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Dragonfire--A Dark Kings Novel

Page 19

by Donna Grant

  Sabina glanced at V as the men finally reached the cave entrance.

  A low sound rumbled from V’s chest. “Leave,” he ordered the intruders.

  They continued toward him, though their steps faltered for just a moment.

  “This is my domain,” V told them. “You are no’ welcome here.”

  “We’re not here for you,” one of the men said.

  V’s head jerked toward him. “Iacob? What are you doing here?”

  “We’ve come for your sword.”

  V merely glared at them. “I may have sworn an oath to protect mankind, but if you attempt to take what’s mine, I will burn you where you stand.” His gaze moved over each of them. “All of you.”

  “We must. Ana has seen a prophecy where you kill all of us.”

  “If you take my weapon, then you’ll ensure the prophecy happens,” V told him.

  But none of the men were dissuaded. There was a standoff, and then suddenly, one of V’s knees buckled. He quickly righted himself, but he was too disoriented to remain on his feet.

  He dropped down hard on his knees, his hands catching him as he pitched forward. V shook his head as if to clear it as his long, thick hair fell around his face.

  “I’ve no’ hurt any of you,” he said to the men.

  The one called Iacob came next to V and put a hand on his shoulder. “That’s what makes this so difficult.”

  V fell to the side and rolled onto his back. He lifted his head to look at Sabina, his eyes blinking as if trying to clear his vision.

  It took just a heartbeat for Sabina to realize that she stood between her ancestors and V’s sword. The fact that the six men were looking at her made everything that much more real. She was actually there, not just a visitor getting a glimpse of the past.

  “Give it to us,” Iacob demanded.

  She shook her head. “It’s not yours.”

  “And it isn’t the Others’ either.”

  That made Sabina frown. “Others?”

  “The ones with magic. They want the sword.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “I don’t understand. I thought you stole it for them.”

  “We’re preventing something horrible from happening. There isn’t much time. They’re close,” he said and glanced at V. “Too close. You need to give it to us.”

  “Me?” Now she was truly shocked.

  Iacob smiled sadly. “Ana said you were from another time. I look at your clothes and realize she is right, as usual. We can’t touch the sword first. Only you can, Sabina. You have to give us the weapon.”

  Her stomach dropped to her feet. “I … I don’t know.”

  “There isn’t much time,” Iacob stated. “The Others are coming. Already, their magic affects Vlad. Ana discovered their plans through a vision. We’re putting our village and families at risk, but we want to help the Dragon Kings.”

  Oh, God. What did she believe? Was this some trick from the Druids and Fae? Or was it real?

  Her head swung to V. His eyes were on her, staring intently before his head dropped back.

  “They’re nearly here,” Iacob murmured hurriedly. “Make your decision.”

  Everything hinged on her. And she honestly didn’t know what to do.


  “Sabina!” Roman shook her but she didn’t wake.

  He glanced over at an unconscious V, where Camlo was leaning over him. V had finally stopped yelling and thrashing. Roman didn’t know what had happened, but whatever it was, he never wanted it to occur again. That was if he could get either Sabina or V to wake.

  “Bad things,” Camlo murmured.

  Roman looked at the mortal. “What bad things, Camlo? I need you to be more specific.”

  His dark eyes shifted to Roman. “Sabina went to V.”

  What the fuck was that supposed to mean? Roman looked from V to Sabina. Went to V? V was right here. There was nowhere for Sabina to go.

  “Far back,” Camlo said and sat calmly beside V while crossing his legs. “She went to the beginning.”

  Roman couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. He stared at Camlo for a long time. Surely, the mortal couldn’t be saying what Roman thought he was.

  “What beginning?” Roman asked, not masking the frustration or shock in his tone.

  Camlo shrugged. “With V. But it can’t be changed.”

  Changed? Roman wanted to know what the hell was going on.

  “V can’t go with you on the quest,” Camlo continued.

  Roman ran a hand down his face. “Why no’?”

  “He will end up taking your life.”

  “He wouldna.”

  But Camlo’s gaze said otherwise.

  Roman glanced away, trying to sort through the jumbled mess that had started to pile upon them from the moment they arrived in Iceland. He’d known this was a bad idea. He’d known, and still, they came.

  Because he owed it to V.

  Hell, every King owed V.

  “All right,” Roman reluctantly said. “When V wakes, he’ll get you and Sabina home.”

  “My sister goes with you.”

  The entire time, Camlo spoke with the tone of a man. That’s what caught Roman’s attention. “It’s too dangerous.”

  Camlo nodded. “Bad things.”

  Roman would be happy to never hear those two words together again. If only he could grasp what Camlo was trying to tell him. If he had Tristan’s power, he could get into Camlo’s head and see for himself. But he didn’t.

  “Go,” Camlo said. “Now.”

  “Why? What’s the hurry?”

  Camlo glanced at V. “He’ll be angry at Bina.”

  Maybe it would be best to keep Sabina and V separated until Roman could sort things out. Right now, he felt as if he were chasing his own tail. For someone who kept tight control of all things, Roman hated this feeling.

  “We’ll be back,” Roman said.

  Camlo smiled as Roman gathered Sabina in his arms and got to his feet. He walked to the entrance of the cavern and paused to look back at Camlo and V one last time. They’d wanted answers. Roman could only hope that what they found wouldn’t destroy V.

  Roman walked deeper into the mountain, using the map he’d formed in his head from the metals. He was careful to keep from hitting Sabina’s head against any rocks, but her feet weren’t always so lucky.

  He bypassed the cave with the drawings and kept going. The ground undulated, and the path twisted erratically. As he walked, his mind kept going over the moment that Sabina and V had touched. Thankfully, he was already holding onto her when she fainted.

  V had stumbled backwards and started yelling, trying to hit anything and anyone near him, the rage within him evident in the agonizing sound of his screams. And then he’d collapsed, unconscious.

  Roman walked for hours. He paused when the tunnel opened up to three times its size. He gently lay Sabina down and checked her. Then he straightened and blew out a breath.

  “Con,” he said through the mental link.

  Immediately, the King of Dragon Kings replied. “Aye?”

  “We have an issue.”

  “Ulrik and Dmitri already filled me in.”

  Roman closed his eyes and dropped his chin to his chest. “V and I did that so as no’ to add more to your already heavy burden.”

  “It’s my duty to carry such things, Roman.”

  “Then you should know the rest.”

  There was a slight pause. “Go on.”

  As quickly as he could, Roman laid out all the details since their arrival in Iceland. Con didn’t interrupt once, letting Roman speak until he finished.

  “Bloody hell,” Con murmured.


  “Who’s with V now?”


  Con said, “I’ll send Ulrik.”

  “I doona think that’s wise. There is something wrong here.”

  “Aye, and V being there makes it worse.”

  “But I think V need
s to be here,” Roman argued.

  “Why is that?”

  “How else will the spells work?”

  “But he isna with you.”

  Roman opened his eyes to look at Sabina. “Fuck, Con. I doona know. Nothing makes sense. I’m no’ even sure Camlo knows what he’s talking about. The idea of Sabina going back to the time when V’s sword was taken is ludicrous.”

  “Is it?” Con asked. “Look at us, my friend. We’re no’ supposed to exist if you ask mortals.”

  “I’m going to keep going. Camlo and V can catch up with us.”

  “And if Camlo is right? What happens if V blames Sabina for his sword being taken?”

  Roman swallowed. “The only one other than the thieves in the cave was V. Until he remembers, we can blame anyone we want.”

  “The drawings concern me. Especially the one with V’s sword piercing you.”

  Roman rubbed his chest over his heart. “Aye. I’m no’ exactly keen on that one either.”

  “I knew it wouldna be easy tracking down V’s sword, but I didna count on this.”

  “You couldna have. None of us could.”

  Con sighed. “I should send more Kings, but I’m going to heed your words. For now. I know V’s sword is important to him as well as us, but I’d rather have both of you safely back at Dreagan than a damn weapon.”

  “We’ll return.”

  “Doona make me come looking for you.”

  With that, the link was severed. Roman felt better relaying the information to Con. Now he could concentrate on locating the sword while the others pieced together this conundrum of Druid and Fae magic—and just how far back their involvement went.

  Because Roman really didn’t think he wanted to know the answer.

  He went down on one knee beside Sabina. As he was bending to lift her, he caught a whiff of steam. He picked her up and spotted the small opening to the right. Curious, Roman made his way to the gap.

  As soon as he reached it, he felt the heat from the hot spring and quickly ducked into the space. As he straightened, he smiled at the pool of water where steam rose up in twisting ribbons.

  He found a place to lay Sabina before casting a small light so she’d be able to see if she woke. Hot springs did wonders for humans, and he quite enjoyed them, as well.

  After everything Sabina had been through, he thought this might help relax her. Once she woke, that is. He was thinking about how long they had been in the mountains when he realized that she was probably starving.

  Roman produced a bottle of water as well as food. Then he tried to contact V. There was no response, so he assumed that V was still unconscious. It took little effort for Roman to make sure Camlo had food and water, as well.

  After several minutes of gazing at the heated pool, Roman stripped and stepped inside. The water would do wonders for Sabina. He couldn’t help but smile as he thought of the other natural hot springs dotting Iceland’s landscape. The dragons had loved them. Although, there wasn’t much about this land that his dragons hadn’t adored. Snow and ice and fire and steam. They went hand in hand in Iceland.

  He leaned back against the side of the pool and spread his arms along the rock. Thinking of the past dragged up memories he was ill-prepared for—but he’d been expecting them.

  One particular icy day stuck out more than any other. It was the day he’d become a Dragon King. A day that had destroyed his family.

  “I don’t like whatever it is making you frown.”

  His head jerked to Sabina to find her on her side, watching him. Roman pushed off the wall and glided across the short span of water to the ledge nearest her. “You’ve been unconscious for some time. You had me worried.”

  “Obviously not too worried since you’re swimming,” she said with a grin.

  He shrugged. “It’s a hot spring. I couldna resist.”

  She sat up and looked around. “Where are we?”

  “Deeper in the mountain. And before you ask, Camlo is with V back in the cavern.”

  He expected her to argue or be upset about them being separated, but she only nodded in response.

  “You can stop using magic to heat me,” she said as she scooted closer to the water.

  It was his turn to smile. “I did as soon as we entered here.”

  “This place is as beautiful as it is eerie.” She shrugged out of her jacket and then pulled off her boots.


  “It feels different than the other cavern.”

  He nodded. Roman couldn’t take his eyes from her as she stood and pulled off her sweater and the undershirt together. Then she removed her pants and socks. He took in her figure, letting his gaze run over her curves at his leisure, memorizing her sleek legs, hips, and her full breasts.

  His cock jumped, eager to be inside her.

  Sabina’s gaze met his before she unhooked her bra and removed her panties. He held out his hand as she neared the pool. There were no steps, so he grabbed her by the waist and lowered her into the water.

  “This is amazing,” she whispered.

  He smiled, liking the way her hands rested on his shoulders. She was so close that he was tempted to kiss her again, but there were things he needed to know first.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  Her gaze lowered to his chest as she inhaled deeply. “I don’t know how, but I ended up in V’s cave before his sword was stolen.”

  There was no use asking her to explain how she got there. She wouldn’t have any more answers than he did. “Did you see anything?”

  She nodded and met his gaze. “I found V unconscious. I tried to move him, and he eventually woke up, but he didn’t seem totally with it.”

  “I’m guessing the Druids and Fae had already used their magic.”

  “That’s my guess. He asked what I was doing there, and I told him someone was coming for his sword. Then the men were there, and V told me to get behind him. The one in charge, Iacob, told V they were there to help.”

  Roman frowned. “Help? How does taking his sword help?”

  “He kept saying he was trying to stop the Others. I gather he didn’t know who they were, only that they were powerful. It was Ana who had the vision, expect it was different than what my gran told me. Ana’s vision told them to hide the sword so the Others couldn’t find it.”

  When she paused, Roman urged, “And then?”

  “V fell over. He didn’t quite lose consciousness because he was watching me, but he couldn’t move either. Iacob told me I had to give him the sword. Apparently, Ana told them that I’d be there, that I was from the future, and that I was the only one who could take the weapon from V.”

  How silly for Roman to think he’d figure things out once Sabina woke. “That’s why Camlo said I had to get you away from V. Each time V has touched Camlo, he’s seen more of that night. No doubt, after your connection, he saw exactly what you did.”

  “Then he also heard the men,” Sabina stated.

  Roman shrugged. “We can no’ be sure of that. Did you give them the sword?”

  She nodded slowly. “I’ve experienced what the Druids and Fae can do. If they’re the Others my ancestors spoke of, I didn’t want them to get their hands on the sword—no matter their reasons for wanting it.”

  “They couldna use it anyway.”

  “Are you sure?”

  As a matter of fact, he wasn’t.


  Was it heat from the water or the desire pulsing through her that kept Sabina warm? She had a difficult time keeping her thoughts in order being so close to Roman.

  His hands were on her bare waist. The water came to the tops of his shoulders, and the only reason she didn’t have to tread water was because he held her.

  The look in his eyes when she disrobed had made her stomach flutter in excitement while desire throbbed much lower. The warm water slid over her skin, but it was Roman’s hands, Roman’s body that she wanted touching her.

  She knew he was int
entionally keeping her from pressing against him. She was glad since it allowed her to actually form thoughts and put words into sentences.

  It took her a moment to register that Roman hadn’t answered her question. Because he was staring at her mouth. And dear Lord, the havoc that caused within her already heated body was catastrophic.

  “Doona look at me like that, lass,” Roman murmured in a deep, sexy voice.

  Sabina swallowed. All she heard was lass in that heart-stoppingly sensual voice. Just that one word, said in his amazing brogue, could bring her to her knees.

  The water rippled as his arms jerked. As if he’d almost brought her against him but thought better of it. Why was he torturing her so? She’d briefly felt his arousal when he brought her into the water. He wanted her.

  And that made chills race over her skin.

  They were both breathing heavily. The steam dampened her hair, making it stick to her face. Neither the ice nor the fire affected Roman. He stood immobile, resolute against it all.

  “I’m not surprised this land is yours,” she said.

  His sea green eyes studied her a moment. “Why do you say that?”

  “Passion burns within you as scorching as lava. But you’re also as controlled and cool as the ice around us.” She slowly caressed her hands over his shoulders. “Fire and ice.”

  Though no words passed his lips, he said everything through his beautiful, arresting eyes. His desire deepened. And he was pleased by her words.

  Very pleased.

  His gaze dropped to her mouth again. Breathing became impossible. She wanted his touch, needed his lips on hers again. Yearned to feel his arms holding her once more.

  Sabina had always been on her own, and proud of it. She didn’t turn to other people for help, not even when her mother and stepfather were alive.

  But it was different with Roman. He didn’t make her feel weak. In fact, he somehow gave her the sense of being stronger, as if his mere presence allowed her the courage to do things she’d never considered.

  Like stripping and getting naked in a hot spring with a Dragon King who was millennia old. She didn’t question the attraction she felt or the undeniable longing that begged to be quenched. She only knew she would find what she needed with Roman.


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