Four's A Crowd

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Four's A Crowd Page 4

by Lexi Archer

  More than that, though, she sounded intrigued. She sounded like the thought of Rick getting all hot and bothered over her was something that she might actually enjoy.

  In short she was acting like the thought was interesting. And fuck was it hot that she was actually thinking about it. Actually considering it.

  I could see the wheels turning. I wondered if it was something that would actually appeal to her. All night long I’d been telling myself there was no chance she was going to go along with something like that. There’s no way she’d ever let herself be seduced by the great womanizer.

  Now I was starting to really wonder though. Maybe she really was thinking about it. Maybe there was a chance she’d go through with it.

  She turned and locked eyes with me. Those eyes were pure sex. Clearly whatever she thought about this, whether or not she was pissed off at him for talking about her like that, there was also some interest there.

  “And what do you think about all this?” she asked, a smile coming to her face.

  I couldn’t deny how I felt about it. And not even because there was something that was keeping me from denying how I felt about it. No, she had her hand resting directly on the world’s best lie detector when it came to admitting to the world just how aroused I was by this whole thing.

  There was no lying with how hard my cock was. There was no getting over how sexy this whole scenario was. There was no hiding the way my cock twitched in her hand as she obviously considered the thought of getting with another man.

  In short it was one of those situations where there was no going back. There was no way of getting out of this. There was no way she couldn’t know how turned on I was.


  “I mean the guy is an asshole for talking about you like that and…”

  She squeezed my cock. It was a subtle squeeze, but it was there. Her way of telling me she wasn’t buying my bullshit. She wasn’t going to let me get away with lying to her.

  We’d known each other for far too long to do that to each other. I sighed.

  “I’d be lying if I said the idea didn’t intrigue me just a little,” I said.

  Her eyes went wide at that. Clearly she’d been expecting that answer but she was also taken a little off guard by the way I just admitted it to her like that.

  I shrugged, a sheepish grin crossing my face. “What can I say? The thought of him going after you, knowing that he could have any girl but the one he wants is the one he can’t have. There’s something hot about that.”

  “I have a hard time believing he’s really interested in me like that,” she finally said. “He had to be pulling your chain or something. There has to be something going on there.”

  “Not at all,” I said. “Trust me. I’ve seen what Rick looks like when he’s interested in a girl and he had that look last night.”

  Chelsey sighed. Looked out the window on the other side of our room. Not that it was a very interesting view. Just the side of the other apartment building where they’d helpfully put another window so we could see right into the other apartment from our bedroom if we didn’t have the blinds closed.

  We had to have those blinds closed a lot, but for some reason they weren’t right now.

  “This is crazy,” she whispered. “I mean, it’s not like we’d ever do anything like that, right?”

  She laughed just a little to let me know just how crazy that idea was. Only there was something about that laugh that made it seem like she maybe didn’t think it was as crazy as she was letting on. There was something about that laugh that said her heart maybe wasn’t in it. That maybe she was considering this.

  “I don’t know,” I said. “I mean you are engaged. It’s not like he’s never gone after a girl who was taken before.”

  “He’s gone after girls who were engaged?” she asked, surprise plain in her voice.

  “He’s gone after married women before and pulled it off,” I said.

  Her eyebrows shot up so fast it was a wonder they didn’t break through the force of gravity and go into orbit. “You’re kidding. He’s really done that?”

  “Yup,” I said. “He’s seduced and destroyed with a couple of married women over the years. You wouldn’t believe some of the adventures he’s had. Which is why when he suddenly started talking about you there was this worry that started.”

  “You really think I’d do something like that to you?” she asked.

  I locked eyes with her. Now seemed like a moment for some truth if there ever was one. After all, it’s not like I could keep lying about something like this. Not when she had her hand on my cock and she could feel just how turned on I was by all of this.

  “I was hoping you might do something like that to me, as fucked up and crazy as that sounds now that I’m sitting here saying it.”



  I stared around the room. A room I'd been in countless times before. The apartment where we'd had so many get-togethers.

  One of the nice things about this city was it was pretty affordable to get a nice apartment at a decent price. In this case it was more a house than an actual apartment, but still.

  The house belonged to Eric and John, and Eric walked out and raised his beer in a salute when he saw me glance in his direction.

  I raised my glass in salute right back at him. After all, this was just a normal party. The kind of party we had all the time. Nothing was out of the ordinary here. There was nothing different about tonight compared to other nights.

  Rick walked in from the kitchen with a pretty blonde girl on his arm. She looked a little younger. Maybe a freshman or a sophomore.

  One of the nice things about the house parties on campus was people could go out and drink regardless of their age. As long as the cops didn't show up to ruin the fun, that is.

  I took another drink. That was one nice thing about being at a house party. There was plenty of alcohol on offer.

  On a night like tonight I really needed some booze. Like I really needed that booze. More than I'd ever needed it before.

  I realized that the sip I'd intended to take was rapidly turning into a hell of a chug. I shook myself.

  Not what I needed right now. I forced myself to put the drink down on a coffee table that was so covered in rings from countless other parties that nobody bothered with the coasters that were set in the center in a triumph of optimism over reality on the part of Eric who owned the place.

  "How's it going man?" Rick asked.

  "Fine," I said.

  "Chelsey is looking pretty good tonight," he said.

  And there we were. Right down to it.

  Chelsey could dress to kill when she wanted to. It was just one of those things about her. She had the kind of looks, the kind of body, that would look incredible no matter what she wore. I always liked to joke that she could wear a plastic garbage bag and she would make it look like she was a model going down a runway.

  But that meant she had a secret superpower. A power I loved. When she really wanted to look nice, when she wanted to dress herself up, she could make herself look like one of those runway models I was talking about.

  In short, she was nothing short of amazing tonight. She was a walking wet dream. She was the kind of girl who'd make other girls think about taking a walk on the wild side, if just for one night.

  She was a college hottie. A beautiful young woman in the flower of her youth, and she walked around with the confidence and poise of a woman who knew she could have any man she wanted. Hell, any woman she wanted.

  Now there was a cock hardening thought if there’d ever been one. The thought of her with a woman was something that had occurred to me from time to time. What man hadn’t thought of his girl like that?

  But that was something for another night. Right now I was thinking about what she was going to do tonight.

  More particularly I thought about Rick standing in front of me with that cocky grin on his face.

  There’d been a part of me tha
t wondered if he might forget about that conversation.

  But that cocky grin was there now. The same grin he had plastered across his face whenever he was working on a new conquest. That’s what he liked to call them. Conquests.

  And it was clear from the way he looked at me that he thought my future wife was another one of his conquests. The thought had my cock rock hard rather than leaving me pissed off like I should’ve been.

  I hated this. I loved it. I wasn’t sure what to make of any of this. It was all so fucking crazy. It was all so fucking confusing.

  Maybe most confusing of all was Chelsey’s reaction to the whole thing. Was the way she seemed to actually be getting off on this.

  As though to punctuate that she walked into the room. She paused for a moment and looked at the pretty blonde girl on Rick’s arm. There was no denying the girl was hot, but there was also no denying she was absolutely nothing in comparison to my fiancée.

  They eyed one another like a couple of strange cats being introduced for the first time. Their tails would have been swishing, but of course we were evolved hairless monkeys so there were no tales to swish. Still, the glare that passed between them was electric.

  Rick seemed to take it as a matter of course that a couple of incredibly sexy women would be staring at each other like they were in competition over him. But he also looked over to me.

  There was a look that seemed to say “See? What did I tell you?” in his eyes as he looked at me. As though I should have admitted long ago that there was always going to be a chance Chelsey was into him.

  I hated it. I loved it. I didn’t know what to do about this. I’d already set events into motion that were very much going to do something about this and it was too late to take that back.

  “How are you doing Rick?” she asked. “Did you decide to do some babysitting tonight or something?”

  I would’ve choked on my drink if I’d been taking one at that moment. I didn’t trust myself after that chugging, though, so I was just sitting back.

  Still. Shots fired. Damn.

  “What the fuck do you…”

  The girl was stopped at a pat on the arm from Rick. The smile never left his face. No, if anything it looked like he was even more pleased with himself now that Chelsey was actively being hostile towards the woman he brought with him.

  She was a woman, even if she was a couple of years younger than most of the other people at the house party. It’s not like it would be the first time he’d brought a younger girl to these things, even if “younger” was defined as only a couple years younger than the rest of us.

  Besides, I had a feeling he knew exactly what he was doing tonight by bringing a younger woman around. Everyone in our group knew how much of a hangup Chelsey had when it came to being in competition with younger women. Even if they were only a few years younger.

  “What got into you tonight Chelsey?” Rick asked.

  She looked at him and smiled. Then she looked down at me and that smile only grew wider. Yeah, she knew exactly what she was doing.

  It was something we’d talked about, after all, but talking about her doing it and seeing her doing it were very different things. The fantasy was way fucking different from the reality.

  I hadn’t been prepared for this roiling sensation boiling inside me. I hadn’t been prepared for all of these strange jealous feelings. Jealousy mixing with arousal. Jealousy mixing with lust. Jealousy mixing with…

  I don’t know. It was difficult to describe. The point I’m trying to get at is this was a maelstrom of emotion moving through me, and while fantasizing made me think I’d be turned on by watching her getting a little naughty with another man, but now that I was seeing it happen the emotions hitting me were a hell of a lot more complex and intense than anything I ever would’ve anticipated.

  I took a deep breath. Let it out in a shuddering gasp. Forced myself to count down from ten to try and calm myself the fuck down.

  I wasn’t sure if I did a very good job of it, but whatever.

  “What can I say?” she said. “I’m feeling a little frisky tonight.”

  The new girl, the hot blonde, opened her mouth as though she was going to say something, but Rick grabbed her by the arm and gave it a squeeze.

  That shut her right up.

  I shook my head. I didn’t know how he did it. I wouldn’t dream of treating a woman like that, and yet there he was practically commanding her by squeezing her arm and she was going along with it.

  It made no sense. Maybe it was that he looked the way he looked. That he had women falling all over themselves to get with him. Maybe you needed to be a dick coupled with good looks to pull it off.

  Chelsey was certainly looking at him like she was seeing a challenge in front of her rather than an asshole. Of course he was a bit of a challenge for her. Once we let that genie out of the bottle there was no going back. I had to trust her to know what she was doing.

  This was her show, though. We’d made that absolutely crystal clear when we started this whole thing. When we’d talked it out.

  It was the sort of conversation that I never thought I would actually have with my fiancée, but here we were. And here we were tonight.

  Chelsey walked past, but she reached out and brushed a hand against Rick’s stomach as she walked past. That was good for getting the other girl to open her eyes a little wider.

  I guess she didn’t like the idea of my fiancée getting up close and personal with the guy she was supposed to be with tonight. And clearly from the way Rick was looking at Chelsey it was as though the other girl was nearly forgotten.

  No, not almost forgotten. In that brief moment as he stared after my fiancee his girl was completely and totally forgotten. There was no other girl in the room but my girl.

  My girl who I was throwing to the wolves tonight.


  The other girl obviously didn’t care for that. She sniffed and stuck her nose up.

  I’d seen that reaction from other girls to Chelsey before, of course. Occupational hazard of having a girlfriend as hot as she was. A fiancée as hot as she was. We’d been engaged for almost six months now and it was still difficult to think of her in those terms sometimes. I could only imagine what it was going to be like when she eventually became my wife.

  And right now I was watching my future wife sashaying her way out of the living room. I took another drink.

  What else could I do? I was watching my girl deliberately trying to entice my friend right in front of me, and from the look he gave me he was enjoying every fucking moment of it. I wondered if he was really so much of an asshole that he thought he was pulling one over on me.

  I have to admit that Rick had never been my favorite person in our friend group, but he was always cool enough. But there were still moments when he drove me crazy. Like now.

  The other guys put up with him because he was always good about bringing hot girls around. Hot girls who tended to be friends with other hot girls which meant the pickings were always pretty nice when he managed to pull a group of said hot girls.

  I wasn’t sure what the correct wording for a group of hot college girls was. A drunk of hot college girls? A stumble of hot college girls? Whatever.

  He always brought the girls, and that gave him some leeway with the guys who weren’t in permanent relationships.

  Except for the one time when he managed to pull a group of girls to a party and then he ended up in a massive group orgy with all of them. There’d been no wealth shared that night, that was for damn sure.

  I zeroed in on Chelsey’s ass as she moved out of the room. God she was incredible. I was still as attracted to her today as the day we met.

  As she left the room she turned and gave me a wink. And then she looked to make sure Rick was still watching.

  Boy was he watching. He was so focused on her ass, on the hypnotic movement of her ass cheeks in those shorts, that he didn’t even look up to her face to see her wink.

at was good that he wasn’t paying attention. We wanted him to be the cocky asshole tonight. Sure he was probably going to be a guest player in one hell of a naughty fantasy, but in order for him to be that guest player in the naughty fantasy he had to think he was the one getting a leg up on both of us.

  “So are you just going to watch her and ignore me?” his date asked.

  He turned and smiled. I thought I could almost feel it like a physical blast from across the room as he turned up the charm. I was surprised at how quickly he could switch from leering at my fiancée to trying to reassure the girl on his arm.

  “You know I’d never ignore you,” he said.

  His eyes ran up and down her body and a blush came to her cheeks. Damn. This guy certainly had an effect on women. And it’s not like he was all that much better looking than the rest of us.

  I wondered what it was about him that had that effect on the ladies. It’s not like I was a slouch myself. Hell, I’d managed to pull a girl like Chelsey, after all. A woman who was easily acknowledged as the hottest woman in any room she walked into.

  So what was it about Rick that he was able to pull girl after girl like that? That he thought he could pull my girl too?

  Maybe that was a question that would get answered by the end of the night. Maybe not. Though as I thought about it the more I found myself hoping it was something that would be answered.

  “Come on,” Rick said. “I think we need to get out of here for a little while. Maybe get some fresh air.”

  It took me a moment to realize exactly what he was talking about. Get some fresh air. Because Chelsey had just walked out the front door to a screened in porch. It was a popular destination for people at these parties because it was the closest thing to some privacy in the house without going up to one of the more private rooms on the second floor.

  And it’s not like there were many people who went up to those private rooms, considering they belonged to Eric and John with a third room that had a pull out couch for people to crash on if they wanted to, but mostly it was just a storage room since they didn’t have a third roommate.


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