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Four's A Crowd

Page 6

by Lexi Archer

  But for now it seemed like he was happy enough to let his little gamble work. The look on his face said he could scarcely believe his little gamble had worked even if he was enjoying the fuck out of the show.

  I wondered if this was even something all that special for him, aside from the fact that he had Chelsey with him in addition to Ashley. How many threesomes had he been in before?

  The answer for me was a big fat zero. It’s not like it was for a lack of trying on my part, but it was just one of those things that had never happened for me. I bet it was something that happened all the time for this prick, though.

  That caused jealousy to flare deep inside me again. I wondered why I even let this asshole have this experience. Especially with my girl.

  I could stop it, of course. It would be simple enough. All I had to do was make it known that I was out here watching. That should have been more than enough for them to stop.

  Sure Chelsey might be pissed off that I stopped the fun, it looked like she was really getting into it, but would I really care? All that mattered was that I was putting a stop to this.

  But then the lower brain took over. The brain that was really calling the shots tonight. The brain that, to be perfectly honest, had been calling the shots ever since I first got that challenging look from Rick while we were out at the bar. The look that said he could have my girl if he wanted her and there was nothing I could do about it.

  And that look had been absolutely right. There was absolutely nothing I could do about it, though perhaps not for the reasons he’d thought that night.

  I couldn’t do anything about it because there was no way I was going to stop this from happening. There was no way I was going to interrupt this obsession.

  There was no way I wasn’t going to watch my sweet fiancée getting with another woman, even if I was watching from the other side of a screened in porch while she was making out with one of my friend’s girlfriends.

  No, not even a girlfriend. Just a piece on the side he’d brought for the night, and for some reason that made it that much hotter.

  The kissing was growing more intense while I was thinking about how hot it was watching my girl kissing another woman. I saw their mouths open to one another and I felt my breath catch.

  This was happening. This was really happening. He was getting everything he’d asked for. This girl was getting so turned on that she was going with it.

  I would expect that from Chelsey. After all, she had come out here tonight with the intention of having a little fun teasing Rick. We’d just talked about teasing Rick, but again I left it so open ended that it was hard to tell where she would let the teasing end.

  It looked like she was already taking it a hell of a lot farther than I’d imagined. I’d thought it would be something more along the lines of what she’d been doing in the living room. Chelsey walking around in her impossibly short shorts and her tight tank top and driving everyone in the room wild, but paying particular attention to Rick.

  I didn’t think it would go this far.

  The kissing was getting more intense. And now I was waiting for the moment when this Ashley girl would be the one pulling away. When she would decide she’d had enough.

  It occurred to me that a girl who obviously disliked my fiancée wouldn’t be all that happy about being forced to make out with a girl that she obviously loathed. Maybe she was just going along with this to get Rick’s attention. Maybe she was hoping she could make out with Chelsey long enough to make him happy, and then he’d kick her out so they could have their fun.

  If that’s what she was thinking, then she obviously knew nothing about the way guy’s minds worked. But as she melded down into my fiancée’s body it became clear that no, she was just drunk enough and just horny enough that she was starting to get into this.

  Of course she wasn’t just doing this to turn Rick on. Maybe that’s where it had started, but it sure as hell wasn’t where it was going to end. Those were just the crazy thoughts running through my mind. My brain reaching out for something, anything, that might put an end to this crazy but oh so sexy scenario because I wasn’t man enough to stand up and put an end to it myself.

  I was too turned on stand up and put an end to it myself, if I’m being perfectly honest.

  Again it didn’t take long for me to get proved wrong. Ashley moved a hand down and pressed it between Chelsey’s legs. Chelsey’s eyes went wide at that, but she didn’t exactly seem like she was upset that this girl was feeling her up. Ashley’s other hand moved up to Chelsey’s breast and she started kneading it.

  I wondered if this would be going too far for Chelsey. Again, there were all those times she’d said she wasn’t interested in being with a woman because she was with me, but from the way she was reacting, from the way her head threw back and she opened her mouth and let out a quiet little gasp that I knew meant she was getting into this, it would appear that the key part of that phrase had always been that she didn’t want to do something like that because she was in a relationship and not necessarily because she didn’t want to do something with a woman.

  I almost couldn’t stand it. My cock was rock hard as I watched. It was two beautiful angels, two model perfect women, two college beauties in the prime of their youth and the prime of their beauty, enjoying each other as only another woman can.

  Don’t get me wrong. I always figured I did a pretty good job of keeping my girlfriend, fiancée, happy in the bedroom. It’s just that in this case it was obvious Ashley knew exactly what to do. It was as though she was going on autopilot, doing everything she liked and it was working for Chelsey as well.

  Ashley turned to look at Rick. There was a challenge in her eyes. As though she was daring him to say something. As though she was wondering if he was going to try and stop her. Or maybe she wanted to see if he was getting turned on.

  As soon as she looked over at him he made it pretty fucking obvious just how turned on he was. He started rubbing his cock and her eyes moved down to that hard spot between his legs. She licked her lips.

  Yeah, she was enjoying this. I couldn’t tell whether it was because she enjoyed what she was doing with my fiancée, because of the reaction she was getting from Rick, or if it was simply because the whole thing was hot.

  Either way, I was certainly enjoying the Fuck out of the situation!

  Ashley turned back to Chelsea. Cocked an eyebrow.

  “Do you like that?” she asked.

  Her voice was so low that I almost couldn’t hear her. I was straining to hear every word, though. I wanted to know everything that was happening in there. I wanted to hear everything.

  Chelsey didn’t respond in words. She simply let out a quiet moan that was all Ashley needed to hear. Her hands deftly worked at the front of Chelsey’s pants and it was clear Chelsey had gone from being the one who was doing the seducing and the teasing in this naughty little scenario to merely being the object of desire.

  Not that my future wife was any stranger to being an object of desire. No, anytime she walked into a room she had people looking at her. Staring. Men and women alike.

  It just so happened that this time around the one who’d been staring at her, more with jealousy than with desire at first though it was clear that desire was very quickly winning out, was actually getting somewhere with her where in the past no one, guy or girl alike, had gotten this far.

  It was definitely a change. I hadn’t expected things would take this turn, but I also had to admit that I fucking loved that things had taken this strange return!

  And Chelsey seemed like she was starting to really get into it as well. She reached up and grabbed at the knot that was holding Ashley’s halter top in place. A halter top that plunged down dangerously low exposing a good chunk of her breasts on the top and that barely went down to above her belly button down below showing off her toned, tanned, and oh so flat stomach.

  A touch of jealousy lanced through me, and it had nothing to do with the jealousy of watching m
y girl getting with someone else.

  Okay, so maybe that was a little bit of a lie. Maybe it had everything to do with the jealousy of watching my girl getting with another girl, but maybe at the same time it also had to do with the jealousy of knowing that Rick was getting two of these beauties at the same time and here I was standing on the other side of the screened in porch watching everything but not getting to participate.

  It would have been so fucking hot to be in the middle of those two beauties. It would have been so incredible to get to enjoy both of them.

  But even Rick wasn’t getting to enjoy them yet. No, it was just the two of them and they were off in their own little world where all they really needed to be happy was the touch of another woman.

  The knot holding Ashley’s halter top in place came loose. It fell down, but stopped just short of exposing her breasts. I fought the urge to bite back a curse.

  I wanted that to fall down all the way, and it looked like Chelsey felt the same way. Because she reached up and yanked it down, and the sight that greeted me when she did was amazing.

  I’d always been a fan of a good old-fashioned titty drop. That glorious moment when a girl pulls her shirt down and gravity takes over for just a moment, but only just a moment, and then the firmness of their breasts causes them to bounce back up in a hypnotic jiggle.

  It was dark on the porch, but not so dark that I couldn’t see that incredible moment. And this girl was hot. So fucking hot. Maybe close to the equal of Chelsey, but of course Chelsey had the advantage because she was my fiancée. The woman I loved. The woman I was going to marry.

  That would give her an edge over even the most beautiful woman in the world, even if she wasn’t already pretty high on that list of the most beautiful women in the world as far as I was concerned.

  And as far as everybody else who got a good look at her was concerned, if the reactions she got were anything to go by.

  “Oh fuck,” Ashley moaned as Chelsey pulled her down. Licked her nipple.

  Chelsey was hesitant at first. As though she wasn’t quite sure if she was even doing this. As though she was having trouble believing that she was actually lying back on a couch we’d sat on countless times before at parties, and instead of making out with me, something we’d done on a few occasions, she was sucking on some girl’s breasts.

  But it didn’t take long for that disbelief to give way to pure lust. And it was so hot watching her pulling this Ashley girl down towards her. Watching their toned bodies coming together. Enjoying the sight of my fiancée pulling one of Ashley’s tits, not too big and not too small, maybe a perfect B edging into a C cup which looked bigger on her because of her athletic frame, into her mouth.

  Chelsey sucked on this girls tits like she was a starving woman and this was the first meal she’d had in ages. It was clear that she was enjoying the ever loving fuck out of every moment she was taking from this girl.

  It was silent for a long moment. The only sound was that of my fiancée sucking on another woman’s breasts.

  Then everything changed again. Ashley slipped her hand inside Chelsey’s panties, and it was clear from the way Chelsey reacted, from the way her body bucked as though she’d touched a live wire, that Ashley’s hands were doing something for her!

  I stared at the slowly moving bulge where Ashley’s hand was moving rhythmically and imagined what was going on in there. Another woman’s fingers were invading my fiancée’s most precious treasure. I’d imagined another man doing that tonight, but now that I was watching this woman doing it I have to admit it was doing something for me!

  I mean what wasn’t hot about two beautiful women making love to one another the way only two beautiful women could? It was the kind of sight that every man hopes for, but not every man is lucky enough to get to experience, and I figured I was a hell of a lucky man tonight that I got to enjoy watching these two beauties in the prime of their life giving each other this pleasure.

  And it looked like the show was only going to get more interesting. Chelsey raised her ass up just a little bit to give Ashley better access and Rick finally got involved.

  It was enough to make me think he’d been involved in a threesome situation like this before. Because the way he moved in and started pulling down on her shorts while Ashley didn’t miss a beat made me wonder if this was something that was maybe scripted between the two of them.

  What if he’d been playing us even as we were trying to play him? What if he brought this Ashley girl tonight entirely because he wanted her to have a good time with Chelsey and he wanted to make sure Chelsey ended up with a girl who was going to show her that good time?

  Basically there were all sorts of questions running through my head. Questions I couldn’t quite answer. Questions I didn’t care about, because honestly why would I care in this moment?

  My future wife was lying back on a couch with another girl’s fingers buried deep inside her. Next to that pretty much any other question ceased to be all that important to me. No, all I cared about was watching the show.

  And it was a hell of a show. No sooner had Rick finished pulling Chelsey’s pants down than he moved over to the door leading into the house. And he finally did what I figured he should’ve done a long time ago and flicked the lock. The deadbolt clicked shut with a sense of finality, and he even pulled the blinds over the door shut.

  It was well known among everybody at the house that if the blinds were shut then nobody should come in and bother whoever was out there, but it looked like Rick wasn’t in the mood to take any chances today.

  Not that I could blame him considering the one hell of a show he was getting treated to!

  Then he really surprised me. He walked right over to my spot where I was hiding. I felt fear seize at my chest and wondered if he could possibly know that I was out here. It didn’t seem possible that he’d be able to figure that out, but then he looked down at me and grinned.

  He got down on his knees so that his face was even with mine.

  “Want to come in here and really enjoy the show?” he asked. “Or are you going to hang out on the other side of the screen all night long pretending we can’t see you?”

  I licked my lips. Okay then. I guess I hadn’t been nearly as sneaky as I thought I was being. I guess I should’ve ben a little better about trying to hide what I was doing.

  Or maybe he knew what was going on this entire time and decided he was finally going to be done with it.

  Whatever it was,I knew an invitation I was going to accept when I heard it. I needed to be in there seeing what was happening up close and personal because I was loving the fuck out of this.

  I didn’t hesitate for more than the space of the breath it took for all those thoughts to run through my head. Then I smiled. Nodded.

  “Yeah, that sounds like a pretty good idea,” I said.

  “Right on man,” Rick said, and again he hit me with one of those looks. The sort of look that said he knew this was going to happen. The sort of look that said he could have my fiancee whenever he wanted to and he knew it, and the only reason he was inviting me along to enjoy the show was because he was just that nice a guy.

  I sighed. I knew what my place was in all of this. I didn’t have to like it, but I knew that place. And the real bitch of it was even if there was some part of me that didn’t like it, more than anything I couldn’t silence that rock hard part of me that loved every minute of this!


  Four’s A Crowd

  I couldn’t believe this. I couldn’t fucking believe this. It was actually happening. I looked at Ashley’s perfect body with that sculpted ass and I couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like to look down at the curves of that perfectly sculpted ass while my cock was slamming home inside her.

  And then there was Chelsey. The girls hadn’t stopped the little show they were putting on just because someone else was joining in on the fun. No, Chelsey had her head back and she was tossing it from side to side and the only ackno
wledgement she gave me that she realized I was even in the room was her looking up at me and licking her lips before she closed her eyes and then they were right back to the fun they’d been having.

  Fuck. I shivered. My cock throbbed. I stared at the two beauties having so much fun with each other and it was all I could do to keep from coming right there.

  It was the kind of sight that made you want to come right away. It was the kind of sight that was going to be with me for all my life. It was the kind of sight that made me want to join in.

  I figured what the hell? So I walked forward and reached out, and I was about to touch Ashley when she looked up at me with a look that stopped me in my tracks.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” she asked.

  The tone caught me so off guard that I wasn’t sure what to do for a long moment. Was she serious? She didn’t want me touching her after everything she was doing with my girl?

  I felt a hand touch my shoulder. Gently pull me away from the two beauties. I turned and was surprised to see Rick standing there with an apologetic smile on his face.

  It was the kind of apologetic smile you get from someone who just took your seat and now they’re getting up to give you that seat back. The sort of apologetic smile that comes from someone who’s just forced you to endure a minor inconvenience of some sort.

  It wasn’t at all the sort of smile you’d expect from someone who was pulling you away from the threesome you’ve always dreamed of with your beautiful fiancee and another equally beautiful girl who was still fingering your fiancee.

  In short it caught me by surprise. But I let myself be pulled away from the parade of flesh on display in front of me.

  What else could I do? It’s not like I wanted to ruin the moment. I figured even if I wasn’t directly involved in what was going on with the two ladies I was getting a chance to watch, and that was more than most guys ever got to enjoy.


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