony Music, he tried to focus on Friday night. It would be perfect. They’d be with friends, in a controlled environment, and he could get to know her better without anything that might have happened tonight hanging over their heads, making either one feel awkward or as though they’d rushed into something.

  He walked her to her car and kissed her on the cheek because he was barely hanging on, and then waited until she drove away before heading for his lonely townhouse on Oak Street. By the time he pulled into his garage, Gary had made up his mind about two things.

  He was going to find out Leo’s real name, and he wasn’t going to give up Ava to Jake without a fight.

  It had been too long since he’d met anyone who excited him the way she did. And he’d never met a woman with whom he had so much in common. He wasn’t going to simply let that go.

  When she’d told him the story of what that pig had done to her, something inside him had snapped, as if he’d been waiting his entire life for that moment. Finally, there was something important that he could do for another human being. The fact that she also happened to be a beautiful, vibrant woman was only icing on the cake.

  * * * *

  On Thursday, Ava went through the motions of putting away stock. Around noon, she ordered another two sofas, several chairs, tables, and lamps for the upstairs hallway. She’d meant to do that earlier and now realized she’d better get going on making the shop ready because April seventh was only four and a half weeks away.

  Once she’d taken care of that, she walked into the upstairs tower room. She loved Gary’s idea of turning it into a drum studio. When the house was built, she’d had them use soundproof board on the walls and in the floors, so that would help with the noise. She glanced around, imagining drum sets on display and one in the center. Yes. She liked it. It would work.

  Ava’s hand went to her mouth as she recalled the details of last night, after their dinner at Nan’s Place. She hadn’t been able to get his kiss out of her mind. It was the most erotic, yet also the most passionate kiss she’d ever had.

  She hadn’t believed that Doms like Gary existed, but he was real. And he’d told her that Jake would never hurt her, either. She’d
needed to know that, because there was no point in denying that she was attracted to both of them. She wanted to get to know them each better. Much better.

  But was it possible for her to have a relationship with either man? Could she push away the past and forget what Leo had done to her? Gary knew now, and he’d still kissed her and told her that he wanted a relationship with her. Would Jake feel the same way, once he knew the truth?

  She had to tell him. She understood that now. It had been wrong to keep it from everyone, including her parents. She’d been so embarrassed and humiliated, but that only gave Leo the power he craved. She hadn’t spoken to Leo or looked into his eyes for almost six months, and he still wielded power over her. No more. This was over. She wouldn’t give him that control any longer.

  She hadn’t meant to tell anyone that story, but now she was glad she had. She’d woken up this morning with a feeling of peace and lightheartness that she hadn’t had in a very long time. As if the simple act of finally telling this story had opened up all the possibilities of her life that she’d missed.

  Her cell phone rang, startling her a bit. It was Jake. Talk about coincidence.

  “Good morning. I hope I haven’t caught you still in bed.”

  She smiled at the warm, sultry tone in his voice, and a shiver ran up and down her spine at his words. “No, I’m in the shop, putting away stock.”

  “Great. I have a free period, so I called because I was hoping to entice you to have dinner with me tomorrow night.”

  “Oh…I can’t. I mean, I have plans already. Kari invited me over for pizza and movie night.” She hesitated a split second before telling him the rest of the evening’s plans. It was suddenly vitally important to her that everything be out in the open with both men. “And she invited Gary as well.”

  “Ah, I see.”

  He sounded disappointed, and Ava had a sudden idea that she hoped was the right one. “Why don’t you come, too? I’m sure they won’t mind. Alexa, Chase, and Luke will be there, as well. I’ll call Kari and let her know.”

  “Ah, that’s nice of you. Thank you. But what about Gary? Won’t he mind?”

  “You know him better than I do.”

  She swore she heard Jake chuckle softly. “I’ll tell you what. I’ll talk to Gary myself. That way you aren’t placed in an awkward position. Any idea what movies they’re watching? Just so you know, they usually pick things from the thirties, forties, and fifties.”

  “Really? How fun. I love old movies.”

  He laughed, and the warm sound washed over Ava, bringing with it renewed hope. “Oh no. Not another one. I’m outnumbered in this town.”

  “Why do you say that? What kind of movies do you prefer?”

  “I’m a closet James Bond fan.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. Maybe I’ll suggest we compromise and watch one of those as well?”

  “Good luck with that idea. Alexa hates them. She says they’re misogynistic.”

  “Well, they are.”

  He laughed again. “I know, but consider when they were made.”

  “All right. I’ll give you that. Movies, like music, are best appreciated when the period in which they were written is taken into account.”

  “Exactly. See? I knew you’d understand.”

  This time, she laughed. “Why do I get the feeling I’ve just been bamboozled?”

  “Because you have. I’ll talk to Gary, and you work in an invite for me from Kari. I can’t wait to see you again, Ava.”

  A thrill coursed through her body at the honesty in his voice. “I can’t wait to see you again, either.”

  Ava walked down the street and told Kari about the phone call she’d just had from Jake, and then she gave her the short version of dinner last evening with Gary. She didn’t tell Kari the rest of the story about Leo. That would have to wait for a more private time.

  “I’m fine with having both of them over, as long as you are.”

  “I think it’ll be fun.”

  “Okay. But he’s right, you know. Alexa will never let us watch a James Bond movie.”

  “Then he’ll just have to deal with that.”

  Kari laughed. “Okay, then. I’ll let the rest of them know that all three of you will be here tomorrow.” She gave Ava a curious glance. “Are you comfortable with this? I mean really?”

  “Is there something about either man I should know now?”

  “No, not at all. Jake was a perfect gentleman Saturday night. I have to admit that. And it sounds like you had a wonderful time with Gary.”

  “Then I’m ready to see where this goes.”

  “Okay. Then consider me on board.”

  Ava hummed softly to herself the remainder of the day as she worked in her shop, feeling as though she’d finally begun the journey toward putting her years with Leo behind her. This was all going to work out. She was sure of it.

  Chapter Eight

  Thursday afternoon, as soon as Jake finished teaching his last class, he found Gary in the parking lot of Northeast Middle School and asked if they could speak in private. Jake followed Gary to his condo, and once they were inside, he decided it was pointless to waste words, so he simply told him about his earlier phone conversation with Ava. As predicted, Gary looked disappointed and a bit angry.

  “Why are you trying to weasel your way in with her? You’re not interested in dating her. You want to keep an eye on her because she’s a threat to your coaching position.”

  Jake averted his gaze. That might have been true at first, but not now. Still, he understood that no one would believe him if he denied it. Especially not Gary. Not in the face of all Jake had said in the past whenever the topic of finding money for music or arts in the schools came up. But he had to try.

  “And that wind chime. What was that all about? Do you think she’s naïve enough to fall for something like that?”

  Jake made eye contact and studied Gary’s face. In a matter of seconds it struck him how far under Gary’s skin Ava had already crawled. This was crazy. They were both taken with her. What the fuck were they going to do? “I drove to Indianapolis on business. I do that once in a while, you know.” That wasn’t a lie.

  Notus leased office space in a building downtown that housed some of their IT staff, and Jake had gone there to drop off a proposed update on one of Notus’s websites that his second cousin, Ian Malloy, had sent him from Colorado to look over first. It had been done by a friend of a friend of Ian’s, and he’d wanted a second opinion from inside the family before it was sent through the proper channels.

  “And you just happened to find that unique item while you were there. Right.”

  “No. I found it online first. And I thought Ava would like it, so since I had to be in Indy anyway, I killed two birds with one stone.”

  “You drove to Indy on a Saturday on business.”

  “Not everyone in corporate America works Monday through Friday. Our IT staff works around the clock.”

  Gary looked less skeptical, but the anger still hadn’t left his eyes. “So what do we do about this? Both of us want to get to know her better. How do we handle it?”

  “Can’t we let her decide that? She’s an adult.” A look of pain and indecision crossed Gary’s face, and the hair on the back of Jake’s neck prickled. What was that about? “All right. Spill it. What do you know?”

  “I can’t tell you that.”

  “What? Why not?” What had Ava told him that was so secretive? And why had she told him?

  “Because it’s not my story to tell.”

  “Is it about Ava? About her past?”

  “Yes, and yes.”

  “You’re seriously not going to tell me what she told you.”

  Gary looked at him as if he were a petulant child. Jake’s hand curled into a fist at his side. “Let me ask you something. If Ava were your sub and she’d shared something personal and painful with you, would you turn around and tell anyone else about it without first asking her if she minded you doi
ng that?”

  “She’s not your sub, Gary.”

  “I know she’s not, but my point is still valid. If she wants to share this story with you, that’s her place to do so. Not mine.”

  “Why did she tell you?”

  Gary threw up his hands in a gesture of frustration. “How the hell do I know? We were in Nan’s Place. It’s not like I was having a cozy, private moment with her. It just came spilling out when I started asking about how she ended up here, after going to school in Boston.”

  Jake leaned back against the sofa and crossed one ankle over the opposite knee. He was somewhat mollified by the fact that their dinner date had been at Nan’s. Greasy tables and cracked plastic booths weren’t the same as the embroidered chair seats and linen napkins they’d find at Gino’s.

  And he guessed it had been an impromptu dinner, at that. At least whatever was going on between them hadn’t gone that far, yet. But he still wanted to know what was so painful in her past. That was important, if he had even a slim chance with her. “So what do we do about tomorrow night? Obviously neither of us is going to back out, and she wants us both there.”

  “We go. Both of us.”

  “And do what? Fight like schoolboys over her? I’m sure Kari and Alexa would be thrilled to watch that.”

  “Do you really think the two of us can’t act like mature adults for one evening?”

  “No. I mean no, I don’t think that. Yes, I believe we can act that way for one night.”

  “Then that’s all we have to do, Jake. Just get through the evening.” Gary walked toward him, his hand extended, and Jake rose to shake it. “Can we agree on that? We don’t act like assholes, we don’t try to one-up each other, and we don’t let the conversation resemble the teenage angst we hear in the halls every day. We act like adults. Like the Doms we’re trying to show her we are. The last thing she needs is to watch a couple of Doms in whom she is interested acting like kids.”

  “I agree. Okay. We’ll do this.” Jake let go of Gary’s hand. “But then what?”


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