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Page 10

by Alexi Ferreira

  “No apology needed, I understand,” he stated and left as quickly as he had arrived.

  “Shall we go eat something? I’m hungry. We didn’t eat anything yesterday,” She asked just as her stomach rumbled. Wulf smiled and nodded, standing up still holding her against his chest.

  “Put me down, you will hurt your arm. Wulf, put me down.”

  “It’s fine, you won’t hurt me. You’re as light as a feather,” he teased, but he lowered her to the floor, wrapping his arm around her waist to guide her to the kitchen.

  Chapter 13

  As they approached the kitchen they could hear the men talking.

  “Well, well, look who has joined us. Thought that we would only see you tomorrow,” Ceric teased smiling at Jas.

  “My stomach won out.”

  She teased laughing as Wulf whispered in her ear, “Is that so.”

  “Hey Sugar, come try my speciality,” Cassius called from the other side. She could see a huge amount of buttered bread a tray full of fried eggs, a plate full of chips. He was frying some steaks. It smelled so good her stomach growled again.

  “Mmm, not just a handsome face, you can cook too?”

  “Handsome, is it? Maybe I should rearrange his face.” She heard as Wulf stood next to her and pulled her against him.

  “If you are nasty I’m not going to make you one, you know I’m just too handsome.” Cassius fired back with a wink at her. She had come to know the men in this compound. It was true Cassius was a very handsome man, and from what she had heard the ladies all thought so too. For some reason though he did not appreciate that fact, if anything he tried to keep away from women.

  “It’s fine, I’ll have his too.”

  “Is that so! You are not very good for my ego, are you? First you choose food over your man, and now you will starve your man by having his food,” Wulf said in a threatening voice swatting her ass. She was so startled she jumped, turning with her mouth open looking at him.


  A deep laugh, boomed out of Wulf that she hadn’t heard before. Leaning down he whispered in her ear. “I guess if you are eating my food, I will have to eat you.”

  She was so surprised at his words, she just stood there blushing. Cassius, Burkhart and Ceric were all looking at them with smiles on their faces. Cassius handed her a plate. On it was a huge sandwich with sauce over it.

  “Thank you.” Holding her plate she stuck her tongue out at Wulf and marched towards the table. Sitting, she waited for Wulf to join her with his food. Cutting into her sandwich, she took a bite.

  “Wow! This is really good!” Draco came in on crutches with Bion behind him.

  “Hey! Is there any of that for us?” he questioned looking at Ceric’s plate.

  “In the oven.”

  “Sit, I’ll get it.” Bion was already on his way to the oven.

  “How are you feeling?” Wulf asked Draco as he sat down.

  “Fine, just a scratch,” he responded as he looked down at the plate that Bion placed in front of him.

  “Are Celmund and Brandr still on Stakeout?” Draco asked, looking around.

  “Yeah, Bjarni and Caelius just left to go and relieve them,” Burkhart responded.

  “Has Merdor made any more appearances?” Draco asked, taking a bite out of his sandwich.

  “Yeah, apparently he went past today; he had a woman with him. From what Brandr said she seemed to be in a trance.” Burkhart explained that he didn’t have all the details, but he knew that the others would want to know what was going on.

  “From what Brandr mentioned it seems like he’s using her to feed-on,” Burkhart finished, looking around at the others.

  “Son of a bitch!” Draco exploded. “We need to make a move and destroy that warehouse. From what we gathered from agent Finn today, the trucks we see going in are trafficking children. Apparently, agent Finn has a liking for small boys. That’s how Merdor got to him, he gives him boys and Finn works for him.”

  “The sick fuck!”

  “What if you attack and they bomb the building with kids inside?” Jas couldn’t imagine the horror of the poor children that were in the middle of this. Wulf took hold of her hand and brought it to his lips for a kiss.

  “Don’t worry Angel. We will make sure that the children aren’t in the building.”

  “But they can still blow up the building if you go in to see if the children are there. Maybe that’s why Finn told you about it. You can’t go in; you saw the bombs in the painting.” She had to make sure none of them went into that building or they might get killed.

  “She has a point. We weren’t going into the building at all, but now that we know about the children the plan might change. What if that is their plan? What if they are trying to get us inside?” Ceric looked at Draco.

  “I will ask Celmund to try to get hold of special agent Volstok. Maybe we can get the FBI to intercept those trucks with the children, for us.” Draco looked at Wulf as he finished talking. There was a slight nod from Wulf, barely perceptible. There was a kind of communication going on between the two of them. Wulf got up pulling her with him.

  “Call if you need me.” He guided Jas out of the kitchen and to their room.

  “I just want to hold you,” Wulf stated, lifting her up in his arms and placing her on the bed. He discarded his T-shirt and disappeared into the bathroom. A few minutes later she heard the shower. She got up and went to toss his T-shirt in the bin. The front had a tear in it and the arm where he had been shot was missing. Wulf walked out of the bathroom with a towel draped around his waist.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I threw your T-shirt away. It can’t be mended anymore.” He had a few bruises and scratches but she noticed that they were already healing.

  “You need to rest, come Babe, lie down I will massage your back with that oil you like. Then you can sleep. I’m sure that you’re exhausted,” she cajoled, heading for the drawer where she kept the Arnica oil that she sometimes massaged him with. Wulf loved to be massaged, and sometimes he massaged her too.

  Usually it led to them making love, but she wouldn’t let that happen today. He had to rest. Wulf had dropped the towel and was lying on his stomach. She undressed, leaving her panties and bra on. Straddling him she poured some oil on his back and slowly started to work on the knots in his back.

  “You are so good at this.” His eyes were closed and she knew if she massaged him long enough he would fall asleep, after all he had been awake for about forty-eight hours. In the end it didn’t take long at all, he fell asleep like a baby. She moved to lie down next to him, stretching out. Wulf dropped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

  She smiled in contentment. Even in sleep he wanted her next to him just as she did. She fell asleep content, with a smile on her face.

  Chapter 14

  When Jas awoke she was alone in bed. Wulf was nowhere around. She got up and dressed in her jeans and a tight little black T-shirt that she had never worn, because it moulded her breasts. It had made her self-conscious. She hadn’t tried it on when she bought it; when she got home she had realised it was one of those tight-fitting T-shirts. She was feeling confident today and she was sure that Wulf wouldn’t be able to keep his hands or eyes off her.

  She giggled, he had a thing going with her breasts, and oh did she love it. As she walked out of their room she found Bion walking into the infirmary.

  “Bion have you seen Wulf?” he turned, and stared not answering. “Bion?” He shook his head looking up at her face.

  “He’s in the garage. Are you going to walk around like that?”

  “Like what?”

  Bion shook his head, then laughed. “This can wait, I’ll walk with you. I want to see this.” He was smiling like he had a secret. She started to worry as they made their way towards the garage. Maybe she should change, what if Wulf didn’t like it.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t disturb him?”

  “Nonsense, Wulf won�
�t know what hit him. He loves having you around.”

  “Bion. What are you up to?”

  “Me? Nothing just want to keep you company.” As they entered the garage they found Wulf and Draco standing with their backs towards them. Celmund was sitting against the wall laughing.

  “Come on Wulf. It is funny, she’s expecting some sexy time. That’s why she only wants to talk to you. Be honest you’ve never complained before; if anything you used to come back with a big smile on your face. I’m just curious what you are going to tell your woman, when you come back smelling like perfume?”

  Wulf had tensed halfway through Celmund’s teasing. He sensed Jas in the garage. “Fuck! Shut up!”

  Turning around he found her just inside the garage door. Bion looking guilty next to her. What the fuck was she wearing, you could basically imagine her breasts right through that T-shirt.

  “Wow! I take that back I would take her over Katya too!” Celmund was now standing next to Wulf, looking at Jas. Wulf turned and punched him right in the mouth.

  “What the hell?” Putting a hand to his bleeding mouth. Jas had turned while Wulf had punched Celmund and ran back to their room. He was going to go meet some other woman and someone he had sex with, and from what Celmund was saying, apparently, he liked it.

  She was so stupid! How could she have trusted him? She should have known better; all the men she had known had betrayed her one way or another. All of them had hurt her. Why would Wulf be different? She was crying before she even reached the room. When she got inside she locked the door then put all her weight against the chest of drawers and moved it in front of the door. He could still get in, she had to get something else to hold the door closed. She grabbed the bed and started pulling. It was so damn heavy. Nearly there, she ran to the head of the bed and pushed. He shouldn’t be able to get in now. She sat on the floor next to the bed and cried.

  Wulf was rooted to the spot, when he turned back and saw her gone his heart had fallen to his feet. What was he going to say to her, she just heard Celmund say that he was going to meet an Ex and that she wanted him? Fuck, she wasn’t going to want to speak to him again.

  “What the fuck man! You just told her that he’s going to cheat!” Bion was angrily shouting at Celmund.

  “I didn’t know that she was there. I was distracted. Why the hell didn’t you interrupt me when you heard what I was saying?” Celmund returned angrily.

  “I was too shocked to say anything.”

  Wulf was standing, his arms stretched leaning against Brandr’s Dodge pickup truck, his head hanging down between his arms. Fuck! He could feel her anguish. The worst is that it was true, he should have told her that he was going to meet Katya. Made her understand that it was just a meeting; that he didn’t want anything to do with her but that he had to go, because she didn’t want to speak to anyone else. Now he just looked guilty, she had found out in the worst way possible.

  “Wulf, I’m sorry man! I didn’t know that she was there.” Celmund approached Wulf trying to apologise. Draco grabbed his arm holding him back.

  “Leave him alone for now.”

  “I’ll go speak to her, tell her I was just teasing!”

  Wulf growled, at the door before he even got there. He stood in the middle of the doorway breathing heavily looking at Celmund with deadly amethyst eyes. “Stay away from her,” he said in a low voice, but they all heard him.

  “Come on My Brother, go talk to her, she will understand.” Wulf looked at Draco with a hopeless look. Draco felt his heart go out to his friend. Wulf turned punching the door that separated the garage from the interior of the compound. This was a thick fire proof door but a dent had now appeared. He needed to calm himself before he spoke to her. Turning, he made his way to their room. When he reached his door, he could hear her crying inside. He stood outside for a while wondering how he was going to explain his relationship with special agent Katya Volstok to her. Katya was one of their informants but she only talked to him, she would not meet any of his other brothers. Yes, they had had a sexual relationship and he knew that she would want it to carry on. When he bonded with Jas he should have contacted Katya and explained the situation to her; not that they were exclusive but it would have prevented this situation.

  Celmund had been teasing him about it. Because he knew that once they found their woman no one could tempt them. If Jas only knew, there would never be any other woman for him but her. And now she would probably not even want him again, thinking that he had been planning to cheat on her. He turned the handle to open the door to their room, nothing happened.

  She had locked the door. All the doors except the infirmary were fire proof so not very easy to break down, but if she thought this door was going to keep him away from her she had a surprise coming. The crying had quietened down when he tried the door.

  “Jas. Open the door.” He waited, expecting to hear the lock in the door, but nothing happened

  “Jas. Open the door or I’m going to break it down.” He promised hitting the door with his palm. He waited a little to see if she would open, but nothing.

  “Jas whatever you heard Celmund say he was just teasing me. Open the door and let me explain it to you.” He could hear her. She must be trying to muffle her sobs but with his sensitive hearing he could hear her and his heart broke at her pain.

  “Jas, come on Angel let me in so I can talk to you.” He pleaded, but there was no response. Damn! He had to get in there. He had to look at her, touch her, and make her understand that she was the only one. He moved a bit back and then kicked the door. He heard her startled cry from inside but the door didn’t move, there was a dent though.

  “Jas. Open this door!” He kicked again this time the top dented in. He kicked again harder the door moved, it should have fallen by now. Why hadn’t it? She most probably had something blocking it.

  “Jas, move out of the way,” he warned.

  This time when he kicked the door it opened about thirty centimetres. Putting both his hands to the door and pushing until he could get through the opening. As he slid in, he saw why it had been so difficult to break down the damn door. He looked across and saw her sitting on the floor with her head on her knees.

  “Nothing will ever keep me away from you, not even you. Do you hear me?” She didn’t acknowledge having heard him. He moved towards her and knelt before her.

  “Look at me Jas! Look at me!” She must listen to him. He placed his finger under her chin to raise her face but she flinched away from him. Seeing her flinch from him, was like being stabbed, he felt such a ripping feeling he wanted to roar in pain.

  “Jasmine. I don’t ever want anyone but you. You are my woman, there will never be anyone else but you, look at me.” He pleaded, but she continued burying her face in her drawn up legs.

  “Jas, you are the only woman in my life the only woman I love. I have never loved anyone but you.” He promised trying to convince her to talk to him.

  “Were you going to meet her?” Finally she raised her head and looked straight at him with a tearful look. Oh, how he wished he could lie to her, but he did not want lies between them.

  “It’s not what you think. She is one of our informants. She will not meet with anyone but me.” He tried to reason, without answering.

  “Were you going to meet her!” she screamed, looking at him.

  “Yes. But only for the information she has for us.” She lowered her head again shaking her head.

  “Please Angel stop crying, you’re killing me here. I know you can feel how much I love you, after everything I have told you after the way we are together. Do you really think I would ever want anyone else?” He wanted to comfort her but not daring to touch her.

  “Then why didn’t you tell me if it is all so innocent? Leave me!” When he heard her words his heart missed a beat

  “I will never leave you, do you hear me. I was not going to have sex with her. I’m just getting the info I need and then I leave.”

two are lovers, I’ve been so stupid believing in you!” she cried, looking up at him again with an accusatory look in her eyes.

  “We’re lovers, we aren’t and never will need anyone else again. Jas, you have to believe me, everything I have told you is the truth, I don’t want or need anyone else but you.” He was on his haunches in front of her.

  “Why didn’t you tell me? If what you say is the truth?”

  “Because of this, I didn’t want you to think that I was going to another woman, because that’s not true.” He tried to defend himself, hoping that she would believe him.

  “Does she expect to sleep with you, when you see her?” Wulf couldn’t answer that, he knew if he told her the truth she would never trust him again, and without trust what was there. His face must have answered for him because a sob escaped from her. She raised her hand to cover her mouth and was looking at him as if he had betrayed her.

  “I will not sleep with her,” he said quietly knowing that that wasn’t going to help him.

  “I don’t want to talk to you right now. Do you want me to leave?” she said, sobbing. Wulf felt as if his world had just vanished.

  “You will not leave me! Not now! Not ever! You will be in danger out there!” he said furious with the thought of anyone hurting her.

  “So, what you are saying is that it’s okay for you to run around, but I have to stay here and take it like an ignorant woman! What if I do the same? Hey? Shack up with one of the guys?” She knew the minute she said it that she should have kept quiet. Wulf’s eyes changed to a dark amethyst. His fangs became visible, he grabbed her arms and gave her a shake.

  “Anyone, no matter who it is ever touches you or even thinks about it that person is dead. Do you hear me? Dead!” He promised, dropping her arms, he took hold of the chair that was a few feet behind him and threw it at the wall on the other side, breaking the chair and denting the wall. Turning, he left. She lowered her head and cried as if her heart was breaking. She cried and cried, sitting there on the floor until she fell asleep, and even then, the odd tear trickled down her cheeks.


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