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Young, Allyson - Wishes (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 2

by Allyson Young

  “I’m not nervous, simply amused,” she answered. Shit, there was her lip again.

  “Amused,” he bit out. “Scornful? Contemptuous?”

  “No,” she answered. “I don’t care what others do if they consent and no one gets hurt. I just find the props and the pretend amusing.”

  She watched Graham visibly tamp his temper down. But he had asked, and she had answered. He said, “No one getting hurt would be a matter of opinion and personal choice, Ms. Johnson. You came to Pleasure. You knew the rules.”

  “I didn’t,” Kennedy protested. “It was a surprise, or else I wouldn’t have come.”

  “Not very forward thinking of you, Ms. Johnson. You’ll find out what happens when rules are broken.”

  * * * *

  Graham reached for his phone and called Patrick. “I’m dealing with our visitor tonight,” he advised. “Jordan will have to cover for me.”

  Patrick sounded incredulous. “She wants to do a scene with you?”

  “No. This is about her lack of manners.”

  “Graham, this is unlike you, buddy. Think twice. You could be starting something you can’t finish,” warned Patrick.

  Graham smiled darkly at Kennedy, who was looking pretty incredulous herself. “It’ll get finished for one of us.” He hung up on Patrick.

  Graham had barked out orders quickly in order to follow this intriguing woman in case she left the building before he could at least get close to her, even once. Alice had been barred for two weeks from the club and the Doms barred for one. The scene was cancelled, much to everyone’s chagrin, so they would police the three people involved as a reminder not to let it happen again. In addition, he had just given up the advantage. She would figure out he had checked on her and learned her name. He pressed onward.

  “Cite those rules now, buster,” Kennedy ordered.

  Graham stared at her for a moment, stalling for time while he mentally compiled something that sounded credible. He couldn’t believe her feistiness. He was used to women immediately recognizing his dominant status and accommodating him.

  He prevaricated smoothly, “Intolerance is in direct infringement of the rules for visitors. Our members pay a large fee to belong to this club and should be able to expect total acceptance. No telling how many people saw you run out of that room choking with laughter. You probably ruined the evening for some of them.”

  It seemed that Kennedy could hardly speak. “Are you nuts?” she managed to choke out. “You were probably the only person who noticed because you seem, well, you seem to notice everything. How did you know my name by the way?”

  Graham winced inwardly. She was quick, this lovely little woman. Smart, gorgeous, banging body, feisty, maybe late twenties. He hoped he read her correctly and that she would eventually relinquish control sexually, if only to give up some of her burden. He just knew she had been in charge all of her life without making that choice, and that she hadn’t begun to explore her full sexuality. There was something else about her, too, but well defended. He would need time to figure it out.

  “As you say, I notice everything, and when you were smirking during the tour, you stood out as a potential problem.” He loosely wove the truth. “I was not the only person who noticed your intolerance, and I’m sure your friends are feeling badly, too.”

  From the look on her face, Graham surmised that Kennedy had forgotten about her friends. He watched as she gathered up her bag and moved toward the door, and he changed his stance to block her way.

  “I decide when you leave and where you go, Ms. Johnson,” he informed her.

  It seemed Kennedy felt she had had enough. She shoved at him and tried to slip by. Graham spun her to face him and dropped his shoulder, pushing it into her belly. He straightened with her, wrapping his arm securely over her thighs, ignoring her shrieked threat. He stooped to pick up the purse she had dropped in her efforts, and she fell silent at his display of strength. He felt her abdominal muscles tighten and a shudder run through her. He hoped he was reading arousal. She then renewed her efforts, pounding on his back. Graham slapped her ass and she froze. It not only got her attention, it probably stung, and it may have reminded her that her dress was now up near her waist, exposing her panties.

  “Put me down right fucking now.” She nearly growled. “You might get away with this with your members, but I’m going to the police if you don’t let me go.”

  Graham laughed, pulling the door open and making his way with her down the hall. “And you’d tell them you went to an infamous sex club, a BDSM club, where someone, what? What do you think is going to happen, Ms. Johnson? And if you don’t clean up your mouth, it will add to your punishment.”

  Kennedy shut up and quit fighting.

  Graham knew that Kennedy was saving her strength for any opening he might give her. Like that would happen. He hadn’t thought this through, but she was his for the evening, maybe the night. He would play it by ear, unusual for him, but the challenge and this hot woman had him so hard he was actually uncomfortable. He had no doubt that she would be fucking him within the next hour or less and begging for it. He loved how she had entered into the spirit of things. He entered the code for the closest private room, flipped the occupied sign on, and kicked the door shut behind him. Without the code, no one could get in or out. He moved to the bed and dumped his furious package onto it. He crossed his arms and waited. Kennedy rolled and came off the bed on the opposite side to stand and face him. She said nothing, simply watched him after noting that he had tossed her purse onto a dresser as far away from the bed as was possible. Graham broke the silence first.

  “Remove your clothing,” he ordered.

  “In your dreams,” she answered.

  “If you don’t strip, I’ll do it for you, and you’ll have nothing but rags to wear home, Ms. Johnson. Your choice.”

  Kennedy gave a little negative shake of her head and simply waited.

  Graham fought a sense of elation. This little woman was going to make him work harder than he had ever worked for any female. He prowled toward her, prepared to make his move to seduce her, assuming she would try to cross the bed and get past him to the door. She simply stood and watched him get closer, never taking her eyes off of his. Graham was a bit confused but took advantage of his size and reached out to pull her to him, grasping a shoulder and hooking his fingers in the neckline of her dress. She moved easily into him, and for a moment, he was pleased with her submission until she dropped her shoulder and slipped away.

  Graham turned quickly and was able to catch his elusive prey. He managed to drag Kennedy flat against him, and she went limp. He wasn’t fooled this time. Someone had taught her some self-defense moves, and he needed to be prepared. He swiveled onto the bench at the foot of the bed and placed Kennedy across his lap, trapping her legs between his own and holding her shoulders down with the weight of one hand. Aside from her fast breathing, she made no sound, although she had to know what the position meant. Surely she knew the game, for she wasn’t protesting. Graham pulled the little skirt of her dress up to her waist and ran his hand over the curve of her buttocks, covered in lacy white briefs. She shivered under his touch but still said nothing. That wouldn’t do. Graham loved the little sounds women made when he disciplined them. It aroused him and let him know how the discipline was being received.

  “I’m going to paddle your fine ass, Ms. Johnson,” he told her, “and you will count for me. If you don’t count, I’ll keep at it until you do. You will receive ten smacks for your intolerance and another five for your resistance.”

  Graham pulled the scrap of lace down to Kennedy’s knees and noted the intake of her breath. Good, she was going to comply. He began to smack her buttocks, alternating, making sure he covered the whole surface of her bottom, but being careful to only pinken the skin. Kennedy’s skin was ivory and probably quite sensitive. He waited for her to count, but she did not, even when he reached the tenth smack and rubbed her buttocks all over to spread the stin
g and the warmth. Stubborn wench. He knew her bottom was stinging and hot, yet she gave no indication aside from a stiffening of her body and a clenching of her buttocks. Graham decided to up the ante and slid his fingers between her buttocks and down to her pussy. Before he could check for her arousal she bit him, nearly piercing his leathers, grinding away at the side of his calf.

  Graham shot to his feet, dislodging Kennedy’s teeth in the process, and struggled to hold her at arm’s length without releasing her. Her dress was still up around her waist, and he couldn’t miss the sable hair covering her mound. Her breasts heaved with her fury, and he nearly backed away at the depth of color in her eyes. They shone nearly golden with rage and something else. Could that be terror? Surely not. He was certain she was attracted to him, and he felt her need to submit. He couldn’t be that wrong considering his years of experience.

  “You leave me no choice but to restrain you,” he managed to advise her. “You will accept all of your punishment regardless of your resistance, and you have just added another ten.”

  “Fuck you, you asshole freak,” Kennedy finally broke her silence. “How dare you hit me? I am going to castrate you.”

  Graham managed not to smile. She was just a little thing, but she looked like an avenging fury and she just wouldn’t quit. He bet the spanking got her wet, and when he had tried to touch her, she hadn’t wanted him to know. He loved that she had such spirit, and he was lost in his desire for her. He pulled her closer and bent slightly to lift her onto the bed where the restraints awaited on all four corners.

  * * * *

  Kennedy literally saw red. She had thought she would rather take her chances, and maybe have the proof that someone had molested her. Providing the police with ruined clothes would back up her report of an assault. Kennedy turned her thoughts away from the circus that would ensue when she reported him, but she would do it. Maybe Mr. Hottie wasn’t as smart as he looked. And he wasn’t crazy either, just determined and controlled. Her life, at least, wasn’t at risk. She was then overwhelmed by too many conflicting emotions. The terror she buried deep was creeping out of its hole. She had been carried on his shoulder, told to strip, spanked until her bottom hurt, and now he was going to spank her some more. The perverted behavior had infected her. Her nipples were hard behind her molded bra and therefore not yet obvious to him, but she was hot and wet between her legs despite the warning messages her brain was sending. Her body liked the spanking. How could that be possible? If she thought she could just fuck this stud, then she would go all obedient on him, but she worried he would want and take far more than that. Far more than she was willing to give. She didn’t know how she was going to stop him, but she had to try and forget the fact that her traitorous pussy was aching for him to fill it. She really hadn’t minded the spanking, but if he restrained her, she would be helpless, and she knew she would regress and lose it. She was too ashamed to be part of that horror show, and he wasn’t going to listen to her explain, nor did she want to embarrass herself. She took a deep breath and counted on her thick hair to protect the top of her head.

  Kennedy slammed her head up and into Graham’s chin with all the force she could muster, and he sagged to the floor, knocked nearly unconscious, his arms falling away from Kennedy. Kennedy felt pretty woozy herself but was able to hitch her underwear up and stagger to the door, only to find that it required a code to exit. Pounding on the door confirmed the thickness of the panels. No one would hear her. She was so in trouble now. Memories overwhelmed her aching head, and she fought despair, unable to think clearly and differentiate. She had one last weapon and guessed she would go down fighting. If Graham Alexander diddled her, he would pay big time for the privilege, and she would find a way to fix him later if she could. Kennedy slipped her shoes off and held a stiletto in each hand. Anything not to fall back into being that victim she once had been.

  * * * *

  Graham pulled his torso up onto the bed and cradled his jaw. Christ Almighty, what had he gotten himself into? Submissive women loved having their control taken away so that they could enjoy all aspects of their sexuality without shame. Could he have really misjudged Kennedy Johnson that badly? And how nuts was the woman, anyhow? If some other creep really wanted to hurt her, rape her, even kill her, she could have sealed her fate with her physical outburst. She had fought to the best of her ability, but she was still locked in a room with him, and he would soon be recovered enough to deal with her if he was that kind of man. Except then he looked up and saw her circling with the business ends of her shoes in either hand. Graham knew she was going to clobber him with those heels, maybe put an eye out, and he nearly laughed at the fact that he had been brought to his knees by a little woman.

  “Uncle,” he croaked past a split lip.

  Kennedy froze. “What?” she asked.

  “I give, you win,” Graham answered her. “Zero, seven, six, one.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “That’s the code for the door.” Graham slumped back on the bed and got one leg up. He hoped she wouldn’t hurt him too much before she left.

  * * * *

  Kennedy rushed the door and entered the code, breathing a sigh of relief when the handle turned. She toed on her shoes and turned to grab her purse when she looked back at Graham. His lip was bleeding, and already she could see a knot forming on his chin. He looked a weird color to her and seemed unconscious. Her head hurt a lot, so maybe she had broken his jaw. Leaving the door wide open and setting her purse down for a quick exit, Kennedy went into the adjoining bathroom and soaked a washcloth in cold water and grabbed a towel. This might be a really stupid move, but she wasn’t afraid anymore. She hesitantly made her way over to Graham and carefully placed the cold cloth on his face, jumping back when he twitched. His eyes opened a fraction, and he studied her for a moment and then drifted off again. Kennedy mopped up the blood and then went back for another cold cloth. She fashioned a compress as best she could and knelt to tug his boots off, managing to lift his other leg onto the bed. She then propped a pillow behind his shoulder to keep his head turned sideways and pulled the coverlet loose to drift the one half of it over him. He was breathing, she had provided first aid, and he was conquered. Nothing left to do here. Kennedy left the room and found her way to the front door without a challenge. She had to walk nearly a block before she could flag a cab and resolutely refused to think about the evening. Madison and Alberta would soon learn that their new entertainment was not for her, and she absolutely wouldn’t examine her body’s response to that incredible but perverted man. At least she hadn’t degenerated into a screaming idiot.

  Chapter Two

  Graham scrunched his eyes against the pervasive overhead light.

  “Turn the fucking thing off,” he groaned.

  “What the fuck happened to you?” asked a familiar voice.

  “Kennedy Johnson,” he answered, without thinking.

  Patrick went absolutely motionless and silent, and then he dissolved into laughter. Loud, head-jarring, cruel laughter.

  “Fuck off,” Graham advised, struggling to a sitting position. He felt like he had gone ten rounds with a far bigger opponent than his little woman. Well, maybe not his. Yet. But then he had been trying not to hurt her, just restrain her and keep her from killing him. That had to count toward explaining why he was the one with the sore jaw and split lip. Not to mention the throbbing in his head and the probable bruises on his legs. At least his balls were intact.

  “C’mon for breakfast and tell me all about it,” Patrick offered. “I thought you’d taken her home until the cleaning staff said the room was still occupied. By you. Alone.”

  Graham staggered to the bathroom and used the facilities then threw cold water on his face and chest. He really didn’t want to see what he looked like but cautiously peered into the mirror. Not too bad. Kennedy had kept the swelling down by applying those cold cloths. What the hell was her skull made of anyhow? He didn’t think he had a glass jaw, but she nearly had hi
m down for the count. And the sight of her with those deadly stilettos. Graham shuddered, and his cock filled. Kennedy had no idea what she had unleashed.

  Patrick extricated the whole sorry tale over a huge, cholesterol-filled breakfast after swearing not to breathe a word to another soul. He obviously smothered more laughter, probably because Graham was having trouble chewing the bacon.

  “I thought she was going to kill me,” Graham confided.

  Patrick raised his eyebrows. “And I take it you aren’t finished with her?”

  Graham smiled around his split lip. “Not hardly. No playing fair the next time.”

  Patrick looked hard at him. “You aren’t going to hurt her,” he stated flatly.

  Graham reared back as if he’d been struck. “Of course not! But I’m wise to her moves now, and she still has another fifteen coming. I think she liked her spanking, Pat, and next time I’ll find out for sure.”

  Patrick smiled and devoted himself to finishing his meal. Between bites, he said, “I hooked up with Madison last night. She told me a little about Kennedy, and maybe you should talk to her first. I don’t think she’ll tell all Kennedy’s secrets, but she cares about her friend and will want only the best for her.”

  Graham shrugged. “I need to get her phone number and address, anyhow. And I’m a great believer in knowing my enemy.” He paused. “Want to tell me what’s up with you and Madison?”

  “I can’t explain it myself, Gray,” Patrick answered quietly. “She’s different somehow, and I want to date her, God help me.”

  “Whatever I can do, buddy, to help. If you need time off or whatever,” Graham offered. Patrick? Dating? Mr. I’ll train ’em and fuck ’em and pass them on. That Patrick?

  The two sat quietly, lost in their thoughts until the server came to clear the table.


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