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Fashionably Fanged: Book Eight, The Hot Damned Series

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by Robyn Peterman

  Fashionably Fanged

  Book Eight of The Hot Damned Series

  Robyn Peterman

  Visit Robyn’s Website



  Book Description

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25


  Note From The Author

  What’s Next In The HOT DAMNED Series?


  Excerpt: A Tale Of Two Witches

  Chapter 1

  by Donna McDonald

  Excerpt: Matchmaker Abduction

  Note From Robyn…

  Book Description

  Chapter 1

  Book Lists

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2017 by Robyn Peterman

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is coincidental.

  This book contains content that may not be suitable for young readers 17 and under.

  Cover by Rebecca Poole of dreams2media

  Edited by Meg Weglarz

  ISBN: 978-1-941377-18-5

  Created with Vellum

  Uproariously witty, deliciously provocative, and just plain fun! No one delivers side-splitting humor and mouth-watering sensuality like Robyn Peterman.

  This is entertainment at its absolute finest!

  ~ Darynda Jones, NY Times Bestselling Author of the Charley Davidson Series


  For Melissa. I’m so very lucky to have you in my life.


  This book was a blast to write. It took me on a wild ride. I knew Venus would get her story from the moment I created her in Book 1 of the Hot Damned Series. However, writing the story is only part of the journey to getting a book published. There are many people to thank and I’m a lucky girl to have such a talented and wonderful support system.

  Rebecca Poole—your covers are brilliant as are you. Thank you.

  Meg Weglarz—your editing always makes me look better than I am. We are both WONTON women. LOL Thank you.

  Donna McDonald and JM Madden—a gal couldn’t ask for tougher, brilliant and more awesome critique partners. Thank you.

  Kris and Donna—your insight into my technical needs for this book ROCKED! I’m a slight disaster on the computer… You saved me big time! LOL Thank you.

  Wanda and Melissa—you are the best-est beta readers in the world. The journey this time was extremely helpful and a ton of fun. Thank you.

  Wanda—you rock hard. Thank you.

  My family—none of this would be worth it without you. Thank you for being mine. I adore you.

  Book Description

  I have to trap the most evil, worst bad dude in existence without actually turning him to ash. So, what’s a Vampyre to do?

  For starters, enter an undead beauty pageant—in Oklahoma—where the hair is jacked and the contestants are busty and brainless.

  My name is Venus. I’m a two-hundred-year old killing machine and I’m trading in my daggers and sword for a sparkly dress and an obscene swim suit. Tiny strips of Lycra are not my typical battle wear, but when in Oklahoma…

  Armed with a fairly decent attitude, two debatably heterosexual insane old ladies, a woman I’d wanted to kill less than eight hours ago and the possible love of my undead life, I’m in over my head with this. Of course I have no clue what this is going to entail, but that’s never stopped me before.

  I’m learning quickly nothing is as it seems—not my past and least of all my future. With the not-so-angelic Angels watching our every move and more butt glue, lipstick and hairspray than I knew existed, I’m gonna take my fate by the balls and twist. Hard.

  In a race with death for the cursed life of the man I’m falling in love with, there’s no room for error. Especially when I can’t decide if I’d rather head butt him or jump his sexy bones.

  Mixed up in a tangled trap of spotlights, sequins and seduction, I’m gunning for a crown and my happily ever after with the arrogant alpha-hole who makes me feel alive.

  And the winner is… Hopefully me.

  Chapter One

  “Listen to me,” Astrid said frantically, pacing my suite like a Vampyre on fire. “I’m seriously worried I might behead them accidentally on purpose. That would be so, soooo wrong even though they technically deserve it. I need your help.”

  “You want me to behead them?” I choked out, running my hands through my wild curly black hair while trying to figure out where my best friend was going with her line of thought. With Astrid, one could never be certain.

  “No! I mean, yes… but no. Absofuckinglutely not. We can’t behead them. Samuel loves the sequined old nut jobs and they saved his life,” she went on, still making very little sense.

  “Your son loves everyone. He’s a child,” I reminded her. “Would Sammy really miss Martha and Jane?”

  “Fine point. Well made,” Astrid agreed thoughtfully. “But I’m the jackwad that gave the okay to have them turned. It would be like committing patricide if I had them offed. Right?” she asked, clearly looking for someone to give her permission to eliminate the banes of her existence.

  “Actually, you’ve already done that,” I told her, trying not to laugh.

  Astrid halted her pacing and looked wildly confused. “I’ve done what?”

  “Committed patricide,” I replied.

  “Wait. What the hell does patricide mean?” Astrid asked, flopping down on the over stuffed Shabby Chic chair in the cozy den of my suite.

  “It means kill your father.”

  Her groan echoed in my suite. “Oh, well… shit. I guess I have done that. He was a total dick.”

  And that was the understatement of the century. Her father had been one of the most vicious and deadly Demons known to our world. Even his brother, Satan, appreciated Astrid for ridding the Underworld of such a blight on humanity.

  “Then what does matricide mean?” she asked with a wrinkled brow.

  “Kill your mother.”

  “Well, hell, I’ve done that too,” she shot back, letting her head fall to her hands. “You know when you say it out loud like that, I sound like a bad fucking person.”

  “Yes… but your mother was literally ingesting your father-in-law, our King. Not to mention she’d tried to kill you numerous times,” I told her as I slipped into my running shoes and tied them.

  “This is true,” she said with a shudder. “I’m not that bad then.”

  “No, my friend, you’re not. You’re Compassion. And you’re my hero—not to mention my Princess. I’d go to the ends of the ear
th for you. However, even though Martha and Jane make me want to grind my fangs down to nubs—committing wrinkly old lady batricide would be, um…”

  “Satisfying?” Astrid asked with a wide grin.

  I laughed at her toothy smile. “Yep and wrong.”

  “Okay then, is it wrong for it to be my secret fantasy? I won’t actually do it, but can I dream about it?” she inquired, looking frazzled.

  “If it’s wrong, I don’t want to be right,” I told her, unsuccessfully trying to bite back a grin. “I daydream about it frequently.”

  “Crap. You might be the wrong person to train them,” she mumbled through splayed fingers.

  “Wait. Whoa. Train them?” Wincing, I shot Astrid an alarmed glance. “They already know how to fight. They’ve killed plenty of Demons, and Dark Fairies, and God only knows what else—and shockingly, lived to tell about it—in great and gory detail.”

  “I know,” Astrid lamented in her outdoor voice. “But they’re sloppy and short in the brain cell department. I don’t want the old fuckers to get killed. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I totally want to kill them, but I don’t want anyone else to do it. And since there’s no way in hell I would do the deed, it can’t happen. Does that make sense?”

  “Alarmingly, it does.” I shook my head, amazed that I could follow her discombobulated train of thought. That possibly made me as crazy as she was, but then again we were all a little crazy. Immortality did that to a person.

  “Apropos of nothing, are you still bumping uglies with Edward the German exchange weenie?” Astrid asked with a raised brow, clearly searching for a less life-threatening subject.

  “Umm… no.” I cringed and covered my eyes with my hair. “As usual, you were correct. He’s a gaping butthole and annoying as hell.”

  “In your defense, he is pretty and the German accent is a novelty around here in Kentucky,” she offered up a pathetic excuse to make me feel better.

  “Yep.” I nodded and groaned. “But pretty doesn’t make up for vapid, conceited and loser-y.”

  “True,” Astrid agreed with a shrug, and began picking through my laundry basket of clean clothes. “What about Gareth?”

  “What about Gareth?” I shot back with my eyes narrowed to slits.

  “Hmm…” Her smile grew wider and I wanted to slap it off her face. “Your reaction is very, umm… passionate.”

  “He’s a disgusting, manwhore, pig from hell. You’re mistaking passion for intense dislike.”

  “Interesting. Maybe you should try online dating.”

  “Maybe you should shut your cakehole. I might have horrible taste in men, but I’m not desperate. I have no problem getting them. I just don’t want to keep the ones I get,” I informed her, as I removed three pairs of brand new Lululemon leggings from her sticky fingers.

  “Roger that,” Astrid replied, giggling. “If you change your mind let me know. I would love to set you up with a hot, smexy Vampyre.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. Not.” My eye roll made her laugh harder, but I wasn’t joking at all.

  “Fine, little missy. Back to business. I’ll make training the fashion-challenged dorkholes worth your while,” Astrid promised, dangling a metaphorical carrot in front of my nose. Metaphorical because the undead couldn’t eat food.

  “How worth my while?” I asked and then smacked my own head for even considering doing something that could end in actual death—either mine or theirs.

  “Three full shopping days in Milan. My treat.”

  “Oh my hell, you’re a mean, heinous, undead woman,” I hissed, knowing I was going to cave. Prada was Prada after all.

  “I know. Right?” She punctuated her glee with a little dance around the room.

  “Materialistic hooker,” I snapped, mentally cataloging all of the shops I wanted to visit.

  “Takes one to know one,” she shot back with a laugh.

  “True,” I admitted.

  Now I was the one pacing. Could I actually train Martha and Jane without tearing their heads off? I enjoyed a good challenge—and Prada—but…

  Thankfully my suite in the Cressida House—the massive Vampyre compound we all lived in—calmed me. It was one of the very few places in the world that was totally mine and reflected me. I favored Shabby Chic—big overstuffed furniture in soft cottons and fuzzy chenille mixed with rich crushed velvets. The patterns were faded cabbage roses in peach and pale pink, mixed up with equally faded tulips and daisies in lavender and periwinkle. The walls were a pale celery green dotted with pieces of crazy cool folk art and Aboriginal Dream art I’d collected over the years. None of it went together individually, but together it was perfect—eclectic and weird—just like me.

  However, at the moment even my sanctuary didn’t help. Decisions sucked. Decisions involving Prada and training trash-talking, politically-incorrect, dumbasses really sucked.

  “Can I damage them?” I inquired, running my hands over the velvet pillows on my couch.

  “Of course,” Astrid replied. “Dismembering is completely acceptable too. Arms and legs grow back. No biggie.”

  “Not sure that a shopping spree is a big enough incentive,” I muttered.

  “You know what? You’re right,” Astrid said, making me realize I’d spoken my thought aloud. “How about I throw in pole dancing classes with Mother Nature?”

  “Um… how about no freakin’ way in hell?”

  Astrid’s grandmother was every kind of insane rolled into one frighteningly beautiful package. Even her sons, Satan and God, feared her. Mother Nature aka Gigi was under the very mistaken belief that she could pole dance. She couldn’t. However, that didn’t stop her.

  “Not for you,” Astrid insisted quickly with an evil little smirk hovering on her lips. “For Gareth.”

  Now that stopped me in my tracks. An enormous belly laugh escaped me as I pictured Gareth—the Vampyre Prince of the Asian Dominion—pole dancing. The ridiculously gorgeous brother of our Prince Ethan was a thorn in my ass and a wildly regrettable notch in my bedpost.

  “No way you can make that douchebag pole dance,” I told her.

  “Dude, dude, dude.” Astrid shook her head in mock-insulted horror. “I’m a True Immortal—one of only nine in the Universe. You underestimate me. With the title comes a lot of bullshit and apparently an assload of clout. Normally, I use it wisely and for the good of our people, but Gareth deserves a little payback—he’s been a royal pain in the ass—pun intended. Besides, I’ve got dirt on everyone—or at least the baby Demons do. You teach the foul-mouthed sorry excuses for Vampyres to fight better and Gareth pole dances.”

  “The shopping spree still included?” I asked, mentally weighing the pros and cons.

  “Absolutely,” she swore.

  “You drive a hard bargain,” I said, laughing at the crazy woman who led our people. “I’m in.”

  “Excellent. You won’t regret this,” Astrid promised as she stood up and hauled ass out of my suite before I could change my mind.

  Smart girl.

  Plopping down on my smooshy couch, I let my head fall back and grinned at the impending stupidity of what I’d just agreed to do. I would so live to regret this. But life was long for a Vamp—very, very long. Challenges helped pass the time and pushed the loneliness of living forever to the back of my mind.

  As long as removing a few limbs wasn’t off the table I could do this—I hoped.

  The thought of Gareth’s utter fury at having to pole dance delighted me. That bastard had been starring in my dreams for months—not to mention we couldn’t be in the same room together without wanting to kill each other. Wait. That wasn’t exactly accurate. I wanted to kill him. He wanted to shag me—his words—definitely not mine.

  Hell would freeze over before that would happen again. I’d made that mistake once in a moment of weakness and stupidity. He was a manwhore-jackass. Sadly—for me—he was an ungodly beautiful manwhore-jackass who was outstanding in the Big O department. I’d even thought that maybe we w
ere… Whatever. Wishful thinking did not real life make.

  Letting reality hit me for a moment, I curled into a ball on my couch and buried my face in the soft pillows. Gareth was aging and dying. He’d been cursed by Vlad—the evil bastard now on the run from every Vampyre in the world. Prince Ethan and Astrid were certain Vlad and the Angel he’d worked with would be found and the curse could be broken. I wasn’t as positive.

  As much as I despised Gareth, the thought of him dying was unacceptable. Why? I didn’t know. The man made me angrier than anyone I’d come across in my over two hundred years on earth.

  Tossing the pillows aside, I pushed my panicky thoughts away. I was good at that. Time and experience had taught me to compartmentalize. A brain can only hold so much information without breaking. Sometimes to make it through each day of my eternal life, I had to focus on only the immediate. The future was vast and uncertain. The past was the past.

  Screw introspective thought. It would just get me in more trouble when I was in enough trouble as it was.

  I had some unpleasant old bags from hell to teach and I was going to train the living shit out of them.

  Martha and Jane had no idea what they were in for.

  Unfortunately, neither did I.

  Chapter Two

  The training facility was another favorite comfort zone—second only to my suite. Nordstrom ran a close third. However, it was frowned upon to scissor kick shoppers in the head, which was why it was in third place.

  Fight training at the Cressida House was ugly and painful—just the way I liked it. The training facilities were top notch, including a huge gym with every machine known to the undead—triple reinforced due to our strength. There was a boxing ring in the back corner and a one-mile indoor circular running track rimmed the facility.


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