Book Read Free


Page 1

by Alexi Ferreira

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


  Elementals MC (Book 1)

  Copyright © 2017 Alexi Ferreira

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or by other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in used critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses as permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the author, mentioning in the subject line:

  “Reproduction Request” at the address below:

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person or persons, living or dead, any event, occurrence, or incident is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created and thought up from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23



  Don’t miss BJARNI book 2 in the Elementals MC Series, you can find it here.

  Chapter 1

  As she regarded the painting she had captured again for the third time without ever meeting this God of a man, Jas stood transfixed. Every time she looked at it her heart beat faster and she wondered not for the first time if he was real or a figment of her imagination. Why did she always paint his eyes this amethyst colour? It couldn’t be right. He looked so determined and virile.

  She had created this painting again in a trance, it happened sometimes where she lost conscience partially and started to paint, but usually it was horrific scenes that always came to pass. Jas had tried to stop them but she had never managed to change what she had painted. But these paintings of ‘her man’ - that’s what she secretly called him - had never come to pass. Again, she thought that maybe they were just fantasies of what she craved to have. Jasmine never could hold onto a relationship with anyone; as soon as a man starts to get too close, she would repulse them. Maybe her painting was just her wishing to have someone.

  As far back as she could remember she had wished for a family; for someone to love her, but her affliction, her curse made everyone treat her as a leper. It did not work trying to hide it, if someone got close to her, sooner or later they would notice that there was something different about her.

  For four years she had been on the run, since the night that Fred had tried to beat her into something that she could never be. That night she had run and never looked back. She knew he was still looking for her; not that he had any right to have her in his life. He was just supposed to take care of her until her eighteenth birthday as her foster parent; but the money that he thought he could carry on making with her, was enough reason to keep him on the search for her.

  A year ago, he had nearly caught her, but she had managed to dodge him again. She wondered for the hundredth time how long she could hide until he eventually caught up to her. She had to find a solution, she had to find a way out. Why did she have to be born with this curse? Why was she different?

  She remembered the first time she went into a trance at Fred’s house, at the beginning he thought it funny until he realised that the painting that she had painted had materialised a few days later. Once that had happened twice more, the beatings started. Then the greed, he would bring people in, telling them that she would paint their future and then beat her when she wasn’t able to paint anything. He did not want to believe that she wasn’t in control of what she painted.

  Then there were the visits to the clinic, the prodding, and the injections. He wanted more control of her curse and he nearly destroyed her. If she hadn’t run away she was sure she would have been dead by now.

  She had been at the art studio for nine months now. It was the best opportunity she had had since running away. She hadn’t painted in a trance until tonight; for the last year. The last two paintings that she painted were of her man. This was not the first time that she had wondered if she would ever meet him. There had to be a reason why she was painting this man. What could it be? She knows better than to think: ‘whatever has to happen will happen’. She had never been able to change anything about her paintings in the past, or their outcome. All she could do now was to wait and wonder.

  Standing there in the art studio transfixed on her latest artwork she didn’t see the man standing outside her window staring at the painting.

  Ceric couldn’t believe his eyes. He was riding past and happened to glance into an art studio. There in full view stood a painting of one of his brothers. His brothers and he were the Elementals MC a group of deadly bikers that were more than human. Their species lived to protect humans. The humans just knew them as bikers and didn’t know about their ongoing battle with the Keres MC. Ceric wondered when the artist had seen Wulf?

  Usually only the brothers and the Jezebels were around the compound. Ceric couldn’t wait to bring Wulf here to see his reaction when he saw the painting. Wulf was one of the toughest brothers in the group. Ceric couldn’t remember the last time he had seen Wulf smile or even crack a joke. Wulf had a short temper, and when that happened everyone just kept out of the way. He lived up to his name and was a force to be reckoned with, he was ferocious. Ceric was sure there was more to this painting. He would have to bring Wulf here. He was excited to see his reaction; this was turning out to be quite an interesting evening. Taking a glance around him he pulled away, heading back to the compound.

  Jas felt a prickling at her neck turning she looked around but found nothing that could have given her that feeling of being watched. It was late, close to midnight but when she started painting time would pass her by. There was hardly anyone walking around outside when she looked out the window of the studio. She felt so strange this evening as if she was waiting for something. Again, her eyes travelled to the artwork as she sighed. Walking back to the painting she started to pack away her paints and brushes. She would hang this one next to the other two she had upstairs in her little apartment, where no one else could look at him except for her.

  She still had to prepare everything for the art students tomorrow. She was thankful for her little space upstairs; it wasn’t much but it was home to her. She had lived on the streets for a while and anything was better than never knowing where your next meal would come fr
om or whether you still have a roof over your head. She had been lucky the day Julie had found her. She had been sitting at the park drawing on the back of a poster that she had picked up. Julie had been so impressed with the quality of her drawing that she took her back to the art studio. Once she saw her paint she had offered her a job. Looking around she realised she had to hurry and clean everything so there were no traces of her painting tomorrow for anyone to see. She was so tired, every time she painted like that she felt drained. Afterwards, all she wanted to do was head to bed and sleep until morning.

  Packing all the brushes and paints away she moved to the little bathroom downstairs to wash her hands. Looking up at the mirror as she stood before the sink she stared at her image. She had bunched her long curly hair at the top of her head earlier in the evening but strands had escaped and were framing her face. She looked tired, with dark circles under her big brown eyes. Shaking her head, she leaned down and splashed water on her face, trying to keep awake just a little longer to finish up, before she could go upstairs and sleep.

  Hearing her stomach rumble she realized that once again she had forgotten to eat. The only thing she had eaten the whole day was the cereal that morning. She had to try to remember to eat frequently, as she was already thin, if she wasn’t careful she would only have bones. Julie always teased her that a strong wind would blow her away. She had been born with a petite stature, which only made her look thinner.

  Looking down at her faded jeans she noticed more paint splashes on them and on her shirt. Nearly all her clothes had paint on them; maybe next month she would buy herself a new pair of Jeans and a couple of tops. When she run away she had only packed three pairs of Jeans and a couple of tops and underwear. She was in desperate need of new clothes but she didn’t get paid much at the art studio, as Julie had added the accommodation to her package, therefore the salary basically only paid for food.

  Yawning, she turned, readying herself to go and switch off all the lights, pick up her painting and make her way up to her little apartment to sleep.

  Chapter 2

  Ceric stopped by the kitchen in the compound and found Bjarni, eating the biggest sandwich he had ever seen in his existence. Tina, one of the Jezebel’s who hung around the compound was sitting on his lap, kissing him on his neck and stroking his short black hair. Bjarni’s hair usually had a messy look to it, but now it was standing up all over the place. His hazel eyes were boring into Ceric’s as he took another bite of his sandwich.


  “Hey! What’s up?” Bjarni responded without pausing his meal. No one stood between Bjarni and his food. Bjarni’s name meant bear and he usually ate like one. He could get mean if you disturbed his meal too.

  “Have you seen Wulf?”

  “He was in the training room with Draco.”

  Draco was their leader and brother in combat. He was the only one in the group that could bend air, water, fire and earth to his will. Arriving at the training facility he found Wulf by himself cleaning his blades. Knives were Wulf’s weapon of choice. He was legendary with those knives; Ceric had never met anyone in all his existence that could handle a blade the way that Wulf could. As Ceric approached, Wulf looked up piercing Ceric with his turbulent gaze.

  “Did you find anything?” he questioned, as Ceric approached. He had been on his way to question a lead about some strange activity near one of the hospitals when he had eyed the portrait of Wulf. He would take him to see the portrait then proceed to liaise with his lead.

  “Not yet, I found something else that I need you to see.” Dropping the rag he was using, Wulf returned his blades to their holsters at his sides under his club cut. Wulf was big and muscular with a thick mane of sable coloured hair that reached his wide shoulders, giving people who looked at him the impression of impending danger.

  “Okay, let’s go.” Wulf was glad to be going out. He had a strange feeling today that he could not shake and it was making him restless. He had keen intuition that he relied on, but today he couldn’t pinpoint where the feeling was coming from. The two made their way to their bikes, ready to leave.

  On arriving, Wulf looked around to make sure that there was no danger in the area. Looking at Ceric questioningly he saw Ceric staring at him with a grin from one ear to the other on his face.

  “What’s so funny? You had better not have brought me here to waste my time.”

  “Turn around,” Ceric replied.

  As Wulf turned around his gaze froze on a portrait of himself. “What the …?” He snapped. “Was this your idea?”

  Ceric put up his hands shaking his head. “Nope, I found this today, as I was riding past to meet with my lead; I thought that you would be interested in seeing it.”

  Wulf carried on staring at the portrait. This wasn’t funny. Whoever was responsible for this was going to pay. He moved towards the door, trying the handle but found it locked. Pulling out one of his knives he forced the lock and opened the door quietly, noticing that there was an alarm in evidence. He was just reaching out to grab it and tear it apart when he heard a noise behind him. Looking around in a doorway leading somewhere inside stood a petite brunette with huge chocolate coloured eyes staring at him.

  Jas stood there mesmerized looking at the male from her portrait. Was this her imagination? Was he real? Oh Lordy! He was even more breath-taking like this than in her painting. He was so big. She was sure that if she had to stand next to him she would only reach the middle of his chest. Without realising she started to move closer to the source of the fascination that she had had for so long. As she drew closer to Wulf, he stood motionless not believing that this tiny female was drawing closer to him and she wasn’t scared. Didn’t she have any sense of preservation? His heart constricted; must be because of her foolishness, putting herself in danger, finding a man in her art studio in the middle of the night with everything closed and she was just walking toward him. She was a beautiful woman. Her hair was on the top of her head in a messy bun with strands escaping around her face.

  Wulf’s fingers itched to touch those strands and to feel if her hair felt as silky as it looked. He picked up a light scent of raspberry that was radiating from her. The scent made his mouth water and he felt himself starting to harden. What the hell? Why was he having this reaction to this female? As she stood about an arms’ length away from him, she stopped. Wulf noticed her flawless white skin; she had pouty red lips which he was tempted to taste. Her eyes were even more beautiful from close-up, with her long eyelashes.

  “Are you real?” she whispered scared that he would disappear before her eyes.

  Slowly stretching her hand, she touched his right arm where he had his unique birth tattoo. At her touch, he felt an electric shock through his body. He knew that she had felt the same as her eyes grew even bigger.

  “Your eyes are real,” she whispered, still scared that this was a figment of her imagination.

  “Who are you?” she asked breathlessly. She was feeling extremely light headed suddenly and her legs felt dead. Jas held onto Wulf’s arm more firmly, scared that he would disappear.

  “Did you paint this? Who put you up to this?” he questioned. He had such a deep voice. Jas felt her insides warm at the sound.

  “Yes, I did! No one put me up to it.” She let go of Wulf’s arm. She had to sit down. She wasn’t feeling well. As she let go of his arm, her body started to spasm. Wulf stood paralysed as he saw the female fall to the floor and start to spasm. In all his years of existence and all the times he had dreamt of meeting his mate never had he imagined himself in shock, like he was now. His heart was pounding and his ears were ringing.

  “Dude! What the hell?” Ceric mumbled moving to help. The sound of Ceric’s voice snapped Wulf out of his trance.

  “Don’t touch her!” Wulf growled jumping forward to grab her from the floor. Picking her up he held her close against his chest as she continued shaking and whimpering. Looking across at Ceric his eyes were a turbulent violet colour.

/>   “Leave us!” Ceric noticed that Wulf’s fangs had grown and were protruding. Knowing how dangerous one of them got at a time like this, he turned around and left.

  Wulf didn’t want anyone to witness their bonding. He could feel his heart beating so hard it felt as if it was going to jump out of his chest. He felt such a fierce sense of possessiveness towards this woman and he realised he did not even know her name.

  Bringing his wrist to his mouth he ripped at it, then dragged it to her lips for her to take his blood. As the blood started to trickle down her throat she started to calm. Once she had taken enough for the bonding Wulf took his wrist away and immediately the cut began to heal. He brought her closer to his chest and lowered his head too nuzzle her neck. He could feel her blood flowing under his cheek and hear her heart pounding. Her scent of raspberries wrapped him in its folds and made him want to howl with pleasure. Lowering his head down to where her heart beat, he pierced her skin with his fangs. At the first taste of her, he could feel his muscles filling and his strength doubling, he could feel her blood flowing into his body and a binding of cells that he knew wasn’t just physical but spiritual too. He knew that their souls were now one. From now on they wouldn’t be able to go long without the others touch. This made the male of his species very dangerous when there were other males around their women, and when they were in danger. He could feel his body straining to take her. When a male bonds himself to his mate, the ritual is not complete until they have sex. Until this is done the man is in a constant state of arousal.

  Swearing under his breath as he felt himself grow even harder. Still holding her close to his chest he started to walk in the direction where he had seen her come from. Reaching the door, he could see a flight of stairs up to his right and a small kitchenette in front of him. Turning, he made his way up the stairs until he got to the top. There the area opened to a small living area and the first thing he saw was two more paintings of himself in different settings on the wall above a small couch. He had to talk to her about this. It was freaky seeing himself all over her place. Walking over to a door on the far side of the sitting room he found her bedroom. This was the smallest bedroom he had ever seen, he placed her on the double-sized bed, running his eyes over this woman. He couldn’t believe it. She was his mate, his woman. She looked so fragile, he was worried that he was going to hurt her. Worried? He hadn’t felt that in centuries; like all the other feelings that were crowding him. She had beautiful features with skin that begged for him to stroke his fingers over her. She had such luscious lips, a mouth that wet dreams were made of. As his eyes travelled lower he found her T-shirt straining over her breasts. She had a handful, he loved that she had big tits, he could play there for hours.


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